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File metadata and controls

443 lines (278 loc) · 12.5 KB


Here all hyperparameters for training/retraining a model with this framework are explained. Each explanation reports and possible values. A typical example can be found of hyperparameter configuration use can be found in this example.


Object categories to classify refered by name.

possible values: Array of strings

example: ["car", "pedestrian", "cyclist"]


If only a subset of a dataset is used then this array contains the indices of the class names used in the initial full array. On the reduction of the initial dataset to a subset here it is used.

possible values: Array of integers >= 1

example: [1,2,3]


Number of categories to classify = length of the CLASS_NAMES array.

possible values: Integer

example: 3


This hyperparameter indicates if leaky ReLUs are going to be used, rather than simple old (original) ReLUs. By default its value is false, as in the original work.

possible values: Boolean

example: true


Parameter used in leaky ReLU modules.

possible values: 0 <= LEAKY_COEF <= 1.0

example: 0.1


Probability to keep a node in dropout modules.

possible values: 0 < KEEP_PROB <= 1.0

example: 0.5


Image width that the feature extractor receives.

possible values: Integer > 0

example: for SqueezeNet used by SqueezeDet: 1248


Image height that the feature extractor receives.

possible values: Integer > 0

example: for SqueezeNet used by SqueezeDet: 384


Anchor box, array of [cx, cy, w, h]. It is the ground trouth of responsible anchor centers and shapes.

possible values: Array of floats >= 0. Note: It is automatically-created.


Number of anchor boxes.

possible values: len(ANCHOR_BOX), integer > 0


Number of anchor boxes per grid. As grid is ment the grid of the pre-final layer. This indicates also how many different type of centers will be created by the get_initial_anchor_shapes.

possible values: integer > 0

example: 9


Dictionary describing the method which will initialize the default values for biased width and height of the anchor boxes. The supported methods are:

  • "CONST"
  • "KNN" possible values: example:
  1. {"METHOD" : "KNN"}
  2. {"METHOD" : "CONST", "VALUE": [[0.02898551, 0.09866667], [0.29146538, 0.464], [0.09259259, 0.15733333], [0.13043478, 0.232], ...,[0.05797101, 0.11466667]]}


Batch size to be used for training/evaluation.

possible values: Integer >= 1

example: 20 in the KITTI dataset


Bounding boxes pairs with IOU larger than this are going to have one of the boxes in the pair removed by the NMS algorithm.

possible values: 0.0 < NMS_THRESH <= 1.0

example: 0.4


Maximum number of bounding boxes with highest score to accept in convDet filtering.

possible values: Integer > 0

example: 64, 128


Pixel mean values (BGR order) as a (1, 1, 3) array. It is the same used in pre-training, if there was one, the feature extractor. For example in SqueezeDet we use the BGR_MEANS used for training SqueezeNet in ImageNet.

possible values: a float array with shape (1, 1, 3)

example: [[[103.939, 116.779, 123.68]]]


Loss coefficient for classification regression.

possible values: Float

example: 1.0


Loss coefficient for bounding box regression

possible values: Float

example: 5.0


Possitive loss coefficient for confidence score regression

possible values: Float

example: 75.0


Negative loss coeefficient for confidence score regression

possible values: Float

example: 100.0


Reduce learning rate after this many steps

possible values: Integer > 0

example: 10000


Update the learning rate by multiplication with this factor each DECAY_STEPS.

possible values: 0 < DECAY_STEPS < 1.0

example: 0.5


Initial learning rate. As small the datasets gets, so larger it has to be, bacause the agent should learn as much as possible from the dataset.

possible values: 0.0 < LEARNING_RATE < 1.0 to be stable.

example: 0.01


Dictionary describing the optimizer's algorithm. The fields it can contain are depend on the field "TYPE". "TYPE" can be either:

  • "ADAM"

if "TYPE" is "MOMENTUM" then an extra field "MOMENTUM" is needed:


Momentum, used for momentum optimizer.
possible values: 0 <= MOMENTUM < 1.0
example: 0.9

if "TYPE" is "ADAM" then two extra fields "BETA1" and "BETA2" are needed:


Adam's beta1
possible values: Float < 1.0 
example: 0.9


Adam's beta2
possible values: Float < 1.0, BETA2 > BETA1
example: 0.999

For more information about these fields, see this article.


Weight decay. For more see this.

possible values: Float < 1.0

example: 0.0001


Whether to load pre-trained model of feature extractor. By default the feature extractors supported are SqueezeNet, VGG16, ResNet50.

possible values: Boolean

example: true


Path to load the pre-trained model.

possible values: Existing path string.

example: "/media/terabyte/projects/Thesis/SqueezeNet_imageNet_trained/squeezenet_v1.1.pkl"


Print log to console in debug mode.

possible values: Boolean

example: false


A small value used to prevent numerical instability of divisions by zero.

possible values: Float

example: Numpy's np.eps , 1e-16


Threshold for safe exponential operation.

possible values: Float

example: 1.0


Gradients with norm larger than this are going to be clipped during back-propagation.

possible values: Float

example: 1.0


Whether to do data augmentation.

possible values: Boolean

example: true


The maximum random shift of the image left or right during data augmentation. This ensures that the bounding box will not move wherever in the horizontal dimension.

possible values: Integer >= 0 and smaller than IMAGE_WIDTH

example: 150


The maximum random shift of the image up or down during data augmentation. This ensures that the bounding box will not move wherever in the vertical dimension.

possible values: Integer >= 0 and smaller than IMAGE_HEIGHT

example: 100


Whether to exclude images harder than hard-category. Only useful for KITTI dataset. Note: Not currently in use.

possible values:



Dictionary defining which layers of the net should freeze during training.

possible values: Dictionary, should specify all layers in model.

example: for SqueezeDet:

    "conv1": false, <-- indicates that this layer 
                        will not be frozen in training.
    "fire2": false,
    "fire3": false,
    "fire4": false,
    "fire5": false,
    "fire6": false,
    "fire7": false,
    "fire8": false,
    "fire9": false,
    "fire10": false,
    "fire11": false,
    "conv12": false


The reverse of the FREEZE_LAYERS. It is automatically constructed.


Indicate if the model is going to be trained.

possible values: Boolean

example: true


Number of threads to be used for reading and parsing data.

possible values: Integer > 0

example: 16 for an 8-cores system


If dataset has already been reduced/preprocessed before this training.

possible values: Boolean

example: true


The path where the already reduced/preprocessed dataset is. This path will be used for fetching the data, rather than the DATA_PATH variable if the ALREADY_PREPROCESSED flag is true.

possible values: Existing path string

example: /media/terabyte/projects/Thesis/trainings/Pascal_TRAIN_DIR3


If the dataset will be reduced to one with less classes, the reduced one will be copied to the BASE_DIR folder. The operation will take place only if the ALREADY_PREPROCESSED flag is false. This is a good choice for small datasets such as PASCAL VOC which do not require much disk memory and can improove the training speed.

possible values: Boolean

example: true


A string declaring the dataset annotation type.

possible values: one of the three strings "PASCAL_VOC", "KITTI", "COCO". Any other value defaults to "PASCAL_VOC".


The name of the neural network model to be used.

possible values: one of "squeezeDet", "squeezeDet+", "vgg16+convDet", "resnet50+convDet". Any other value defaults to "squeezeDet+".


The path where the dataset's record files are. If I list the files to the DATA_PATH, I see:

ls /media/terabyte/projects/datasets/pascal-voc
annotations_cache  pascal_voc_train.record  pascal_voc_val.record  VOC2012

The files needed for training/evaluation have names *.record.

possible values: Existing path string.

example: "/media/terabyte/projects/datasets/pascal-voc"


Where all training and evaluation files will be stored. It is also the default folder where the reduced dataset is saved.

possible values: Existing path string.

example: "/media/terabyte/projects/Thesis/trainings/Pascal_full_train_dir0"


Where all the training files will take place. It is better to specify the BASE_DIR variable and let the TRAIN_DIR to be created automatically.

possible values: Existing path string.

example: "/media/terabyte/projects/Thesis/trainings/Pascal_full_train_dir0/train"


Where all files after evaluation will take place. It is better to specify the BASE_DIR variable and let the EVAL_DIR to be created automatically.

possible values: Existing path string.

example: "/media/terabyte/projects/Thesis/trainings/Pascal_full_train_dir0/evals"


If during training after every EVAL_PER_STEPS number of steps evaluation will take place.

possible values: Boolean

example: true


Maximum number of training steps. At each step a batch of input is used.

possible values: Integer >= 0

example: 35000


At each SUMMARY_STEP number of steps a summary is saved. The summary can be viewed using tensorboard.

possible values: Integer > 0

example: 2000


At each checkpoint_step number of steps a checkpoint is saved. The checkpoint can be loaded later for retraining/evaluation or any other use.

possible values: Integer > 0

example: 2000


GPU id to be used.

possible values: Integer

example: 0


At each EVAL_PER_STEPS number of steps evaluation takes place and the results are saved in the EVAL_DIR.

possible values: Integer > 0

example: 2000


Whether to activate the XLA timeline saving procedure. The timelines are saved and can be viewed using google chrome.

possible values: Boolean

example: false


Whether to save visualization data in summaries. Defaults to true.

possible values: Boolean

example: true


Dictionary describing how to use hyperoptimization of hyperparameters (variables in a json file). To declare a hyperparameter in a json file as hyperoptimizable you have to folow the guide in the file. For the variables declared as hyperoptimizable, a hyperoptimization algorithm can be used for a certain number of steps. The algorihm can be stopped any time, even before all the iterations have been executed. At each iteration the results are saved to a log file. So before maximum number of iterations has been executed, the user can receive some results and it can continue afterwards, because the hyperoptimizer's state is saved also after each iteration. To do the later, the same folder should be used as before. The HOP dictionary contains two fields:


This variable describes the maximum number of iterations the hyperoptimizer will perform.
possible values: Integer > 0
example: 20


This variable is a string with the name of the method to be used for hyperoptimization.
possible values: "adalipo". Only this value is supported and it uses dlib.global_function_search.
example: "adalipo"