diff --git a/docs/zoneddatetime.md b/docs/zoneddatetime.md
index 40c9a86164..43065b6698 100644
--- a/docs/zoneddatetime.md
+++ b/docs/zoneddatetime.md
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ The `Temporal.ZonedDateTime` API is a superset of `Temporal.DateTime`, which mak
## Constructor
-### **new Temporal.ZonedDateTime**(_epochNanoseconds_: bigint, _timeZone_: string | object, _calendar_: string | object) : Temporal.ZonedDateTime
+### **new Temporal.ZonedDateTime**(_epochNanoseconds_: bigint, _timeZone_: string | object, _calendar_?: string | object) : Temporal.ZonedDateTime
@@ -1218,9 +1218,9 @@ zdt.toMonthDay(); // => 12-07
zdt.toTime(); // => 03:24:30
-### zonedDateTime.**getFields**() : { year: number, month: number, day: number, hour: number, minute: number, second: number, millisecond: number, microsecond: number, nanosecond: number, calendar: object, [propName: string]: unknown }
+### zonedDateTime.**getFields**() : { year: number, month: number, day: number, hour: number, minute: number, second: number, millisecond: number, microsecond: number, nanosecond: number, offset: string, timeZone: object, calendar: object, [propName: string]: unknown }
-**Returns:** a plain object with properties equal to the fields of `zonedDateTime`, including all date/time fields (expressed in the current calendar) as well as the `calendar`, `timeZone`, and `offsetNanoseconds` properties.
+**Returns:** a plain object with properties equal to the fields of `zonedDateTime`, including all date/time fields (expressed in the current calendar) as well as the `calendar`, `timeZone`, and `offset` properties.
This method can be used to convert a `Temporal.ZonedDateTime` into a record-like data structure.
It returns a new plain JavaScript object, with all the fields as enumerable, writable, own data properties.
@@ -1263,9 +1263,9 @@ JSON.stringify(thisWillWork, undefined, 2);
// }"
-### zonedDateTime.**getISOFields**(): { isoYear: number, isoMonth: number, isoDay: number, hour: number, minute: number, second: number, millisecond: number, microsecond: number, nanosecond: number, calendar: object }
+### zonedDateTime.**getISOFields**(): { isoYear: number, isoMonth: number, isoDay: number, hour: number, minute: number, second: number, millisecond: number, microsecond: number, nanosecond: number, offset: string, timeZone: object, calendar: object }
-**Returns:** a plain object with properties expressing `zonedDateTime` in the ISO 8601 calendar, including all date/time fields as well as the `calendar`, `timeZone`, and `offsetNanoseconds` properties.
+**Returns:** a plain object with properties expressing `zonedDateTime` in the ISO 8601 calendar, including all date/time fields as well as the `calendar`, `timeZone`, and `offset` properties.
Note that date/time properties have different names with an `iso` prefix to better differentiate from "normal" `getFields` results.
This is an advanced method that's mainly useful if you are implementing a custom calendar.
diff --git a/polyfill/index.d.ts b/polyfill/index.d.ts
index c19fe08ab9..b62c7437fb 100644
--- a/polyfill/index.d.ts
+++ b/polyfill/index.d.ts
@@ -444,6 +444,7 @@ export namespace Temporal {
toLocaleString(locales?: string | string[], options?: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions): string;
toJSON(): string;
toString(tzLike?: TimeZoneProtocol | string, options?: ToStringOptions): string;
+ valueOf(): never;
export interface CalendarProtocol {
@@ -656,6 +657,7 @@ export namespace Temporal {
toLocaleString(locales?: string | string[], options?: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions): string;
toJSON(): string;
toString(): string;
+ valueOf(): never;
export type DateTimeLike = {
@@ -824,6 +826,7 @@ export namespace Temporal {
toLocaleString(locales?: string | string[], options?: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions): string;
toJSON(): string;
toString(options?: ToStringOptions): string;
+ valueOf(): never;
export type MonthDayLike = {
@@ -859,6 +862,7 @@ export namespace Temporal {
toLocaleString(locales?: string | string[], options?: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions): string;
toJSON(): string;
toString(): string;
+ valueOf(): never;
export type TimeLike = {
@@ -976,6 +980,7 @@ export namespace Temporal {
toLocaleString(locales?: string | string[], options?: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions): string;
toJSON(): string;
toString(options?: ToStringOptions): string;
+ valueOf(): never;
@@ -1074,6 +1079,7 @@ export namespace Temporal {
toLocaleString(locales?: string | string[], options?: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions): string;
toJSON(): string;
toString(): string;
+ valueOf(): never;
diff --git a/spec.html b/spec.html
index 35d2c968b9..712604b529 100644
--- a/spec.html
+++ b/spec.html
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
diff --git a/spec/abstractops.html b/spec/abstractops.html
index 84e25fb8fd..e6f0acfcfe 100644
--- a/spec/abstractops.html
+++ b/spec/abstractops.html
@@ -162,6 +162,17 @@ NegateTemporalRoundingMode ( _roundingMode_ )
+ ToTemporalOffset ( _normalizedOptions_, _fallback_ )
+ The abstract operation ToTemporalOffset extracts the value of the property named *"offset"* from _normalizedOptions_ and makes sure it is a valid value for the option.
+ The value _fallback_ is returned if the property is not present.
+ 1. Return ? GetOption(_normalizedOptions_, *"offset"*, *"string"*, « *"prefer"*, *"use"*, *"ignore"*, *"reject"* », _fallback_).
ToTemporalRoundingIncrement ( _normalizedOptions_, _dividend_, _inclusive_ )
diff --git a/spec/intl.html b/spec/intl.html
index d2a140af55..9e62161041 100644
--- a/spec/intl.html
+++ b/spec/intl.html
@@ -245,6 +245,11 @@ InitializeDateTimeFormat ( _dateTimeFormat_, _locales_, _options_ )
[[weekday]], [[era]], [[year]], [[month]], [[day]], [[hour]], [[minute]], [[second]], [[dayPeriod]], [[fractionalSecondDigits]] |
[[year]], [[month]], [[day]], [[hour]], [[minute]], [[second]] |
+ [[TemporalZonedDateTimePattern]] |
+ [[weekday]], [[era]], [[year]], [[month]], [[day]], [[hour]], [[minute]], [[second]], [[dayPeriod]], [[fractionalSecondDigits]], [[timeZoneName]] |
+ [[year]], [[month]], [[day]], [[hour]], [[minute]], [[second]], [[timeZoneName]] |
@@ -309,6 +314,12 @@ PartitionDateTimePattern ( _dateTimeFormat_, _x_ )
1. If _calendar_ is not *"iso8601"* and not equal to _dateTimeFormat_.[[Calendar]], throw a *RangeError* exception.
1. Let _pattern_ be _dateTimeFormat_.[[TemporalDateTimePattern]].
1. Let _tm_ be { [[weekday]]: ToDayOfWeek(_x_.[[ISOYear]], _x_.[[ISOMonth]], _x_.[[ISODay]]), [[year]]: _x_.[[ISOYear]], [[month]]: _x_.[[ISOMonth]], [[day]]: _x_.[[ISODay]], [[hour]]: _x_.[[Hour]], [[minute]]: _x_.[[Minute]], [[second]]: _x_.[[Second]] }.
+ 1. If _date_ has an [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]] internal slot, then
+ 1. Let _calendar_ be ? CalendarToString(_x_).
+ 1. If _calendar_ is not *"iso8601"* and not equal to _dateTimeFormat_.[[Calendar]], then
+ 1. Throw a *RangeError* exception.
+ 1. Let _pattern_ be _dateTimeFormat_.[[TemporalZonedDateTimePattern]].
+ 1. Let _tm_ be { [[weekday]]: TODO, [[year]]: TODO, [[month]]: TODO, [[day]]: TODO, [[hour]]: TODO, [[minute]]: TODO, [[second]]: TODO, [[timeZoneName]]: ? TimeZoneToString(_date_) }.
1. If _pattern_ is *null*, throw a *TypeError* exception.
1. Else,
1. Let _pattern_ be _dateTimeFormat_.[[Pattern]].
diff --git a/spec/timezone.html b/spec/timezone.html
index d4b60cb99e..eb7a5f96c4 100644
--- a/spec/timezone.html
+++ b/spec/timezone.html
@@ -489,5 +489,36 @@ ParseOffsetNanoseconds ( _identifier_ )
1. Return _sign_ × (_hours_ × 60 + _minutes_) × 60 × 1,000,000,000.
+ The abstract operation CompareTimeZone lexicographically compares the
+ results of calling `toString()` on its arguments.
+ CompareTimeZone ( _one_, _two_ )
+ 1. Let _calendarOne_ be ? TimeZoneToString(_one_).
+ 1. Let _calendarTwo_ be ? TimeZoneToString(_two_).
+ 1. Let _r_ be the result of performing Abstract Relational Comparison _timeZoneOne_ < _timeZoneTwo_.
+ 1. If _r_ is *true*, return −1.
+ 1. Let _r_ be the result of performing Abstract Relational Comparison _timeZoneTwo_ < _timeZoneOne_.
+ 1. If _r_ is *true*, return 1.
+ 1. Return 0.
+ TimeZoneEquals ( _one_, _two_ )
+ The abstract operation TimeZoneEquals returns *true* if the results of
+ calling `toString()` on its arguments are equal.
+ 1. Let _timeZoneOne_ be ? TimeZoneToString(_one_).
+ 1. Let _timeZoneTwo_ be ? TimeZoneToString(_two_).
+ 1. If _timeZoneOne_ is _timeZoneTwo_, return *true*.
+ 1. Return *false*.
diff --git a/spec/zoneddatetime.html b/spec/zoneddatetime.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b0830c64d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/zoneddatetime.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1048 @@
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime Objects
+ A Temporal.ZonedDateTime object is an immutable Object referencing a point in time with nanoseconds precision, and containing Object values corresponding to a particular time zone and calendar system.
+ The Temporal.ZonedDateTime Constructor
+ The Temporal.ZonedDateTime constructor is the %Temporal.ZonedDateTime% intrinsic object.
+ When called as a constructor, it creates and initializes a new Temporal.ZonedDateTime object.
+ The Temporal.ZonedDateTime constructor is designed to be subclassable.
+ It may be used as the value of an extends clause of a class definition.
+ Subclass constructors that intend to inherit the specified ZonedDateTime behaviour must include a super call to the %Temporal.ZonedDateTime% constructor to create and initialize subclass instances with the necessary internal slots.
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime ( _epochNanoseconds_, _timeZoneLike_ [ , _calendarLike_ ] )
+ When the `Temporal.ZonedDateTime` function is called, the following steps are taken:
+ 1. If NewTarget is *undefined*, then
+ 1. Throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. Set _epochNanoseconds_ to ? ToBigInt(_epochNanoseconds_).
+ 1. Perform ? RejectInstant(_epochNanoseconds_).
+ 1. Let _timeZone_ be ? ToTemporalTimeZone(_timeZoneLike_).
+ 1. If _calendarLike_ is *undefined*, then
+ 1. Set _calendar_ to ? GetISO8601Calendar().
+ 1. Else,
+ 1. Set _calendar_ to ? ToTemporalCalendar(_calendarLike_).
+ 1. Return ? CreateTemporalZonedDateTime(_epochNanoseconds_, _timeZone_, _calendar_, NewTarget).
+ Properties of the Temporal.ZonedDateTime Constructor
+ The value of the [[Prototype]] internal slot of the Temporal.ZonedDateTime constructor is the intrinsic object %Function.prototype%.
+ The Temporal.ZonedDateTime constructor has the following properties:
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype
+ The initial value of `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype` is %Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype%.
+ This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: *false*, [[Enumerable]]: *false*, [[Configurable]]: *false* }.
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime [ @@species ]
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime[@@species]` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Return the *this* value.
+ The value of the *"name"* property of this function is *"get [Symbol.species]"*.
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from ( _item_ [ , _options_ ] )
+ The `from` method takes two arguments, _item_ and _options_.
+ The following steps are taken:
+ 1. Let _constructor_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Set _options_ to ? NormalizeOptionsObject(_options_).
+ 1. Let _overflow_ be ? ToTemporalOverflow(_options_).
+ 1. Let _disambiguation_ be ? ToTemporalDisambiguation(_options_).
+ 1. Let _offset_ be ? ToTemporalOffset(_options_).
+ 1. Return ? ToTemporalZonedDateTime(_item_, _constructor_, _overflow_, _disambiguation_, _offset_).
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime.compare ( _one_, _two_ )
+ The `compare` method takes two arguments, _one_ and _two_.
+ The following steps are taken:
+ 1. Set _one_ to ? ToTemporalZonedDateTime(_one_).
+ 1. Set _two_ to ? ToTemporalZonedDateTime(_two_).
+ 1. Let _result_ be ! CompareEpochNanoseconds(_one_.[[Nanoseconds]], _two_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. If _result_ ≠ 0, then
+ 1. Return 𝔽(_result_).
+ 1. Set _result_ to ? CompareCalendar(_one_.[[Calendar]], _two_.[[Calendar]]).
+ 1. If _result_ ≠ 0, then
+ 1. Return 𝔽(_result_).
+ 1. Return 𝔽(? CompareTimeZone(_one_.[[TimeZone]], _two_.[[TimeZone]]).
+ Properties of the Temporal.ZonedDateTime Prototype Object
+ The Temporal.ZonedDateTime prototype object
+ - is the intrinsic object %Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype%.
- is itself an ordinary object.
- is not a Temporal.ZonedDateTime instance and does not have a [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]] internal slot.
- has a [[Prototype]] internal slot whose value is %Object.prototype%.
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.constructor
+ The initial value of `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.constructor` is %Temporal.ZonedDateTime%.
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype[ @@toStringTag ]
+ The initial value of the @@toStringTag property is the string value `"Temporal.ZonedDateTime"`.
+ This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: *false*, [[Enumerable]]: *false*, [[Configurable]]: *true* }.
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.calendar
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.calendar` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Return _zonedDateTime_.[[Calendar]].
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.timeZone
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.timeZone` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Return _zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]].
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.year
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.year` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _timeZone_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]].
+ 1. Let _instant_ be ? CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Let _temporalDateTime_ be ? GetTemporalDateTimeFor(_timeZone_, _instant_).
+ 1. Let _calendar_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[Calendar]].
+ 1. Let _year_ be ? Get(_calendar_, *"year"*).
+ 1. Return ? Call(_year_, _calendar_, « _temporalDateTime_ »).
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.month
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.month` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _timeZone_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]].
+ 1. Let _instant_ be ? CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Let _temporalDateTime_ be ? GetTemporalDateTimeFor(_timeZone_, _instant_).
+ 1. Let _calendar_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[Calendar]].
+ 1. Let _month_ be ? Get(_calendar_, *"month"*).
+ 1. Return ? Call(_month_, _calendar_, « _temporalDateTime_ »).
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.day
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.day` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _timeZone_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]].
+ 1. Let _instant_ be ? CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Let _temporalDateTime_ be ? GetTemporalDateTimeFor(_timeZone_, _instant_).
+ 1. Let _calendar_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[Calendar]].
+ 1. Let _day_ be ? Get(_calendar_, *"day"*).
+ 1. Return ? Call(_day_, _calendar_, « _temporalDateTime_ »).
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.hour
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.hour` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _timeZone_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]].
+ 1. Let _instant_ be ? CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Let _temporalDateTime_ be ? GetTemporalDateTimeFor(_timeZone_, _instant_).
+ 1. Return _temporalDateTime_.[[Hour]].
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.minute
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.minute` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _timeZone_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]].
+ 1. Let _instant_ be ? CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Let _temporalDateTime_ be ? GetTemporalDateTimeFor(_timeZone_, _instant_).
+ 1. Return _temporalDateTime_.[[Minute]].
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.second
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.second` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _timeZone_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]].
+ 1. Let _instant_ be ? CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Let _temporalDateTime_ be ? GetTemporalDateTimeFor(_timeZone_, _instant_).
+ 1. Return _temporalDateTime_.[[Second]].
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.millisecond
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.millisecond` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _timeZone_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]].
+ 1. Let _instant_ be ? CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Let _temporalDateTime_ be ? GetTemporalDateTimeFor(_timeZone_, _instant_).
+ 1. Return _temporalDateTime_.[[Millisecond]].
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.microsecond
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.microsecond` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _timeZone_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]].
+ 1. Let _instant_ be ? CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Let _temporalDateTime_ be ? GetTemporalDateTimeFor(_timeZone_, _instant_).
+ 1. Return _temporalDateTime_.[[Microsecond]].
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.nanosecond
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.nanosecond` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _timeZone_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]].
+ 1. Let _instant_ be ? CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Let _temporalDateTime_ be ? GetTemporalDateTimeFor(_timeZone_, _instant_).
+ 1. Return _temporalDateTime_.[[Nanosecond]].
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.epochSeconds
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.epochSeconds` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_instant_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _ns_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]].
+ 1. Let _s_ be RoundTowardsZero(ℝ(_ns_) / 1,000,000,000ℝ).
+ 1. Return 𝔽(_s_).
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.epochMilliseconds
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.epochMilliseconds` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_instant_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _ns_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]].
+ 1. Let _ms_ be RoundTowardsZero(ℝ(_ns_) / 1,000,000ℝ).
+ 1. Return 𝔽(_ms_).
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.epochMicroseconds
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.epochMicroseconds` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_instant_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _ns_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]].
+ 1. Let _µs_ be RoundTowardsZero(ℝ(_ns_) / 1,000ℝ).
+ 1. Return ℤ(_µs_).
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.epochNanoseconds
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.epochNanoseconds` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_instant_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Return _zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]].
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.dayOfWeek
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.dayOfWeek` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _timeZone_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]].
+ 1. Let _instant_ be ? CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Let _temporalDateTime_ be ? GetTemporalDateTimeFor(_timeZone_, _instant_).
+ 1. Let _calendar_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[Calendar]].
+ 1. Let _dayOfWeek_ be ? Get(_calendar_, *"dayOfWeek"*).
+ 1. Return ? Call(_dayOfWeek_, _calendar_, « _temporalDateTime_ »).
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.dayOfYear
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.dayOfYear` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _timeZone_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]].
+ 1. Let _instant_ be ? CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Let _temporalDateTime_ be ? GetTemporalDateTimeFor(_timeZone_, _instant_).
+ 1. Let _calendar_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[Calendar]].
+ 1. Let _dayOfYear_ be ? Get(_calendar_, *"dayOfYear"*).
+ 1. Return ? Call(_dayOfYear_, _calendar_, « _temporalDateTime_ »).
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.weekOfYear
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.weekOfYear` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _timeZone_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]].
+ 1. Let _instant_ be ? CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Let _temporalDateTime_ be ? GetTemporalDateTimeFor(_timeZone_, _instant_).
+ 1. Let _calendar_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[Calendar]].
+ 1. Let _weekOfYear_ be ? Get(_calendar_, *"weekOfYear"*).
+ 1. Return ? Call(_weekOfYear_, _calendar_, « _temporalDateTime_ »).
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.hoursInDay
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.hoursInDay` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Return TODO.
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.daysInWeek
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.daysInWeek` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _timeZone_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]].
+ 1. Let _instant_ be ? CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Let _temporalDateTime_ be ? GetTemporalDateTimeFor(_timeZone_, _instant_).
+ 1. Let _calendar_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[Calendar]].
+ 1. Let _daysInWeek_ be ? Get(_calendar_, *"daysInWeek"*).
+ 1. Return ? Call(_daysInWeek_, _calendar_, « _temporalDateTime_ »).
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.daysInMonth
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.daysInMonth` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _timeZone_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]].
+ 1. Let _instant_ be ? CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Let _temporalDateTime_ be ? GetTemporalDateTimeFor(_timeZone_, _instant_).
+ 1. Let _calendar_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[Calendar]].
+ 1. Let _daysInMonth_ be ? Get(_calendar_, *"daysInMonth"*).
+ 1. Return ? Call(_daysInMonth_, _calendar_, « _temporalDateTime_ »).
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.daysInYear
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.daysInYear` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _timeZone_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]].
+ 1. Let _instant_ be ? CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Let _temporalDateTime_ be ? GetTemporalDateTimeFor(_timeZone_, _instant_).
+ 1. Let _calendar_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[Calendar]].
+ 1. Let _daysInYear_ be ? Get(_calendar_, *"daysInYear"*).
+ 1. Return ? Call(_daysInYear_, _calendar_, « _temporalDateTime_ »).
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.monthsInYear
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.monthsInYear` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _timeZone_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]].
+ 1. Let _instant_ be ? CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Let _temporalDateTime_ be ? GetTemporalDateTimeFor(_timeZone_, _instant_).
+ 1. Let _calendar_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[Calendar]].
+ 1. Let _monthsInYear_ be ? Get(_calendar_, *"monthsInYear"*).
+ 1. Return ? Call(_monthsInYear_, _calendar_, « _temporalDateTime_ »).
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.inLeapYear
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.inLeapYear` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _timeZone_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]].
+ 1. Let _instant_ be ? CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Let _temporalDateTime_ be ? GetTemporalDateTimeFor(_timeZone_, _instant_).
+ 1. Let _calendar_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[Calendar]].
+ 1. Let _inLeapYear_ be ? Get(_calendar_, *"inLeapYear"*).
+ 1. Return ? Call(_inLeapYear_, _calendar_, « _temporalDateTime_ »).
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.startOfDay
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.startOfDay` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Return TODO.
+ get Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.offset
+ `Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.offset` is an accessor property whose set accessor function is *undefined*.
+ Its get accessor function performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _instant_ be ? CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Return ? GetOffsetStringFor(_zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]], _instant_).
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.with ( _temporalZonedDateTimeLike_ [ , _options_ ] )
+ The `with` method takes two arguments, _temporalZonedDateTimeLike_ and _options_.
+ The following steps are taken:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _partialZonedDateTime_ be ? ToPartialZonedDateTime(_temporalZonedDateTimeLike_).
+ 1. Set _options_ to ? NormalizeOptionsObject(_options_).
+ 1. Let _overflow_ be ? ToTemporalOverflow(_options_).
+ 1. Let _disambiguation_ be ? ToTemporalDisambiguation(_options_).
+ 1. Let _offset_ be ? ToTemporalOffset(_options_, *"prefer"*).
+ 1. TODO.
+ 1. Return ? CreateTemporalZonedDateTimeFromInstance(_zonedDateTime_, _epochNanoseconds_, _timeZone_, _calendar_).
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.withTimeZone ( _timeZoneLike_ )
+ The `withTimeZone` method takes one argument _timeZoneLike_.
+ The following steps are taken:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _timeZone_ be ? ToTemporalTimeZone(_timeZoneLike_).
+ 1. Return ? CreateTemporalZonedDateTimeFromInstance(_zonedDateTime_, _zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]], _timeZoneLike_, _zonedDateTime_.[[Calendar]]).
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.withCalendar ( _calendarLike_ )
+ The `withCalendar` method takes one argument _calendarLike_.
+ The following steps are taken:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _calendar_ be ? ToTemporalCalendar(_calendarLike_).
+ 1. Return ? CreateTemporalZonedDateTimeFromInstance(_zonedDateTime_, _zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]], _zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]], _calendar_).
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.add ( _temporalDurationLike_ [ , _options_ ] )
+ The `add` method takes two arguments, _temporalDurationLike_ and _options_.
+ The following steps are taken:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _duration_ be ? ToLimitedTemporalDuration(_temporalDurationLike_, « »).
+ 1. Perform ? RejectDurationSign(_duration_.[[Years]], _duration_.[[Months]], _duration_.[[Weeks]], _duration_.[[Days]], _duration_.[[Hours]], _duration_.[[Minutes]], _duration_.[[Seconds]], _duration_.[[Milliseconds]], _duration_.[[Microseconds]], _duration_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Set _options_ to ? NormalizeOptionsObject(_options_).
+ 1. Let _overflow_ be ? ToTemporalOverflow(_options_).
+ 1. TODO.
+ 1. Return ? CreateTemporalZonedDateTimeFromInstance(_zonedDateTime_, _epochNanoseconds_, _timeZone_, _calendar_).
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.subtract ( _temporalDurationLike_ [ , _options_ ] )
+ The `subtract` method takes two arguments, _temporalDurationLike_ and _options_.
+ The following steps are taken:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _duration_ be ? ToLimitedTemporalDuration(_temporalDurationLike_, « »).
+ 1. Perform ? RejectDurationSign(_duration_.[[Years]], _duration_.[[Months]], _duration_.[[Weeks]], _duration_.[[Days]], _duration_.[[Hours]], _duration_.[[Minutes]], _duration_.[[Seconds]], _duration_.[[Milliseconds]], _duration_.[[Microseconds]], _duration_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Set _options_ to ? NormalizeOptionsObject(_options_).
+ 1. Let _overflow_ be ? ToTemporalOverflow(_options_).
+ 1. TODO.
+ 1. Return ? CreateTemporalZonedDateTimeFromInstance(_zonedDateTime_, _epochNanoseconds_, _timeZone_, _calendar_).
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.until ( _other_ [ , _options_ ] )
+ The `until` method takes two arguments, _other_ and _options_.
+ The following steps are taken:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Set _other_ to ? ToTemporalZonedDateTime(_other_).
+ 1. If ? CalendarEquals(_zonedDateTime_.[[Calendar]], _other_.[[Calendar]]) is *false*, then
+ 1. Throw a *RangeError* exception.
+ 1. Set _options_ to ? NormalizeOptionsObject(_options_).
+ 1. Let _smallestUnit_ be ? ToSmallestTemporalDurationUnit(_options_, « », *"nanoseconds"*).
+ 1. Let _defaultLargestUnit_ be ! LargerOfTwoTemporalDurationUnits(*"days"*, _smallestUnit_).
+ 1. Let _largestUnit_ be ? ToLargestTemporalUnit(_options_, « », _defaultLargestUnit_).
+ 1. Perform ? ValidateTemporalUnitRange(_largestUnit_, _smallestUnit_).
+ 1. Let _roundingMode_ be ? ToTemporalRoundingMode(_options_).
+ 1. Let _maximum_ be ! MaximumTemporalDurationRoundingIncrement(_smallestUnit_).
+ 1. Let _roundingIncrement_ be ? ToTemporalRoundingIncrement(_options_, _maximum_, *false*).
+ 1. TODO.
+ 1. Return ? CreateTemporalDuration(TODO).
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.since ( _other_ [ , _options_ ] )
+ The `since` method takes two arguments, _other_ and _options_.
+ The following steps are taken:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Set _other_ to ? ToTemporalZonedDateTime(_other_).
+ 1. If ? CalendarEquals(_zonedDateTime_.[[Calendar]], _other_.[[Calendar]]) is *false*, then
+ 1. Throw a *RangeError* exception.
+ 1. Set _options_ to ? NormalizeOptionsObject(_options_).
+ 1. Let _smallestUnit_ be ? ToSmallestTemporalDurationUnit(_options_, « », *"nanoseconds"*).
+ 1. Let _defaultLargestUnit_ be ! LargerOfTwoTemporalDurationUnits(*"days"*, _smallestUnit_).
+ 1. Let _largestUnit_ be ? ToLargestTemporalUnit(_options_, « », _defaultLargestUnit_).
+ 1. Perform ? ValidateTemporalUnitRange(_largestUnit_, _smallestUnit_).
+ 1. Let _roundingMode_ be ? ToTemporalRoundingMode(_options_).
+ 1. Set _roundingMode_ to ! NegateTemporalRoundingMode(_roundingMode_).
+ 1. Let _maximum_ be ! MaximumTemporalDurationRoundingIncrement(_smallestUnit_).
+ 1. Let _roundingIncrement_ be ? ToTemporalRoundingIncrement(_options_, _maximum_, *false*).
+ 1. TODO.
+ 1. Return ? CreateTemporalDuration(TODO).
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.round ( _options_ )
+ The `round` method takes one argument _options_.
+ The following steps are taken:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. If _options_ is *undefined*, then
+ 1. Throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. Set _options_ to ? NormalizeOptionsObject(_options_).
+ 1. Let _smallestUnit_ be ? ToSmallestTemporalUnit(_options_, « »).
+ 1. Let _roundingMode_ be ? ToTemporalRoundingMode(_options_).
+ 1. If _smallestUnit_ is *"day"*, then
+ 1. Let _maximum_ be 1.
+ 1. Else if _smallestUnit_ is *"hour"*, then
+ 1. Let _maximum_ be 24.
+ 1. Else if _smallestUnit_ is *"minute"* or *"second"*, then
+ 1. Let _maximum_ be 60.
+ 1. Else,
+ 1. Let _maximum_ be 1000.
+ 1. Let _roundingIncrement_ be ? ToTemporalRoundingIncrement(_options_, _maximum_, *false*).
+ 1. TODO.
+ 1. Return ? CreateTemporalZonedDateTimeFromInstance(_zonedDateTime_, _epochNanoseconds_, _zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]], _zonedDateTime_.[[Calendar]]).
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.equals ( _other_ )
+ The `equals` method takes one argument _other_.
+ The following steps are taken:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Set _other_ to ? ToTemporalZonedDateTime(_other_).
+ 1. If _zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]] ≠ _other_.[[Nanoseconds]], return *false*.
+ 1. If ? TimeZoneEquals(_zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]], _other_.[[TimeZone]]) is *false*, return *false*.
+ 1. Return ? CalendarEquals(_zonedDateTime_.[[Calendar]], _other_.[[Calendar]]).
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.toString ( )
+ The following steps are taken:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Return ? TemporalZonedDateTimeToString(_zonedDateTime_).
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.toLocaleString ( [ _locales_ [ , _options_ ] ] )
+ The `toLocaleString` method takes two arguments, _locales_ and _options_.
+ The following steps are taken:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. If the implementation does not include the ECMA-402 Internationalization API, then
+ 1. Return ? TemporalZonedDateTimeToString(_zonedDateTime_).
+ 1. Let _dateFormat_ be ? Construct(%DateTimeFormat%, « _locales_, _options_ »).
+ 1. Return ? FormatDateTime(_dateFormat_, _zonedDateTime_).
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.toJSON ( )
+ The following steps are taken:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Return ! TemporalZonedDateTimeToString(_zonedDateTime_).
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.valueOf ( )
+ The following steps are taken:
+ 1. Throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.toInstant ( )
+ The following steps are taken:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Return ? CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.toDate ( )
+ The following steps are taken:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _timeZone_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]].
+ 1. Let _instant_ be ? CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Let _temporalDateTime_ be ? GetTemporalDateTimeFor(_timeZone_, _instant_).
+ 1. Return ? CreateTemporalDate(_temporalDateTime_.[[ISOYear]], _temporalDateTime_.[[ISOMonth]], _temporalDateTime_.[[ISODay]], _zonedDateTime_.[[Calendar]]).
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.toTime ( )
+ The following steps are taken:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _timeZone_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]].
+ 1. Let _instant_ be ? CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Let _temporalDateTime_ be ? GetTemporalDateTimeFor(_timeZone_, _instant_).
+ 1. Return ? CreateTemporalTime(_temporalDateTime_.[[Hour]], _temporalDateTime_.[[Minute]], _temporalDateTime_.[[Second]], _temporalDateTime_.[[Millisecond]], _temporalDateTime_.[[Microsecond]], _temporalDateTime_.[[Nanosecond]]).
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.toDateTime ( )
+ The following steps are taken:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _timeZone_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]].
+ 1. Let _instant_ be ? CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Return ? GetTemporalDateTimeFor(_timeZone_, _instant_).
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.toYearMonth ( )
+ The following steps are taken:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _timeZone_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]].
+ 1. Let _instant_ be ? CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Let _temporalDateTime_ be ? GetTemporalDateTimeFor(_timeZone_, _instant_).
+ 1. Return ? create via `calendar.yearMonthFromFields()`.
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.toMonthDay ( )
+ The following steps are taken:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _timeZone_ be _zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]].
+ 1. Let _instant_ be ? CreateTemporalInstant(_zonedDateTime_.[[Nanoseconds]]).
+ 1. Let _temporalDateTime_ be ? GetTemporalDateTimeFor(_timeZone_, _instant_).
+ 1. Return ? create via `calendar.monthDayFromFields()`.
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.getFields ( )
+ The following steps are taken:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. TODO.
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.getISOFields ( )
+ The following steps are taken:
+ 1. Let _zonedDateTime_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_zonedDateTime_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Let _fields_ be ? ObjectCreate(%ObjectPrototype%).
+ 1. TODO.
+ 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_fields_, *"timeZone"*, _zonedDateTime_.[[TimeZone]]).
+ 1. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_fields_, *"calendar"*, _zonedDateTime_.[[Calendar]]).
+ 1. Return _fields_.
+ Properties of Temporal.ZonedDateTime Instances
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime instances are ordinary objects that inherit properties from the %Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype% intrinsic object.
+ Temporal.ZonedDateTime instances are initially created with the internal slots described in .
+ Internal Slot
+ |
+ Description
+ |
+ [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]
+ |
+ The only specified use of this slot is for distinguishing Temporal.ZonedDateTime instances from other objects.
+ |
+ [[Nanoseconds]]
+ |
+ A BigInt value representing the number of nanoseconds since the Unix epoch.
+ |
+ [[TimeZone]]
+ |
+ An Object representing the time zone.
+ |
+ [[Calendar]]
+ |
+ An Object representing the calendar.
+ |
+ Abstract operations
+ ToTemporalZonedDateTime ( _item_ [ , _constructor_ [ , _overflow_, _disambiguation_, _offset_ ] ] )
+ The abstract operation ToTemporalZonedDateTime returns its argument _item_ if it is already a Temporal.ZonedDateTime instance, converts _item_ to a new Temporal.Date instance if possible, and throws otherwise.
+ 1. If _constructor_ is not given, set it to %Temporal.ZonedDateTime%.
+ 1. If _overflow_ is not given, set it to *"constrain"*.
+ 1. Assert: _overflow_ is either *"constrain"* or *"reject"*.
+ 1. If _disambiguation_ is not given, set it to *"compatible"*.
+ 1. Assert: _disambiguation_ is either *"compatible"*, *"earlier"*, *"later"*, or *"reject"*.
+ 1. If _offset_ is not given, set it to *"reject"*.
+ 1. Assert: _offset_ is either *"use"*, *"ignore"*, *"prefer"*, or *"reject"*.
+ 1. If Type(_item_) is Object, then
+ 1. If _item_ has an [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]] internal slot, then
+ 1. Return _item_.
+ 1. Let _result_ be TODO, after landing `Calendar.fields()`.
+ 1. Else,
+ 1. Let _string_ be ? ToString(_item_).
+ 1. Let _result_ be ? ParseTemporalInstantString(_string_).
+ 1. Let _calendar_ be _result_.[[Calendar]].
+ 1. If _calendar_ is *undefined*, set _calendar_ to ! GetISO8601Calendar().
+ 1. Set _calendar_ to ? ToTemporalCalendar(_calendar_).
+ 1. TODO.
+ 1. Return ? CreateTemporalZonedDateTimeFromStatic(_constructor_, TODO, _timeZone_ , _calendar_).
+ ToPartialZonedDateTime ( _temporalZonedDateTimeLike_ )
+ The abstract operation ToPartialZonedDateTime ...TODO, after landing `Calendar.fields()`.
+ 1. If Type(_temporalZonedDateTimeLike_) is not Object, then
+ 1. Throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. TODO.
+ CreateTemporalZonedDateTime ( _epochNanoseconds_, _timeZone_, _calendar_ [ , _newTarget_ ] )
+ The abstract operation CreateTemporalZonedDateTime is used to specify the creation of a new `Temporal.ZonedDateTime` object.
+ 1. Assert: ! ValidateInstant(_epochNanoseconds_) is *true*.
+ 1. Assert: Type(_timeZone_) is Object.
+ 1. Assert: Type(_calendar_) is Object.
+ 1. If _newTarget_ is not given, set it to %Temporal.ZonedDateTime%.
+ 1. Let _object_ be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(_newTarget_, `"%Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype%"`, « [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]], [[Nanoseconds]], [[TimeZone]], [[Calendar]] »).
+ 1. Set _object_.[[Nanoseconds]] to _epochNanoseconds_.
+ 1. Set _object_.[[TimeZone]] to _timeZone_.
+ 1. Set _object_.[[Calendar]] to _calendar_.
+ 1. Return _object_.
+ CreateTemporalZonedDateTimeFromInstance ( _zonedDateTime_, _epochNanoseconds_, _timeZone_, _calendar_ )
+ The abstract operation CreateTemporalZonedDateTimeFromInstance calls the species constructor of the given `Temporal.ZonedDateTime` instance _zonedDateTime_ in order to create a new instance with the given arguments.
+ 1. Assert: Type(_zonedDateTime_) is Object and _zonedDateTime_ has an [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]] internal slot.
+ 1. Assert: ! ValidateInstant(_epochNanoseconds_) is *true*.
+ 1. Assert: Type(_timeZone_) is Object.
+ 1. Assert: Type(_calendar_) is Object.
+ 1. Let _constructor_ be ? SpeciesConstructor(_zonedDateTime_, %Temporal.ZonedDateTime%).
+ 1. Let _result_ be ? Construct(_constructor_, « _epochNanoseconds_, _timeZone_, _calendar_ »).
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_result_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Return _result_.
+ CreateTemporalZonedDateTimeFromStatic ( _constructor_, _epochNanoseconds_, _timeZone_, _calendar_ )
+ The abstract operation CreateTemporalZonedDateTimeFromStatic calls the given _constructor_ with the given arguments to create a `Temporal.ZonedDateTime` instance.
+ 1. Assert: ! ValidateInstant(_epochNanoseconds_) is *true*.
+ 1. Assert: Type(_timeZone_) is Object.
+ 1. Assert: Type(_calendar_) is Object.
+ 1. If ! IsConstructor(_constructor_) is *false*, then
+ 1. Throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. Let _result_ be ? Construct(_constructor_, « _epochNanoseconds_, _timeZone_, _calendar_ »).
+ 1. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(_result_, [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]]).
+ 1. Return _result_.
+ TemporalZonedDateTimeToString ( _zonedDateTime_ )
+ The abstract operation TemporalZonedDateTimeToString returns an ISO 8601 string representation of its argument, including a time zone name annotation and calendar annotation, which are extensions to the ISO 8601 format.
+ 1. Assert: Type(_zonedDateTime_) is Object and _zonedDateTime_ has an [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]] internal slot.
+ 1. TODO.