Do you struggle to remember all of your usernames and passwords? With UShallNotPass you can turn your command-line into a vault for all of your login information, so you don't have to spend time trying to remember your netflix username and password ever again.
UShallNotPass uses AES-CBC encryption and writes the ciphertext to a txt file. The original password is used for future authentication and to encrypt all new passwords.
Features include
- Common commands such as getting, deleting and changing passwords
- Listing all websites, usernames and encrypted passwords
- A 'BURN EVERYTHING' command.
Fork or download the project. Navigate to the project folder and run:
gradle build
gradle shadowJar
Navigate to the app/build/libs directory and copy the UShallNotPass.jar file to the folder you would like, for example desktop and write the following in the terminal:
java -jar UShallNotPass.jar