POEM ID: 016
Title: Linear algebra components can perform multiple calculations.
authors: robfalck (Rob Falck)
Competing POEMs: None
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Associated implementation PR: None
- Active
- Requesting decision
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- Rejected
- Integrated
The current linear algebra components (MatrixVectorProductComp, DotProductComp) perform a single matrix vector multiplication or dot product, respectively. There are often situations when numerous matrix vector products need to be computed, essentially in parallel.
accel_a = M_ba * accel_b + M_ga * accel_g + M_ga * vr
To reduce the complexity of models, we are proposing to allow the MatrixVectorProductComp, DotProductComp,
CrossProductComp, and VectorMagnitudeComp components to calculate multiple products/magnitudes.
API Changes:
- MatrixVectorProductComp, DotProductComp, and CrossProductComp have a new method
which has a slightly different set of arguments for each commponent.
class MatrixVectorProductComp
def add_product(output, matrix, vector, output_units=None, matrix_units=None, vector_units=None, vec_size=1, shape=(3, 3))
Adds a new output product to the matrix vector product component.
output : str
The name of the vector product output.
matrix : str
The name of the matrix input.
vector : str
The name of the vector input.
output_units : str or None
The units of the output matrix.
matrix_units : str or None
The units of the input matrix.
vector_units : str or None
The units of the input vector.
vec_size : int
The number of points at which the matrix vector product
should be computed simultaneously.
shape : tuple of (int, int)
The shape of the matrix at each point. The first element
also specifies the size of the output at each point. The
second element specifies the size of the input vector at
each point. For example, if vec_size=10 and shape is (5, 3),
then the input matrix will have a shape of (10, 5, 3), the
input vector will have a shape of (10, 3), and the output
vector will have shape of (10, 5).
Internally, MatrixVectorProductComp should keep track of the variable names
added with each add_product
call. Thus if we use variable name M_ga
multiple products, it is only a single input to the component. If variable
names are used in multiple calls to add_product
, some checking will be necessary:
- An input name in one call to
may not be an output name in another call, and vice-versa. - The units and shape of variables used across multiple products must be the same in each one.
class DotProductComp
def add_product(output, a, b, output_units=None, a_units=None, b_units=None, vec_size=1, length=3)
Adds a new output product to the dot product component.
output : str
The name of the vector product output.
a : str
The name of the first vector input.
b : str
The name of the second input.
output_units : str or None
The units of the output.
a_units : str or None
The units of input a.
b_units : str or None
The units of input b.
vec_size : int
The number of points at which the dot vector product
should be computed simultaneously. The shape of
the output is (vec_size,).
length : int
The length of the vectors a and b. Their shapes are
(vec_size, length)
The same rules for variable caching and shape/unit consistency that apply to MatrixVectorProductComp apply here.
class CrossProductComp
def add_product(output, a, b, output_units=None, a_units=None, b_units=None, vec_size=1)
Adds a new output product to the cross product component. Computes
output = a x b where output, a, and b are all sized as (vec_size, 3).
output : str
The name of the vector product output.
a : str
The name of the first vector input.
b : str
The name of the second input.
output_units : str or None
The units of the output.
a_units : str or None
The units of input a.
b_units : str or None
The units of input b.
vec_size : int
The number of points at which the dot vector product
should be computed simultaneously. The shape of
the output is (vec_size,).
The same rules for variable caching and shape/unit consistency that apply to MatrixVectorProductComp apply here.
class VectorMagnitudeComp
def add_magnitude(mag_name, in_name=None, units=None, vec_size=1)
Adds a new vector magnitude to be computed by the VectorMagnitudeComp.
mag_name : str
The name of the vector magnitude.
in_name : str
The name of the vector input.
units : str or None
The units of input and vector and its magnitude.
vec_size : int
The number of points at which the vector magnitude
should be computed simultaneously. The shape of
the input is (vec_size, length) and output is (vec_size,).
length : int
The length of the input vector whose magnitude is to be computed.