Please report bugs to the issue tracker.
If you're having issue with completion, please include enough information to reproduce the issue, this usually includes:
- the version of Emacs you're using
emacs -version
- the version of Bash you're using
bash -version
- the bash completion script, its version and where to download it from
Add feature suggestions to the issue tracker.
Development isn't very active, so the best way to get a new feature in is to add it yourself as code or documentation contributions.
Start a new discussion with your question.
Contribution to the documentation, either the or code comments are very welcome. Please open a pull request with your proposed modifications.
To contribute code to the project, open a pull request.
Before you do that, please make sure the any new features is covered by tests and that the tests pass.
To run the tests, install eldev, and run the tests with:
eldev test
Tests can also be run from inside Emacs,
using M-x ert-run-tests-interactively
but when you do so, be aware
that there might be unexpected interaction with your Emacs
configurations; Tests passing when run from Eldev is what matters.
After you've sent your pull request, please check the result of GitHub actions running tests on your pull request. GitHub actions run the same tests on multiple versions of Emacs and Bash so is likely to highlight version-specific issues you might not have noticed when running tests on your machine.
For larger features, it's a good idea to first open an issue that describes the feature and mention that you're thinking about working on it. This gives an opportunity to discuss the new feature and its possible implementations.