diff --git a/luci-proto-modemmanager/htdocs/luci-static/resources/protocol/modemmanager.js b/luci-proto-modemmanager/htdocs/luci-static/resources/protocol/modemmanager.js
index 953b2208a4..c918a1d74c 100644
--- a/luci-proto-modemmanager/htdocs/luci-static/resources/protocol/modemmanager.js
+++ b/luci-proto-modemmanager/htdocs/luci-static/resources/protocol/modemmanager.js
@@ -169,6 +169,48 @@ return network.registerProtocol('modemmanager', {
o.value('INFO', _('Info'));
o.value('DEBUG', _('Debug'));
o.default = 'ERR';
+ o = s.taboption('general', form.ListValue, 'init_epsbearer', _('Initial EPS Bearer'),
+ _('none: Do not set an initial EPS bearer (default behaviour)') + '
' +
+ _('default: Use the configuration options above (APN, IP Type, ...).') + '
' +
+ _('custom: Use different options when establishing a connection (these options are prefixed with %s).').format('init_
+ o.value('', _('none'));
+ o.value('default', 'default');
+ o.value('custom', 'custom');
+ o.default = '';
+ o = s.taboption('general', form.Value, 'init_apn', _('Initial EPS Bearer APN'));
+ o.depends('init_epsbearer', 'custom');
+ o.default = '';
+ o = s.taboption('general', form.ListValue, 'init_allowedauth', _('Initial EPS Bearer Authentication Type'));
+ o.depends('init_epsbearer', 'custom');
+ o.value('pap', 'PAP');
+ o.value('chap', 'CHAP');
+ o.value('mschap', 'MSCHAP');
+ o.value('mschapv2', 'MSCHAPv2');
+ o.value('eap', 'EAP');
+ o.value('', _('None'));
+ o.default = '';
+ o = s.taboption('general', form.Value, 'init_username', _('Initial EPS Bearer Username'));
+ o.depends('init_allowedauth', 'pap');
+ o.depends('init_allowedauth', 'chap');
+ o.depends('init_allowedauth', 'mschap');
+ o.depends('init_allowedauth', 'mschapv2');
+ o.depends('init_allowedauth', 'eap');
+ o.default = '';
+ o = s.taboption('general', form.Value, 'init_password', _('Initial EPS Bearer Password'));
+ o.depends('init_allowedauth', 'pap');
+ o.depends('init_allowedauth', 'chap');
+ o.depends('init_allowedauth', 'mschap');
+ o.depends('init_allowedauth', 'mschapv2');
+ o.depends('init_allowedauth', 'eap');
+ o.default = '';
+ o.password = true;
+ o = s.taboption('general', form.ListValue, 'init_iptype', _('Initial EPS Bearer IP Type'));
+ o.depends('init_epsbearer', 'custom');
+ o.value('ipv4v6', _('IPv4/IPv6 (both - defaults to IPv4)'))
+ o.value('ipv4', _('IPv4 only'));
+ o.value('ipv6', _('IPv6 only'));
+ o.default = 'ipv4v6';
diff --git a/modemmanager/Makefile b/modemmanager/Makefile
index 200e112676..dbb91f50e6 100644
--- a/modemmanager/Makefile
+++ b/modemmanager/Makefile
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
diff --git a/modemmanager/files/lib/netifd/proto/modemmanager.sh b/modemmanager/files/lib/netifd/proto/modemmanager.sh
index d6e4fb6894..f9d6f045a2 100644
--- a/modemmanager/files/lib/netifd/proto/modemmanager.sh
+++ b/modemmanager/files/lib/netifd/proto/modemmanager.sh
@@ -308,46 +308,160 @@ modemmanager_set_allowed_mode() {
+modemmanager_check_state_failed() {
+ local device="$1"
+ local interface="$2"
+ local modemstatus="$3"
+ local reason
+ reason="$(modemmanager_get_field "${modemstatus}" "modem.generic.state-failed-reason")"
+ case "$reason" in
+ "sim-missing")
+ echo "SIM missing"
+ proto_notify_error "${interface}" MM_FAILED_REASON_SIM_MISSING
+ proto_block_restart "${interface}"
+ return 1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ proto_notify_error "${interface}" MM_FAILED_REASON_UNKNOWN
+ proto_block_restart "${interface}"
+ return 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+modemmanager_check_state_lock_simpin() {
+ local interface="$1"
+ local unlock_value="$2"
+ [ $unlock_value -ge 2 ] && return 0
+ echo "please check PIN (remaining attempts: ${unlock_value})"
+ proto_notify_error "${interface}" MM_CHECK_UNLOCK_PIN
+ proto_block_restart "${interface}"
+ return 1
+modemmanager_check_state_lock_simpuk() {
+ local interface="$1"
+ local unlock_value="$2"
+ echo "unlock with PUK required (remaining attempts: ${unlock_value})"
+ proto_notify_error "${interface}" MM_CHECK_UNLOCK_PIN
+ proto_block_restart "${interface}"
+ return 1
+modemmanager_check_state_lock_sim() {
+ local interface="$1"
+ local unlock_lock="$2"
+ local unlock_value="$3"
+ case "$unlock_lock" in
+ "sim-pin")
+ modemmanager_check_state_lock_simpin \
+ "$interface" \
+ "$unlock_value"
+ [ "$?" -ne "0" ] && return 1
+ ;;
+ "sim-puk")
+ modemmanager_check_state_lock_simpuk \
+ "$interface" \
+ "$unlock_value"
+ [ "$?" -ne "0" ] && return 1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "PIN/PUK check '$unlock_lock' not implemented"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ return 0
+modemmanager_check_state_locked() {
+ local device="$1"
+ local interface="$2"
+ local modemstatus="$3"
+ local pincode="$4"
+ local unlock_required unlock_retries unlock_retry unlock_lock
+ local unlock_value unlock_match
+ if [ -z "$pincode" ]; then
+ echo "PIN required"
+ proto_notify_error "${interface}" MM_PINCODE_REQUIRED
+ proto_block_restart "${interface}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ unlock_required="$(modemmanager_get_field "${modemstatus}" "modem.generic.unlock-required")"
+ unlock_retries="$(modemmanager_get_multivalue_field "${modemstatus}" "modem.generic.unlock-retries")"
+ # Output of unlock-retries:
+ # 'sim-pin (3), sim-puk (10), sim-pin2 (3), sim-puk2 (10)'
+ # Replace alle '' of unlock-retures with '', so we could
+ # iterate in the for loop. Replace result is:
+ # 'sim-pin(3),sim-puk(10),sim-pin2(3),sim-puk2(10)'
+ unlock_match=0
+ for unlock_retry in $(echo "${unlock_retries// /}" | tr "," "\n"); do
+ unlock_lock="${unlock_retry%%(*}"
+ # extract x value from 'sim-puk(x)' || 'sim-pin(x)'
+ unlock_value="${unlock_retry##*(}"
+ unlock_value="${unlock_value:0:-1}"
+ [ "$unlock_lock" = "$unlock_required" ] && {
+ unlock_match=1
+ modemmanager_check_state_lock_sim \
+ "$interface" \
+ "$unlock_lock" \
+ "$unlock_value"
+ [ "$?" -ne "0" ] && return 1
+ }
+ done
+ if [ "$unlock_match" = "0" ]; then
+ echo "unable to check PIN/PUK attempts"
+ proto_notify_error "${interface}" MM_CHECK_UNLOCK_UNKNOWN
+ proto_block_restart "${interface}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ mmcli --modem="${device}" -i any --pin=${pincode} || {
+ proto_notify_error "${interface}" MM_PINCODE_WRONG
+ proto_block_restart "${interface}"
+ return 1
+ }
+ return 0
modemmanager_check_state() {
local device="$1"
- local modemstatus="$2"
- local pincode="$3"
+ local interface="$2"
+ local modemstatus="$3"
+ local pincode="$4"
- local state reason
+ local state
- state="$(modemmanager_get_field "${modemstatus}" "state")"
- state="${state%% *}"
- reason="$(modemmanager_get_field "${modemstatus}" "state-failed-reason")"
+ state="$(modemmanager_get_field "${modemstatus}" "modem.generic.state")"
case "$state" in
- case "$reason" in
- "sim-missing")
- echo "SIM missing"
- proto_notify_error "${interface}" MM_FAILED_REASON_SIM_MISSING
- proto_block_restart "${interface}"
- return 1
- ;;
- *)
- proto_notify_error "${interface}" MM_FAILED_REASON_UNKNOWN
- proto_block_restart "${interface}"
- return 1
- ;;
- esac
+ modemmanager_check_state_failed "$device" \
+ "$interface" \
+ "$modemstatus"
+ [ "$?" -ne "0" ] && return 1
- if [ -n "$pincode" ]; then
- mmcli --modem="${device}" -i any --pin=${pincode} || {
- proto_notify_error "${interface}" MM_PINCODE_WRONG
- proto_block_restart "${interface}"
- return 1
- }
- else
- echo "PIN required"
- proto_notify_error "${interface}" MM_PINCODE_REQUIRED
- proto_block_restart "${interface}"
- return 1
- fi
+ modemmanager_check_state_locked "$device" \
+ "$interface" \
+ "$modemstatus" \
+ "$pincode"
+ [ "$?" -ne "0" ] && return 1
@@ -459,7 +573,7 @@ proto_modemmanager_setup() {
echo "modem available at ${modempath}"
- modemmanager_check_state "$device" "${modemstatus}" "$pincode"
+ modemmanager_check_state "$device" "$interface" "${modemstatus}" "$pincode"
[ "$?" -ne "0" ] && return 1
# always cleanup before attempting a new connection, just in case
diff --git a/modemmanager/files/usr/sbin/ModemManager-monitor b/modemmanager/files/usr/sbin/ModemManager-monitor
index 8a88ab514b..44fdab5949 100644
--- a/modemmanager/files/usr/sbin/ModemManager-monitor
+++ b/modemmanager/files/usr/sbin/ModemManager-monitor
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ main() {
mm_log "info" "Checking if ModemManager is available..."
if ! /usr/bin/mmcli -L >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- mm_log "info" "ModemManager not yet available"
+ mm_log "info" "ModemManager not yet available (count=${n})"