namespace Bridge
contains the class SynapseBridge
, which wraps specific interactions with Synapse Bridge contracts on
supported chains.
Currently, Bridge.SynapseBridge
wraps the following interactions:
- Determining if a swap/bridge between one chain/token to another chain/token is supported
- Output estimation from one chain/token to another chain/token
- Initiating Bridge transactions from any supported chain/token to any supported chain/token
Note that for transactions on the Boba Mainnet, the SDK will automatically populate the gasLimit
and gasPrice
This is not the case for any other chain at this time.
import {
} from "@synapseprotocol/sdk";
import {JsonRpcProvider} from "@ethersproject/providers";
import {parseUnits, formatUnits} from "@ethersproject/units";
import {BigNumber} from "@ethersproject/bignumber";
import {ContractTransaction, PopulatedTransaction} from "@ethersproject/contracts";
import {Signer} from "@ethersproject/abstract-signer";
// Use your normal web3 provider here.
// PROVIDER is for the purposes of this example only.
const PROVIDER = new JsonRpcProvider("");
const NETWORK = Networks.AVALANCHE;
const SYNAPSE_BRIDGE = new Bridge.SynapseBridge({
network: NETWORK,
provider: PROVIDER
INPUT_AMOUNT: BigNumber = parseUnits("1000", tokenIn.decimals(NETWORK.chainId)); // 1000 nUSD in Wei format
function listSupportedSwaps() {
// Get an object containing supported output tokens from one chain to all others
let fromAvaxSupportedOutputs: NetworkSwappableTokensMap = swappableTokens(ChainId.AVALANCHE);
Output structure: { chain id: [ array of Token objects ] }
'1': [
name: 'Dai',
symbol: 'DAI',
name: 'USD Circle',
symbol: 'USDC',
name: 'USD Tether',
symbol: 'USDT',
name: 'Synapse nUSD',
symbol: 'nUSD',
name: 'Synapse',
symbol: 'SYN',
'10': [
name: 'Synapse',
symbol: 'SYN',
'56': [
name: 'Binance USD',
symbol: 'BUSD',
name: 'USD Circle',
symbol: 'USDC',
name: 'USD Tether',
symbol: 'USDT',
name: 'Synapse nUSD',
symbol: 'nUSD',
name: 'Synapse',
symbol: 'SYN',
name: 'Feisty Doge',
symbol: 'NFD',
'137': [
name: 'Dai',
symbol: 'DAI',
let fromAvaxToBSCSupportedOutputs: NetworkSwappableTokensMap = swappableTokens(ChainId.AVALANCHE, ChainId.BSC);
Output (same structure as above):
'56': [
name: 'Binance USD',
symbol: 'BUSD',
name: 'USD Circle',
symbol: 'USDC',
name: 'USD Tether',
symbol: 'USDT',
name: 'Synapse nUSD',
symbol: 'nUSD',
name: 'Synapse',
symbol: 'SYN',
name: 'Feisty Doge',
symbol: 'NFD',
function checkSwapSupported() {
let [swapSupported, notSupportedReason] = SYNAPSE_BRIDGE.swapSupported({
tokenFrom: TOKEN_IN, // token to send from the source chain, in this case nUSD on Avalanche
chainIdTo: CHAIN_OUT, // Chain ID of the destination chain, in this case BSC
tokenTo: TOKEN_OUT, // Token to be received on the destination chain, in this case USDC
// swapSupported will be `true` if the swap/bridge between tokens on networks is possible,
// along with an empty string.
// If a swap/bridge ISN'T supported, swapSupported will be `false`, and `notSupportedReason`
// will provide a short reason for why the swap/bridge isn't possible.
// get the estimated output for a bridge from nUSD on Avalanche
// to USDT on Binance Smart Chain.
function estimateBridgeTokenOutput() {
tokenFrom: TOKEN_IN, // token to send from the source chain, in this case nUSD on Avalanche
chainIdTo: CHAIN_OUT, // Chain ID of the destination chain, in this case BSC
tokenTo: TOKEN_OUT, // Token to be received on the destination chain, in this case USDC
amountFrom: INPUT_AMOUNT,
.then(({ amountToReceive, bridgeFee }) => {
let amountOutFormatted = formatUnits(
console.log(`${amountOutFormatted} USDT will be received on the output chain`)
.catch((err) => throw new Error(err.toString()))
* Use the following flow if manually constructing and sending transactions is desired.
* Note that in this flow, both of the constructed transactions must be sent/executed manually on behalf of the user.
* If your project maintains some sort of storage for contract approvals such that it's able to determine that an approval
* transaction isn't necessary in a given context, then there's obviously no need to build or send an otherwise unnecessary
* approval transaction.
async function doBridgeTransaction_manual() {
// get minimum desired output
const { amountToReceive } = await SYNAPSE_BRIDGE.estimateBridgeTokenOutput({
tokenFrom: TOKEN_IN, // token to send from the source chain, in this case nUSD on Avalanche
chainIdTo: CHAIN_OUT, // Chain ID of the destination chain, in this case BSC
tokenTo: TOKEN_OUT, // Token to be received on the destination chain, in this case USDC
amountFrom: INPUT_AMOUNT, // Amount of `tokenFrom` being sent
populatedApproveTxn: PopulatedTransaction,
populatedBridgeTokenTxn: PopulatedTransaction;
// build an ERC20 Approve transaction to have the user send so that the Synapse Bridge contract
// can do its thing.
// If desired, `amount` can be passed in the args object, which overrides
// the default behavior of "infinite approval" for the token.
try {
populatedApproveTxn = await SYNAPSE_BRIDGE.buildApproveTransaction({token: TOKEN_IN});
} catch (e) {
// handle error if one occurs
// insert whatever method(s) used by your project for sending the populated ERC20 Approve transaction
// Now, build the actual Bridge transaction to send via web3 (or ethers, or whatever).
try {
populatedBridgeTokenTxn = await SYNAPSE_BRIDGE.buildBridgeTokenTransaction({
tokenFrom: TOKEN_IN, // token to send from the source chain, in this case nUSD on Avalanche
chainIdTo: CHAIN_OUT, // Chain ID of the destination chain, in this case BSC
tokenTo: TOKEN_OUT, // Token to be received on the destination chain, in this case USDC
amountFrom: INPUT_AMOUNT, // Amount of `tokenFrom` being sent
amountTo: amountToReceive, // minimum desired amount of `tokenTo` to receive on the destination chain
} catch (e) {
// handle error if one occurs
// insert whatever method(s) used by your project for sending the populated Bridge transaction
// !!! You're done!
* Use the following flow if having the SDK take care of Approval and Bridge "magically" is desired.
* Note that in this flow, a valid ethersjs Signer instance must be passed to executeApproveTransaction
* and executeBridgeTokenTransaction so that they're able to send/execute their respective transactions on behalf
* of the user.
* If your project maintains some sort of storage for contract approvals such that it's able to determine that an approval
* transaction isn't necessary in a given context, then there's obviously no need to send an otherwise unnecessary
* approval transaction.
async function doBridgeTransaction_magic() {
// Obviously this should not be null in practice, but it is such here for the purposes of example documentation.
let signer: Signer = null;
// get minimum desired output
const { amountToReceive } = await SYNAPSE_BRIDGE.estimateBridgeTokenOutput({
tokenFrom: TOKEN_IN, // token to send from the source chain, in this case nUSD on Avalanche
chainIdTo: CHAIN_OUT, // Chain ID of the destination chain, in this case BSC
tokenTo: TOKEN_OUT, // Token to be received on the destination chain, in this case USDC
amountFrom: INPUT_AMOUNT, // Amount of `tokenFrom` being sent
try {
// build and execute an ERC20 Approve transaction so that the Synapse Bridge contract
// can do its thing.
// If desired, `amount` can be passed in the args object, which overrides
// the default behavior of "infinite approval" for the token.
let approveTxn: ContractTransaction = await SYNAPSE_BRIDGE.executeApproveTransaction({
token: TOKEN_IN
}, signer);
// Wait for at least one confirmation on the sending chain, this is an optional
// step and can be either omitted or implemented in a custom manner.
await approveTxn.wait(1);
console.log(`ERC20 Approve transaction hash: ${approveTxn.hash}`);
console.log(`ERC20 Approve transaction block number: ${approveTxn.blockNumber}`);
} catch (err) {
// deal with the caught error accordingly
try {
// executeBridgeTokenTransaction requires an ethers Signer instance to be
// passed to it in order to actually do the bridge transaction.
// An optional field `addressTo` can be passed, which will send tokens
// on the output chain to an address other than the address of the Signer instance.
// NOTE: executeBridgeTokenTransaction performs the step of actually sending/broadcasting the signed
// transaction on the source chain.
let bridgeTxn: ContractTransaction = await SYNAPSE_BRIDGE.executeBridgeTokenTransaction({
tokenFrom: TOKEN_IN, // token to send from the source chain, in this case nUSD on Avalanche
chainIdTo: CHAIN_OUT, // Chain ID of the destination chain, in this case BSC
tokenTo: TOKEN_OUT, // Token to be received on the destination chain, in this case USDC
amountFrom: INPUT_AMOUNT, // Amount of `tokenFrom` being sent
amountTo: amountToReceive, // minimum desired amount of `tokenTo` to receive on the destination chain
}, signer);
// Wait for at least one confirmation on the sending chain, this is an optional
// step and can be either omitted or implemented in a custom manner.
await bridgeTxn.wait(1);
console.log(`Bridge transaction hash: ${bridgeTxn.hash}`);
console.log(`Bridge transaction block number: ${bridgeTxn.blockNumber}`);
} catch (err) {
// deal with the caught error accordingly
// !!! You're done! That was easy