Repository for serverless functions living on Twilio Functions. Supports the Aselo frontend. See or contact Aselo for more information.
In order to prevent sensitive credentials to be leaked, please follow this instructions to setup git-secrets
- Install git-secrets in your computer.
- Go into the repo root folder.
- Run
git secrets --register-aws
. - Run
git config --local core.hooksPath .githooks/
1- Clone repository:
git clone && cd serverless
2- Install dependencies:
npm ci
3- create a .env file with all the .env variables (below is the whole list) or run npm run ssm:local
to fetch them from AWS SSM.
4- run typescript compiler (as Twilio ST serves the .js files) and start local server on port 3030:
npm run start:local
For help on twilio-run commands run:
npm run tr -- help
Variable Name | Expected Value |
sid of the Twilio account (under /project/settings) |
auth token of the above account (under /project/settings) |
workspace sid for the taskrouter (under /taskrouter/workspaces, named Flex Task Assignment) |
sid within above workspace (under /taskrouter/workspaces/< above-workspace >/workflows, named Master Workflow) |
sync service sid for use as temporary storage (under /sync/services, named Shared State Service) |
api resource to use above sync client (under /sync/tools, named Shared State Service) |
api secret of the above resource (no way to acces in Twilio console, ask this to the repo owner) |
programmable chat sid used for chat tasks (under /chat/services, named Flex Chat Service) |
s3 bucket for ACCOUNT_SID ('docs-bucket' in localstack) |
local transcripts only http://localhost:4566 |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID with access to s3 bucket (can be any string for localstack) |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY for ASELO_APP_ACCESS_KEY (can be any string for localstack |
The short (usually 2 character) upper case code used to identify the helpline internally, e.g. ZA, IN, BR. |
The short upper case code used to identify the environment internally, e.g. STG, PROD, DEV |
To deploy (dev environment): npm run tr:deploy
More about deploying
In order to test protected apis, we must provide a valid JWT token in the api's body call.
The signature JWT must be obtained from within Twilio Flex (recommended: look into the state via redux plugin for chrome).
To run locally:
1- npm start
2- Change your Flex plugin serverless endpoint or hit the route via CURL:
curl -X GET '<twilio_serverless_api_endpoint_with_uri_params_if_any_and_valid_Token>'
"twilio_serverless_api_endpoint": the function endpoint (e.g. http://localhost:3000/yourFunction?)
"with_uri_params_if_any": append to the uri "param1=<value_1>¶m2=<value_2>"
"and_valid_Token": finally append to the uri "Token=<valid_token>"
This are helpers and functions reused across the various serverless functions. They are packed as npm package because it's the easiest way to reuse the code within a Twilio Serverless Toolkit Project and preserve the typing information TS provides.
It's currenty deployed with Gian's npm account, contact him to deploy new versions!
To deploy:
once inside the project folder (cd tech-matters-serverless-helpers
1- npm run build
2- npm publish
(must be logged in npm cli)