- api/: SCQL protocol files.
- docker/: Dev container dockerfile.
- examples/: SCQL examples.
- scdb-tutorial: Standalone SCDB deploy example.
- p2p-tutorial: Standalone p2p deploy example.
- docs/: Documents of SCQL.
- cmd/: Main applications for SCQL.
- scdbserver/: SCDB server application.
- scdbclient/: SCDB client.
- broker/: Broker server application.
- brokerctl/: Broker terminal client.
- docgen/: SCQL operators document generator.
- pkg/: SCQL library code.
- constant/: Common constant values.
- parser/: SCQL parser.
- types/: SCQL data types.
- table/: SCQL table info.
- sessionctx/: SCQL logical plan context.
- util/: SCQL utils.
- planner/: SCQL planner.
- scdb/: SCDB pkg.
- broker/: Broker pkg.
- interpreter/: SCQL interpreter.
- translator/: Translator translates logical plan to MPC-Plaintext execution dag.
- ccl/: CCL manager.
- operator/: SCQL operators.
- optimizer/: SCQL execution graph optimizer.
- executor/: DQL executor. It dispatches execution dag to SCQL engine.
- engine/: SCQL execution engine, implemented in C++.
- exe/: SCQL execution engine applications.
- services/: Engine RPC services.
- link/: MPI framework based on YACL link.
- core/: Basic data structures used in engine.
- framework/: Engine framework.
- operator/: Oblivious operators.
- datasource/: SCQL data source adaptors/connectors.
- util/: Engine utilities.