Central Logging is an optional centralized logging component for the Azure Orbital Integration solution that brings logging together from the tcp-to-blob and Aqua processing components. This will provide storage of all logs backed by Azure Data Explorer
- tcp-to-blob deployed
- aqua-processor deployed
- Azure subscription access
- Azure CLI
In the deploy folder, there is a file named env-template.sh
. It is recommended to copy this file to a folder named .env
. the .env
folder is part of gitignore so any sensitive information that is in that folder won't accidentally get checked in to any repositories.
In the following steps, we will assume that you keep the name of env-template.sh
. You are free to adjust as you see fit.
- Make the .env folder
mkdir -p ./.env
- Copy the sample env file
cp ./deploy/env-template.sh ./.env/env-template.sh
- Edit
- NAME_PREFIX: Used as a prefix pattern for generating resource group and resources. Something short simple and descriptive is ideal.
- AZ_LOCATION: The location where the resources will be deployed.
- TCP_TO_BLOB_RG: The resource group name of the tcp-to-blob component.
- TCP_TO_BLOB_LAW_NAME: The Log Analytics Workspace name that is deployed to the TCP_TO_BLOB_RG.
- AQUA_RG: The resource group name of the processor component.
- AQUA_LAW_NAME: The Log Analytics Workspace name that is deployed to the AQUA_RG.
requires: Unix-like environment or Mac
- Ensure logged in to Azure CLI and default subscription is set.
- Change directory
cd central-logging
- Source your environment file
. ./.env/env-template.sh
- Run deploy
Once the deployment is complete, it could take some time for the logs to start showing up in Azure Data Explorer. The initial logs could take up to 30 minutes and once flowing, log latency will be 5 - 10 minutes.
Browse to the central logging resource -> Azure Data Explorer -> Query on the left hand side. If you are receiving contact data via tcp-to-blob and processing via processor, you should see logs under Syslog and ContainerLog.
Copyright © 2022 Microsoft. This Software is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for more information.