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- State of the Duck at DuckCon #4 (Technical talk, ca. 20 min)
- Implementing Hardware-Friendly Databases, with DuckDB co-creator, Hannes Mühleisen (Developer Voices) (Podcast, ca. 80 min)
- Deep Dive into DuckDB (episode of The Geek Narrator) (Podcast, ca. 60 min)
- Two Tier Architectures are Anachronistic (guest lecture at the Hasso-Plattner-Institute) (Technical talk, ca. 60 min)
- In-Process Analytical Data Management with DuckDB (PyData Amsterdam 2023) (Technical talk, ca. 25min) – Slide deck
- DuckDB: Bringing analytical SQL directly to your Python shell (EuroPython 2023) (Technical talk, ca. 40min)
- DuckCon #3 (Latest updates and technical talks about projects using DuckDB)
- DuckDB keynote (Data + AI Summit 2023) (Keynote presentation, ca. 10min)
- DuckDB – The SQLite for Analytics (CMU Database Group - Quarantine Tech Talks) (Video Presentation, ca. 1h)
- DuckDB - An Embeddable Analytical Database (FOSDEM) (Video Presentation, ca. 15min)
- Move Your Database To The Data And Speed Up Your Analytics With DuckDB (Data Engineering Podcast) (Podcast, ca. 1:20h)
- DuckDB, An In-Process Analytical DBMS (NYC Data Hackers) (Video Presentation, ca. 1:30h)
- DuckDB Testing - Present and Future (DBTest 2022 Keynote) (Video Presentation, ca. 1h)
- Push-Based Execution in DuckDB (CWI Database Architectures Seminar) (Video Presentation, ca. 1h)
- Fastest Table Sort in the West - Redesigning DuckDB’s Sort (DSDSD) (Video Presentation, ca. 20min)
- The Case for In-Process Analytics (Slides)
- 1000 days of DuckDB - The Pareto Principle still holds (Slides)
- DuckDB - an Embeddable Analytical RDBMS (Slides)
- DuckDB: Introducing a New Class of Data Management Systems (I/O Magazine, ICT Research Platform Nederland) (Article)