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File metadata and controls

688 lines (579 loc) · 18.2 KB


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CLI tool for powerful build pipeline

We can define the build pipeline with YAML configuration, then we can run the build pipeline by buildflow run command.

buildflow provides the following features.

  • Define the task dependency
  • Run the multiple tasks in parallel
  • Change the build behavior with the meta information of the Pull Request
    • file paths updated at the pull request
    • Pull Request labels
    • etc
  • Define the dynamic tasks
  • etc

Blog written in Japanese


Download from GitHub Releases

$ buildflow --version
buildflow version 0.1.0


Please see examples.

On the directory, there are some examples of configuration files.

We can execute the build with them.

For example,

$ buildflow run -c examples/hello_world.yaml

Getting Started

Hello World

Generate the configuration file by buildflow init

$ buildflow init


pr: false
parallelism: 1
- name: main
  - name: hello
      command: echo hello

Then run buildflow run.

$ buildflow run

= Phase: main =
21:48:29UTC | hello | + /bin/sh -c echo hello
21:48:29UTC | hello |
21:48:29UTC | hello | hello
21:48:29UTC | hello |

= Phase Result =
task: hello
status: succeeded
exit code: 0
start time: 2020-09-29T21:48:29Z
end time: 2020-09-29T21:48:29Z
duration: 4.110401ms
+ /bin/sh -c echo hello

The task name and command are parsed by Go's text/template, and functions of sprig can be used.

pr: false
parallelism: 1
- name: main
  - name: hello {{ env "USER" }}
      command: echo {{ env "USER" }}

Run multiple tasks in parallel

pr: false
parallelism: 1
- name: main
  - name: foo
      command: |
        sleep 3
        echo foo
  - name: bar
      command: |
        sleep 3
        echo bar

The current parallelism is 1, so the task foo and bar are run one by one. There is no dependency between foo and bar, so which task is run first is random. When parallelism is removed, foo and bar are run in parallel.

Define the task dependency

- name: main
  - name: foo
      command: |
        sleep 3
        echo foo
  - name: bar
      command: |
        echo bar
    dependency: # task dependency
    - foo # this task is run after the task foo is finished

Refer to the other task result

- name: main
  - name: foo
      command: |
        echo foo
  - name: bar
      command: >
        {{- range .Tasks -}}
          {{- if eq .Name "foo" -}}
            echo "{{ .Stdout }}"
          {{ end -}}
        {{- end -}}
    - foo

The other task's result can be refered as the variable. Note that the task A can refer to only tasks which the task A depends on or the previous phase's tasks.

Define the condition which the task is run

- name: main
  - name: foo
      command: |
        echo foo
  - name: bar
      command: |
        echo bar
    when: false

The task bar isn't run because the condition when is false. The type of when should be either boolean or tengo script. If when is a tengo script, the variable result should be defined and be boolean.


    when: |
      result := 3 > 1

We can refer to the other task result and the pull request meta information in tengo scripts as the variables.

For the detail, please see Configuraiton variables.

Read a file in a task instead of executing a command

- name: main
  - name: foo
    # read a file `foo.txt`
    # This is used to refer to the content of the file in subsequent tasks.
      path: foo.txt
  - name: bar
      command: echo bar
    - foo
    when: |
      text := import("text")
      result := text.contains(Task[0].File.Text, "dist")

Refer to the pull request meta information in the configuration

When we use buildflow on the CI service such as CircleCI and GitHub Actions, we can refer to the pull request meta information. Note that buildflow supports only GitHub as the source provider, and other providers such as GitLab and BitBucket aren't supported. To refer to the pull request meta information, set the GitHub personal access token as the environment variable and set true to the configuration field pr.

pr: true

To specify the pull request, the following information is required.

  • repository owner name
  • repository name
  • pull request number

We can configure the owner and repository name in the configuration.

pr: true
owner: suzuki-shunsuke
repo: buildflow

On the CI service such as CircleCI and GitHub Actions, buildflow gets the above information from the built-in environment variables automatically and get the pull request meta information.

In the following example, the task is run only when the pull request author is octocat.

    when: result := PR.owner == "octocat"

Dynamic tasks

We can define tasks with a loop dynamically.

- name: build
  - name: echo {{.Item.Key}}
      command: |
        echo {{.Item.Value}}
    - foo
    - bar

As the field items, we can use a list or a tengo script. If items is a tengo script, the variable result should be defined and be a list.

    items: |
      result := PR.labels

Define multiple phases

- name: init
  - name: init
      command: echo init
- name: main
  - name: main
      command: echo main

We can define the multiple phases. Phases are run not in parallel but sequentially. In the above configuration, at first the phase init is run and after that the task main is run.

Skip phase

- name: init
  - name: init
      command: echo init
    skip: true # default is false

Like task's when, we can define the condition to skip the phase. When the phase.condtion.skip is true, the phase is skipped.

Exit build

- name: init
  - name: init
      command: echo init
    exit: true # default is false

phase.condition.exit is evaluated when the phase is finished. If the phase.condtion.exit is true, the build is finished and subsequent phases aren't run.

Configuration file path

The configuration file path can be specified with the --config (-c) option. If the confgiuration file path isn't specified, the file named .buildflow.yml or .buildflow.yaml would be searched from the current directory to the root directory.

Separate Configuration file

  • phase.import
  • task.import
  • task.input_file
  • task.output_file
  • task.when_file
  • command.command_file
  • command.env[].value_file
  • write_file.template_file

Tips: Test Tengo Scripts

Some Tengo scripts such as task's input and output can be read from external scripts.


  - name: foo
    input_file: foo_input.tengo
    output_file: foo_output.tengo

We can test external Tengo scripts with suzuki-shunsuke/tengo-tester.

Restriction: map key should be string

  • meta
  • phase.meta
  • task.meta
  • task.items


  true: foo # invalid key: key should be string

Configuration Reference

# when pr is true, buildflow gets the pull request meta information by GitHub API
# GitHub Personal Access Token is required.
# The default is false.
pr: true
# the repository owner name and repository name. This is used to get the pull request meta information.
# If pr is false, this is ignored.
# If this isn't set, buildflow tries to get the owner from the CI service's built-in environment variable.
owner: suzuki-shunsuke
repo: buildflow
# The maximum number of tasks which are run in parallel.
# The default is 0, which means there is no limitation.
parallelism: 1
# The meta attributes of the build.
# You can use this field freely.
# You can refer to this field in tengo scripts and text/template.
  service: foo
# The build condition
  # When the skip is true, the build is skipped.
  # The value should be true or false or a tengo script.
  # If this is a tengo, the variable "result" should be defined and the type should be boolean.
  # The default is false.
  skip: false
  # When the fail is true, the build fails, which means the exit code of `buildflow run` isn't 0.
  # The value should be true or false or a tengo script.
  # If this is a tengo, the variable "result" should be defined and the type should be boolean.
  # By default `fail` is false if any phases failed.
  fail: false
# The list of phases.
# Phases are run not in parallel but sequentially.
# import a list of phases from a file.
- import: phases.yaml
# The phase name. This must be unique and static.
- name: init
  # The meta attributes of the phase.
  # You can use this field freely.
  # You can refer to this field in tengo scripts and text/template.
    service: foo
  # the list of tasks.
  # import a list of tasks from a file.
  - import: tasks.yaml
  # The task name. The value is parsed by text/template.
  - name: foo
    # a tengo script which represents task's input.
    # The variable "result" should be defined.
    input: |
      result := {
        foo: "foo"
    # Either `command` or `read_file` or `write_file` is required.
      # <shell> <shell_options>... <command> is run
      # ex. /bin/sh -c "echo hello"
      # The default shell is `/bin/sh`.
      # When the shell isn't set, the default shell_options is `-c`, otherwise the default shell_options is nothing.
      shell: /bin/sh
      - -c
      # the command is executed where the configuration file exists.
      command: echo {{}}
      # environment variables
      # In the environment variable name and value text/template can be used
      - key: token
        value: "{{ .Task.Name }}"
      - key: foo
        # read the environment variable from a file
        # the content is parsed with text/template
        value_file: foo.txt
    # The condition whether the task is run.
    # The default is true.
    # The value should be true or false or a tengo script.
    # If this is a tengo, the variable "result" should be defined and the type should be boolean.
    when: true
    # The task names which this task depends on or a tengo script.
    # If `when` is a tengo script, the variable "result" should be defined and the type should be boolean.
    # This task would be run after the dependent tasks are finished.
    # If the value is a tengo script, this task isn't run until the evaluation result becomes true.
    # Whether this task can be run is evaluated everytime a running task is finished.
    # The default is no dependency.
    - bar
    # The dynamic tasks.
    # items should be a list or a map or a tengo script.
    # If items is a tengo script, the variable "result" should be defined and the type should be a list or a map.
    - 1
    - 2
    # The meta attributes of the task.
    # You can use this field freely.
    # You can refer to this field in tengo scripts and text/template.
      service: foo
    # a tengo script which represents task's output.
    # This is useful to format task's result for subsequent tasks.
    # The variable "result" should be defined.
    output: |
      text := import("text")
      result := {
        foo: text.split(text.trim_space(Task.Stdout), "\n"),
  - name: bar
    # read a file.
    # This is used to refer to the content of the file in subsequent tasks.
      # The file path to be read
      # If the path is the relative path, this is treated as the relative path from the directory where the configuration file exists.
      path: foo.txt
  - name: zoo
    # write a file.
      # The file path to be written
      # If the path is the relative path, this is treated as the relative path from the directory where the configuration file exists.
      path: foo.txt
      # The template of the file content.
      template: |
        {{ .Task.Name }}
  - name: yoo
      # read a command template from a file
      # The content is parsed with text/template
      command_file: yoo.txt
  - name: stdin
      # command standard input
      # The content is parsed with text/template
      stdin: |
      command: grep stdin
  - name: stdin_file
      # read the command standard input from a file.
      # The content is parsed with text/template
      stdin_file: stdin.txt
      command: grep stdin
  - name: write_file external file
      # The file path to be written
      # If the path is the relative path, this is treated as the relative path from the directory where the configuration file exists.
      path: foo.txt
      # The template file.
      # The content is parsed with text/template
      template_file: zoo.txt
    # When the skip is true, the phase is skipped.
    # The value should be true or false or a tengo script.
    # If this is a tengo, the variable "result" should be defined and the type should be boolean.
    # The default is false.
    skip: false
    # `exit` is evaluated when the phase is finished.
    # If the `exit` is true, the build is finished and subsequent phases aren't run.
    # The value should be true or false or a tengo script.
    # If this is a tengo, the variable "result" should be defined and the type should be boolean.
    # The default is false.
    exit: false
    # `fail` is evaluated when the phase is finished.
    # If the `fail` is true, the phase fails.
    # The value should be true or false or a tengo script.
    # If this is a tengo, the variable "result" should be defined and the type should be boolean.
    # By default `fail` is false if any tasks failed.
    fail: false

Configuration variables


Express the variables as YAML.

  id: 1
- sha: bbcd538c8e72b8c175046e27cc8f907076331401
  filename: file1.txt
  init: # phase name
    Status: succeeded
    - Name: foo
      Status: succeeded # queue, failed, succeeded, running, skipped
      ExitCode: 0
      Stdout: hello # command's standard output
      Stderr: "" # command's standard error output
      CombinedOutput: hello # command output (Stdout + Stderr)
        foo: foo
    - Name: bar
      Status: succeeded
        Text: foo # The content of the file
Tasks: # the tasks of the current phase
- Name: init # the task name
Task: # the current task
  Name: init
Item: # The item of the dynamic tasks.
  Key: 0
  Value: zoo

Custom Functions of template

  • LabelNames: func(PR.labels) []string: return a list of pull request label names
  • GetTaskByName: func(tasks, name) task: get a task by task name


$ buildflow help
   buildflow - run builds.

   buildflow [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   run      run build
   init     generate a configuration file if it doesn't exist
   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h     show help (default: false)
   --version, -v  print the version (default: false)
$ buildflow init --help
   buildflow init - generate a configuration file if it doesn't exist

   buildflow init [command options] [arguments...]

   --help, -h  show help (default: false)
$ buildflow run --help
   buildflow run - run build

   buildflow run [command options] [arguments...]

   --owner value             repository owner
   --repo value              repository name
   --github-token value      GitHub Access Token [$GITHUB_TOKEN, $GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN]
   --log-level value         log level
   --config value, -c value  configuration file path
   --help, -h                show help (default: false)

Where to run the task

The task is run at not the current directory ($PWD) but the directory where the configuration file exists.