This gem is just a simple integration of will_paginate and neo4j. It was formerly known as neo4j-will_paginate but is being maintained here.
If you're using Neo4jrb 3, use this; otherwise, use the legacy version linked above.
- Add
to yourGemfile
. require 'neo4j-will_paginate_redux'
somewhere from your code.
Please see the will_paginate and neo4j.rb for details.
But here is a simple example:
# Probably in the Rails controller:
def index
# :per_page is optional
# :return is also optional. To return multiple objects, use an array of symbols
# :order is -- you guessed it -- optional, too. It accepts the same arguments as Neo4j::ActiveNode::QueryProxy's `order` method
@people = 30).paginate(:page => 2, :per_page => 20, return: :p, order: :name)
# Then in the view:
will_paginate @people
MIT by Dmytrii Nagirniak, Andreas Ronge, and Chris Grigg