WS-Nu is an implementation of Oasis' WS-Notification specification, built around a rigid Web Service base.
As any project, clone the repository with
git clone
WS-Nu uses maven, so build the source code with
mvn clean install
Want to add WS-Nu as a dependency to your project? The repository is hosted at, and can be added in your maven project with the following additions to your pom-file:
Further documentation can be found at the ws-nu homepage.
- Enhancements
- Services renamed(proposed naming below):
- GenericNotificationProducer -> NotificiationProducerImpl
- GenericNotificationBroker -> NotificationBrokerImpl
- NotificationConsumer -> NotificatonConsumerImpl
- ServiceUtilities separated into four new classes(propsed naming below):
- ExceptionUtilities
- HelperClasses
- ServiceUtilities
- WsnUtilities
- Full IPv6 support
- Support for complex header generation
- All WS-N send-methods have been moved from the WebService class to WsnUtilities
- These have also been altered to return relevant info and throw relevant exceptions that can be thrown at the external Web Service, in the form of JAXB-objects.
- Methods added to SoapForwardingHub to allow removal of ServiceConnections with the Web Service objects
- The ApplicationServer should now also be able to handle chunked http-messages.
- Services renamed(proposed naming below):
- Major bug fixes
- WS-N messages should now be attached with a wsa:action-headers
- Basic primary functionality added