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@@ -233,24 +233,21 @@ date.daysInYear; // => 365
See [Temporal.Calendar Documentation](./calendar.md) for detailed documentation.
-## Object Relationship
+## Object relationship
-## String Persistence
+## String persistence, parsing, and formatting
All `Temporal` types have a string representation for persistence and interoperability.
-The correspondence between types and strings is shown below.
-For more information about extensions to the ISO 8601 / RFC 3339 standards that are used by Temporal and which are intended to be put on a standards track, see [ISO string extensions](./iso-string-ext.md).
+The correspondence between types and machine-readable strings is shown below.
+For more information about string parsing, serialization, and formatting in `Temporal` (including how Temporal is using industry standards like ISO 8601 and RFC 3339), see [String Parsing, Serialization, and Formatting](./strings.md).
-## Other Documentation
-### **Key Concepts**
+## Other documentation
- [Ambiguity](./ambiguity.md) — Explanation of missing times and double times due to daylight saving and time zone changes.
- [Balancing](./balancing.md) — Explanation of when `Temporal.Duration` units wrap around to 0 and when they don't.
-- [ISO String Extensions](./iso-string-ext.md) — Discussion of extensions to the ISO 8601 and/or RFC 3339 standards which are used by `Temporal`.
- [Why do Temporal instances have a Calendar?](./calendar-review.md) — Background about why types like `Temporal.PlainDate` or `Temporal.PlainDate` contain a calendar.
These extensions are being actively worked on with IETF to get them on a standards track.
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-# ECMAScript Extended ISO-8601 / RFC 3339 Strings
-[ISO-8601](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601) and [RFC 3339](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339) are the industry standards for machine-readable serialization of dates and times.
-However, there are three key use cases that are helpful for ECMAScript users that are not covered in ISO-8601 or RFC 3339:
-1. IANA Time Zone Names
-2. Month/Day Syntax
-3. Calendar Systems
-This document addresses addenda to the ISO-8601 and/or RFC 3339 spec for string serialization in the ECMAScript `Temporal` proposal.
-## IANA Time Zone Names
-There is precedent in other popular datetime libraries, such as Joda Time (now java.time), for appending time zone names in brackets.
-We intend to fully support this syntax in ECMAScript, both input and output.
-For example:
-Neither ISO-8601 nor RFC 3339 specifications mention this syntax, but it is adopted in `Temporal` as a de-facto industry standard.
-The time zone string is written according to the rules of the time zone database (see [timezone.md](timezone.md)).
-These rules are documented [here](https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/eggert/tz/blob/master/theory.html):
-> Use only valid POSIX file name components (i.e., the parts of names other than `'/'`).
-> Do not use the file name components `'.'` and `'..'`.
-> Within a file name component, use only ASCII letters, `'.'`, `'-'` and `'_'`.
-> Do not use digits, as that might create an ambiguity with POSIX TZ strings.
-> A file name component must not exceed 14 characters or start with `'-'`.
-## Month/Day Syntax
-ISO-8601 and RFC 3339 specify syntax appropriate for `Temporal.PlainDate`, `Temporal.PlainTime`, `Temporal.PlainDateTime`, and `Temporal.PlainYearMonth`, but not `Temporal.PlainMonthDay` except in the special case of a duration.
-Therefore, `Temporal` defines the following convention for month/day strings:
-The above string would signify July 4 in the ISO calendar.
-RFC 3339 includes `--07-04` for a date without year component.
-In the current spec, we accept this but don't emit it.
-## Calendar Systems
-In order to achieve round-trip persistence for `Temporal` objects using non-ISO calendar systems, it's needed to add a calendar system identifier to the string syntax.
-The authors of this proposal are unaware of existing precedent for expressing a calendar system in an ISO 8601 and/or RFC 3339 string.
-Therefore, we are proposing the following extension:
-_Calendar-specific dates are expressed as their equivalent date in the ISO calendar system, with a suffix signifying the calendar system into which the ISO date should be converted when read by a computer._
-For example, when parsed, the following string would represent the date **28 Iyar 5780** in the Hebrew calendar:
-The syntax of the calendar suffix is currently being proposed for standardization with the CalConnect and IETF Calsify standards bodies.
-The calendar identifiers [are defined by CLDR](http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/#UnicodeCalendarIdentifier) as [a sequence of 3-8 character BCP47 subtags](http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/#unicode_locale_extensions).
-The list of calendar identifiers currently supported by CLDR is:
-- `buddhist`
-- `chinese`
-- `coptic`
-- `dangi`
-- `ethioaa`
-- `ethiopic`
-- `gregory`
-- `hebrew`
-- `indian`
-- `islamic`
-- `islamic-umalqura`
-- `islamic-tbla`
-- `islamic-civil`
-- `islamic-rgsa`
-- `iso8601`
-- `japanese`
-- `persian`
-- `roc`
-- `islamicc` (deprecated in favor of `islamic-civil`)
-Example of a maximal length string containing both an IANA time zone name and a calendar system:
-### Calendar-dependent YearMonth and MonthDay
-Based on the data model discussion in [#391](https://github.com/tc39/proposal-temporal/issues/391), `Temporal.YearMonth` and `Temporal.MonthDay` use the `Temporal.PlainDate` data model when in a non-ISO calendar system.
-For example, a `Temporal` object using the Hebrew calendar might store "Iyar 5780" in a `Temporal.YearMonth` using `2020-04-25` which is the first day of that month in the ISO calendar.
-When expressed as an ISO string, we would say:
-Because it is ambiguous whether that string represents a `Temporal.PlainDate`, `Temporal.YearMonth`, or `Temporal.MonthDay`, the appropriate `Temporal` constructor must be chosen in order to get the expected data type back out.
-## String Persistence Overview
-All `Temporal` types have a string representation for persistence and interoperability.
-Most of these types only require existing standards, with a few exceptions noted above.
-The correspondence between types and strings is shown below.
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@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ const zonedDateTime = Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from({
}); // => 1995-12-07T03:24:30.0000035-08:00[America/Los_Angeles]
-これは Tempral において最も多くの情報を持つタイプであり、`Temporal.TimeZone`、`Temporal.Instant`、`Temporal.PlainDateTime`(これには `Temporal.Calendar` が含まれます)の組み合わせとしてみなせます。
+これは Temporal において最も多くの情報を持つタイプであり、`Temporal.TimeZone`、`Temporal.Instant`、`Temporal.PlainDateTime`(これには `Temporal.Calendar` が含まれます)の組み合わせとしてみなせます。
より詳しくは[Temporal.ZonedDateTime Documentation](../zoneddatetime.md)を参照してください。
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ date.daysInYear; // => 365
## 文字列による永続性
-すべての`Temporal`タイプは、永続性や相互運用性のために文字列による表現を持っています。各タイプと文字列表現の対応を以下に示します。Temporal で使用されている ISO 8601 や RFC 3339 に関する、より詳細な情報と標準化に向けた取り組みに関しては[ECMAScript 拡張の ISO-8601 と RFC 3339](./iso-string-ext.md)を参照してください。
+すべての`Temporal`タイプは、永続性や相互運用性のために文字列による表現を持っています。各タイプと文字列表現の対応を以下に示します。Temporal で使用されている ISO 8601 や RFC 3339 に関する、より詳細な情報と標準化に向けた取り組みに関しては[ECMAScript 拡張の ISO-8601 と RFC 3339](./strings.md)を参照してください。
@@ -234,5 +234,4 @@ date.daysInYear; // => 365
- [曖昧性](./ambiguity.md) — 時間に関する情報が欠落して曖昧さを引き起こす仕組み、2 つのタイプの時間オブジェクトが必要な理由、サマータイムやタイムゾーンの定義変更による影響
- [バランシング](./balancing.md) — `Temporal.Duration`の単位が、いつ繰り上げされる(またはされない)のかについての説明
-- [ISO 文字列の拡張](./iso-string-ext.md) — `Temporal`で使用されている ISO 8601 および RFC 3339 の拡張に関する議論、IETF と連携した標準化への取り組み
- [なぜ Temporal インスタンスはカレンダーの情報を持っているのか?](./calendar-review.md) — `Temporal.PlainDate`や`Temporal.PlainDate`がカレンダーシステムを保持している理由と背景
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