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495 lines (355 loc) · 16.6 KB

File metadata and controls

495 lines (355 loc) · 16.6 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

0.22.0 - 2023-05-07

Breaking changes

  • Removed deprecated Super::Display::SchemaTypes#badge
  • Removed deprecated #real(:column) and #computed(:column)
  • Removed deprecated support for arrays in
  • Removed deprecated styles: argument from
  • Removed deprecated Badge's handling of string styles


  • Added the file_field form builder method
  • Speed up rendering Super::Link
  • Speed up rendering Super::ViewChain


  • Stopped supporting Webpacker

0.21.0 - 2022-06-05


  • Added overridable controller methods (which are now called by the current controller actions). This'll let you customize controller actions without overriding the entire action.
  • Added customizable error handling for the #destroy action
  • Added a warning and an explicit end to Super::ViewChain
  • Added a way to override the Super::Display attribute name


  • Deprecated Super::Display:SchemaTypes#badge. Prefer using #real and #computed, and return an instance of Super::Badge
  • Deprecated #real(:column) and #computed(:column). Prefer using #real(:attribute) and #computed(:attribute)
  • Deprecated needing a block that yields an array
  • Deprecated, styles:) in favor of the singular style:. Example:, style: :blue)
  • Deprecated Super::Badge's handling of string styles

Breaking changes

  • Super::Navigation no longer supports #menu(title)[*links]; method signature is now #menu(title) do
  • Rework Super::Query. This should only affect you if you've fully overrode an action or created your own database querying class


  • #destroy now redirects to the index page (instead of to the record that was just deleted)
  • Fixed typo Super::Error::Initalization to Initialization
  • Automatically require CSV

0.20.0 - 2022-01-09


  • Added two more current_action categories: collection? and member?
  • Added many more form field helpers, for use with #super_form_for
  • Added many more form field helpers, for use with Super::Form
  • Internationalize Super::Link
  • Added #process_text, #process_href, #process_options to LinkBuilder to allow for customizing a default Link
  • Added support for specifying the form action endpoint URL
  • Added support for changing paginated URLs

Breaking changes

  • The I18n key super.layout.powered_by is now super.layout.powered_by_html
  • Changed the public interface for Super::LinkBuilder


  • You can now use the NPM package in addition to just importing it!
  • Show the member header on the show page
  • Hide the batch action checkbox on the show page
  • Prevent global changes to the registered LinkBuilders

0.19.0 - 2021-12-13


  • #member_actions and #collection_actions can return an array of things that respond to #to_partial_path, including but not limited to Links.
  • Partials can be ordered
  • Added a batch actions feature
  • Frontend assets can be set up via yarn add @superadministration/super
  • Added a button to export to CSV

Breaking changes

  • The Link object can now only be rendered via #to_partial_path instead of through #to_s.
  • Super::Layout doesn't render arrays of partials

0.18.0 - 2021-08-26


  • Added #document_title and #page_title methods for customizing the contents of the <title> tag
  • Added a way to export CSVs by appending .csv to the URL
  • Added a way to load all records on the index page by setting the query param _all_pages=true

0.17.0 - 2021-06-12


  • Some new filter types
  • Super::Schema::Fields#delete(key) for deleting fields from a defined schema. It works like Hash#delete
  • Filtering for boolean columns


  • Filter operators can have any number of inputs
  • Controller's #member_actions now accepts record argument
  • Link and LinkBuilder's #to_s methods now accept the same arguments
  • Unified how the #create and #update actions set the record's attributes. Use #set_record_attributes to customize what gets set


  • Form schema's #generic. Prefer #partial
  • Form schema's #select(collection:) keyword argument. Prefer specifying the positional argument: #select(collection)
  • Form schema's #has_many and #has_one when used without a block argument. Those methods now yield a variable, similar to f.fields_for
  • Some filter types that had overlapping functionality with existing ones
  • #build_record_with_params which used to set attributes on the create action
  • #update_record which was used to set attributes on the update action


  • #permitted_params's handling of #current_action
  • Flatpickr form fields where the value was a string, but more specifically when used with filtering

0.0.16 - 2021-05-15


  • Partials site_header and site_footer for easy overrides
  • A helper method #site_title
  • Styles for disabled form fields


  • Renamed the controller method name #action_inquirer to #current_action
  • Merged Super::Controls into Super::ApplicationController
  • Renamed #scope to #base_scope
  • Renamed #navigation to #site_navigation


  • The orange badge, since Tailwind v2 doesn't include orange by default

0.0.15 - 2021-05-01


  • Super::Reset. Include it in your controller to remove all the controller methods and actions that Super defines
  • <input type=hidden> and <input type=password> fields
  • Pill-like badges for displaying statuses
  • Easy label text configurability
  • A new form type for calling form methods directly


  • The <select> tag has its "down" icon set in CSS, instead of in HTML
  • The recommended form schema types. For example, instead of type.string, use type.text_field.


  • The README (cheatsheet) that was added when installing Super for the first time. See bin/rails super:cheat for an up to date list


  • Updated bin/rails super:cheat to print all of Super::Controls methods
  • Mutate the current action_inquirer when re-rendering a form due to a validation failure (#create to #new, or #update to #edit)
  • The navigation menu was placed behind <select> tags, which made it hard to navigate. The navigation menu shows up on top now
  • A regression from upgrading to Tailwind CSS v2. It had a dotted border around inputs, which is unnecessary since we have custom styles

0.0.14 - 2021-04-22


  • Navigation can be configured now. But it's still automatic by default
  • Navigation can be nested one level deep
  • A cheat sheet, run bin/rails super:cheat


  • Upgraded to Tailwind v2.1.1. This drops support for IE 11. Note that I'm still on v1 colors.


  • Super::Assets.use_sprockets. It does what it says it does now. It used to do nothing.
  • Handling of prerelease versions of Sprockets and Webpacker.
  • Support for Webpacker v6.0.0.beta6

0.0.13 - 2021-04-16


  • Add a time display type that only shows the time
  • Add a date-, datetime-, and time-picker to forms
  • Add the datetime-picker to filters


  • ActionText fields are computed

0.0.12 - 2021-04-04


  • Support for "virtual" fields that don't need to be correlated to a method on the model. Although it's not possible to sort by virtual fields (sorting is only done by the database), this will make it possible to show derived values
  • Route generation when using bin/rails g super:resource MyModel. It can generate routes under a namespace, scope, or keep it at the top level.
  • Generation of AdminController::AdminControls, which subclasses Super::Controls. (The name changes automatically depending on the controller namespace)


  • A few configuration keys
  • The number of records per paginated page. It's now at 100.
  • Moved generated definition of #new_controls into the parent class.

0.0.11 - 2021-03-02


  • Sorting. It's now possible to sort by one or many columns


  • Renamed Controls' build_*_view to *_view
  • Made Super::Display easier to initialize. It no longer requires any arguments

0.0.10 - 2021-01-17


  • A real form builder. You can use super_form_for to build a form that looks like a Super form.
  • An error when the @view instance variable wasn't set in the controller. This should help with debugging custom controllers


  • The "sticky headers" feature. It was very possible for the table to look bad on certain breakpoints.

[0.0.9] - 2021-01-07


  • Initial support for ActionText
  • Generator for setting up ActionText. Before Super can work with ActionText, you'll first need to set up Webpacker and ActionText on your application
  • Initial support for Webpacker 6
  • Checkbox input field for forms


  • Alignment of multi-line values on the #show action

0.0.8 - 2020-12-27


  • The #display_schema definition now looks like do
  • The #form_schema definition now looks like do
  • The #filter_schema definition now looks like do
  • The generators now only define required methods
  • Controls must now inherit from Super::Controls


  • Additional "schema type" helpers on Display and Form
  • Schema guesser for #display_schema, #form_schema, and #filter_schema.
  • Guesser for Strong Parameters


  • A Ruby 3.0 error
  • Displaying nil values
  • JavaScript exports

0.0.7 - 2020-12-15


  • Made the table headers (on the #index action) sticky on larger screens.


  • A "view" object in each controller action that renders something. These are built via Controls to allow developers to customize them as desired. The return value can be any object with a method #to_partial_path (or in newer versions of Rails, a view component).
  • Filtering support!

0.0.6 - 2020-12-08


  • Consolidated the controller's two "permitted params" methods into one
  • Merged Super::Step into Super::Controls
  • Define Super::Link#to_s which returns an <a href> tag. Any of a Link's fields can be a proc; they are resolved as necessary when called. Controls was updated to handle these new Links
  • Moved Super::ClientError out of Super::Error. ClientError does NOT inherit from Super::Error since they're different categories of errors (Error are generally developer errors, not user errors)
  • Bypasses ActionView::Base.field_error_proc (which by default wraps erroneous form fields with a <div class="field_with_errors">. Sadly this currently monkey patches ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Base
  • Allow Super::Controls#display_schema to return any object that defines #to_partial_path. This will allow developers to bypass the form builder if it's too limited.
  • Upgraded Tailwind CSS to 1.9.6
  • Redesigned the index table
  • Renamed lots of methods with the word "resource" in it. In most cases, the word "resources" meant "records" or "collection" (or in the singular case, "record" or "member")
  • Upgraded Stimulus to 2.0.0 (no breaking changes, only warnings)


  • Allow Super::Controls#form_schema to return any object that defines #to_partial_path. This will allow developers to bypass the form builder if it's too limited.
  • Allow Super::Display fields to be objects that respond to to_partial_path. This will allow developers to partially bypass the display schema
  • Allow Super::Display to work with "fields" that aren't methods part of an instance of ActiveRecord::Base
  • A footer


  • The apply-template Stimulus controller now correctly raises an error when the eponymous <template> tag is missing
  • Fixed Super::ViewHelper.classes which used to return the stringified value of the conditional. It now only returns the classes without the conditionals
  • A deprecation warning under Rails 6.1

0.0.5 - 2020-06-01


  • Replaced the Super::Action framework with regular controller actions
  • Improved the index table to be a bit more responsive by default
  • Updated super:webpacker generator to automatically update the initializer
  • Upgraded Tailwind CSS from v1.2.0 to 1.4.6
  • Improved documentation!

0.0.4 - 2020-03-09


  • Major redesign!
  • Replaced the links to various actions (the "New", "View", "Edit", "Destroy" links) with configurable ones. See Super::Controls#resource_actions and Super::Controls#resources_actions
  • Replaced Super::InlineCallback with Super::Action. A Super::Action is built of two parts, the business logic of the controller action and its respective view.
  • Upgraded Tailwind CSS from v1.1.4 to v1.2.0. This is unlikely to be a breaking change.
    • Added first: variants for the padding classes
  • Conditionally show pagination links


  • Some CSS classes for various form elements
  • Meta tags for responsive views on mobile
  • Configurable links to actions
  • Default behavior for Super::Controls#title and Super::Controls#scope
  • Utility classes for building views Super::Layout, Super::Partial, and Super::Panel

0.0.3 - 2020-01-24


  • Renamed form_generic_text and form_generic_select views to form_field_text and form_field_select, respectively
  • Renamed Super::Controls#dashboard to #actual


  • Nested attributes form builder. It's now possible to build "sub-forms" for accepts_nested_attributes_for.
  • "Add new" button for has_many nested attributes

0.0.2 - 2019-11-24


  • Place controller's "dashboard" class inside its respective controller. Existing installations must rename their controllers' dashboard method into new_controls.
  • Merged several methods under "Controls" to keep things a little less repetitive.
    • scope(action:) instead of
      • index_scope
      • new_scope
      • create_scope
      • show_scope
      • edit_scope
      • update_scope
    • permitted_params(params, action:) instead of
      • create_permitted_params
      • update_permitted_params
    • display_schema(action:) instead of
      • index_schema
      • show_schema
    • form_schema(action:) instead of
      • new_schema
      • edit_schema


  • Flash message support
  • User-facing error handling

0.0.1 - 2019-09-17


  • Default implementations for resourceful actions
  • Pagination on index action
  • Generators for installation and resource (super:install and super:resource, respectively)
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Sprockets and Webpacker support. Defaults to Sprockets
  • Navigation bar with links to all admin controllers