diff --git a/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scenes/ConnectedComponents.unity b/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scenes/ConnectedComponents.unity
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..854c2cec5
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
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+--- !u!4 &24601450
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+--- !u!4 &1378037381
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+--- !u!114 &1378037382
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+--- !u!1 &1455078761
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+--- !u!114 &1455078762
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+--- !u!4 &1455078763
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+--- !u!1660057539 &9223372036854775807
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+ - {fileID: 24601450}
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diff --git a/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scenes/ConnectedComponents.unity.meta b/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scenes/ConnectedComponents.unity.meta
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2564f124d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scenes/ConnectedComponents.unity.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: d2f440c864cdffb6a93277b407cdc730
+ externalObjects: {}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/Tiles/Corner.cs b/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/Tiles/Corner.cs
index 1ad77894f..d79de9de4 100644
--- a/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/Tiles/Corner.cs
+++ b/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/Tiles/Corner.cs
@@ -5,15 +5,15 @@ namespace Assets.Scripts.Tiles
/// Represents a corner tile.
/// ___ ___
- /// | | |_|
- /// | |____
+ /// |_| | |
+ /// ____| |
/// |_____|
public class Corner : Tile
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
- /// The default is a top-right corner.
+ /// The default is a top-left corner.
/// The amount of times to rotate the tile.
public Corner(int rotate = 0)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ public Corner(int rotate = 0)
Rotation = rotate;
AllowedDirections = new List { false, false, false, false };
- int index = rotate % 4;
+ int index = (rotate + 3) % 4;
int nextIndex = (index + 1) % 4;
AllowedDirections[index] = true;
diff --git a/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/Tiles/Straight.cs b/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/Tiles/Straight.cs
index 43c25380d..a65eb1699 100644
--- a/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/Tiles/Straight.cs
+++ b/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/Tiles/Straight.cs
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ public class Straight : Tile
/// The amount of times to rotate the tile.
public Straight(int rotate = 0)
+ rotate %= 4;
Rotation = rotate;
bool isVertical = rotate % 2 == 0;
diff --git a/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/Tiles/TSection.cs b/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/Tiles/TSection.cs
index 716091df3..ea68e08a4 100644
--- a/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/Tiles/TSection.cs
+++ b/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/Tiles/TSection.cs
@@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ namespace Assets.Scripts.Tiles
/// Represents a T-section tile.
- /// _______
- /// |_____|
/// ___ ___
/// |_| |_|
+ /// _______
+ /// |_____|
public class TSection : Tile
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
- /// The default is a T-section with the top side closed.
+ /// The default is a T-section with the top side opened.
/// The amount of times to rotate the tile.
public TSection(int rotate = 0)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ public TSection(int rotate = 0)
Rotation = rotate;
AllowedDirections = new List { true, true, true, true };
- int index = rotate % 4;
+ int index = (rotate + 2) % 4;
AllowedDirections[index] = false;
diff --git a/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/Tiles/Tile.cs b/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/Tiles/Tile.cs
index faa76acc3..1477c7507 100644
--- a/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/Tiles/Tile.cs
+++ b/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/Tiles/Tile.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UnityEngine;
namespace Assets.Scripts.Tiles
@@ -7,6 +8,8 @@ namespace Assets.Scripts.Tiles
public abstract class Tile
+ public GameObject GameObject { get; set; }
/// The rotation of the tile. 0 = 0 degrees, 1 = 90 degrees, 2 = 180 degrees, 3 = 270 degrees.
diff --git a/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/WFC/Cell.cs b/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/WFC/Cell.cs
index 15b3552ae..4518a7213 100644
--- a/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/WFC/Cell.cs
+++ b/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/WFC/Cell.cs
@@ -18,11 +18,18 @@ public class Cell
public List Candidates { get; set; }
+ public int X { get; }
+ public int Y { get; }
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
- ///
- public Cell()
+ /// // TODO comment posX/Y on both constructors
+ public Cell(int posX, int posY)
+ X = posX;
+ Y = posY;
Tile = new Empty();
Candidates = new List()
@@ -49,8 +56,11 @@ public Cell()
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
/// The possible tiles that can be placed in this cell.
- public Cell(List tiles)
+ public Cell(int posX, int posY, List tiles)
+ X = posX;
+ Y = posY;
Tile = new Empty();
Candidates = tiles;
diff --git a/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/WFC/Grid.cs b/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/WFC/Grid.cs
index 3efbe9608..ab1c44ccc 100644
--- a/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/WFC/Grid.cs
+++ b/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/WFC/Grid.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
using Assets.Scripts.Tiles;
+using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
+using System.Linq;
namespace Assets.Scripts.WFC
@@ -42,8 +45,8 @@ public Grid(int width, int height)
/// The y-coordinate of the cell.
public Cell this[int x, int y]
- get => _cells[(y * Width) + x];
- set => _cells[(y * Width) + x] = value;
+ get => _cells[CoordinatesToIndex(x, y)];
+ set => _cells[CoordinatesToIndex(x, y)] = value;
@@ -62,7 +65,18 @@ public Cell this[int index]
public void Init()
for (int i = 0; i < Width * Height; i++)
- _cells.Add(new Cell());
+ {
+ (int x, int y) = IndexToCoordinates(i);
+ _cells.Add(new Cell(x, y));
+ }
+ }
+ protected (int x, int y) IndexToCoordinates(int index) => (index % Width, index / Width);
+ protected int CoordinatesToIndex(int x, int y)
+ {
+ if (x >= Width || y >= Height) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Coordinates specified are out of range.");
+ return y * Width + x;
@@ -76,5 +90,90 @@ public void PlaceRoom(int x, int y, Room room)
this[x, y].Tile = room;
this[x, y].Candidates = new List();
+ public ICollection Get4NeighbouringCells(Cell cell)
+ {
+ ICollection neighbours = new Collection();
+ if (cell.X > 0) neighbours.Add(this[cell.X - 1, cell.Y]);
+ if (cell.X < Width - 1) neighbours.Add(this[cell.X + 1, cell.Y]);
+ if (cell.Y > 0) neighbours.Add(this[cell.X, cell.Y - 1]);
+ if (cell.Y < Height - 1) neighbours.Add(this[cell.X, cell.Y + 1]);
+ return neighbours;
+ }
+ public ICollection Get8NeighbouringCells(Cell cell)
+ {
+ ICollection neighbours = new Collection();
+ for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++)
+ {
+ if (cell.X + i < 0 || cell.X + i >= Width) continue; // No out of range
+ for (int j = -1; j < 2; j++)
+ {
+ if (i == j && i == 0) continue; // Skip the cell itself
+ if (cell.Y + j < 0 || cell.Y + j >= Height) continue; // No out of range
+ neighbours.Add(this[cell.X + i, cell.Y + j]);
+ }
+ }
+ return neighbours;
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Assumes that the cells are assigned a tile
+ public ICollection GetConnectedNeighbours(Cell cell)
+ {
+ ICollection connectedNeighbours = new Collection();
+ ICollection neighbours = Get4NeighbouringCells(cell); // Note: no diagonal neighbours
+ foreach (Cell neighbour in neighbours)
+ {
+ if (cell.Tile.CanConnectInDirection(1) && neighbour.X > cell.X && neighbour.Tile.CanConnectInDirection(3))
+ connectedNeighbours.Add(neighbour);
+ else if (cell.Tile.CanConnectInDirection(3) && neighbour.X < cell.X && neighbour.Tile.CanConnectInDirection(1))
+ connectedNeighbours.Add(neighbour);
+ else if (cell.Tile.CanConnectInDirection(0) && neighbour.Y > cell.Y && neighbour.Tile.CanConnectInDirection(2))
+ connectedNeighbours.Add(neighbour);
+ else if (cell.Tile.CanConnectInDirection(2) && neighbour.Y < cell.Y && neighbour.Tile.CanConnectInDirection(0))
+ connectedNeighbours.Add(neighbour);
+ }
+ return connectedNeighbours;
+ }
+ public IList> DetermineConnectedComponents()
+ {
+ ISet unvisitedCells = new HashSet(_cells.Where(cell => cell.Tile is not Empty)); // Deep copy
+ IList> connectedComponents = new List>();
+ while (unvisitedCells.Any())
+ {
+ ISet connectedComponent = new HashSet();
+ connectedComponents.Add(connectedComponent);
+ // Determine connected component, which updates unvisitedCells and connectedComponent
+ DetermineSingleConnectedComponent(unvisitedCells, connectedComponent, unvisitedCells.First());
+ }
+ return connectedComponents;
+ }
+ public void DetermineSingleConnectedComponent(in ISet unvisitedCells, in ISet connectedComponent, Cell cell)
+ {
+ connectedComponent.Add(cell);
+ unvisitedCells.Remove(cell);
+ ICollection connectedNeighbours = GetConnectedNeighbours(cell);
+ foreach (Cell connectedNeighbour in connectedNeighbours)
+ {
+ if (!unvisitedCells.Contains(connectedNeighbour)) continue; // Already visited
+ connectedComponent.Add(connectedNeighbour);
+ unvisitedCells.Remove(connectedNeighbour);
+ DetermineSingleConnectedComponent(unvisitedCells, connectedComponent, connectedNeighbour);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/WFC/GridPlacer.cs b/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/WFC/GridPlacer.cs
index 959677105..9eee5301d 100644
--- a/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/WFC/GridPlacer.cs
+++ b/aplib.net-demo/Assets/Scripts/WFC/GridPlacer.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using Assets.Scripts.Tiles;
using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Assets.Scripts.WFC
@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ public class GridPlacer : MonoBehaviour
public RoomObjects RoomObjects;
- /// Awake is called when the script instance is being loaded.
+ /// This contains the whole 'pipeline' of level generation, including initialising the grid and placing teleporters.
public void Awake()
@@ -52,6 +53,8 @@ public void Awake()
PlaceTile(x, y, _grid[x, y].Tile);
+ JoinConnectedComponentsWithTeleporters();
@@ -59,22 +62,22 @@ public void Awake()
public void TempFillFunction()
- _grid.PlaceRoom(2, 1, new Room(new List { false, true, true, false }));
- _grid.PlaceRoom(4, 4, new Room(new List { false, true, true, false }));
- // Road 1
- _grid[2, 2].Tile = new Straight();
- _grid[2, 3].Tile = new Straight();
- _grid[2, 4].Tile = new Corner(2);
- _grid[3, 4].Tile = new Straight(1);
- // Road 2
- _grid[3, 1].Tile = new Straight(1);
- _grid[4, 1].Tile = new TSection(3);
- _grid[4, 2].Tile = new Straight();
- _grid[4, 3].Tile = new Straight();
- _grid[4, 0].Tile = new DeadEnd();
+ _grid[0, 0].Tile = new TSection(3);
+ _grid[0, 1].Tile = new Crossing();
+ _grid[0, 2].Tile = new DeadEnd(2);
+ _grid[0, 3].Tile = new Straight(1);
+ _grid[1, 0].Tile = new TSection();
+ _grid[1, 1].Tile = new Straight();
+ _grid[1, 2].Tile = new Corner(2);
+ _grid[1, 3].Tile = new Crossing();
+ _grid[2, 0].Tile = new Corner();
+ _grid.PlaceRoom(2, 1, new Room(new List { true, true, true, true }));
+ _grid.PlaceRoom(3, 3, new Room(new List { true, true, true, true }));
+ _grid[3, 2].Tile = new Corner(1);
+ _grid[4, 2].Tile = new TSection(3);
+ _grid[4, 1].Tile = new Straight();
+ _grid.PlaceRoom(4, 0, new Room(new List { true, true, true, true }));
@@ -87,18 +90,40 @@ public void PlaceTile(int x, int y, Tile tile)
GameObject prefab = tile switch
- Corner _ => RoomObjects.Corner,
- Crossing _ => RoomObjects.Crossing,
- DeadEnd _ => RoomObjects.DeadEnd,
- Empty _ => RoomObjects.Empty,
- Room _ => RoomObjects.Room,
- Straight _ => RoomObjects.Straight,
- TSection _ => RoomObjects.TSection,
- _ => null
+ Corner => RoomObjects.Corner,
+ Crossing => RoomObjects.Crossing,
+ DeadEnd => RoomObjects.DeadEnd,
+ Empty => RoomObjects.Empty,
+ Room => RoomObjects.Room,
+ Straight => RoomObjects.Straight,
+ TSection => RoomObjects.TSection,
+ _ => null
if (prefab != null)
- _ = Instantiate(prefab, new Vector3(x * _tileSizeX, 0, y * _tileSizeY), Quaternion.Euler(0, tile.Rotation * _tileRotation, 0), transform);
+ {
+ tile.GameObject = Instantiate(prefab,
+ new Vector3(x * _tileSizeX, 0, y * _tileSizeY),
+ Quaternion.Euler(0, tile.Rotation * _tileRotation, 0),
+ transform);
+ }
+ private void JoinConnectedComponentsWithTeleporters()
+ {
+ IList> connectedComponents = _grid.DetermineConnectedComponents();
+ // We draw all the connected components individually
+ foreach (ISet connectedComponent in connectedComponents)
+ {
+ Color color = GetUnusedColor();
+ foreach (Cell cell in connectedComponent)
+ cell.Tile.GameObject.GetComponent().material.color = color;
+ }
+ }
+ private static Color[] _colors = { Color.red, Color.blue, Color.green, Color.yellow, Color.magenta, Color.cyan };
+ private static int _colorIndex = -1;
+ private static Color GetUnusedColor() => _colors[_colorIndex = (_colorIndex + 1) % _colors.Length];
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