URL For this outline: http://bit.ly/susanbuck-s12
- Web Developer and Instructor
- CS @ Wellesley College
- Women's Coding Collective
- CSCI E-15 Dynamic Web Applications
- CSCI E-15, dwa15.com
- S-12: HTML, CSS, Images, UX, JavaScript, HTTP/Apache, PHP
- Front-end vs. back-end
- Web Development Puzzle
- Manipulate (create, read, update, delete) information from a database.
- Maintain users/logins; remember information across sessions.
- Send email.
- Upload and manipulate files on a server.
- Communicate with other sites.
- Etc.
- Local and production server management
- Version Control with Git and Github
- A MVC framework, Laravel
- Dependency management with Composer
- Skills for being a successful web programmer
- Keeping up with a dynamic field
- Communicating with peers, clients, etc.
- Front-end
- Back-end
- “Full stack”
- Self-taught start
- Undergrad: Multimedia Arts & Sciences @ UNCA
- Grad: ITP @ NYU
- Photojojo.com
- Teaching
- Women's Coding Collective
- Many paths: degrees, bootcamps, self-taught, etc...
- Many goals: big companies, small companies, your own business, side gigs, etc...
- Create, create, create (inspiration: 180websites).