This guide is for developers and covers topics such as OpenAPI, environment variables, resources, and ports, as well as development on Mac or using Docker.
Start redis and SRS by docker, set the candidate explicitly:
docker stop redis 2>/dev/null || echo ok && docker rm -f redis srs 2>/dev/null &&
docker run --name redis --rm -it -v $HOME/data/redis:/data -p 6379:6379 -d redis:5.0 &&
touch platform/containers/data/config/srs.server.conf platform/containers/data/config/srs.vhost.conf &&
docker run --name srs --rm -it \
-v $(pwd)/platform/containers/data/config:/usr/local/srs/containers/data/config \
-v $(pwd)/platform/containers/conf/srs.release-mac.conf:/usr/local/srs/conf/docker.conf \
-v $(pwd)/platform/containers/objs/nginx:/usr/local/srs/objs/nginx \
-p 1935:1935 -p 1985:1985 -p 8080:8080 -p 8000:8000/udp -p 10080:10080/udp \
-d ossrs/srs:5
Note: Use the intranet IP for WebRTC to set the candidate.
Note: Stop service by
docker stop redis srs
and note that we stop redis to allow it to save data to disk.
Note: Also, you can run SRS by
(cd platform && ~/git/srs/trunk/objs/srs -c containers/conf/srs.release-local.conf)
Note: You can set the candidate for WebRTC by
--env CANDIDATE=$(ifconfig en0 |grep 'inet ' |awk '{print $2}')
Run the platform backend, or run in GoLand:
(cd platform && go run .)
Note: Set
if no need to generate self-signed certificate.
Run all tests:
bash scripts/tools/ --output test/.env &&
(cd test && go test -timeout=1h -failfast -v --endpoint=http://localhost:2022 -init-self-signed-cert=true) &&
(cd test && go test -timeout=1h -failfast -v --endpoint=https://localhost:2443 -init-self-signed-cert=false)
Run the platform react ui, or run in WebStorm:
(cd ui && npm install && npm start)
Access the browser: http://localhost:3000
Build the docker image:
docker rmi platform:latest 2>/dev/null || echo OK &&
docker build -t platform:latest -f Dockerfile . &&
docker save -o platform.tar platform:latest
Start a container:
docker stop redis 2>/dev/null || echo ok && docker rm -f redis srs 2>/dev/null &&
docker run --rm -it --name oryx -v $HOME/data:/data \
-p 2022:2022 -p 2443:2443 -p 1935:1935 -p 8000:8000/udp -p 10080:10080/udp \
-p 80:2022 -p 443:2443 -e CANDIDATE=$(ifconfig en0 |grep 'inet ' |awk '{print $2}') \
Access http://localhost/mgmt to manage Oryx.
Or http://srs.stack.local/mgmt to test Oryx with domain.
To update the platform in docker:
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/platform:/g -w /g ossrs/srs:ubuntu20 make
Start a container with the new platform:
docker stop redis 2>/dev/null || echo ok && docker rm -f redis srs 2>/dev/null &&
docker run --rm -it --name oryx -v $HOME/data:/data \
-p 2022:2022 -p 2443:2443 -p 1935:1935 -p 8000:8000/udp -p 10080:10080/udp \
-p 80:2022 -p 443:2443 -e CANDIDATE=$(ifconfig en0 |grep 'inet ' |awk '{print $2}') \
-v $(pwd)/platform/platform:/usr/local/oryx/platform/platform \
The platform has now been updated. It is also compatible with a debugging WebUI, which listens at port 3000 and proxies to the platform.
Note: Please note that BT plugin will use the current branch version, including develop version.
Build a docker image:
docker rm -f script 2>/dev/null &&
docker rmi srs-script-dev 2>/dev/null || echo OK &&
docker build -t srs-script-dev -f scripts/setup-ubuntu/Dockerfile.script .
Create a docker container in daemon:
docker rm -f script 2>/dev/null &&
docker run -p 2022:2022 -p 2443:2443 -p 1935:1935 -p 8000:8000/udp -p 10080:10080/udp \
--env CANDIDATE=$(ifconfig en0 |grep 'inet ' |awk '{print $2}') \
--privileged -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:rw --cgroupns=host \
-d --rm -it -v $(pwd):/g -w /g --name=script srs-script-dev
Note: For Linux server, please use
--privileged -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro
to start docker.
Build and save the script image to file:
docker rmi platform:latest 2>/dev/null || echo OK &&
docker build -t platform:latest -f Dockerfile . &&
docker save -o platform.tar platform:latest
Enter the docker container:
version=$(bash scripts/ &&
docker exec -it script docker load -i platform.tar &&
docker exec -it script docker tag platform:latest ossrs/oryx:$version &&
docker exec -it script docker tag platform:latest$version &&
docker exec -it script docker images
Test the build script, in the docker container:
docker exec -it script rm -f /data/config/.env &&
docker exec -it script bash build/oryx/scripts/setup-ubuntu/ 2>/dev/null || echo OK &&
bash scripts/setup-ubuntu/ --output $(pwd)/build --extract &&
docker exec -it script bash build/oryx/scripts/setup-ubuntu/ --verbose
Run test for script:
rm -f test/oryx.test &&
docker exec -it script make -j -C test &&
bash scripts/tools/ --output test/.env && sleep 5 &&
docker exec -it script ./test/oryx.test -test.timeout=1h -test.failfast -test.v -endpoint http://localhost:2022 \
-srs-log=true -wait-ready=true -init-password=true -check-api-secret=true -init-self-signed-cert=true \ TestSystem_Empty &&
bash scripts/tools/ --output test/.env && sleep 5 &&
docker exec -it script ./test/oryx.test -test.timeout=1h -test.failfast -test.v -wait-ready -endpoint http://localhost:2022 \
-srs-log=true -wait-ready=true -init-password=false -check-api-secret=true \
-test.parallel 3 &&
docker exec -it script ./test/oryx.test -test.timeout=1h -test.failfast -test.v -wait-ready -endpoint https://localhost:2443 \
-srs-log=true -wait-ready=true -init-password=false -check-api-secret=true \
-test.parallel 3
Access the browser: http://localhost:2022
Note: Please note that BT plugin will use the current branch version, including develop version.
Start a container and mount as plugin:
docker rm -f bt aapanel 2>/dev/null &&
AAPANEL_KEY=$(cat $HOME/.bt/api.json |awk -F token_crypt '{print $2}' |cut -d'"' -f3) &&
docker run -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 7800:7800 -p 1935:1935 -p 8000:8000/udp -p 10080:10080/udp \
--env CANDIDATE=$(ifconfig en0 |grep 'inet ' |awk '{print $2}') \
-v $(pwd)/build/oryx:/www/server/panel/plugin/oryx \
-v $HOME/.bt/api.json:/www/server/panel/config/api.json -e BT_KEY=$AAPANEL_KEY \
--privileged -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:rw --cgroupns=host \
-d --rm -it -v $(pwd):/g -w /g --name=aapanel ossrs/aapanel-plugin-dev:1
Note: For Linux server, please use
--privileged -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro
to start docker.
Note: Enable the HTTP API and get the
, and save it to$HOME/.bt/api.json
Build and save the platform image to file:
docker rmi platform:latest 2>/dev/null || echo OK &&
docker build -t platform:latest -f Dockerfile . &&
docker save -o platform.tar platform:latest
Enter the docker container:
version=$(bash scripts/ &&
major=$(echo $version |awk -F '.' '{print $1}' |sed 's/v//g') &&
docker exec -it aapanel docker load -i platform.tar &&
docker exec -it aapanel docker tag platform:latest ossrs/oryx:$version &&
docker exec -it aapanel docker tag platform:latest ossrs/oryx:$major &&
docker exec -it aapanel docker tag platform:latest$version &&
docker exec -it aapanel docker tag platform:latest$major &&
docker exec -it aapanel docker images
Next, build the aaPanel plugin and install it:
docker exec -it aapanel rm -f /data/config/.env &&
docker exec -it aapanel bash /www/server/panel/plugin/oryx/ uninstall 2>/dev/null || echo OK &&
bash scripts/setup-aapanel/auto/ --output $(pwd)/build --extract &&
docker exec -it aapanel bash /www/server/panel/plugin/oryx/ install
You can use aaPanel panel to install the plugin, or by command:
docker exec -it aapanel python3 /www/server/panel/plugin/oryx/ &&
docker exec -it aapanel python3 /www/server/panel/plugin/oryx/ &&
docker exec -it aapanel python3 /www/server/panel/plugin/oryx/ &&
docker exec -it aapanel bash /www/server/panel/plugin/oryx/ \
--r0 /tmp/oryx_install.r0 --nginx /www/server/nginx/logs/ \
--www /www/wwwroot --site srs.stack.local
Setup the dns lookup for domain srs.stack.local
PIP=$(docker exec -it aapanel ifconfig eth0 |grep 'inet ' |awk '{print $2}') &&
docker exec -it aapanel bash -c "echo '$PIP srs.stack.local' >> /etc/hosts" &&
docker exec -it aapanel cat /etc/hosts && echo OK &&
docker exec -it aapanel docker exec -it oryx bash -c "echo '$PIP srs.stack.local' >> /etc/hosts" &&
docker exec -it aapanel docker exec -it oryx cat /etc/hosts
Note: We add host
to the ip of eth0, because we need to access it in the oryx docker in docker.
Run test for aaPanel:
rm -f test/oryx.test &&
docker exec -it aapanel make -j -C test &&
bash scripts/tools/ --output test/.env && sleep 5 &&
docker exec -it aapanel ./test/oryx.test -test.timeout=1h -test.failfast -test.v -endpoint http://srs.stack.local:80 \
-srs-log=true -wait-ready=true -init-password=true -check-api-secret=true -init-self-signed-cert=true \ TestSystem_Empty &&
bash scripts/tools/ --output test/.env && sleep 5 &&
docker exec -it aapanel ./test/oryx.test -test.timeout=1h -test.failfast -test.v -wait-ready -endpoint http://srs.stack.local:80 \
-srs-log=true -wait-ready=true -init-password=false -check-api-secret=true \
-test.parallel 3 &&
docker exec -it aapanel ./test/oryx.test -test.timeout=1h -test.failfast -test.v -wait-ready -endpoint https://srs.stack.local:443 \
-srs-log=true -wait-ready=true -init-password=false -check-api-secret=true \
-test.parallel 3
Open http://localhost:7800/srsstack to install plugin.
Note: Or you can use
docker exec -it aapanel bt default
to show the login info.
In the application store, there is a oryx
plugin. After test, you can install the plugin
to production aaPanel panel.
Note: Please note that BT plugin will use the current branch version, including develop version.
Start a container and mount as plugin:
docker rm -f bt aapanel 2>/dev/null &&
BT_KEY=$(cat $HOME/.bt/api.json |awk -F token_crypt '{print $2}' |cut -d'"' -f3) &&
docker run -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 7800:7800 -p 1935:1935 -p 8000:8000/udp -p 10080:10080/udp \
--env CANDIDATE=$(ifconfig en0 |grep 'inet ' |awk '{print $2}') \
-v $(pwd)/build/oryx:/www/server/panel/plugin/oryx \
-v $HOME/.bt/userInfo.json:/www/server/panel/data/userInfo.json \
-v $HOME/.bt/api.json:/www/server/panel/config/api.json -e BT_KEY=$BT_KEY \
--privileged -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:rw --cgroupns=host \
-d --rm -it -v $(pwd):/g -w /g --name=bt ossrs/bt-plugin-dev:1
Note: For Linux server, please use
--privileged -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro
to start docker.
Note: Should bind the docker to your BT account, then you will get the
, and save it to$HOME/.bt/userInfo.json
Note: Enable the HTTP API and get the
, and save it to$HOME/.bt/api.json
Build and save the platform image to file:
docker rmi platform:latest 2>/dev/null || echo OK &&
docker build -t platform:latest -f Dockerfile . &&
docker save -o platform.tar platform:latest
Enter the docker container:
version=$(bash scripts/ &&
major=$(echo $version |awk -F '.' '{print $1}' |sed 's/v//g') &&
docker exec -it bt docker load -i platform.tar &&
docker exec -it bt docker tag platform:latest ossrs/oryx:$version &&
docker exec -it bt docker tag platform:latest ossrs/oryx:$major &&
docker exec -it bt docker tag platform:latest$version &&
docker exec -it bt docker tag platform:latest$major &&
docker exec -it bt docker images
Next, build the BT plugin and install it:
docker exec -it bt bash /www/server/panel/plugin/oryx/ uninstall 2>/dev/null || echo OK &&
docker exec -it bt rm -f /data/config/.env &&
bash scripts/setup-bt/auto/ --output $(pwd)/build --extract &&
docker exec -it bt bash /www/server/panel/plugin/oryx/ install
You can use BT panel to install the plugin, or by command:
docker exec -it bt python3 /www/server/panel/plugin/oryx/ &&
docker exec -it bt python3 /www/server/panel/plugin/oryx/ &&
docker exec -it bt python3 /www/server/panel/plugin/oryx/ &&
docker exec -it bt bash /www/server/panel/plugin/oryx/ \
--r0 /tmp/oryx_install.r0 --nginx /www/server/nginx/logs/ \
--www /www/wwwroot --site srs.stack.local
Setup the dns lookup for domain srs.stack.local
PIP=$(docker exec -it bt ifconfig eth0 |grep 'inet ' |awk '{print $2}') &&
docker exec -it bt bash -c "echo '$PIP srs.stack.local' >> /etc/hosts" &&
docker exec -it bt cat /etc/hosts && echo OK &&
docker exec -it bt docker exec -it oryx bash -c "echo '$PIP srs.stack.local' >> /etc/hosts" &&
docker exec -it bt docker exec -it oryx cat /etc/hosts
Note: We add host
to the ip of eth0, because we need to access it in the oryx docker in docker.
Run test for BT:
rm -f test/oryx.test &&
docker exec -it bt make -j -C test &&
bash scripts/tools/ --output test/.env && sleep 5 &&
docker exec -it bt ./test/oryx.test -test.timeout=1h -test.failfast -test.v -endpoint http://srs.stack.local:80 \
-srs-log=true -wait-ready=true -init-password=true -check-api-secret=true -init-self-signed-cert=true \ TestSystem_Empty &&
bash scripts/tools/ --output test/.env && sleep 5 &&
docker exec -it bt ./test/oryx.test -test.timeout=1h -test.failfast -test.v -wait-ready -endpoint http://srs.stack.local:80 \
-srs-log=true -wait-ready=true -init-password=false -check-api-secret=true \
-test.parallel 3 &&
docker exec -it bt ./test/oryx.test -test.timeout=1h -test.failfast -test.v -wait-ready -endpoint https://srs.stack.local:443 \
-srs-log=true -wait-ready=true -init-password=false -check-api-secret=true \
-test.parallel 3
Open http://localhost:7800/srsstack to install plugin.
Note: Or you can use
docker exec -it bt bt default
to show the login info.
In the application store, there is a oryx
plugin. After test, you can install the plugin
to production BT panel.
Note: Please note that BT plugin will use the current branch version, including develop version.
To build SRS droplet image for DigitalOcean Marketplace.
For the first run, please install Packer and plugin:
brew tap hashicorp/tap &&
brew install hashicorp/tap/packer &&
PACKER_LOG=1 packer plugins install
Start to build SRS image by:
(export DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN=$(grep market "${HOME}/Library/Application Support/doctl/config.yaml" |grep -v context |awk '{print $2}') &&
cd scripts/setup-droplet && packer build srs.json)
Note: You can also create a token and setup the env
Please check the snapshot, and create a test droplet.
IMAGE=$(doctl compute snapshot list --context market --format ID --no-header) &&
sshkey=$(doctl compute ssh-key list --context market --no-header |grep srs |awk '{print $1}') &&
doctl compute droplet create oryx-test --context market --image $IMAGE \
--region sgp1 --size s-2vcpu-2gb --ssh-keys $sshkey --wait &&
SRS_DROPLET_EIP=$(doctl compute droplet get oryx-test --context market --format PublicIPv4 --no-header)
Prepare test environment:
ssh root@$SRS_DROPLET_EIP sudo mkdir -p /data/upload test scripts/tools &&
ssh root@$SRS_DROPLET_EIP sudo chmod 777 /data/upload &&
cp ~/git/srs/trunk/doc/source.200kbps.768x320.flv test/ &&
scp ./test/source.200kbps.768x320.flv root@$SRS_DROPLET_EIP:/data/upload/ &&
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/g -w /g -e CGO_ENABLED=0 -e GOOS=linux -e GOARCH=amd64 \
ossrs/srs:ubuntu20 make -C test clean default &&
scp ./test/oryx.test ./test/source.200kbps.768x320.flv root@$SRS_DROPLET_EIP:~/test/ &&
scp ./scripts/tools/ root@$SRS_DROPLET_EIP:~/scripts/tools &&
ssh root@$SRS_DROPLET_EIP docker run --rm -v /usr/bin:/g ossrs/srs:tools \
cp /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg /usr/local/bin/ffprobe /g/
Note: By setting
, we always build for x86_64 linux platform, because we only use the DigitalOcean VPS with x86_64.
Test the droplet instance:
ssh root@$SRS_DROPLET_EIP bash scripts/tools/ --output test/.env && sleep 5 &&
ssh root@$SRS_DROPLET_EIP ./test/oryx.test -test.timeout=1h -test.failfast -test.v -endpoint http://$SRS_DROPLET_EIP:2022 \
-srs-log=true -wait-ready=true -init-password=true -check-api-secret=true -init-self-signed-cert=true \ TestSystem_Empty &&
ssh root@$SRS_DROPLET_EIP bash scripts/tools/ --output test/.env && sleep 5 &&
ssh root@$SRS_DROPLET_EIP ./test/oryx.test -test.timeout=1h -test.failfast -test.v -wait-ready -endpoint http://$SRS_DROPLET_EIP:2022 \
-endpoint-rtmp rtmp://$SRS_DROPLET_EIP -endpoint-http http://$SRS_DROPLET_EIP -endpoint-srt srt://$SRS_DROPLET_EIP:10080 \
-srs-log=true -wait-ready=true -init-password=false -check-api-secret=true \
-test.parallel 1
Remove the droplet instance:
doctl compute droplet delete oryx-test --context market --force
After submit to marketplace, cleanup the snapshot:
IMAGE=$(doctl compute snapshot list --context market --format ID --no-header) &&
doctl compute snapshot delete $IMAGE --context market --force
Note: The snapshot should be removed if submit to marketplace, so you don't need to delete it.
Note: Please note that BT plugin will use the current branch version, including develop version.
To build SRS image for TencentCloud Lighthouse.
For the first run, please create a TencentCloud Secret and save
to ~/.lighthouse/.env
Note: Share the image to
to publish it.
Create a CVM instance:
rm -f .tmp/lh-*.txt &&
echo "$(openssl rand -base64 32 | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | head -c 16)A0" >.tmp/lh-token.txt &&
VM_TOKEN=$(cat .tmp/lh-token.txt) bash scripts/tools/tencent-cloud/ --id $(pwd)/.tmp/lh-instance.txt &&
bash scripts/tools/tencent-cloud/ --instance $(cat .tmp/lh-instance.txt) --id $(pwd)/.tmp/lh-ip.txt &&
echo "Instance: $(cat .tmp/lh-instance.txt), IP: ubuntu@$(cat .tmp/lh-ip.txt), Password: $(cat .tmp/lh-token.txt)" && sleep 5 &&
bash scripts/setup-lighthouse/ --ip $(cat .tmp/lh-ip.txt) --os ubuntu --user ubuntu --password $(cat .tmp/lh-token.txt) &&
bash scripts/tools/tencent-cloud/ --instance $(cat .tmp/lh-instance.txt) --id $(pwd)/.tmp/lh-image.txt &&
bash scripts/tools/tencent-cloud/ --image $(cat .tmp/lh-image.txt) &&
echo "Image: $(cat .tmp/lh-image.txt) created and shared." &&
bash scripts/tools/tencent-cloud/ --instance $(cat .tmp/lh-instance.txt)
Next, create a test CVM instance with the image:
echo "$(openssl rand -base64 32 | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | head -c 16)A0" >.tmp/lh-token2.txt &&
VM_TOKEN=$(cat .tmp/lh-token2.txt) bash scripts/tools/tencent-cloud/ --image $(cat .tmp/lh-image.txt) --id $(pwd)/.tmp/lh-test.txt &&
bash scripts/tools/tencent-cloud/ --instance $(cat .tmp/lh-test.txt) --id $(pwd)/.tmp/lh-ip2.txt &&
echo "IP: ubuntu@$(cat .tmp/lh-ip2.txt), Password: $(cat .tmp/lh-token2.txt)" &&
echo "http://$(cat .tmp/lh-ip2.txt)"
Prepare test environment:
sshCmd="sshpass -p $(cat .tmp/lh-token2.txt) ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -t" &&
scpCmd="sshpass -p $(cat .tmp/lh-token2.txt) scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" &&
$sshCmd ubuntu@$(cat .tmp/lh-ip2.txt) sudo mkdir -p /data/upload &&
$sshCmd ubuntu@$(cat .tmp/lh-ip2.txt) mkdir -p test scripts/tools &&
$sshCmd ubuntu@$(cat .tmp/lh-ip2.txt) sudo chmod 777 /data/upload &&
cp ~/git/srs/trunk/doc/source.200kbps.768x320.flv test/ &&
$scpCmd test/source.200kbps.768x320.flv ubuntu@$(cat .tmp/lh-ip2.txt):/data/upload/ &&
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/g -w /g ossrs/srs:ubuntu20 make -C test clean default &&
$scpCmd ./test/oryx.test ./test/source.200kbps.768x320.flv ubuntu@$(cat .tmp/lh-ip2.txt):~/test/ &&
$scpCmd ./scripts/tools/ ubuntu@$(cat .tmp/lh-ip2.txt):~/scripts/tools &&
$sshCmd ubuntu@$(cat .tmp/lh-ip2.txt) sudo docker run --rm -v /usr/bin:/g \ \
cp /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg /usr/local/bin/ffprobe /g/
Test the CVM instance:
$sshCmd ubuntu@$(cat .tmp/lh-ip2.txt) sudo bash scripts/tools/ --output test/.env && sleep 5 &&
$sshCmd ubuntu@$(cat .tmp/lh-ip2.txt) ./test/oryx.test -test.timeout=1h -test.failfast -test.v -endpoint http://$(cat .tmp/lh-ip2.txt):2022 \
-srs-log=true -wait-ready=true -init-password=true -check-api-secret=true -init-self-signed-cert=true \ TestSystem_Empty &&
$sshCmd ubuntu@$(cat .tmp/lh-ip2.txt) sudo bash scripts/tools/ --output test/.env && sleep 5 &&
$sshCmd ubuntu@$(cat .tmp/lh-ip2.txt) ./test/oryx.test -test.timeout=1h -test.failfast -test.v -wait-ready -endpoint http://$(cat .tmp/lh-ip2.txt):2022 \
-endpoint-rtmp rtmp://$(cat .tmp/lh-ip2.txt) -endpoint-http http://$(cat .tmp/lh-ip2.txt) -endpoint-srt srt://$(cat .tmp/lh-ip2.txt):10080 \
-srs-log=true -wait-ready=true -init-password=false -check-api-secret=true \
-test.parallel 3 &&
ssh ubuntu@$(cat .tmp/lh-ip2.txt) ./test/oryx.test -test.timeout=1h -test.failfast -test.v -wait-ready -endpoint https://$(cat .tmp/lh-ip2.txt):2443 \
-endpoint-rtmp rtmp://$(cat .tmp/lh-ip2.txt) -endpoint-http https://$(cat .tmp/lh-ip2.txt) -endpoint-srt srt://$(cat .tmp/lh-ip2.txt):10080 \
-srs-log=true -wait-ready=true -init-password=false -check-api-secret=true \
-test.parallel 3
Verify then cleanup the test CVM instance:
bash scripts/tools/tencent-cloud/ --instance $(cat .tmp/lh-test.txt)
After publish to lighthouse, cleanup the CVM, disk images, and snapshots:
bash scripts/tools/tencent-cloud/ --image $(cat .tmp/lh-image.txt)
If need to test the domain of lighthouse, create a domain
# Create the test domain for lighthouse
doctl compute domain records create \
--record-type A --record-name lighthouse --record-data $(cat .tmp/lh-ip2.txt) \
--record-ttl 300 &&
echo ""
# Remove the test domain for lighthouse
doctl compute domain records delete -f \
$(doctl compute domain records list --no-header |grep lighthouse |awk '{print $1}') &&
echo "Record removed"
Create a domain for HTTPS:
LNAME=lego && &&
doctl compute domain records create $LDOMAIN \
--record-type A --record-name $LNAME --record-data $(dig +short $LDOMAIN) \
--record-ttl 3600
Build and save the script image to file:
docker rmi platform:latest 2>/dev/null || echo OK &&
docker build -t platform:latest -f Dockerfile . &&
docker save -o platform.tar platform:latest
Copy and load the image to server:
ssh root@$LNAME.$LDOMAIN rm -f platform.tar* 2>/dev/null &&
rm -f platform.tar.gz && tar zcf platform.tar.gz platform.tar &&
scp platform.tar.gz root@$LNAME.$LDOMAIN:~ &&
ssh root@$LNAME.$LDOMAIN tar xf platform.tar.gz &&
version=$(bash scripts/ &&
ssh root@$LNAME.$LDOMAIN docker load -i platform.tar &&
ssh root@$LNAME.$LDOMAIN docker tag platform:latest ossrs/oryx:$version &&
ssh root@$LNAME.$LDOMAIN docker tag platform:latest$version &&
ssh root@$LNAME.$LDOMAIN docker image prune -f &&
ssh root@$LNAME.$LDOMAIN docker images
Next, build the BT plugin and install it:
ssh root@$LNAME.$LDOMAIN bash /www/server/panel/plugin/oryx/ uninstall 2>/dev/null || echo OK &&
bash scripts/setup-bt/auto/ --output $(pwd)/build --extract &&
scp build/ root@$LNAME.$LDOMAIN:~ &&
ssh root@$LNAME.$LDOMAIN unzip -q -d /www/server/panel/plugin &&
ssh root@$LNAME.$LDOMAIN bash /www/server/panel/plugin/oryx/ install
On the server, setup the .bashrc
export BT_KEY=xxxxxx
You can use BT panel to install the plugin, or by command:
ssh root@$LNAME.$LDOMAIN python3 /www/server/panel/plugin/oryx/ &&
ssh root@$LNAME.$LDOMAIN DOMAIN=$LNAME.$LDOMAIN python3 /www/server/panel/plugin/oryx/ &&
ssh root@$LNAME.$LDOMAIN python3 /www/server/panel/plugin/oryx/ &&
ssh root@$LNAME.$LDOMAIN bash /www/server/panel/plugin/oryx/ \
--r0 /tmp/oryx_install.r0 --nginx /www/server/nginx/logs/ \
--www /www/wwwroot --site srs.stack.local
Cleanup, remove the files and domain:
ssh root@$LNAME.$LDOMAIN rm -f platform.tar* 2>/dev/null &&
ssh root@$LNAME.$LDOMAIN python3 /www/server/panel/plugin/oryx/ &&
ssh root@$LNAME.$LDOMAIN bash /www/server/panel/plugin/oryx/ uninstall 2>/dev/null || echo OK &&
domains=$(doctl compute domain records ls $LDOMAIN --no-header |grep $LNAME) && echo "Cleanup domains: $domains" &&
doctl compute domain records delete $LDOMAIN $(echo $domains |awk '{print $1}') -f
Query domain and droplet:
doctl compute domain records ls |grep lego &&
doctl compute droplet ls |grep lego
Run Oryx by previous steps, such as Develop All in macOS, publish stream and there should be a HLS stream:
Build the image of nginx:
docker rm -f nginx 2>/dev/null &&
docker rmi scripts/nginx-hls-cdn 2>/dev/null || echo OK &&
docker build -t ossrs/oryx:nginx-hls-cdn scripts/nginx-hls-cdn
Note: The official image is build by workflow which is triggered manually.
If you want to use NGINX as proxy, run by docker:
ORYX_SERVER=$(ifconfig en0 |grep 'inet ' |awk '{print $2}') &&
docker run --rm -it -p 80:80 --name nginx -e ORYX_SERVER=${ORYX_SERVER}:2022 \
There should be a new HLS stream, cached by NGINX:
To test the CROS with OPTIONS
, use HTTP-REST tool, or by curl:
curl 'http://localhost/live/livestream.m3u8' -X 'OPTIONS' -H 'Origin:' -v
curl 'http://localhost/live/livestream.m3u8' -X 'GET' -H 'Origin:' -v
To start a srs-bench to test the performance:
docker run --rm -d ossrs/srs:sb ./objs/sb_hls_load \
-c 100 -r http://host.docker.internal/live/livestream.m3u8
The load should be taken by NGINX, not the Oryx.
Install Oryx by BT or aaPanel or docker, assume the domain is
, publish
a RTMP stream to Oryx:
ffmpeg -re -i ~/git/srs/trunk/doc/source.flv -c copy \
-f flv rtmp://
Open the to Check it.
Create a new domain
for the same server:
doctl compute domain records create \
--record-type A --record-name bt2 --record-data \
--record-ttl 3600
Create a new WebSite
by BT or aaPanel, proxy to NGINX HLS Edge server:
location /tools/ {
proxy_pass http://localhost:2022;
location / {
proxy_no_cache 1;
proxy_cache_bypass 1;
add_header X-Cache-Status-Proxy $upstream_cache_status;
proxy_pass http://localhost:23080;
Start a NGINX HLS Edge server:
docker rm -f oryx-nginx01 || echo OK &&
PIP=$(ifconfig eth0 |grep 'inet ' |awk '{print $2}') &&
docker run --rm -it -e ORYX_SERVER=$PIP:2022 \
-p 23080:80 --name oryx-nginx01 -d \
Open the to Check it.
Use curl to test the HLS cache:
curl -v
curl -v -H 'Origin:'
curl -v
curl -v -H 'Origin:'
Be aware that the cache will store the CORS headers as well. This means that if you query and obtain HLS without CORS, it will remain without CORS even when a request includes an Origin header that necessitates CORS.
Build the image with docker:
docker rm -f script 2>/dev/null &&
docker rmi srs-script-dev 2>/dev/null || echo OK &&
docker build -t srs-script-dev -f scripts/setup-ubuntu/Dockerfile.script .
Create a docker container in daemon:
docker rm -f script 2>/dev/null &&
docker run -p 2022:2022 -p 2443:2443 -p 1935:1935 -p 8000:8000/udp -p 10080:10080/udp \
--env CANDIDATE=$(ifconfig en0 |grep 'inet ' |awk '{print $2}') \
--privileged -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:rw --cgroupns=host \
-d --rm -it -v $(pwd):/g -w /g --name=script srs-script-dev
Note: For Linux server, please use
--privileged -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro
to start docker.
Install Oryx with script:
docker exec -it -w /tmp script bash /g/scripts/
Install HELM and kubectl, then add repo of Oryx:
helm repo add srs
Install the latest Oryx:
helm install srs srs/oryx
Or, install from file:
helm install srs ~/git/srs-helm/stable/oryx-1.0.6.tgz
Or, setup the persistence directory:
helm install srs ~/git/srs-helm/stable/oryx-1.0.6.tgz \
--set persistence.path=$HOME/data
Finally, open http://localhost to check it.
Please setup the environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY
, if need to test the OpenAI
feature like transcript.
Note: Already setup in the script, no extra steps needed.
Prepare the .env:
bash scripts/tools/ --output test/.env &&
cp ~/git/srs/trunk/doc/source.200kbps.768x320.flv test/
Run testcase in Goland.
To update the demo for Oryx, for
IMAGE=$(ssh [email protected] docker images |grep oryx |grep v5 |awk '{print $1":"$2}' |head -n 1) &&
docker build -t $IMAGE -f Dockerfile . &&
docker save $IMAGE |gzip > t.tar.gz &&
scp t.tar.gz [email protected]:~/ &&
ssh [email protected] docker load -i t.tar.gz &&
ssh [email protected] docker stop oryx &&
sleep 3 && ssh [email protected] docker rm -f oryx &&
ssh [email protected] docker image prune -f
IMAGE=$(ssh [email protected] docker images |grep oryx |grep v5 |awk '{print $1":"$2}' |head -n 1) &&
docker build -t $IMAGE -f Dockerfile . &&
docker save $IMAGE |gzip > t.tar.gz &&
scp t.tar.gz [email protected]:~/ &&
ssh [email protected] docker load -i t.tar.gz &&
ssh [email protected] docker stop oryx &&
sleep 3 && ssh [email protected] docker rm -f oryx &&
ssh [email protected] docker image prune -f
The SRS container is configured by environment variables, which loads the /data/config/.srs.env
file. To build a test image:
docker rmi oryx-env 2>/dev/null || echo OK &&
docker build -t oryx-env -f Dockerfile .
Setup the logging to file:
echo 'SRS_LOG_TANK=file' > $HOME/data/config/.srs.env
Run Oryx by docker:
docker run --rm -it -p 2022:2022 -p 2443:2443 -p 1935:1935 \
-p 8000:8000/udp -p 10080:10080/udp --name oryx \
--env CANDIDATE=$(ifconfig en0 |grep 'inet ' |awk '{print $2}') \
-v $HOME/data:/data oryx-env
Note that the logs should be written to file, there is no log write log to console
, instead there
should be a log like you can check log by
Oryx follows the rules for WebRTC candidate, see CANDIDATE, but also has extra improvements for we can do more after proxy the API.
- Disable
in SRS config. - Always use
and ignore any other config, if user force to use the specified IP. - If
(default ison
) isn'toff
, try to resolve the candidate fromHost
of HTTP API by Oryx. - If access Oryx by
for debugging or run in localhost. 1. IfPLATFORM_DOCKER
, such as directly run in host, not in docker, use the private ip of Oryx. 1. If not setCANDIDATE
, use127.0.0.1
for OBS WHIP or native client to access Oryx by localhost. - Use
if it's a valid IP address, for example, to access Oryx by public ip address. - Use DNS lookup if
is a domain, for example, to access Oryx by domain name. - If no candidate, use docker IP address discovered by SRS.
Note: Client can also set the header
to set the candidate.
Note: Never use
because it's only available in docker, not in host server.
The ports allocated:
Module | TCP Ports | UDP Ports | Notes |
SRS | 1935, 1985, 8080, 8088, 1990, 554, 8936 |
8000, 8935, 10080, 1989 |
See SRS ports |
platform | 2022 | - | Mount at /mgmt/ , /terraform/v1/mgmt/ , /terraform/v1/hooks/ , /terraform/v1/ffmpeg/ and /terraform/v1/tencent/ |
debugging | 22022 | - | Mount at /terraform/v1/debug/goroutines |
Note: FFmpeg(2019), TencentCloud(2020), Hooks(2021), Mgmt(2022), Platform(2024) has been migrated to platform(2024).
API without any authentication:
Public version api./terraform/v1/mgmt/check
Check whether system is ok./terraform/v1/mgmt/envs
Query the envs of mgmt./terraform/v1/releases
Version management for all components./terraform/v1/host/versions
Public version api./terraform/v1/hooks/record/hls/:uuid.m3u8
Hooks: Generate HLS/m3u8 url to preview or download./terraform/v1/hooks/record/hls/:uuid/index.m3u8
Hooks: Serve HLS m3u8 files./terraform/v1/hooks/record/hls/:dir/:m3u8/:uuid.ts
Hooks: Serve HLS ts files./terraform/v1/ai/transcript/hls/overlay/:uuid.m3u8
Generate the preview HLS for transcript stream with overlay text./terraform/v1/ai/transcript/hls/webvtt/:uuid/index.m3u8
Generate the preview HLS for transcript stream with WebVTT text./terraform/v1/ai/transcript/hls/webvtt/:uuid/subtitles.m3u8
The HLS subtitles for the HLS./terraform/v1/ai/transcript/hls/webvtt/:uuid.m3u8
The HLS stream for the WebVTT.
Generate the preview HLS for original stream without overlay text./terraform/v1/ai/ocr/image/:uuid.jpg
Get the image for OCR task./terraform/v1/mgmt/beian/query
Query the beian information./terraform/v1/ai-talk/stage/hello-voices/:file.aac
AI-Talk: Play the example audios./.well-known/acme-challenge/
HTTPS verify mount for letsencrypt.- For SRS proxy:
Proxy for SRS: HTTP API for WebRTC of SRS media server./*/*.(flv|m3u8|ts|aac|mp3)
Proxy for SRS: Media stream for HTTP-FLV, HLS, HTTP-TS, HTTP-AAC, HTTP-MP3.
- For static files:
A set of H5 tools, like simple player, xgplayer, etc, serve by mgmt./console/
The SRS console, serve by mgmt./players/
The SRS player, serve by mgmt./mgmt/
The ui for mgmt, serve by mgmt.
API without token authentication, but with password authentication:
Whether mgmt initialized. Login by password./terraform/v1/mgmt/login
System auth with password.
Platform, with token authentication:
System auth with token./terraform/v1/mgmt/status
Query the version of mgmt./terraform/v1/mgmt/bilibili
Query the video information./terraform/v1/mgmt/beian/update
Update the beian information./terraform/v1/mgmt/limits/query
Query the limits information./terraform/v1/mgmt/limits/update
Update the limits information./terraform/v1/mgmt/secret/query
Query the api secret for OpenAPI./terraform/v1/mgmt/hphls/update
HLS delivery in high performance mode./terraform/v1/mgmt/hphls/query
Query HLS delivery in high performance mode./terraform/v1/mgmt/hlsll/update
Setup HLS low latency mode./terraform/v1/mgmt/hlsll/query
Query state of HLS low latency mode./terraform/v1/mgmt/ssl
Config the system SSL config./terraform/v1/mgmt/auto-self-signed-certificate
Create the self-signed certificate if no cert./terraform/v1/mgmt/letsencrypt
Config the let's encrypt SSL./terraform/v1/mgmt/cert/query
Query the key and cert for HTTPS./terraform/v1/mgmt/hooks/apply
Update the HTTP callback./terraform/v1/mgmt/hooks/query
Query the HTTP callback./terraform/v1/mgmt/hooks/example
Example target for HTTP callback./terraform/v1/mgmt/streams/query
Query the active streams./terraform/v1/mgmt/streams/kickoff
Kickoff the stream by name./terraform/v1/hooks/srs/verify
Hooks: Verify the stream request URL of SRS./terraform/v1/hooks/srs/secret/query
Hooks: Query the secret to generate stream URL./terraform/v1/hooks/srs/secret/update
Hooks: Update the secret to generate stream URL./terraform/v1/hooks/srs/secret/disable
Hooks: Disable the secret for authentication./terraform/v1/hooks/srs/hls
Hooks: Handle theon_hls
Hooks: Query the Record pattern./terraform/v1/hooks/record/apply
Hooks: Apply the Record pattern./terraform/v1/hooks/record/globs
Update the glob filters for record./terraform/v1/hooks/record/post-processing
Update the post-processing for record./terraform/v1/hooks/record/remove
Hooks: Remove the Record files./terraform/v1/hooks/record/end
Record: As stream is unpublished, finish the record task quickly./terraform/v1/hooks/record/files
Hooks: List the Record files./terraform/v1/live/room/create
Live: Create a new live room./terraform/v1/live/room/query
Live: Query a new live room./terraform/v1/live/room/update
Live: Update a live room./terraform/v1/live/room/remove
: Live: Remove a live room./terraform/v1/live/room/list
Live: List all available live rooms./terraform/v1/ai-talk/stage/start
AI-Talk: Start a new stage./terraform/v1/ai-talk/stage/conversation
AI-Talk: Start a new conversation request of stage./terraform/v1/ai-talk/stage/upload
AI-Talk: Upload a user input audio file./terraform/v1/ai-talk/stage/query
AI-Talk: Query the response of input./terraform/v1/ai-talk/stage/verify
AI-Talk: Verify the stage level token for popout./terraform/v1/ai-talk/subscribe/start
AI-Talk: Start a popout with stage./terraform/v1/ai-talk/subscribe/query
AI-Talk: Query the popout audio responses./terraform/v1/ai-talk/subscribe/tts
AI-Talk: Play the TTS audios./terraform/v1/ai-talk/subscribe/remove
AI-Talk: Remove the popout audio responses./terraform/v1/ai-talk/user/query
AI-Talk: Query the user information./terraform/v1/ai-talk/user/update
AI-Talk: Update the user information./terraform/v1/dubbing/create
Dubbing: Create a dubbing project./terraform/v1/dubbing/list
Dubbing: List all dubbing projects./terraform/v1/dubbing/remove
Dubbing: Remove a dubbing project./terraform/v1/dubbing/query
Dubbing: Query a dubbing project./terraform/v1/dubbing/update
Dubbing: Update a dubbing project./terraform/v1/dubbing/play
Dubbing: Play the dubbing audio or video./terraform/v1/dubbing/export
Dubbing: Generate and download the dubbing audio artifact./terraform/v1/dubbing/task-start
Dubbing: Start the work task for dubbing./terraform/v1/dubbing/task-query
Dubbing: Query the work task for dubbing./terraform/v1/dubbing/task-tts
Dubbing: Play the TTS audio for dubbing./terraform/v1/dubbing/task-rephrase
Dubbing: Rephrase and regenerate TTS of the dubbing group./terraform/v1/dubbing/task-merge
: Dubbing: Merge the dubbing group to previous or next group./terraform/v1/ffmpeg/forward/secret
FFmpeg: Setup the forward secret to live streaming platforms./terraform/v1/ffmpeg/forward/streams
FFmpeg: Query the forwarding streams./terraform/v1/ffmpeg/vlive/secret
Setup the Virtual Live streaming secret./terraform/v1/ffmpeg/vlive/streams
Query the Virtual Live streaming streams./terraform/v1/ffmpeg/vlive/source
Setup Virtual Live source file./terraform/v1/ffmpeg/vlive/upload/
Source: Upload Virtual Live or Dubbing source file./terraform/v1/ffmpeg/vlive/server
Source: Use server file as Virtual Live or Dubbing source./terraform/v1/ffmpeg/vlive/stream-url
Source: Use stream URL as Virtual Live source./terraform/v1/ffmpeg/camera/secret
Setup the IP camera streaming secret./terraform/v1/ffmpeg/camera/streams
Query the IP camera streaming streams./terraform/v1/ffmpeg/camera/source
Setup IP camera source file./terraform/v1/ffmpeg/camera/stream-url
Source: Use stream URL as IP camera source./terraform/v1/ffmpeg/transcode/query
Query transcode config./terraform/v1/ffmpeg/transcode/apply
Apply transcode config./terraform/v1/ffmpeg/transcode/task
Query transcode task./terraform/v1/ai/transcript/apply
Update the settings of transcript./terraform/v1/ai/transcript/query
Query the settings of transcript./terraform/v1/ai/transcript/check
Check the OpenAI service of transcript./terraform/v1/ai/transcript/clear-subtitle
: Clear the subtitle of segment in fixing queue./terraform/v1/ai/transcript/live-queue
Query the live queue of transcript./terraform/v1/ai/transcript/asr-queue
Query the asr queue of transcript./terraform/v1/ai/transcript/fix-queue
Query the fix queue of transcript./terraform/v1/ai/transcript/overlay-queue
Query the overlay queue of transcript./terraform/v1/ai/ocr/apply
Update the settings of OCR./terraform/v1/ai/ocr/query
Query the settings of OCR./terraform/v1/ai/ocr/check
Check the OpenAI service of OCR./terraform/v1/ai/ocr/live-queue
Query the live queue of OCR./terraform/v1/ai/ocr/ocr-queue
Query the recognition queue of OCR./terraform/v1/ai/ocr/callback-queue
Query the callback queue of OCR./terraform/v1/ai/ocr/cleanup-queue
Query the cleanup queue of OCR.
Also provided by platform for SRS proxy:
SRS: HTTP API of SRS media server. With token authentication.
Deprecated API:
Tencent: Setup the CAM SecretId and SecretKey./terraform/v1/hooks/dvr/apply
Hooks: Apply the DVR pattern./terraform/v1/hooks/dvr/query
Hooks: Query the DVR pattern./terraform/v1/hooks/dvr/files
Hooks: List the DVR files./terraform/v1/hooks/dvr/hls/:uuid.m3u8
Hooks: Generate HLS/m3u8 url to preview or download./terraform/v1/hooks/vod/query
Hooks: Query the VoD pattern./terraform/v1/hooks/vod/apply
Hooks: Apply the VoD pattern./terraform/v1/hooks/vod/files
Hooks: List the VoD files./terraform/v1/hooks/vod/hls/:uuid.m3u8
Hooks: Generate HLS/m3u8 url to preview or download.
Removed API:
Toggle the upgrade strategy./prometheus
Prometheus: Time-series database and monitor./terraform/v1/mgmt/nginx/proxy
Setup a reverse proxy location./terraform/v1/mgmt/dns/lb
HTTP-DNS for hls load balance./terraform/v1/mgmt/dns/backend/update
HTTP-DNS: Update the backend servers for hls load balance./terraform/v1/mgmt/nginx/homepage
Setup the homepage redirection./terraform/v1/mgmt/window/query
Query the upgrade time window./terraform/v1/mgmt/window/update
Update the upgrade time window./terraform/v1/mgmt/pubkey
Update the access for platform administrator pubkey./terraform/v1/mgmt/upgrade
Upgrade the mgmt to latest version./terraform/v1/mgmt/containers
Query SRS container./terraform/v1/host/exec
Exec command sync, response the stdout and stderr./terraform/v1/mgmt/secret/token
Create token for OpenAPI.
The software we depend on:
- Docker,
apt-get install -y
- Nginx,
apt-get install -y nginx
- Conf:
- Include:
- Include:
- SSL Key:
- Certificate:
- Conf:
- Verify webroot:
- Cert files:
- Verify webroot:
- Config:
mount as/usr/local/srs/conf/srs.conf
- Include:
- Include:
- Volume:
mount as/usr/local/srs/objs/nginx/
- Config:
- FFmpeg:
- FFmpeg and ffprobe tools in
- FFmpeg and ffprobe tools in
The optional environments defined by platform/containers/data/config/.env
: The mgmt administrator password.REACT_APP_LOCALE
: The i18n config for ui,en
, default toen
Other environments defined by platform/containers/data/config/.env
, The cloud platform name, DEV for development.REGION
, The region for upgrade source.REGISTRY|
, The docker registry.MGMT_LISTEN
: The listen port for mgmt HTTP server. Default:2022
: The listen port for platform HTTP server. Default:2024
: The listen port for HTTPS server. Default:2443
For multiple ports running in multiple containers in one host server:
: The listen port for HTTP server. Default to port to access dashboard.RTMP_PORT
: The listen port for RTMP server. Default:1935
: The listen UDP port for SRT server. Default:10080
: The listen UDP port for RTC server. Default:8000
For limit that you can control:
: The limit for SRS forward. Default:10
: The limit for SRS virtual live. Default:10
For feature control:
, whether enable the host name lookup, on or off. Default:on
For testing the specified service:
, if development, use local redis; otherwise, usemgmt.srs.local
in docker. Default: 'development'LOCAL_RELEASE
, whether use local release service. Default:off
, whether run platform in docker. Default:off
For mgmt and containers to connect to redis:
: The redis password. Default: empty.REDIS_PORT
: The redis port. Default:6379
Environments for react ui:
: The mount prefix.BUILD_PATH
: The output build path, default tobuild
Note: The env for react must start with
, please read this post.
Removed variables in .env:
: The mgmt api secret for token generating and verifying.
For HTTPS, automatically generate a self-signed certificate:
, whether generate self-signed certificate. Default:on
Deprecated and unused variables:
, indicates the OS is in docker.SRS_DOCKER
to enfore useossrs/srs
docker image.MGMT_DOCKER
, whether run mgmt in docker. Default: falseUSE_DOCKER
, if false, disable all docker containers.SRS_UTEST
, if on, running in utest mode.SOURCE
, The source code for upgrading.
Please restart service when .env
For the json field with more than 2 words:
type CameraConfigure struct {
ExtraAudio string `json:"extraAudio"`
Or use the format:
type CameraConfigure struct {
ExtraAudio string `json:"extra_audio"`
Generally we follow this guide except for some legacy code.
The following are the update records for the Oryx server.
- v5.15:
- Forward: Support multiple forwarding servers. v5.15.1
- ENV: Refine the environment variables. v5.15.2
- OCR: Support OCR for image recognition. v5.15.3
- VLive: Support multiple virtual live streaming. v5.15.4
- Camera: Support multiple camera streaming. v5.15.5
- v5.14:
- Merge features and bugfix from releases. v5.14.1
- Dubbing: Support VoD dubbing for multiple languages. v5.14.2
- Dubbing: Support disable translation, rephrase, or tts. v5.14.3
- Dubbing: Highlight the currently playing group. v5.14.3
- NGINX: Support set the m3u8 and ts expire. v5.14.3
- HLS: Set m3u8 expire time to 1s for LLHLS. v5.14.4
- HLS: Use fast cache for HLS config. v5.14.4
- Transcript: Support set the force_style for overlay subtitle. v5.14.5
- Transcript: Use Whisper response without LF. (#163). v5.14.5
- Token: Fix bug for Bearer token while initializing. v5.14.6
- Room: Enable dictation mode for AI-Talk. v5.14.7
- Dubbing: Refine download button with comments. v5.14.8
- Room: AI-Talk support post processing. v5.14.9
- Website: Support setting title for popout. v5.14.10
- Transcript: Support set the video codec parameters. v5.14.11
- Transcript: Support subtitle with WebVTT format. v5.14.12
- Transcript: Fix overlay transcoding parameters parsing bug. v5.14.13
- Use port 80/443 by default in README. v5.14.14
- Use fastfail for test and utest. v5.14.15
- Rename project to Oryx. v5.14.15
- API: Support kickoff stream by name. v5.14.16
- AI-Talk: Refine the delay of ASR to 3s. v5.14.17
- AI-Talk: Ignore silent ASR text. v5.14.18
- Refine installer for lightsail. v5.14.19
- Update model to gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-4-turbo, gpt-4o. v5.14.20
- v5.13:
- Fix bug for vlive and transcript. v5.13.1
- Support AWS Lightsail install script. v5.13.2
- Limits: Support limit bitrate for VLive stream. v5.13.3
- Fix bug: Remove HTTP port for SRS. v5.13.4
- Refine API with Bearer token. v5.13.5
- Switch to fluid max width. v5.13.6
- HLS: Support low latency mode about 5s. v5.13.7
- RTSP: Rebuild the URL with escaped user info. v5.13.8
- VLive: Support SRT URL filter. v5.13.9
- FFmpeg: Monitor and restart FFmpeg if stuck. v5.13.10
- Room: Support live room secret with stream URL. v5.13.11
- Camera: Support IP Camera streaming scenario. v5.13.12
- Camera: Support silent extra audio stream for video only device. v5.13.13
- Camera: Support replace audio if enabled extra audio. v5.13.13
- VLive/Camera/Forward: Extract multilingual text. v5.13.14
- Room: AI-Talk support assistant for live room. v5.13.15
- Room: AI-Talk support popout live chat. v5.13.16
- Room: AI-Talk support popout AI assistant. v5.13.17
- Room: AI-Talk support multiple assistant in a room. v5.13.18
- Room: AI-Talk support user different languages. v5.13.18
- Room: AI-Talk allow disable ASR/TTS, enable text. v5.13.19
- Room: AI-Talk support dictation mode. v5.13.20
- FFmpeg: Restart if time and speed abnormal. v5.13.21
- Transcript: Fix panic bug for sync goroutines. v5.13.21
- Support OpenAI organization for billing. v5.13.22
- Room: Fix the empty room UI sort and secret bug. v5.13.23
- FFmpeg: Fix restart bug for abnormal speed. v5.13.24
- FFmpeg: Fix bug for output SRT protocol. v5.13.25
- FFmpeg: Support ingest SRT protocol. v5.13.26
- VLive: Fix the re bug for file. v5.13.27
- Release stable version and support debugging. v5.13.28
- HLS: Set m3u8 expire time to 1s for LLHLS. v5.13.29
- Transcript: Support set the force_style for overlay subtitle. v5.13.30
- Transcript: Use Whisper response without LF. (#163). v5.13.31
- Token: Fix bug for Bearer token while initializing. v5.13.32
- Room: Refine stat for AI-Talk. v5.13.33
- Rename Oryx to Oryx. v5.13.34
- v5.12
- Refine local variable name conf to config. v5.12.1
- Add forced exit on timeout for program termination. v5.12.1
- Transcript: Support convert live speech to text by whisper. v5.12.2
- Transcript: Update base image for FFmpeg subtitles. v5.12.3
- Transcript: Limit all queue base on overlay. v5.12.4
- Transcript: Allow work without active stream. v5.12.5
- Transcript: Support testing connection to OpenAI service. v5.12.6
- Filter locale value. v5.12.6
- Transcript: Add test case for OpenAI. v5.12.7
- Transcript: Use m4a and 30kbps bitrate to make ASR faster. v5.12.8
- Hooks: Support callback on_record_begin and on_record_end. v5.12.9
- VLive: Fix ffprobe RTSP bug, always use TCP transport. v5.12.10
- Confirm when user logout. v5.12.11
- Record: Support glob filters to match stream. v5.12.11
- Transcript: Show detail error if exceeded quota. v5.12.12
- Record: Support finish record task quickly after stream unpublished. v5.12.13
- Record: Support post-processing to cp file for S3. v5.12.14
- Transcript: Support clear the subtitle of segment in fixing queue. v5.12.15
- VLive: Fix bug for url with query string. v5.12.16
- Transcript: Check the base url for OpenAI. v5.12.17
- HLS: Support low latency mode about 5s. v5.12.18
- RTSP: Rebuild the URL with escaped user info. v5.12.19
- VLive: Fix rebuild URL bug. v5.12.20
- HLS: Fix LL HLS setting bug. v5.12.21
- VLive: Support SRT URL filter. v5.12.22
- HLS: Set m3u8 expire time to 1s for LLHLS. v5.12.22
- v5.11
- VLive: Decrease the latency for virtual live. v5.11.1
- Live: Refine multiple language. v5.11.2
- Hooks: Support HTTP Callback and test. v5.11.3
- HELM: Support resolve name to ip for rtc. v5.11.4
- HELM: Disable NAME_LOOKUP by default. v5.11.5
- Refine env variable for bool. v5.11.7
- RTC: Refine WHIP player and enable NAME_LOOKUP by default. v5.11.8
- RTC: Update WHIP and WHEP player. v5.11.9
- RTC: Resolve candidate for lo and docker. v5.11.10
- RTC: Refine test and tutorial for WHIP/WHEP. v5.11.10
- Refine player open speed. v5.11.11
- HTTPS: Check dashboard and ssl domain. v5.11.12
- API: Add curl and jQuery example. v5.11.12
- API: Allow CORS by default. v5.11.13
- API: Remove duplicated CORS headers. v5.11.14
- Support expose ports for multiple containers. v5.11.15
- HTTPS: Check dashboard hostname and port. v5.11.15
- Error when eslint fail. v5.11.16
- Use upx to make binary smaller. v5.11.16
- Refine transcode test case. v5.11.17
- HTTPS: Enable self-signed certificate by default. v5.11.18
- HLS: Nginx HLS CDN support HTTPS. v5.11.19
- Refine scenarios with discouraged and deprecated. v5.11.20
- Transcode: Refine stream compare algorithm. v5.11.21
- Hooks: Support callback self-sign HTTPS URL. v5.11.22
- Fix utest fail. v5.11.23
- VLive: Fix ffprobe RTSP bug, always use TCP transport. v5.11.24
- v5.10
- Refine README. v5.10.1
- Refine DO and droplet release script. v5.10.2
- VLive: Fix bug of link. v5.10.2
- Record: Fix bug of change record directory. v5.10.2 (#133)
- Streaming: Add SRT streaming. v5.10.2
- Streaming: Add OBS SRT streaming. v5.10.3
- Fix lighthouse script bug. v5.10.4
- VLive: Support forward stream. v5.10.5
- VLive: Cleanup temporary file when uploading. v5.10.6
- VLive: Use TCP transport when pull RTSP stream. v5.10.7
- Refine statistic and report data. v5.10.8
- Support file picker with language. v5.10.9
- Report language. v5.10.10
- Transcode: Support live stream transcoding. v5.10.11
- Transcode: Fix param bug. v5.10.12
- Fix default stream name bug. v5.10.13
- Update doc. v5.10.14
- New stable release. v5.10.15
- Fix js missing bug. v5.10.16
- Support docker images for helm. v5.10.17
- Use WHIP and WHEP for RTC. v5.10.18
- Transcode: Refine stream compare algorithm. v5.10.19
- v5.9
- Update NGINX HLS CDN guide. v5.9.2
- Move DVR and VoD to others. v5.9.3
- Remove the Tencent CAM setting. v5.9.4
- Refine Virtual Live start and stop button. v5.9.5
- Refine Record start and stop button. v5.9.6
- Refine Forward start and stop button. v5.9.7
- Move SRT streaming to others. v5.9.8
- Support vlive to use server file. v5.9.9
- Add test for virtual live. v5.9.10
- Add test for record. v5.9.11
- Add test for forward. v5.9.12
- Refine test to transmux to mp4. v5.9.13
- Upgrade jquery and mpegtsjs. v5.9.14
- Support authentication for SRS HTTP API. v5.9.15
- Don't expose 1985 API port. v5.9.16
- Load environment variables from /data/config/.srs.env. v5.9.17
- Change guide to use $HOME/data as home. v5.9.18
- Translate forward to English. v5.9.19
- Refine record, dvr, and vod files. v5.9.20
- Translate record to English. v5.9.21
- Refine virtual live files. v5.9.22
- Translate virtual live to English. v5.9.23
- Support always open tabs. v5.9.24
- Remove record and vlive group. v5.9.25
- Refine project description. v5.9.26
- Refine DO and droplet release script. v5.9.27
- Fix bug, release stable version. v5.9.28
- VLive: Fix bug of link. v5.9.28
- Record: Fix bug of change record directory. v5.9.28 (#133)
- Streaming: Add SRT streaming. v5.9.28
- Fix lighthouse HTTPS bug. v5.9.29
- v5.8
- Always dispose DO VM and domain for test. v1.0.306
- Fix docker start failed, cover by test. v1.0.306
- Switch default language to en. v1.0.306
- Support include for SRS config. v1.0.306
- Support High Performance HLS mode. v1.0.307
- Show current config for settings. v1.0.307
- Switch MIT to AGPL License. v1.0.307
- Use one version strategy. v5.8.20
- Always check test result. v5.8.21
- SRT: Enable srt in default vhost. v5.8.22
- Add utest for HP HLS. v5.8.23
- Migrate docs to new website. v5.8.23
- BT and aaPanel plugin ID should match filename. v5.8.24
- Add Nginx HLS Edge tutorial. v5.8.25
- Download test file from SRS. v5.8.26
- Do not require version. v5.8.26
- Fix Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on 'Node'. v5.8.26
- Eliminate unused callback events. v5.8.26
- Add docker for nginx HLS CDN. v5.8.27
- Update Oryx architecture. v5.8.27
- Use DO droplet s-1vcpu-1gb for auto test. v5.8.28
- Use default context when restore hphls. v5.8.28
- Support remote test. v5.8.29
- Enable CORS and timestamp in HLS. v5.8.30
- Release stable version. v5.8.31
- v5.7
- Refine DigitalOcean droplet image. v1.0.302
- Support local test all script. v1.0.302
- Rewrite script for lighthouse. v1.0.303
- Set nginx max body to 100GB. v1.0.303
- Use LEGO instead of certbot. v1.0.304
- Rename SRS Cloud to Oryx. v1.0.304
- Support HTTPS by SSL file. v1.0.305
- Support reload nginx for SSL. v1.0.305
- Support request SSL from letsencrypt. v1.0.305
- Support work with bt/aaPanel ssl. v1.0.305
- Support self-sign certificate by default. v1.0.305
- Query configured SSL cert. v1.0.305
- 2023.08.13: Support test online environment. v5.7.19
- 2023.08.20: Fix the BT and aaPanel filename issue. v5.7.20
- 2023.08.06, v1.0.301, v5.7.18
- Simplify startup script, fix bug, adjust directory to
top-level directory. v1.0.296 - Improve message prompts, script comments, and log output. v1.0.297
- Avoid modifying the global directory every time it starts, initialize it in the container and platform script. v1.0.298
- Improve release script, check version matching, manually update version. v1.0.299
- Remove upgrade function, maintain consistency of docker and other platforms. v1.0.300
- Improved BT and aaPanel scripts, added test pipeline. v1.0.300
- Always use the latest SRS 5.0 release. v1.0.301
- Use status to check SRS, not by the exit value. v1.0.301
- Simplify startup script, fix bug, adjust directory to
- 2023.04.05, v1.0.295, structural improvements
- Remove HTTPS certificate application, administrator authorization, NGINX reverse proxy, and other functions. v1.0.283
- Implement Release using Go, reducing memory requirements and image size. v1.0.284
- Remove dashboard and Prometheus, making it easier to support a single Docker image. v1.0.283
- Implement mgmt and platform using Go, reducing memory requirements and image size. v1.0.283
- Use Ubuntu focal(20) as the base image, reducing image size. v1.0.283
- Support fast upgrade, installation in about 40 seconds, upgrade in about 10 seconds. v1.0.283
- Solve the problem of forwarding without stream. v1.0.284
- Solve the problem of uploading large files and getting stuck. v1.0.286
- Remove AI face-changing video, B station review did not pass. v1.0.289 (stable)
- Remove Redis container and start Redis directly in the platform. v1.0.290
- Remove SRS container and start SRS directly in the platform. v1.0.291
- Support single container startup, including mgmt in one container. v1.0.292
- Support mounting to
directory for persistence. v1.0.295
- 2023.02.01, v1.0.281, experience improvement, Stable version.
- Allow users to turn off automatic updates and use manual updates.
- Adapt to the new version of Bao Ta, solve the nodejs detection problem.
- Bao Ta checks the plug-in status, and cannot operate before the installation is complete.
- Improve the display of forwarding status, add
status. v1.0.260 - Improve image update, not strongly dependent on certbot. #47
- Merge hooks/tencent/ffmpeg image into the platform. v1.0.269
- Support custom platform for forwarding. v1.0.270
- Support virtual live broadcast, file-to-live broadcast. v1.0.272
- Upload file limit 100GB. v1.0.274
- Fix bug in virtual live broadcast. v1.0.276
- Release service, replace Nodejs with Go, reduce image size. v1.0.280
- Do not use buildx to build single-architecture docker images, CentOS will fail. v1.0.281
- 2022.11.20, v1.0.256, major version update, experience improvement, Release 4.6
- Proxy root site resources, such as favicon.ico
- Support SrsPlayer WebRTC push stream shortcode.
- Support local recording, recording to Oryx local disk.
- Support deleting local recording files and tasks.
- Support local recording as MP4 files and downloads.
- Support local recording directory as a soft link, storing recorded content on other disks.
- Improve recording navigation bar, merge into recording.
- Resolve conflicts between home page and proxy root directory.
- Solve the problem of not updating NGINX configuration during upgrade.
- Fix the bug of setting record soft link.
- Replace all images with standard images
. - Support setting website title and footer (filing requirements).
- Prompt administrator password path, can retrieve password when forgotten.
- Allow recovery of the page when an error occurs, no need to refresh the page.
- 2022.06.06, v1.0.240, major version update, Bao Ta, Release 4.5
- Reduce disk usage, clean up docker images
- Improve dependencies, no longer strongly dependent on Redis and Nginx
- Support Bao Ta or aaPanel plugin, support CentOS or Ubuntu command line installation
- Migrate to lightweight server, no longer dependent on K8s.
- Login password default changed to display password.
- Stop pushing stream for a certain time, clean up HLS cache files.
- Create a 2GB swap area if memory is less than 2GB.
- Support collecting SRS coredump.
- Live scene display SRT push stream address and command.
- Support setting NGINX root proxy path.
- 2022.04.18, v1.0.222, minor version update, containerized Redis
- Improve instructions, support disabling push stream authentication.
- Support English guidance, medium articles.
- Improve simple player, support mute autoplay.
- Add CORS support when NGINX distributes HLS.
- Add English guidance, Create SRS and Set up HTTPS, WordPress.
- Enhance key length, strengthen security, and avoid brute force cracking.
- Support WordPress Shortcode guidance.
- Support setting home page redirection path, support mixed running with other websites.
- Support setting reverse proxy, support hanging other services under NGINX.
- Support applying for multiple domain names for HTTPS, solving the
prefix domain name problem. - Change
, can set home page redirection and footer filing number. - Improve NGINX configuration file structure, centralize configuration in
directory. - Support setting simple load balancing, randomly selecting a backend NGINX for HLS distribution.
- Containers work in an independent
network. - Add
System > Tools
option. - Use Redis container, not dependent on host Redis service.
- 2022.04.06, v1.0.200, major version update, multi-language, Release 4.4
- Support Chinese and English bilingual.
- Support DigitalOcean image, see SRS Droplet.
- Support OpenAPI to get push stream key, see #19.
- Improve container image update script.
- Support using NGINX to distribute HLS, see #2989.
- Improve VoD storage and service detection.
- Improve installation script.
- 2022.03.18, v1.0.191, minor version update, experience improvement
- Scenes default to display tutorial.
- Support SRT address separation, play without secret.
- Separate Platform module, simplify mgmt logic.
- Improve UTest upgrade test script.
- Support changing stream name, randomly generating stream name.
- Support copying stream name, configuration, address, etc.
- Separate upgrade and UI, simplify mgmt logic.
- Separate container management and upgrade.
- Fast and efficient upgrade, completed within 30 seconds.
- Support CVM image, see SRS CVM.
- 2022.03.16, v1.0.162, Major version update, error handling, Release 4.3
- Support for React Error Boundary, friendly error display.
- Support for RTMP push QR code, core image guidance.
- Support for simple player, playing HTTP-FLV and HLS.
- Improved callbacks, created with React.useCallback.
- Improved page cache time, increased loading speed.
- Added REACT UI components and Nodejs project testing.
- Added script for installing dependency packages.
- Improved simple player, not muted by default, requires user click to play.
- Added Watermelon Player xgplayer, playing FLV and HLS
- 2022.03.09, v1.0.144, Minor version update, multi-platform forwarding
- Support for multi-platform forwarding, video number, Bilibili, Kuaishou.
- Restart forwarding task when modifying forwarding configuration.
- Support for setting upgrade window, default upgrade from 23:00 to 5:00.
- Support for jest unit testing, covering mgmt.
- Support for switching SRS, stable version and development version.
- Optimized display of disabled container status.
- 2022.03.04, v1.0.132, Minor version update, cloud on-demand
- Support for cloud on-demand, HLS and MP4 downloads.
- Cloud on-demand supports live playback, updating SessionKey.
- Disable password setting during upgrade to avoid environment variable conflicts.
- Restart all containers dependent on .env when initializing the system.
- Update the differences between cloud recording and cloud on-demand.
- SRT supports vMix tutorial.
- 2022.02.25, v1.0.120, Minor version update, cloud recording
- Improved upgrade script, restarting necessary containers.
- Modified Redis listening port, enhanced security.
- Resolved cloud recording, asynchronous long time (8h+) conflict issue.
- Improved key creation link, using cloud API key.
- Improved scene and settings TAB, loaded on demand, URL address identification.
- 2022.02.23, v1.0.113, Minor version update, cloud recording
- Support for resetting push key. #2
- SRT push disconnects when RTMP conversion fails.
- Disabled containers no longer start.
- SRT supports QR code scanning for push and playback. #6
- Support for cloud recording, recording to Tencent Cloud COS.
- 2022.02.14, v1.0.98, Major version update, upgrade, Release 4.2
- Improved React static resource caching, increasing subsequent loading speed.
- Added Contact exclusive group QR code, scan code to join group.
- Support for setting Redis values, disabling automatic updates.
- Automatically detect overseas regions, use overseas sources for updates and upgrades.
- Improved upgrade prompts, countdown and status detection.
- Display video tutorials created by everyone on the page, sorted by play count.
- Support for authorizing platform administrators to access Lighthouse instances.
- Small memory systems, automatically create swap to avoid OOM during upgrades.
- 2022.02.05, v1.0.74, minor update, dashboard
- Support for Prometheus monitoring, WebUI mounted on
, no authentication for now. - Support for Prometheus NodeExporter, node monitoring, Lighthouse's CPU, network, disk, etc.
- Added dashboard, added CPU chart, can jump to Prometheus.
- Improved certbot, started with docker, not an installation package.
- Improved upgrade process to prevent duplicate upgrades.
- Support for upgrading machines with 1GB memory, disabling node's GENERATE_SOURCEMAP to prevent OOM.
- Support for Prometheus monitoring, WebUI mounted on
- 2022.02.01, v1.0.64, minor update, HTTPS
- Support for Windows version of ffplay to play SRT addresses
- Support for container startup hooks, stream authentication and authorization
- Change Redis listening on lo and eth0, otherwise container cannot access
- Support for setting HTTPS certificates, Nginx format, refer to here
- Support for Let's Encrypt automatic application of HTTPS certificates, refer to here
- 2022.01.31, v1.0.58, minor update, SRT
- Support for ultra-clear real-time live streaming scenarios, SRT push and pull streaming, 200~500ms latency, refer to here
- Chip/OBS+SRS+ffplay push and pull SRT stream address, support authentication.
- Support for manual upgrade to the latest version, support for forced upgrade.
- Improved upgrade script, execute after updating the script
- Support for restarting SRS server container
- 2022.01.27, v1.0.42, major update, stream authentication, Release 4.1
- Support for push stream authentication and management backend
- Support for updating backend, manual update
- Live room scenario, push stream and play guide
- SRS source code download, with GIT
- Support for Lighthouse image, refer to SRS Lighthouse.
- 2022.01.21, Initialized.