Script that appends to a specified file to in google docs
Requires: client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri, code,
Current Functionality
- guides user through getting require parameters, and saves the credentials in a local config file.
- Refreshes access token whenever it expires
- Requires credentials to be set only once
- can read a google doc file (.txt) or native google doc files and add to the content and upload it back to google drive
- can also read and update google docs native format file
- added -h help feature that shows basic usage info
- separated logical components into different files --> done
- funtionality to specify which file user wants to update ---> done
- perhaps display list of files available to user
- funtionality to upload file if file not present in google docs
- check if access_token needs refreshing ---> done
- move into separate files for easier organization
- choose google doc title and create it and be upload via script
./ uploadThisFilesContents.txt toThisFileInGoogleDocs.txt