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Users Drive Query

Ross Scroggs edited this page Jun 20, 2023 · 3 revisions

Users - Drive - Query

API documentation

Query documentation

From the dcoumentation above:

The following demonstrates operator and query term combinations:

The contains operator only performs prefix matching for a name term. For example, suppose you have a name of HelloWorld. A query of name contains 'Hello' returns a result, but a query of name contains 'World' doesn't.

The contains operator only performs matching on entire string tokens for the fullText term. For example, if the full text of a document contains the string "HelloWorld", only the query fullText contains 'HelloWorld' returns a result.

The contains operator matches on an exact alphanumeric phrase if it's surrounded by double quotes. For example, if the fullText of a document contains the string "Hello there world", then the query fullText contains '"Hello there"' returns a result, but the query fullText contains '"Hello world"' doesn't. Furthermore, since the search is alphanumeric, if the full text of a document contains the string "Hello_world", then the query fullText contains '"Hello world"' returns a result.

Here are some details that aren't clear from the explanation above.

All non-alphanumeric characters in the file name are replaced by a space, and a list of text tokens is produced. All matches are case-insensitive. On the command line, use " to embed a " within the ''.

query "name contains 'abc def ghi'" query "name contains '"abc def ghi"'"

There is a match when abc and def and ghi all have a prefix/full match of some token in the file name.

query "fullText contains 'abc def ghi'"

There is a match when abc and def and ghi all have a full match of some token in the file name.

query "fullText contains '"abc def ghi"'"

There is a match when "abc def ghi" has a full match with a contiguous series of tokens in the file name.

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