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18. Applying Redux Middleware

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In the previous lesson, we figured out the contract that we want to use for our middleware functions.

However, middleware wouldn't be very useful if everybody had to implement wrapDispatchWithMiddlewares on their own.

Now we'll remove it, and instead import a utility called applyMiddleware from Redux.

configureStore Before:

const configureStore = () => {
  const store = createStore(todoApp);
  const middlewares = [promise];

  if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {

  wrapDispatchWithMiddlewares(store, middlewares);

  return store;

Looking at our configureStore function, notice that we don't need the store right away. We can move the creation of the store down below where we specify the middleware.

We can also remove our custom wrapDispatchWithMiddlewares function, and instead we will createStore with the middleware right away.

The second argument to create store will be the result of calling applyMiddleware with my middleware functions as positional arguments.

This last argument to createStore is called an enhancer, and it's optional. If you want to specify the persistedState, you need to do this before the enhancer (you can also skip the persistedState if you don't have it).

configureStore After:

// We also deleted `wrapDispatchWithMiddlewares()`

const configureStore = () => {
  const middlewares = [promise];
  if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {

  return createStore(

Replacing our Custom Middleware

Many middlewares are available as npm packages. Both the promise and the logger middlewares that we wrote are no exceptions to this.

Running npm install --save redux-promise in a terminal will install a middleware that implements Promise support.

You can install a package called redux-logger in the same way, which is similar to the logger middleware we wrote before, but it's more configurable.

Inside of configureStore.js, we can now import and use our new middleware. Since we don't need to reference the store anymore, we can just return it directly from configureStore.

Updated configureStore.js

import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import promise from 'redux-promise';
import createLogger from 'redux-logger';
import todoApp from './reducers';

const configureStore = () => {
  const middlewares = [promise];
  if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
    // Note: you can supply options to `createLogger()`

  return createStore(

export default configureStore;

Recap at 2:06 in video

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