On this page I will keep a weekly record of what I have done for the CS102 group project. This page will be submitted together with the rest of the repository, in partial fulfillment of the CS102 course requirements.
This week I learned how Github works and joined the Github project. I helped project design for essential classes (DClass, DMethod...) and wrote DMethod class.
I learned how HashMaps and LinkedHashMaps work. (for DMethod class) I altered DMethod class with creation of a new class (DProperty) I helped design of helper classes. I wrote DConstructor class. I wrote DProperty class.
I completed classToString method I wrote extract method for classes I wrote the code for translating texts to classes.
I transferred the project from DrJava to Eclipse and installed the JavaFX library into our project I updated DClass translate methods. I helped planning of the FileManager class. I helped planning of the GUI classes and interfaces.
I re-designed Resize class (changed Element inner-class constructor/properties and changed createElement method.) I changed Resize class listeners. (Designed them to fit our purpose of UML structure.) I helped design of upcoming stages of drawing arrows.
I designed ComplexLine division process. I designed a text-saving method for ComplexLine.
I created ComplexLine class. I created showClosest() and getClosestPoint() methods in Resize (DApp) class.
-I transferred Element class from DApp class.
-I updated extract methods. -I created DProject and wrote extract method for projects -I wrote stringToText and textToString methods for projects -I fixed ComplexLine bugs. -I edited projectToText() method.
-I created toString() methods are created for Element and Complexline, which is important for saving function
-I updated DMethod class. -I wrote a method for checking if class names are suitable. -I wrote saveProject() and loadProject() methods.
-I helped writing editClassOptions() and editInterfaceOptions() methods are added to DMenuWizard -I helped writing containsSuperInterface() method.
-I fixed some of DApp bugs. -I wrote updateSeperators() method
-I added close warning window -I fixed the bug properties not being visible on elements -I removed unused imports -I fixed project warnings -I removed unused class and interfaces