Please use the version of Steam available in your distribution's repositories. The flatpak version might cause some issues and may not work.
sudo apt install steam
Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -S steam
RHEL-based (Fedora):
sudo dnf install steam
Additional Information:
WARNING: You need a Steam account to use the software. If you prefer not to use Steam, you can utilize GitHub - GloriousEggroll/wine-ge-custom. However, this might be more complicated, and I highly recommend managing Windows software with Steam, even if you don't play video games. It significantly simplifies life. If you've already attempted it, please open a GitHub Issue with the setup guide for wine-ge-custom.
Why use Proton instead of Wine? Proton offers more features and fixes, and GRBL-Plotter runs without any problems using Proton, whereas it doesn't with Wine. I haven't been successful in getting it to work with Wine so far.
Install Wine
sudo apt install wine
Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -S wine
RHEL-based (Fedora):
sudo dnf install wine
The installation of Protontricks varies depending on your distribution. Check if there is a community package for it:
Arch: AUR (en) - protontricks
Debian: Debian -- protontricks
Fedora: protontricks - Fedora Packages
There might be a community package available for this:
Arch: AUR (en) - ttf-ms-win11-auto (don't forget to install
before the AUR package) -
Debian (not tested): Debian -- ttf-mscorefonts-installer
Fedora (not tested):
sudo dnf install curl cabextract xorg-x11-font-utils fontconfig sudo rpm -i https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/mscorefonts2/rpms/msttcore-fonts-installer-2.6-1.noarch.rpm
If some fonts do not work (GRBL-Plotter won't start), you have the option to obtain the fonts from the original Windows ISO. Here's how:
Download the Windows ISO: Download Windows 11
Install p7zip
sudo apt install p7zip-full
Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -S p7zip
RHEL-based (Fedora):
sudo dnf install p7zip-full
Extract "install.wim" from ISO
7z e "{ISONAME}.iso" sources/install.wim
Extract Fonts folder
7z e install.wim 1/Windows/{Fonts/"*".{ttf,ttc},System32/Licenses/neutral/"*"/"*"/license.rtf} -o./WindowsFonts
Move WindowsFonts folder
sudo mv ./WindowsFonts /usr/share/fonts/
Regenerate font cache
sudo fc-cache -fv
Download the GRBL-Plotter_Setup.exe from Releases · svenhb/GRBL-Plotter · GitHub
Open Steam and click on "Add a Game" at the bottom left
Select "Add non-Steam Game...", click on "Browse..." and select the GRBL-Plotter_Setup.exe. Then click on "Add selected programs"
Switch to the Library tab and scroll to GRBL-Plotter_Setup.exe in the list on the left and select it. Then open the properties by clicking the cogwheel on the right.
Open "Compatibility" and activate Steam Play. Then close the properties window and start the installer by pressing "Play". Steam downloads all necessary dependencies, and the installer opens.
Install GRBL Plotter for all users and uncheck "Start GRBL-Plotter" at the end of the installation.
Open Protontricks, search for "GRBL-Plotter_Setup.exe" and save the 10-digit ID behind it in your notepad (in this guide: {GRBL-STEAM-ID}). We will need it later to identify the right folder, which has the same name as the ID. Then use this terminal command to install gdi+ for GRBL-Plotter:
protontrick {GRBL-STEAM-ID} gdiplus
We need to change the path of the Steam program. Open the properties of GRBL-Plotter_Setup.exe again and change the paths. Replace {USERNAME} with your username. Don't forget the quotation marks.
"/home/{USERNAME}/.steam/steamapps/compatdata/{GRBL-STEAM-ID}/pfx/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/GRBL-Plotter/GRBL-Plotter.exe""
"/home/{USERNAME}/.steam/steamapps/compatdata/{GRBL-STEAM-ID}/pfx/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/GRBL-Plotter/""
Then close the properties window and click on "Play". GRBL-Plotter will start as it would on Windows. Of course, you can change the name of GRBL-Plotter_Setup.exe in the Properties window.
Connect your CNC via USB and check which USB port is used
ls /dev/ttyUSB*
You should see an output like
Also, check if the drivers are working, in case you use a cheap ARDUINO with a CH340 Chip:
Open regedit for the GRBL-Plotter Proton installation
protontricks {GRBL-STEAM-ID} regedit
Add a string entry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wine\Ports with a key of COM10 and a value of the USB port of the CNC like /dev/ttyUSB0 (or /dev/ttyACM0) to access the Arduino USB port from wine and then create the symlink for it.
Now we have to create a new dosdevice to access the USB Port COM10 in GRBL-Plotter
ln -s /dev/ttyUSB0 ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/{GRBL-PLOTTER-ID}/pfx/dosdevices/com10
Add yourself to the dialout group so you can access the USB port
Debian/RHEL-based (Fedora):
sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
sudo usermod -a -G uucp $USER
Restart Linux to apply all changes and start GRBL-Plotter with steam. Select COM10 and the correct Baud rate in the COM-CNC Window and open it.
To update GRBL-Plotter, you can launch the new installer with Wine and select the path to the Proton prefix:
/home/{USERNAME}/.steam/steamapps/compatdata/{GRBL-STEAM-ID}/pfx/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/GRBL-Plotter/