On this page I will keep a weekly record of what I have done for the CS102 group project. This page will be submitted together with the rest of the repository, in partial fulfillment of the CS102 course requirements.
This week I learned how to use Github with my team members. I wrote base codes for essential classes like DAbstractClass and DClass for the project.
This week I added relations for the classes with every class holding its superclass and also extended classes with some methods.
I completed abstractClassToString method I wrote the code for translating texts to abstract classes.
I learned how to use and implement javafx using tutorials and practice. I helped planning of the FileManager class. I helped planning of the GUI classes and interfaces.
We understand the Resize class we found online. I helped design of Resize class. I helped design of Resize class listeners. I helped design of upcoming stages of drawing arrows.
I updated element and 2 other methods in Resize so that element boxes cannot be resized smaller than the Strings inside.
-I helped design of ComplexLine class. -I wrote drawCenteredLine() method.
-I helped seperation process of Element class. -I helped design of Menu bar. -I added scrollpane to the GUI -I helped writing of DisplayFieldOptions() method.
-I wrote ArrowHead and DashedComplexLine classes. -I added menu options for adding properties and methods to classes -I identified some of the bugs in ComplexLine.
-I added displayConstructorMaker(). -I edited ArrowHead class to calculate its direction automatically -I helped adding color options for the objects.
-I helped updating DMethod Class.
-I helped editClassOptions() and editInterfaceOptions() methods. -I helped design of containsSuperInterface().
-I identified and fixed some of the DApp bugs.
-I identified remaining DApp bugs. -I helped fixing edit class bugs. -I helped fixing property and add method bugs