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Godot Swift tutorials

jump to:

  1. basic usage (sources)
  2. advanced methods (sources)
  3. advanced properties (sources)
  4. signals (sources)
  5. life cycle management (sources)
  6. using custom types (sources)

basic usage


Key terms:

  • library interface
  • nativescript interface
  • binding operator
  • delegate

getting started

Start by creating two directories: game, which contains a Godot project, and swift, which will contain the Swift-language sources for a GDNative Swift library. Inside the swift folder, create an empty file named library.swift. The folder structure should look like this:

├── Package.swift
├── game/
│   ├── project.godot 
│   └── ...
└── swift/
    └── library.swift

Note: There is no requirement that the Godot project directory be adjacent to the Swift sources directory. There are also no restrictions on the layout of the Swift sources, as long as the PackageDescription API can understand it.

The Godot package (this repository) provides two targets, GodotNative, and GodotNativeScript.

Declare a target, and a product, for the Swift library as follows:

    .library(name: "godot-swift-examples", type: .dynamic, targets: ["Examples"]),


    .target(name:        "Examples", 
        dependencies:   ["GodotNative"], 
        path:            "swift", 
        plugins:        ["GodotNativeScript"])

The library target depends on GodotNative, and of course, uses the GodotNativeScript plugin. The GodotNative dependency is only used by code generated from the GodotNativeScript plugin; you should never need to import it in code you write yourself.

The library product must be marked as a dynamic library product. This will direct the Swift Package Manager to build a shared library which can be loaded by the Godot engine as a GDNativeLibrary.

Let’s try to compile our empty library project, using the following swift build invocation:

$ SWIFTPM_ENABLE_PLUGINS=1 swift build --product godot-swift-examples -c debug

Note: Because Swift package plugins are still an experimental feature, we must explicitly enable it by setting the SWIFTPM_ENABLE_PLUGINS=1 environment variable. In future toolchains, this will not be necessary.

The initial build may take a while, since Godot Swift needs to generate and compile a large number of API bindings for Godot’s built-in classes. However, we can see that the build ultimately fails with the following errors:

(sub-build) common.swift:437:12: error: type 'Godot.Library' does not conform to protocol 'Godot.NativeLibrary'
(sub-build)     struct Library:NativeLibrary 
(sub-build)            ^
(sub-build) common.swift:381:9: note: protocol requires property 'interface' with type 'Godot.Library.Interface'; 
            do you want to add a stub?
(sub-build)     var interface:Godot.Library.Interface 
(sub-build)         ^

This is because the GodotNativeScript plugin expects you to define a library interface for your Swift library. A library interface specifies the Swift types available to Godot, and the nativescripts they are exported as.

We have not yet written any nativescripts, so let’s create one now. Create a new Swift file basic-usage.swift.

├── Package.swift
├── game/
│   ├── project.godot 
│   └── ...
└── swift/
    ├── library.swift
    └── basic-usage.swift

Declare a class MySwiftClass in basic-usage.swift, and conform it to the Godot.NativeScript protocol. The Godot.NativeScript protocol requires you to define an initializer which takes a single delegate object parameter. The static type of the delegate object satisfies the associatedtype requirement Delegate in the Godot.NativeScript protocol, and specifies the GDScript class that this nativescript should be attached to. For this example, we will assume our MySwiftClass nativescript will be attached to a Godot.Unmanaged.Spatial node (Godot::Spatial), or one of its subclasses.

We will explore delegate objects in more detail in a later tutorial. For now, we will simply ignore the delegate parameter, and define an empty initializer.

// basic-usage.swift

class MySwiftClass:Godot.NativeScript
    init(delegate _:Godot.Unmanaged.Spatial)

Note: Any named Swift type (class, struct, enum, etc.) can be used as a nativescript, but nativescripts are immutable, so any nativescript with internal state should be defined as a class.

Next, we define the library interface in library.swift by extending the Godot.Library type. (This structure is generated by Godot Swift.) The static interface variable can be written as a result builder, and we can add our MySwiftClass type to the interface by using the binding operator<-’. The nativescript type object goes on the left side of this operator, and a string containing its exported GDScript name goes on the right side.

// library.swift 

extension Godot.Library 
    var interface:Interface 
        MySwiftClass.self <- "MyExportedSwiftClass"

Note: It is possible to bind the same Swift type to more than one GDScript symbol. Godot will see the bindings as separate nativescript types, but they will share the same interfaces and implementation.

Finally, let’s give it a mutable property foo:Int, and a method bar(delegate:x:), which multiplies its Int parameter by

// basic-usage.swift

class MySwiftClass:Godot.NativeScript
    init(delegate _:Godot.Unmanaged.Spatial)
    var foo:Int = 5

    func bar(delegate _:Godot.Unmanaged.Spatial, x:Int) -> Int 
    { * x

If we try to recompile it, we will see that the build now succeeds:

$ SWIFTPM_ENABLE_PLUGINS=1 swift build --product godot-swift-examples -c debug
starting two-stage build...
note: searching for dynamic library products containing the target 'Examples'
note: found product 'godot-swift-examples'
note: using product 'godot-swift-examples'
inspecting sub-build product ''
found 1 nativescript interface(s):
[0]: Examples.MySwiftClass <- (Godot::MyExportedSwiftClass)
    (0 properties)
    (0 methods)
    (0 signals)
synthesizing variadic templates (0 signatures)
synthesizing Godot.NativeScript conformances (1 types)
[0]: Examples.MySwiftClass
Build complete!

The Godot Swift plugin will log a large amount of information reporting what it detected, generated, and compiled, which we will explore in more detail in a later tutorial. For now, we can observe that it picked up the MySwiftClass type from the Examples module, and is binding it to the GDScript symbol Godot::MyExportedSwiftClass.

Warning: Godot Swift will only synthesize Godot.NativeScript conformances for types that are declared in the library interface. If you do not declare a nativescript type in the library interface, its Godot.NativeScript conformance will be incomplete, and the build will fail.

We can also observe that even though we gave MySwiftClass a property and a method, Godot Swift generated no bindings for them. To make them usable from GDScript, we need to add them to the nativescript interface for MySwiftClass.

Nativescript interfaces look a lot like library interfaces. Bind properties through KeyPaths using the <- operator. If the nativescript is a class, the keypath will instead be inferred as a ReferenceWritableKeyPath, which supports mutation.

You can also use the <- operator to bind functions to GDScript methods. The first parameter of the bound function must be a delegate object of the same static type as the nativescript’s associated Delegate type.

A bound function can take any number of additional (strongly-typed) parameters; Godot Swift will generate the necessary generic templates. Any type that conforms to Godot.VariantRepresentable can be used as a parameter or return type. In this example, we are using Int, which Godot Swift already provides a built-in conformance for. We will learn how to define Godot.VariantRepresentable conformances for custom types in a later tutorial.

Note: A method bound by the <- does not need to be a member function of the nativescript type. The only requirement is that it has the signature (T) -> (T.Delegate, U0, U1, ... ) -> V, where T is the nativescript type (in this case, MySwiftClass), T.Delegate is its associated delegate type (in this case, Godot.Unmanaged.Spatial), and U0, U1, V, etc. are its parameter and return types.

Of course, any member function of the nativescript type satisfies this requirement, as long as its first parameter has the type T.Delegate.

We can declare an interface for MySwiftClass as follows:

// basic-usage.swift

extension MySwiftClass 
    var interface:Interface 
            \.foo <- "foo"
            bar(delegate:x:) <- "bar"

Note: The bar(delegate:x:) expression on the left hand side of the <- operator in the method list is a curried function of type (MySwiftClass) -> (Godot.Unmanaged.Spatial, Int) -> Int.

If we recompile, we can observe that Godot Swift is now picking up one property and one method:

found 1 nativescript interface(s):
[0]: Examples.MySwiftClass <- (Godot::MyExportedSwiftClass)
    (1 property)
    (1 method)
    (0 signals)

installing library resources

The next step is to install our binary library products in our Godot game project. You can do this manually, as you would when using a framework like godot-cpp, or you can use the build python script (available in the repository root), which will compile the library and generate the necessary .gdnlib and .gdns resource files for you.

Note: The build script currently only works on Linux. You can help port it to MacOS! (This should only require changing a few paths and file extensions.)

To use the build script, pass it an installation path, which should be a directory in your Godot project.

./build -c debug --install game/libraries
installing to 'res://libraries/' in project 'game'

On script termination, you should now see the Swift library files installed in the game project at the specified path:

└── game/
    ├── project.godot 
    └── libraries/
        ├── godot-swift-examples/ 
        │   ├── library.gdnlib 
        │   └── MyExportedSwiftClass.gdns

Now, let’s open up the Godot editor, and create a simple scene main.tscn, and a script

└── game/
    ├── main.tscn 
    ├── project.godot 
    └── libraries/
        ├── godot-swift-examples/ 
        │   ├── library.gdnlib 
        │   └── MyExportedSwiftClass.gdns

In the main.tscn scene, create two nodes: a root node root, and a child node root/delegate, of type Godot::Spatial:

○ root:Node 
└── ○ delegate:Spatial 

Attach the MyExportedSwiftClass.gdns nativescript to the root/delegate node, and attach the script to the root node.

○ root:Node             (
└── ○ delegate:Spatial  (MyExportedSwiftClass.gdns)

In the script, add the following code, which interacts with its delegate child:

extends Node

func _ready():
    $ += 1

If we run the game, we can now see the Swift library working as expected.

(swift) registering MySwiftClass as nativescript 'Godot::MyExportedSwiftClass'
(swift) registering (function) as method 'Godot::MyExportedSwiftClass::bar'
(swift) registering (function) as property 'Godot::MyExportedSwiftClass::foo'

advanced methods


Key terms:

  • tuple splatting

This tutorial assumes you already have the project from the basic usage tutorial set up.

Add a new source file, advanced-methods.swift, to the Swift library.

├── Package.swift
├── game/
│   ├── project.godot 
│   ├── main.tscn 
│   ├── 
│   ├── libraries/ 
│   └── ...
└── swift/
    ├── library.swift
    ├── basic-usage.swift
    └── advanced-methods.swift

Define a new nativescript class, SwiftAdvancedMethods, and add it to the library interface in library.swift

// advanced-methods.swift 

class SwiftAdvancedMethods:Godot.NativeScript
    init(delegate _:Godot.Unmanaged.Spatial)
// library.swift 

extension Godot.Library 
    var interface:Interface 
        MySwiftClass.self           <- "MyExportedSwiftClass"
        SwiftAdvancedMethods.self   <- "SwiftAdvancedMethods"

Now, let’s explore some of the kinds of nativescript methods we can write using Godot Swift.

Void parameters

Although there aren’t many good use cases for this, you can define a method that takes a Godot::null parameter by specifying its type in Swift as Void (sometimes written as the empty tuple ()).

    func voidArgument(delegate _:Godot.Unmanaged.Spatial, void _:Void)  
        Godot.print("hello from \(#function)")

A Void argument does not mean “no argument”; you must call such a function from GDScript by explicitly passing null.


Optional parameters

Any Godot.VariantRepresentable type can be used as a method parameter type. For example, Optional<Int> is variant-representable (by the union type of Godot::null and Godot::int), which means we can define the following method:

    func optionalArgument(delegate _:Godot.Unmanaged.Spatial, int:Int?)  
        Godot.print("hello from \(#function), received \(int as Any)")

Such a method can be called from GDScript with either an integer argument, or null.


multiple parameters

Methods can take any number of parameters, as long as the first parameter is Self.Delegate. The trailing parameters must be Godot.VariantRepresentable, but there is no requirement that they be of the same type. Godot Swift will generate the necessary variadic generic templates for you.

    func multipleArguments(delegate _:Godot.Unmanaged.Spatial, 
        bool:Bool, int:Int16, vector:Vector2<Float64>)  
        Godot.print("hello from \(#function), received \(bool), \(int), \(vector)")

You can find a list of all the built-in Godot.VariantRepresentable types you can use in the API reference.

tuple splatting

Godot Swift supports tuple splatting. This feature allows you to automatically destructure Godot::Array parameters into strongly-typed tuple forms.

    func tupleArgument(delegate _:Godot.Unmanaged.Spatial, tuple:(String, (String, String)))  
        Godot.print("hello from \(#function), received \(tuple)")

To call such a function from GDScript, pass it a Godot::Array of the expected form:

    var strings:Array = [
            'element (0)', [
                'element (1, 0)', 
                'element (1, 1)'

You can also specify the Swift type of a Godot::Array parameter as Godot.List, to receive variable-length, type-erased Godot lists:

    func listArgument(delegate _:Godot.Unmanaged.Spatial, list:Godot.List)  
        Godot.print("hello from \(#function), received list (\(list.count) elements)")
        for (i, element):(Int, Godot.Variant?) in list.enumerated()
            Godot.print("[\(i)]: \(element as Any)")

Both forms are called in the exact same way from GDScript.

inout parameters

Godot Swift supports inout parameters.

    func inoutArgument(delegate _:Godot.Unmanaged.Spatial, int:inout Int)  
        Godot.print("hello from \(#function)")
        int += 2

When called from GDScript, the integer argument passed to this function will be updated when the method returns.

Tuple splatting also works with inout.

    func inoutTupleArgument(delegate _:Godot.Unmanaged.Spatial, tuple:inout (String, (String, String)))  
        Godot.print("hello from \(#function), received \(tuple)")
        tuple.1.0 = "new string"

The list elements are updated individually. Overwriting the entire tuple aggregate does not replace the Godot::Array instance itself.

Warning: GDScript has no concept of inout parameters, which means that modifying passed arguments may constitute unexpected behavior. Swift methods that modify their arguments should be clearly documented as such.

return values

Any Godot.VariantRepresentable type can be used as a method return type. For example, we can return an Optional<Int> as follows:

    func optionalReturn(delegate _:Godot.Unmanaged.Spatial, int:Int) -> Int?  
        int < 0 ? nil : int

Tuple splatting also works with return values. The following nativescript method produces a two-element Godot::Array when called from GDScript:

    func tupleReturn(delegate _:Godot.Unmanaged.Spatial) -> (Float32, Float64?)  
        return (.pi, nil)

The first element will become a Godot::float in GDScript, and the second element will become either a Godot::float, or Godot::null.

putting it together

Before we can test our Godot Swift methods in GDScript, we need to add them to SwiftAdvancedMethods’s nativescript interface.

// advanced-methods.swift 

extension SwiftAdvancedMethods 
    var interface:Interface 
            voidArgument(delegate:void:)                    <- "void_argument"
            optionalArgument(delegate:int:)                 <- "optional_argument"
            multipleArguments(delegate:bool:int:vector:)    <- "multiple_arguments"
            tupleArgument(delegate:tuple:)                  <- "tuple_argument"
            listArgument(delegate:list:)                    <- "list_argument"
            inoutArgument(delegate:int:)                    <- "inout_argument"
            inoutTupleArgument(delegate:tuple:)             <- "inout_tuple_argument"
            optionalReturn(delegate:int:)                   <- "optional_return"
            tupleReturn(delegate:)                          <- "tuple_return"

Compile and install the Swift library using the build script:

$ ./build -c debug -i examples/game/libraries
inspecting sub-build product ''
note: in directory '.build/plugins/outputs/godot-swift/examples/GodotNativeScript/.build/debug'
note: through entrypoint '__inspector_entrypoint_loader__'
found 2 nativescript interface(s):
[0]: Examples.MySwiftClass <- (Godot::MyExportedSwiftClass)
    (1 property)
    (1 method)
    (0 signals)
[1]: Examples.SwiftAdvancedMethods <- (Godot::SwiftAdvancedMethods)
    (0 properties)
    (9 methods)
    (0 signals)
generating file 'registration.swift'
note: in directory '.build/plugins/outputs/godot-swift/examples/GodotNativeScript'
synthesizing variadic templates (8 signatures)
[0]: (T.Delegate) -> (V0, V1)
[1]: (T.Delegate, (U0, (U1, U2))) -> Void
[2]: (T.Delegate, U0) -> V0
[3]: (T.Delegate, U0) -> Void
[4]: (T.Delegate, U0, U1, U2) -> Void
[5]: (T.Delegate, Void) -> Void
[6]: (T.Delegate, inout (U0, (U1, U2))) -> Void
[7]: (T.Delegate, inout U0) -> Void
synthesizing Godot.NativeScript conformances (2 types)
[0]: Examples.MySwiftClass
[1]: Examples.SwiftAdvancedMethods
installing to 'res://libraries/' in project 'game'

We can observe that Godot Swift generated eight generic templates, covering the signatures of the nine methods we defined on SwiftAdvancedMethods. (The optionalArgument(delegate:int:) and listArgument(delegate:list:) methods share a single template.)

Add a new scene, advanced-methods.tscn, to the Godot project, and give it a root node root and a child node delegate of type Godot::Spatial. Create a GDScript script, and attach it to the root node.

└── game/
    ├── project.godot 
    ├── main.tscn 
    ├── advanced-methods.tscn 
    └── libraries/
        ├── godot-swift-examples/ 
        │   ├── library.gdnlib 
        │   ├── MyExportedSwiftClass.gdns
        │   └── SwiftAdvancedMethods.gdns

Attach the SwiftAdvancedMethods nativescript to the delegate node.

// advanced-methods.tscn

○ root:Node             (
└── ○ delegate:Spatial  (SwiftAdvancedMethods.gdns)

Add the following demo code to the script:

extends Node

func _ready():
    $delegate.multiple_arguments(true, 3, Vector2(0.5, 0.75))
    var strings:Array = [
        'element (0)', [
            'element (1, 0)', 
            'element (1, 1)'
    var x:int = 5 
    print('old value of `x`: ', x)
    print('new value of `x`: ', x)
    print('old value of `strings`: ', strings)
    print('new value of `strings`: ', strings)
    print('non-negative: ', $delegate.optional_return( 1))
    print('non-negative: ', $delegate.optional_return(-1))

    print('returned tuple: ', $delegate.tuple_return())

If we launch the advanced-methods.tscn scene from the Godot editor, we can see the Swift methods in action. Output printed from Swift is prefixed with the string '(swift)'; output printed from GDScript is emitted as-is.

(swift) registering MySwiftClass as nativescript 'Godot::MyExportedSwiftClass'
(swift) registering (function) as method 'Godot::MyExportedSwiftClass::bar'
(swift) registering (function) as property 'Godot::MyExportedSwiftClass::foo'
(swift) registering SwiftAdvancedMethods as nativescript 'Godot::SwiftAdvancedMethods'
(swift) registering (function) as method 'Godot::SwiftAdvancedMethods::void_argument'
(swift) registering (function) as method 'Godot::SwiftAdvancedMethods::optional_argument'
(swift) registering (function) as method 'Godot::SwiftAdvancedMethods::multiple_arguments'
(swift) registering (function) as method 'Godot::SwiftAdvancedMethods::tuple_argument'
(swift) registering (function) as method 'Godot::SwiftAdvancedMethods::list_argument'
(swift) registering (function) as method 'Godot::SwiftAdvancedMethods::inout_argument'
(swift) registering (function) as method 'Godot::SwiftAdvancedMethods::inout_tuple_argument'
(swift) registering (function) as method 'Godot::SwiftAdvancedMethods::optional_return'
(swift) registering (function) as method 'Godot::SwiftAdvancedMethods::tuple_return'
(swift) hello from voidArgument(delegate:void:)
(swift) hello from optionalArgument(delegate:int:), received Optional(10)
(swift) hello from optionalArgument(delegate:int:), received nil
(swift) hello from multipleArguments(delegate:bool:int:vector:), received true, 3, Vector(0.5, 0.75)
(swift) hello from tupleArgument(delegate:tuple:), received ("element (0)", ("element (1, 0)", "element (1, 1)"))
(swift) hello from listArgument(delegate:list:), received list (2 elements)
(swift) [0]: Optional(Examples.Godot.String)
(swift) [1]: Optional(Examples.Godot.List)
old value of `x`: 5
(swift) hello from inoutArgument(delegate:int:)
new value of `x`: 7
old value of `strings`: [element (0), [element (1, 0), element (1, 1)]]
(swift) hello from inoutTupleArgument(delegate:tuple:), received ("element (0)", ("element (1, 0)", "element (1, 1)"))
new value of `strings`: [element (0), [new string, element (1, 1)]]
non-negative: 1
non-negative: Null
returned tuple: [3.141593, Null]

advanced properties


This tutorial assumes you already have the project from the basic usage tutorial set up.

Define a new nativescript class, SwiftAdvancedProperties, in advanced-properties.swift, and add it to the library interface in library.swift.

├── Package.swift
├── game/
│   ├── project.godot 
│   ├── main.tscn 
│   ├── 
│   ├── advanced-methods.tscn 
│   ├── 
│   ├── libraries/ 
│   └── ...
└── swift/
    ├── library.swift
    ├── basic-usage.swift
    ├── advanced-methods.swift
    └── advanced-properties.swift
// advanced-properties.swift 

class SwiftAdvancedProperties:Godot.NativeScript 
    var radians:Float64 
    var degrees:Float64 
        self.radians * 180.0 / .pi
    var array:[Int]
    init(delegate _:Godot.Unmanaged.Spatial)
        self.radians    = 0.5 * .pi
        self.array      = [10, 11, 12]
// library.swift 

extension Godot.Library 
    var interface:Interface 
        MySwiftClass.self               <- "MyExportedSwiftClass"
        SwiftAdvancedMethods.self       <- "SwiftAdvancedMethods"
        SwiftAdvancedProperties.self    <- "SwiftAdvancedProperties"

We already saw in the basic usage tutorial how to register a settable property, by using a ReferenceWritableKeyPath.

// advanced-properties.swift 

extension SwiftAdvancedProperties
    var interface:Interface 
            \.radians   <- "radians"

We can also export a get-only property, by using an ordinary, immutable KeyPath.

            \.degrees   <- "degrees"

Attempting to set to a get-only property from GDScript is an error.

    $delegate.degrees = 5
ERROR: <-(_:_:): (swift) cannot assign to get-only property 'degrees'

Note: The Swift type inferencer will prefer ReferenceWritableKeyPath over KeyPath if the target property is settable.

Any valid Swift keypath can be used as a GDScript property accessor. For example, we can expose elements in self.array by using subscript keypaths:

            \.array[0]  <- "elements_0"
            \.array[1]  <- "elements_1"
            \.array[2]  <- "elements_2"

Note: Indexed GDScript properties are not supported (yet).

We can build, install, and demo the SwiftAdvancedProperties nativescript in a new scene advanced-properties.tscn.

└── game/
    ├── project.godot 
    ├── main.tscn 
    ├── advanced-methods.tscn 
    ├── advanced-properties.tscn 
    └── libraries/
        ├── godot-swift-examples/ 
        │   ├── library.gdnlib 
        │   ├── MyExportedSwiftClass.gdns
        │   └── SwiftAdvancedMethods.gdns
        │   └── SwiftAdvancedProperties.gdns
// advanced-properties.tscn

○ root:Node             (
└── ○ delegate:Spatial  (SwiftAdvancedProperties.gdns)

extends Node

func _ready():
    print('radians: ', $delegate.radians)
    print('degrees: ', $delegate.degrees)
    $delegate.radians = 0.678 * PI
    print('radians: ', $delegate.radians)
    print('degrees: ', $delegate.degrees)
    # $delegate.degrees = 5
    print('element 0: ', $delegate.elements_0)
    print('element 1: ', $delegate.elements_1)
    print('element 2: ', $delegate.elements_2)
(swift) registering SwiftAdvancedProperties as nativescript 'Godot::SwiftAdvancedProperties'
(swift) registering (function) as property 'Godot::SwiftAdvancedProperties::radians'
(swift) registering (function) as property 'Godot::SwiftAdvancedProperties::degrees'
(swift) registering (function) as property 'Godot::SwiftAdvancedProperties::elements_0'
(swift) registering (function) as property 'Godot::SwiftAdvancedProperties::elements_1'
(swift) registering (function) as property 'Godot::SwiftAdvancedProperties::elements_2'
radians: 1.570796
degrees: 90
radians: 2.13
degrees: 122.04
element 0: 10
element 1: 11
element 2: 12



Key terms:

  • signal definition
  • signal interface
  • signal value

This tutorial assumes you already have the project from the basic usage tutorial set up.

Assuming you completed any of the previous three tutorials, you should already know how to define and declare a Swift nativescript, so we won’t go over that again.

To create a signal definition, declare a type MySignal, and conform it to the protocol Godot.Signal.

class SwiftSignals:Godot.NativeScript 
    enum MySignal:Godot.Signal 

The signal definition type has an associatedtype Value, which specifies the signal value type. In this example, we will set the Value type to (foo:Int, bar:Float64).

        typealias Value = (foo:Int, bar:Float64)

Note: The signal definition type does not need to actually store the signal value; its purpose is simply to specify the name and format of the signal. In general, a signal definition type should simply be an uninhabited enum. This lets you abstract signal formats from signal values, for example, to reuse the same signal value type for multiple signals.

The Godot.Signal protocol requires you to specify a signal interface, which specifies the order and names of the fields in the signal.

        var interface:Interface 
            \.foo <- "foo"
            \.bar <- "bar"

Finally, we must specify the signal’s name through the required static name property:

        var name:String 

To emit a signal, pass a value for it, and a signal definition type to the emit(signal:as:) method on the delegate.

    init(delegate _:Godot.Unmanaged.Spatial) 

    func baz(delegate:Godot.Unmanaged.Spatial) 
        delegate.emit(signal: (6, 5.55), as: MySignal.self)

Any delegate can emit any signal, but if we want anything to be able to listen for it, we need to add it to the nativescript interface. Here, we have also added the baz(delegate:) trigger method to the interface, for demonstration purposes.

    var interface:Interface 
            baz(delegate:) <- "baz"

To demo the signal, set up a new scene signals.tscn, with a root node, delegate node, and this time, a listener node.

// signals.tscn

○ root:Node             (
├── ○ listener:Node     (
└── ○ delegate:Spatial  (SwiftSignals.gdns)

After attaching the SwiftSignals nativescript to the delegate node in the Godot editor, we can see that it now has a signal my_signal(foo:int:).

○ SwiftSignals.gdns 
└── [→ my_signal(foo: int, bar: float)

Connect the signal to the listener node in the editor.

○ SwiftSignals.gdns 
└── [→ my_signal(foo: int, bar: float)
    └── →] ../listener :: _on_delegate_my_signal()

Fill out the and scripts, and launch the signals.tscn scene to see the Swift signal in action:


extends Node

func _ready():

extends Node

func _ready():

func _on_delegate_my_signal(foo, bar):
    print('received signal: (foo: ', foo, ', bar: ', bar, ')')
(swift) registering SwiftSignals as nativescript 'Godot::SwiftSignals'
(swift) registering (function) as method 'Godot::SwiftSignals::baz'
(swift) registering MySignal as signal 'Godot::SwiftSignals::my_signal'
received signal: (foo: 6, bar: 5.55)

life cycle management


All Swift nativescripts are memory-managed by Godot Swift. However, their life cycles are dependent on the life cycles of the delegates they are attached to, which means that if a nativescript’s delegate owner leaks, so will the nativescript.

To demonstrate this, let’s define two nativescript classes, SwiftUnmanaged, and SwiftManaged. The SwiftUnmanaged nativescript will be attached to a Godot::Node (Godot.Unmanaged.Node) delegate, which is an unmanaged delegate type, and the SwiftManaged nativescript will be attached to a Godot::Reference (Godot.AnyObject) delegate, which is a managed delegate type.

// life-cycle-management.swift

class SwiftUnmanaged:Godot.NativeScript
    init(delegate _:Godot.Unmanaged.Node) 
        Godot.print("initialized instance of '\(Self.self)'")
        Godot.print("deinitialized instance of '\(Self.self)'")
class SwiftManaged:Godot.NativeScript
    init(delegate _:Godot.AnyObject) 
        Godot.print("initialized instance of '\(Self.self)'")
        Godot.print("deinitialized instance of '\(Self.self)'")

Note: All Swift nativescripts are memory-managed, even if they are structs or enums. In this example, we have defined SwiftUnmanaged and SwiftManaged as Swift classes, so that we can observe their deinitializations through the deinit observer.

You may already be aware that a dynamically-allocated Godot::Node instance will leak if not manually freed later:


extends Node

const SwiftUnmanaged    = preload("res://libraries/godot-swift-examples/SwiftUnmanaged.gdns")
const SwiftManaged      = preload("res://libraries/godot-swift-examples/SwiftManaged.gdns")

func _ready():
    var unmanaged:Node =

Godot Swift has a built-in ARC sanitizer which is enabled if you run the build script in debug mode. It will track and report leaked Swift nativescripts on game termination. As of Godot 3.3.0, the game engine also has its own ARC sanitizer, which reports leaked delegates.

WARNING: deinit: (swift) detected 1 leaked instance of Examples.SwiftUnmanaged:
    1 leaked instance of 'SwiftUnmanaged'
   At: .build/plugins/outputs/godot-swift/examples/GodotNativeScript/classes.swift:845.
WARNING: cleanup: ObjectDB instances leaked at exit (run with --verbose for details).
   At: core/object.cpp:2132.

Note: The Godot Swift ARC sanitizer only tracks Swift nativescripts. It will not track delegates; the Godot engine’s own ARC sanitizer handles that.

To prevent this issue, manually free the the unmanaged node with queue_free().


Delegate types that inherit from Godot.AnyObject (Godot::Reference) are memory-managed by Godot, which means nativescripts attached to them are also memory-managed. The SwiftManaged instances in the following code will be automatically deinitialized when exiting the _ready() function scope.

    var managed_instances:Array = [,,,


    managed_instances = []
(swift) registering SwiftManaged as nativescript 'Godot::SwiftManaged'
(swift) registering SwiftUnmanaged as nativescript 'Godot::SwiftUnmanaged'
(swift) initialized instance of 'SwiftUnmanaged'
(swift) initialized instance of 'SwiftManaged'
(swift) initialized instance of 'SwiftManaged'
(swift) initialized instance of 'SwiftManaged'
[[Reference:1209], [Reference:1210], [Reference:1211]]
(swift) deinitialized instance of 'SwiftManaged'
(swift) deinitialized instance of 'SwiftManaged'
(swift) deinitialized instance of 'SwiftManaged'
(swift) deinitialized instance of 'SwiftUnmanaged'

using custom types


This tutorial assumes you already have the project from the basic usage tutorial set up.

So far, we have only used Godot Swift’s built-in Godot.VariantRepresentable types. In this tutorial, we will define and use custom types conforming to this protocol.

one-to-one types

To start, let’s define a type InputEvents which holds two Godot objects — an instance of Godot.InputEventMouseButton, and an instance of Godot.InputEventKey.

// custom-types.swift 

struct InputEvents:Godot.VariantRepresentable
    let events:(mouse:Godot.InputEventMouseButton, key:Godot.InputEventKey)

The Godot.VariantRepresentable protocol has the following requirements:

protocol Godot.VariantRepresentable 
    var variantType:Godot.VariantType
    func takeUnretained(_:Godot.Unmanaged.Variant) -> Self?
    func passRetained() -> Godot.Unmanaged.Variant 

The static variantType property requirement is the simplest. It specifies a type hint for the conforming Swift type’s GDScript representation. It supports the following predefined cases:

Case GDScript type
void Godot::null
bool Godot::bool
int Godot::int
float Godot::float
string Godot::String
list Godot::Array
map Godot::Dictionary
vector2 Godot::Vector2
vector3 Godot::Vector3
vector4 Godot::Color
rectangle2 Godot::Rect2
rectangle3 Godot::AABB
quaternion Godot::Quat
plane3 Godot::Plane
affine2 Godot::Transform2D
affine3 Godot::Transform
linear3 Godot::Basis
nodePath Godot::NodePath
resourceIdentifier Godot::RID
delegate Godot::Object
uint8Array Godot::PoolByteArray
int32Array Godot::PoolIntArray
float32Array Godot::PoolRealArray
stringArray Godot::PoolStringArray
vector2Array Godot::PoolVector2Array
vector3Array Godot::PoolVector3Array
vector4Array Godot::PoolColorArray

If there is more than one possible GDScript type that can represent the conforming Swift type, it is acceptable to set variantType to the void case.

We want InputEvents to be represented by a two-element Godot.List (Godot::Array) in GDScript, so we set the type hint to the list case.

    var variantType:Godot.VariantType 

The next step is to implement the static takeUnretained(_:) method. It takes a parameter of type Godot.Unmanaged.Variant, which, as its name suggests, is a type storing an unmanaged Godot variant.

If you are familiar with the Swift standard library type Unmanaged<T>, the semantics here are exactly the same. That is, takeUnretained(_:) is expected to load a memory-managed instance of Self from the Godot.Unmanaged.Variant value, performing an unbalanced retain, if applicable. If the original Godot.Unmanaged.Variant is later deinitialized, the newly-loaded instance of Self should still be valid. If it is not possible to load an instance of Self from the variant data, this function should return nil.

    func takeUnretained(_ value:Godot.Unmanaged.Variant) -> Self?
        guard   let list:Godot.List = value.take(unretained: Godot.List.self), 
                    list.count == 2, 
                let mouse:Godot.InputEventMouseButton   = 
                    list[0] as? Godot.InputEventMouseButton,
                let key:Godot.InputEventKey             = 
                    list[1] as? Godot.InputEventKey
            return nil 
        return .init(events: (mouse, key))

Let’s break down what’s happening in this implementation.

Warning: Take care not to accidentally call take(unretained:) with Self.self — this will cause infinite recursion.

  • let mouse:Godot.InputEventMouseButton = list[0] as? Godot.InputEventMouseButton,

    This line retrieves the first element of list, which has static type Godot.Variant?. Its dynamic type might be Godot.AnyDelegate, which in turn, might be Godot.InputEventMouseButton, so we use the as? operator to downcast to Godot.InputEventMouseButton.

    The Godot.Variant? existentials are memory-managed by Swift, so we don’t have to do any manual cleanup if the dynamic downcast fails.

  • let key:Godot.InputEventKey = list[1] as? Godot.InputEventKey

    This line does essentially the same thing as the one above it, except it attempts to downcast to Godot.InputEventKey.

Note: Godot.InputEventMouseButton and Godot.InputEventKey are reference-counted delegates. The same code would still work for unmanaged delegate types, but their reference counts would not get incremented when loaded by take(unretained:) or the Godot.List subscript, since they do not have reference counts in the first place. This means it would be the GDScript caller’s responsibility to guarantee that the delegates are alive for the duration of the nativescript call.

The passRetained() instance method is the inverse of takeUnretained(_:). Here, we create a Godot.List literal, and convert it to an unmanaged variant using the pass(retaining:) constructor. Like the take(unretained:) method, pass(retaining:) can be used with any existing Godot.VariantRepresentable type.

It is also possible to call the passRetained() instance method on Godot.List directly, but calling the pass(retaining:) constructor is the preferred form.

    func passRetained() -> Godot.Unmanaged.Variant 
            ] as Godot.List)

As with Unmanaged<T>, the words “retained” and “retaining” indicate that an unbalanced retain will be performed, if applicable. In this example, the Godot.List literal expression creates a temporary Godot.List instance, which will be deinitialized as soon as it is no longer in use. However, the list itself will still be alive, with the unmanaged variant value storing a handle to it, which GDScript can use to retrieve it later.

union types

It is also possible to define custom Swift types that are representable by more than one GDScript type. Let’s define a type UnitRangeElement<T>, which models a floating point value in the range 0 ... 1. In the typical Swift fashion, we will make it generic over BinaryFloatingPoint.

We want UnitRangeElement<T> to be representable by both Godot::int and Godot::float, so we set the type hint to void, which in this case means “any type”.

struct UnitRangeElement<T>:Godot.VariantRepresentable 
    where T:BinaryFloatingPoint
    let value:T 
    var variantType:Godot.VariantType 

The takeUnretained(_:) implementation accepts the integer values 0 and 1, and any floating point value in the range 0 ... 1. We could attempt to load Int64 and Float64 values in a series of if let/else if let bindings, similar to what we did in the InputEvents example, but we can also load a Godot.Variant? existential, and switch over its type cases:

    func takeUnretained(_ value:Godot.Unmanaged.Variant) -> Self?
        switch value.take(unretained: Godot.Variant?.self)
        case 0 as Int64: 
            return .init(value: 0)
        case 1 as Int64:
            return .init(value: 1)
        case let value as Float64:
            guard 0 ... 1 ~= value 
            return .init(value: .init(value))
            return nil 

Note: Godot.Variant?.self is a metatype object of type Optional<Godot.Variant>.Type. This type can be thought of as an optionalized version of Godot.Variant.Protocol. Don’t confuse it with Optional<Godot.Variant.Protocol>, which is an optional metatype, not a metatype of an optional protocol type. (This is a subtle but extremely important distinction.)

The passRetained() implementation can produce either a Godot::int, if possible, or a Godot::float otherwise.

    func passRetained() -> Godot.Unmanaged.Variant 
        switch self.value 
        case 0:         return .pass(retaining: 0 as Int64)
        case 1:         return .pass(retaining: 1 as Int64)
        case let value: return .pass(retaining: Float64.init(value))

We can now define a nativescript SwiftCustomTypes to demonstrate the usage of our custom Godot.VariantRepresentable types:

class SwiftCustomTypes:Godot.NativeScript 
    var interface:Interface 
            push(delegate:inputs:) <- "push_inputs"
            \.x <- "x"
    var x:UnitRangeElement<Float32> 
            Godot.print("set `x` to \(self.x.value)")
    init(delegate _:Godot.Unmanaged.Spatial)
        self.x = .init(value: 0.5)
    func push(delegate _:Godot.Unmanaged.Spatial, inputs:InputEvents)
        Godot.print("\(#function) received inputs \(inputs)")

If we test it from GDScript, we can see InputEvents and UnitRangeElement<Float32> in action. (The commented-out lines are invalid conversions, which would raise runtime type conversion errors, according to our custom type implementations.)


extends Node

func _ready():
    var mouse:InputEventMouseButton =
    var key:InputEventKey           =
    $delegate.push_inputs([mouse, key])
    # $delegate.push_inputs([mouse])
    var zero:int = 0 
    var one:int  = 1
    $delegate.x = zero
    $delegate.x = one
    $delegate.x = 0.75 
    # $delegate.x = 1.5
    $delegate.x = 1.0 
    print(typeof($delegate.x) == TYPE_INT)
(swift) registering SwiftCustomTypes as nativescript 'Godot::SwiftCustomTypes'
(swift) registering (function) as method 'Godot::SwiftCustomTypes::push_inputs'
(swift) registering (function) as property 'Godot::SwiftCustomTypes::x'
(swift) push(delegate:inputs:) received inputs 
    InputEvents(events: (mouse: Examples.Godot.InputEventMouseButton, key: Examples.Godot.InputEventKey))
(swift) set `x` to 0.0
(swift) set `x` to 1.0
(swift) set `x` to 0.75
(swift) set `x` to 1.0

Observe that even when we set x to the floating point value 1.0, it comes back as the integer value 1, which is exactly what we expect, given our UnitRangeElement<T> implementation.