diff --git a/packages/apidom-ls/src/config/openapi/oauth-flow/completion.ts b/packages/apidom-ls/src/config/openapi/oauth-flow/completion.ts
index 823c2fb2ad..589465ca32 100644
--- a/packages/apidom-ls/src/config/openapi/oauth-flow/completion.ts
+++ b/packages/apidom-ls/src/config/openapi/oauth-flow/completion.ts
@@ -24,6 +24,20 @@ const completion: ApidomCompletionItem[] = [
       { namespace: 'openapi', version: '3.0.3' },
+  {
+    label: 'authorizationUrl',
+    insertText: 'authorizationUrl',
+    kind: 14,
+    format: CompletionFormat.QUOTED,
+    type: CompletionType.PROPERTY,
+    insertTextFormat: 2,
+    documentation: {
+      kind: 'markdown',
+      value:
+        'Applies to `oauth2` (`"implicit"`, `"authorizationCode"`). **REQUIRED**. The authorization URL to be used for this flow. This MUST be in the form of a URL. The OAuth2 standard requires the use of TLS.',
+    },
+    targetSpecs: [{ namespace: 'openapi', version: '3.1.0' }],
+  },
     label: 'tokenUrl',
     insertText: 'tokenUrl',
@@ -43,6 +57,20 @@ const completion: ApidomCompletionItem[] = [
       { namespace: 'openapi', version: '3.0.3' },
+  {
+    label: 'tokenUrl',
+    insertText: 'tokenUrl',
+    kind: 14,
+    format: CompletionFormat.QUOTED,
+    type: CompletionType.PROPERTY,
+    insertTextFormat: 2,
+    documentation: {
+      kind: 'markdown',
+      value:
+        'Applies to `oauth2` (`"password"`, `"clientCredentials"`, `"authorizationCode"`). **REQUIRED**. The token URL to be used for this flow. This MUST be in the form of a URL. The OAuth2 standard requires the use of TLS.',
+    },
+    targetSpecs: [{ namespace: 'openapi', version: '3.1.0' }],
+  },
     label: 'refreshUrl',
     insertText: 'refreshUrl ',
@@ -61,6 +89,20 @@ const completion: ApidomCompletionItem[] = [
       { namespace: 'openapi', version: '3.0.3' },
+  {
+    label: 'refreshUrl',
+    insertText: 'refreshUrl ',
+    kind: 14,
+    format: CompletionFormat.QUOTED,
+    type: CompletionType.PROPERTY,
+    insertTextFormat: 2,
+    documentation: {
+      kind: 'markdown',
+      value:
+        'Applies to `oauth2`. The URL to be used for obtaining refresh tokens. This MUST be in the form of a URL. The OAuth2 standard requires the use of TLS.',
+    },
+    targetSpecs: [{ namespace: 'openapi', version: '3.1.0' }],
+  },
     label: 'scopes',
     insertText: 'scopes ',