This app demonstrate semi realtime face detection, tracking and recognition based on predefined face vectors.
- Set env variable OPENCV_ANDROID_SDK
export OPENCV_ANDROID_SDK=/Users/hoopoe/Tools/OpenCV-android-sdk
- shape_predictor_5_face_landmarks.dat
- dlib_face_recognition_resnet_model_v1.dat
to /sdcard/Download
dlib adapted to work with -DANDROID_STL=gnustl_shared
To enable Mobilenet/TF activity. You need to:
Copy some model from
Change some values manually
private static final int MAX_RESULTS = 500;
private static final int TF_OD_API_INPUT_SIZE = 416;
private static final String TF_OD_API_MODEL_FILE ="file:///android_asset/spc_mobilenet_v3_1x_0.52_cleaned.pb"
To run "OCV-FTD": a) download "OpenCV 3.4.0dev Android SDK with contrib modules" from the following link: b) create "jniLibs" folder into following path: "FaceTracker/app/src/main" c) copy the pre-compiled libraries from OpenCV-android-sdk/sdk/native/libs into the newly created jniLibs folder d) copy "haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml" into "sdcard/Download"
To run openalpr activities :
- download jniLibs from this link. The folder contains precompiled libs for
andANDROID_ABI="armeabi-v7a", "arm64-v8a", "x86_64"
. For compling with anotherANDROID_PLATFORM
use this script. - set env variable OPENALPR_LIBS