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152 lines (139 loc) · 4.76 KB

File metadata and controls

152 lines (139 loc) · 4.76 KB


  • Fixed k-ring interpolation on raster data read


  • Added readers for default GDAL raster drivers (
    • TIFF
    • COG
    • NetCDF
    • ... And more
  • Added readers for default GDAL vector drivers (
    • Shapefiles
    • Geodatabase (File GDB)
    • ... And more
  • Added custom grid index system for arbitrary CRS
  • Added Spatial KNN example
  • Refactored and simplified Mosaic expressions definition
  • Documentation updates and improvements


  • Fixed pip release publish script


  • Added GDAL and 32 rst_* raster functions:
    • RST_BandMetaData
    • RST_GeoReference
    • RST_IsEmpty
    • RST_MemSize
    • RST_MetaData
    • RST_NumBands
    • RST_PixelWidth
    • RST_PixelHeight
    • RST_RasterToGridAvg
    • RST_RasterToGridMax
    • RST_RasterToGridMin
    • RST_RasterToGridMedian
    • RST_RasterToGridCount
    • RST_RasterToWorldCoord
    • RST_RasterToWorldCoordX
    • RST_RasterToWorldCoordY
    • RST_ReTile
    • RST_Rotation
    • RST_ScaleX
    • RST_ScaleY
    • RST_SkewX
    • RST_SkewY
    • RST_SRID
    • RST_Subdatasets
    • RST_Summary
    • RST_UpperLeftX
    • RST_UpperLeftY
    • RST_Width
    • RST_Height
    • RST_WorldToRasterCoord
    • RST_WorldToRasterCoordX
    • RST_WorldToRasterCoordY
  • Fixed geometry creation from empty Seq
  • Fixed landmarks_miid and candidates_miid column names parameter in KNN
  • Improved docs


  • Implemented KNN (K Nearest Neighbours) transformer
  • Implemented grid cell functions grid_cellkring, grid_cellkloop, grid_cellkringexplode, and grid_cellkloopexplode
  • Implemented geometry grid functions grid_geometrykring, grid_geometrykloop, grid_geometrykringexplode, and grid_geometrykloopexplode
  • Implemented st_envelope, st_difference, and st_bufferloop geometry functions
  • Fixed the function names for convert_to functions
  • Fixed corner case of duplicate H3 indexes in grid tessellation
  • Fixed corner case of possible missing H3 indexes crossing the icosahedron edges
  • Improved documentation


  • Implemented st_simplify
  • Improved docs for R language bindings
  • Improve the unit testing patterns
  • Exported to_json on R bindings


  • Implemented st_union and st_union_agg
  • Fixed line tessellation traversal when the first point falls between two indexes
  • Added sparklyR bindings
  • Added BNG grid notebook example


  • Fixed bug in mosaic_kepler plot for H3


  • Implemented st_unaryunion function
  • Added BNG grid plotting to mosaic_kepler
  • Added arbitrary CRS transformations to mosaic_kepler plotting
  • Added documentation for BNG grid
  • Bug fixes and improvements on the BNG grid implementation
  • Typo fixes


  • Integration with H3 functions from Databricks runtime 11.2
  • Refactored grid functions to reflect the naming convention of H3 functions from Databricks runtime
    • index_geometry -> grid_boundaryaswkb
    • point_index_lonlat -> grid_longlatascellid
    • polyfill -> grid_polyfill
    • point_index_geom -> grid_pointascellid
    • mosaicfill -> grid_tessellate
    • mosaic_explode -> grid_tessellateexplode
  • Added links to the solution accelerators
  • Refactored build actions
  • Updated BNG grid output cell ID as string
  • Typos and style fixes
  • Improved Kepler visualisation integration
  • Updated docs


  • Added CodeQL scanner
  • Added Ship-to-Ship transfer detection example
  • Added Open Street Maps ingestion and processing example
  • Fixed geoJSON conversion DataType
  • Fixed SparkR mirror URL
  • Fixed R dependencies
  • Fixed comments in pom.xml
  • Updated and polished Readme and example files
  • Switched to published release type


  • Support for British National Grid index system
  • Improved documentation (installation instructions and coverage of functions)
  • Added st_hasvalidcoordinates for checking coordinate validity before indexing
  • Fixed bug in st_dump
  • Added examples of using Mosaic with Sedona
  • Added SparkR bindings to release artifacts and SparkR docs
  • Automated SQL registration included in docs
  • Automation for publishing to PyPI
  • Fixed bug with KeplerGL (caching between cell refreshes)
  • Corrected quickstart notebook to reference New York 'zones'
  • Included documentation code example notebooks in /docs
  • Added code coverage monitoring to project
  • Updated JTS version to 1.19.0


  • Enable notebook-scoped library installation via %pip magic.


  • Add indexing support for h3
  • Add Mosaic logic
  • Move to spark 3.2
  • Add documentation
  • Add python bindings
  • Add scalastyle template
  • Add support for many st_ expressions
  • Add support for Esri Geometries
  • Add support of GeoJSON
  • Add type checks in Catalyst
  • Add Geometry validity expressions
  • Create WKT, WKB and Hex conversion expressions
  • Setup the project
  • Define GitHub templates