Bs4 is paired with an HTTP client (for instance requests) to download pages as it can only parse pages.
pip3 install bs4
Scrapy is a full web scraping framework - capable of downloading and parsing pages. It also allows to make requests in a parallel and in an assynchronous way.
It is better for HTML complex structures as it supports XPath Selectors (XML Path Language. Ex. response.xpath(x_path_selector)) as well css selectors (response.css(css_selector).getall())
pip install scrapy
The scrapy has a shell for debug that can be accessed by the following command:
python -m scrapy shell
You can use this shell to make requests (fetch(url)) and inspect the response (variable response), test selectors and much more!
If you just would like to run a simple scrapy script run:
scrapy runspider -o output.json
The are many output types supported (json, jsonlines, jl, csv, xml, marshal, pickle).
There are many types of spiders ( Some examples:
Spider (the simplest one)
CrawlSpider (the most commonly used spider for crawling regular websites)
For more complex cases you can start a new Scrapy project:
python -m scrapy startproject ProjectName
For instance: python -m scrapy startproject QuotesProject
Automates web browser interaction. Selenium uses a browser web driver ( It is not a specific lib designed for webscraping but can be useful because it supports css selectors and also xpath (
pip3 install -U selenium
pip3 install webdriver-manager