The @loopback/grpc
component enables LoopBack 4 as a gRPC Server. Also it provides with a gRPC decorator to define your RPC Method implementations from your Application Controllers.
Install the @loopback/grpc
component in your LoopBack 4 Application.
$ npm install --save @loopback/grpc
import {Application} from '@loopback/core';
import {GrpcComponent, Config} from '@loopback/grpc';
import {GreeterCtrl} from './controllers/greeter/greeter.ctrl';
// Grpc Configurations are optional.
const config: Config.Component = {
/* Optional Configs */
// Pass the optional configurations
const app = new Application({
grpc: config,
// Add Grpc as Component
// Bind GreeterCtrl to the LoopBack Application
// Start App
The @loopback/grpc
extension provides you with auto-generated interfaces and configurations for strict development.
The extension will automatically look for proto files within your project structure, creating the corresponding typescript interfaces.
- app
| - controllers
| | - greeter
| | | - greeter.proto
| | | - greeter.ctrl.ts
Once you start your app for first time it will automatically create your typescript interfaces from the greeter.proto
- app
| - controllers
| | - greeter
| | | - greeter.proto
| | | - greeter.proto.ts <--- Auto-generated
| | | - greeter.ctrl.ts
Once your interfaces and configurations are created, you can start building your controller logic.
The @loopback/grpc
component provides you with a handy decorator to implement GRPC Methods within your LoopBack controllers.
import {grpc} from '@loopback/grpc';
import {Greeter, HelloRequest, HelloReply} from '/greeter.proto';
* @class GreeterCtrl
* @description Implements grpc proto service
export class GreeterCtrl implements Greeter.Service {
// Tell LoopBack that this is a Service RPC implementation
sayHello(request: HelloRequest): HelloReply {
return {message: 'Hello ' +};
syntax = "proto3";
package greeterpackage;
service Greeter {
// Sends a greeting
rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
// The request message containing the user's name.
message HelloRequest {
string name = 1;
// The response message containing the greetings
message HelloReply {
string message = 1;
Get started by either downloading this project or cloning it as follows:
$ git clone
$ cd loopback4-extension-grpc && npm install
run npm test
from the root folder.
- Watch for proto changes.
- Server/Client Streams
See all contributors.