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spring dbunit servlet module

excilys edited this page Aug 12, 2011 · 11 revisions

This module provides a ServletContextListener for loading and unloading DBUnit DataSets on web application startup and shutdown.

For example, this can be useful when developing a prototype where database content needs to be refreshed periodically.


Quick start:

Declare the Listener in your web.xml


In this case, the engine will load a file named dataSet.xml located at the classpath root.

Custom configuration:

Defaults can be overridden thanks to context params in the web.xml :

	<!-- the DataSet files, comma separated -->
	<!-- Operation to be performed on webapp startup (see DBOps enum) -->
	<!-- Operation to be performed on webapp shutdown (see DBOps enum) -->
	<!-- File format (see DataSetFormat enum) -->
	<!-- Database type (see DBType enum) -->
	<!-- Name of DataSource spring bean in case of multiple DataSources in the ApplicationContext -->
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