# Most QueuedJobs don't call the parent::__construct() method
- '#does not call parent constructor from AbstractQueuedJob#'
# SS_List is basically ArrayList and DataList. Consider filter/sort/etc supported.
- '#Call to an undefined method SS_List::#'
- vendor/symbiote/silverstripe-phpstan/extension.neon
- Navigate to a new project folder and execute the following:
composer create-project silverstripe/installer . 3.6.5
NOTE: The '.' in the above command means it'll output the files in the current directory.
Follow the installation steps in Quick Start.
Execute the following from the project directory to run tests:
vendor/bin/phpunit -c vendor/symbiote/silverstripe-phpstan/tests/phpunit.xml vendor/symbiote/silverstripe-phpstan/tests/
By adding --debug to the list of parameters, you can make PHPStan crash when it hits an error. This is incredibly useful for PRs or helping raise issues.
./vendor/bin/phpstan.phar.bat analyse ptv-mpw/src -c "phpstan.neon" -a "vendor/symbiote/silverstripe-phpstan/bootstrap.php" --level 2 --debug