license: GPLv3
This is a python script to download coursera lecture videos and files. has the following features:
- rewritten with a class structure
- saves cookies
- shows download progress
- can provide multiple coursenames at once is the original script I had written. It has been kept here for reference purposes.
- Python 2.6 (
- Beautiful Soup 4 (
First edit the file and provide the following details:
- username
- password
- files to download: mp4, srt, txt, pdf, pptx
- foldermapping: if you want the name of folder different from the coursename
- downloadpath: files are downloaded to current directory by default
To start downloading, execute in a terminal:
python coursename1 [coursename2 coursename3 ...]
Coursename can be determined from the url of the course.
eg: To download lectures of ml class (, execute:
python ml-2012-002
Multiple courses can be supplied at once:
python ml-2012-002 crypto-2012-003 algs4partI-2012-001
- Initially it will download all the lectures from the beginning.
- It does not resume incomplete downloads.