The contract defines core minting logic and NFTs metadata management. By metadata the following things are meant: attributes, their traits and IPFS CIDs for them.
See this contract, to understand NFT interface.
- development network is for running unit-tests defined in
folder. Its id is 5777. - testing network is for manual tests, which are useful when integrating the project with the other ones. Its id is 6777.
- Make sure you have
package installed globally.
All unit-tests are defined in tests/test_base.js
Simply run ganache client:
ganache-cli -p 7545 -i 5777 --allowUnlimitedContractSize --gasLimit 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF
Then run tests with the following command:
npx truffle test --network=development
# or with events
npx truffle test --network=development --show-events
First, the contract should be migrated (deployed) to the test network. For that run ganache client with testing network id - 6777:
ganache-cli -p 7545 -i 6777 --allowUnlimitedContractSize --gasLimit 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF
Then, run migrations (deploy contract):
npx truffle migrate --network=testing
Then, run any script that you want from scripts
# for minting auto-generative NFTs
[deplyer@deployer] npx truffle exec scripts/mint.js --network=testing
Using network 'testing'.
[DEBUG] Interacting with NFT contract at 0xd61914b1d0AA17C53c303208d3D42F094830c285
[DEBUG] Minting for client1 with address 0xF96C43a0A00962D7f7A80423DFAEc06c9E20A138
[DEBUG] 0xF96C43a0A00962D7f7A80423DFAEc06c9E20A138 now owns token ids [ 0 ]
# for minting exclusive NFTs
[deplyer@deployer] npx truffle exec scripts/mintExclusive.js --network=testing
Using network 'testing'.
[DEBUG] Interacting with NFT contract at 0xd61914b1d0AA17C53c303208d3D42F094830c285
[DEBUG] Minting exclusive NFT for client1 with address 0xF96C43a0A00962D7f7A80423DFAEc06c9E20A138
[DEBUG] 0xF96C43a0A00962D7f7A80423DFAEc06c9E20A138 now owns token ids [ 0, 10000 ]
If you want to redeploy the contract, simply run:
npx truffle migrate --reset --network=testing
# to redeploy only the contract, but not the contract/Mingrations.sol
npx truffle migrate --reset --f 2 --to 2 --network=testing
When contract is migrated to testing network, you can interact with it manually using console:
npx truffle console --network=testing
truffle(testing)> let a = await HugoNFT.deployed();
truffle(testing)> a.getNFT(0)
[ '1', '2', '1', '3', '3' ],
tokenId: '0',
name: 'NFT-1,2,1,3,3-name',
description: 'NFT-1,2,1,3,3-description',
seed: [ '1', '2', '1', '3', '3' ],
cid: '',
index: '0'
truffle(testing)> a.getNFT(10000)
'Exclusive NFT with random name - name3822',
'Exclusive NFT with random description -description3822',
tokenId: '10000',
name: 'Exclusive NFT with random name - name3822',
description: 'Exclusive NFT with random description -description3822',
seed: [],
cid: 'QmbWqxBEKC3P8tqsKc98xmWNzrzDtRLMiMPL8wBuTGsMnR',
index: '1'