From 35258f854f5c4dc771dd25de60fc87ad0069801b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Remi Jannel <>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2018 21:35:07 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Use custom types for resources and string on params

 account.go                   | 149 ++++++++++++----------------
 account/client_test.go       |   4 +-
 balance.go                   |  59 ++++++-----
 balance/client.go            |  19 ----
 bankaccount.go               |  45 ++++++---
 bankaccount/client.go        |   8 --
 bankaccount_test.go          |   2 +-
 card.go                      |  92 ++++++++++-------
 card/client.go               |  19 ----
 charge.go                    |  23 +++--
 charge/client.go             |   9 +-
 coupon.go                    |   7 +-
 coupon/client.go             |   6 --
 coupon/client_test.go        |   2 +-
 dispute.go                   |  28 ++++--
 dispute/client.go            |  20 ----
 error.go                     |   8 +-
 fileupload.go                |  12 ++-
 fileupload/client.go         |   5 -
 fileupload/client_test.go    |   4 +-
 invoice.go                   |  10 ++
 invoice/client.go            |   5 -
 invoice/client_test.go       |   2 +-
 order.go                     |  61 +++++++++---
 order/client_test.go         |   2 +-
 orderitem.go                 |  26 -----
 orderitem/order_item.go      |  12 ---
 orderitem/order_item_test.go |   1 -
 paymentsource.go             |  54 ++++------
 paymentsource_test.go        |   4 +-
 payout.go                    |  59 +++++++----
 payout/client.go             |  27 -----
 plan.go                      |  49 ++++-----
 plan/client.go               |   7 --
 plan/client_test.go          |   4 +-
 product.go                   |   7 +-
 recipient.go                 |   6 +-
 recipient/client.go          |   5 -
 recipienttransfer.go         |  60 +++++++----
 recipienttransfer/client.go  |  30 ------
 refund.go                    |  18 +++-
 refund/client.go             |   6 --
 refund/client_test.go        |   2 +-
 review.go                    |  30 +++---
 sku.go                       |  24 ++++-
 sku/client_test.go           |   8 +-
 source.go                    | 186 +++++++++++++++--------------------
 source/client_test.go        |   4 +-
 sub.go                       |  28 ++++--
 sub/client.go                |   9 --
 sub/client_test.go           |   7 +-
 token.go                     |   8 +-
 token/client.go              |   6 --
 transfer.go                  |   9 +-
 transfer/client.go           |   7 --
 transfer/client_test.go      |   2 +-
 usage_record.go              |  10 +-
 usagerecord/client_test.go   |   2 +-
 58 files changed, 620 insertions(+), 698 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 orderitem.go
 delete mode 100644 orderitem/order_item.go
 delete mode 100644 orderitem/order_item_test.go

diff --git a/account.go b/account.go
index 8c3a729083..4b0fd59c86 100644
--- a/account.go
+++ b/account.go
@@ -6,57 +6,71 @@ import (
+// AccountType is the type of an account.
+type AccountType string
+const (
+	AccountTypeCustom   AccountType = "custom"
+	AccountTypeExpress  AccountType = "express"
+	AccountTypeStandard AccountType = "standard"
+// ExternalAccountType is the type of an external account.
+type ExternalAccountType string
+const (
+	ExternalAccountTypeBankAccount ExternalAccountType = "bank_account"
+	ExternalAccountTypeCard        ExternalAccountType = "card"
 // LegalEntityType describes the types for a legal entity.
-// Allowed values are "individual", "company".
 type LegalEntityType string
+const (
+	LegalEntityTypeCompany    LegalEntityType = "company"
+	LegalEntityTypeIndividual LegalEntityType = "individual"
 // IdentityVerificationDetailsCode is a machine-readable code specifying the
-// verification state of a legal entity. Allowed values are
-// "failed_keyed_identity", "failed_other", "scan_corrupt",
-// "scan_failed_greyscale", "scan_failed_other",
-// "scan_id_country_not_supported", "scan_id_type_not_supported",
-// "scan_name_mismatch", "scan_not_readable", "scan_not_uploaded".
+// verification state of a legal entity
 type IdentityVerificationDetailsCode string
+const (
+	IdentityVerificationDetailsCodeFailedKeyedIdentity       IdentityVerificationDetailsCode = "failed_keyed_identity"
+	IdentityVerificationDetailsCodeFailedOther               IdentityVerificationDetailsCode = "failed_other"
+	IdentityVerificationDetailsCodeScanCorrupt               IdentityVerificationDetailsCode = "scan_corrupt"
+	IdentityVerificationDetailsCodeScanFailedGreyscale       IdentityVerificationDetailsCode = "scan_failed_greyscale"
+	IdentityVerificationDetailsCodeScanFailedOther           IdentityVerificationDetailsCode = "scan_failed_other"
+	IdentityVerificationDetailsCodeScanIdCountryNotSupported IdentityVerificationDetailsCode = "scan_id_country_not_supported"
+	IdentityVerificationDetailsCodeScanIdTypeNotSupported    IdentityVerificationDetailsCode = "scan_id_type_not_supported"
+	IdentityVerificationDetailsCodeScanNameMismatch          IdentityVerificationDetailsCode = "scan_name_mismatch"
+	IdentityVerificationDetailsCodeScanNotReadable           IdentityVerificationDetailsCode = "scan_not_readable"
+	IdentityVerificationDetailsCodeScanNotUploaded           IdentityVerificationDetailsCode = "scan_not_uploaded"
 // IdentityVerificationStatus describes the different statuses for identity verification.
-// Allowed values are "pending", "verified", "unverified".
 type IdentityVerificationStatus string
-// Interval describes the payout interval.
-// Allowed values are "manual", "daily", "weekly", "monthly".
-type Interval string
 const (
-	// Company is a constant value representing a company legal entity type.
-	Company LegalEntityType = "company"
-	// Day is a constant value representing a daily payout interval.
-	Day Interval = "daily"
-	// Individual is a constant value representing an individual legal entity
-	// type.
-	Individual LegalEntityType = "individual"
-	// IdentityVerificationPending is a constant value indicating that identity
-	// verification status is pending.
-	IdentityVerificationPending IdentityVerificationStatus = "pending"
-	// IdentityVerificationUnverified is a constant value indicating that
-	// identity verification status is unverified.
-	IdentityVerificationUnverified IdentityVerificationStatus = "unverified"
-	// IdentityVerificationVerified is a constant value indicating that
-	// identity verification status is verified.
-	IdentityVerificationVerified IdentityVerificationStatus = "verified"
+	IdentityVerificationStatusPending    IdentityVerificationStatus = "pending"
+	IdentityVerificationStatusUnverified IdentityVerificationStatus = "unverified"
+	IdentityVerificationStatusVerified   IdentityVerificationStatus = "verified"
-	// Manual is a constant value representing a manual payout interval.
-	Manual Interval = "manual"
+// Interval describes the payout interval.
+type PayoutInterval string
-	// Monthly is a constant value representing a monthly payout interval.
-	Monthly Interval = "monthly"
+const (
+	PayoutIntervalDay     PayoutInterval = "daily"
+	PayoutIntervalManual  PayoutInterval = "manual"
+	PayoutIntervalMonthly PayoutInterval = "monthly"
+	PayoutIntervalWeekly  PayoutInterval = "weekly"
-	// Weekly is a constant value representing a weekly payout interval.
-	Weekly Interval = "weekly"
+const (
+	AccountRejectReasonFraud          string = "fraud"
+	AccountRejectReasonOther          string = "other"
+	AccountRejectReasonTermsOfService string = "terms_of_service"
 // AccountParams are the parameters allowed during account creation/updates.
@@ -217,7 +231,7 @@ type Account struct {
 	ChargesEnabled        bool                 `json:"charges_enabled"`
 	Country               string               `json:"country"`
 	DebitNegativeBalances bool                 `json:"debit_negative_balances"`
-	DefaultCurrency       string               `json:"default_currency"`
+	DefaultCurrency       Currency             `json:"default_currency"`
 	Deleted               bool                 `json:"deleted"`
 	DetailsSubmitted      bool                 `json:"details_submitted"`
 	Email                 string               `json:"email"`
@@ -274,33 +288,6 @@ func (a *Account) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
 	return nil
-// ExternalAccountType is the type of an external account.
-type ExternalAccountType string
-const (
-	// ExternalAccountTypeBankAccount is a constant value representing an external
-	// account which is a bank account.
-	ExternalAccountTypeBankAccount ExternalAccountType = "bank_account"
-	// ExternalAccountTypeCard is a constant value representing an external account
-	// which is a card.
-	ExternalAccountTypeCard ExternalAccountType = "card"
-// AccountType is the type of an account.
-type AccountType string
-const (
-	// AccountTypeCustom is a constant value representing an account of type custom.
-	AccountTypeCustom AccountType = "custom"
-	// AccountTypeExpress is a constant value representing an account of type express.
-	AccountTypeExpress AccountType = "express"
-	// AccountTypeStandard is a constant value representing an account of type standard.
-	AccountTypeStandard AccountType = "standard"
 // AccountList is a list of accounts as returned from a list endpoint.
 type AccountList struct {
@@ -369,7 +356,7 @@ type LegalEntity struct {
 	FirstName                string               `json:"first_name"`
 	FirstNameKana            string               `json:"first_name_kana"`
 	FirstNameKanji           string               `json:"first_name_kanji"`
-	Gender                   Gender               `json:"gender"`
+	Gender                   string               `json:"gender"`
 	LastName                 string               `json:"last_name"`
 	LastNameKana             string               `json:"last_name_kana"`
 	LastNameKanji            string               `json:"last_name_kanji"`
@@ -405,19 +392,15 @@ type DOB struct {
 	Year  int64 `json:"year"`
-// Gender is the gender of an account owner. International regulations require
-// either “male” or “female”.
-type Gender string
 // AdditionalOwner is the structure for an account owner.
 type AdditionalOwner struct {
-	Address                  AccountAddress       `json:"address"`
-	DOB                      DOB                  `json:"dob"`
-	FirstName                string               `json:"first_name"`
-	LastName                 string               `json:"last_name"`
-	MaidenName               string               `json:"maiden_name"`
-	PersonalIDNumberProvided bool                 `json:"personal_id_number_provided"`
-	Verification             IdentityVerification `json:"verification"`
+	Address                  AccountAddress `json:"address"`
+	DOB                      DOB            `json:"dob"`
+	FirstName                string         `json:"first_name"`
+	LastName                 string         `json:"last_name"`
+	MaidenName               string         `json:"maiden_name"`
+	PersonalIDNumberProvided bool           `json:"personal_id_number_provided"`
+	Verification             string         `json:"verification"`
 // IdentityVerification is the structure for an account's verification.
@@ -430,15 +413,13 @@ type IdentityVerification struct {
 // PayoutSchedule is the structure for an account's payout schedule.
 type PayoutSchedule struct {
-	DelayDays     int64    `json:"delay_days"`
-	Interval      Interval `json:"interval"`
-	MonthlyAnchor int64    `json:"monthly_anchor"`
-	WeeklyAnchor  string   `json:"weekly_anchor"`
+	DelayDays     int64          `json:"delay_days"`
+	Interval      PayoutInterval `json:"interval"`
+	MonthlyAnchor int64          `json:"monthly_anchor"`
+	WeeklyAnchor  string         `json:"weekly_anchor"`
 // AccountRejectParams is the structure for the Reject function.
 type AccountRejectParams struct {
-	// Reason is the reason that an account was rejected. It should be given a
-	// value of one of `fraud`, `terms_of_service`, or `other`.
 	Reason *string `form:"reason"`
diff --git a/account/client_test.go b/account/client_test.go
index a65fe7de4c..e7a4154889 100644
--- a/account/client_test.go
+++ b/account/client_test.go
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ func TestAccountNew(t *testing.T) {
 		SupportURL:            stripe.String(""),
 		SupportPhone:          stripe.String("4151234567"),
 		LegalEntity: &stripe.LegalEntityParams{
-			Type:         stripe.String(string(stripe.Individual)),
+			Type:         stripe.String(string(stripe.LegalEntityTypeIndividual)),
 			BusinessName: stripe.String("Stripe Go"),
 			AdditionalOwners: []stripe.AdditionalOwnerParams{
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ func TestAccountNew(t *testing.T) {
 func TestAccountReject(t *testing.T) {
 	account, err := Reject("acct_123", &stripe.AccountRejectParams{
-		Reason: stripe.String("fraud"),
+		Reason: stripe.String(stripe.AccountRejectReasonFraud),
 	assert.Nil(t, err)
 	assert.NotNil(t, account)
diff --git a/balance.go b/balance.go
index 4cc080c8dd..d0ab108fba 100644
--- a/balance.go
+++ b/balance.go
@@ -3,41 +3,48 @@ package stripe
 import "encoding/json"
 // BalanceTransactionStatus is the list of allowed values for the balance transaction's status.
-// Allowed values are "available", "pending".
 type BalanceTransactionStatus string
+const (
+	BalanceTransactionStatusAvailable BalanceTransactionStatus = "available"
+	BalanceTransactionStatusPending   BalanceTransactionStatus = "pending"
 // BalanceTransactionType is the list of allowed values for the balance transaction's type.
-// Allowed values are "charge", "refund", "adjustment", "application_fee",
-// "application_fee_refund", "transfer", "transfer_cancel", "transfer_failure".
 type BalanceTransactionType string
+const (
+	BalanceTransactionTypeAdjustment               BalanceTransactionType = "adjustment"
+	BalanceTransactionTypeApplicationFee           BalanceTransactionType = "application_fee"
+	BalanceTransactionTypeApplicationFeeRefund     BalanceTransactionType = "application_fee_refund"
+	BalanceTransactionTypeCharge                   BalanceTransactionType = "charge"
+	BalanceTransactionTypePayment                  BalanceTransactionType = "payment"
+	BalanceTransactionTypePaymentFailureRefund     BalanceTransactionType = "payment_failure_refund"
+	BalanceTransactionTypePaymentRefund            BalanceTransactionType = "payment_refund"
+	BalanceTransactionTypePayout                   BalanceTransactionType = "payout"
+	BalanceTransactionTypePayoutCancel             BalanceTransactionType = "payout_cancel"
+	BalanceTransactionTypePayoutFailure            BalanceTransactionType = "payout_failure"
+	BalanceTransactionTypeRecipientTransfer        BalanceTransactionType = "recipient_transfer"
+	BalanceTransactionTypeRecipientTransferCancel  BalanceTransactionType = "recipient_transfer_cancel"
+	BalanceTransactionTypeRecipientTransferFailure BalanceTransactionType = "recipient_transfer_failure"
+	BalanceTransactionTypeRefund                   BalanceTransactionType = "refund"
+	BalanceTransactionTypeStripeFee                BalanceTransactionType = "stripe_fee"
+	BalanceTransactionTypeTransfer                 BalanceTransactionType = "transfer"
+	BalanceTransactionTypeTransferRefund           BalanceTransactionType = "transfer_refund"
 // BalanceTransactionSourceType consts represent valid balance transaction sources.
 type BalanceTransactionSourceType string
 const (
-	// BalanceTransactionSourceTypeCharge is a constant representing a transaction source of charge
-	BalanceTransactionSourceTypeCharge BalanceTransactionSourceType = "charge"
-	// BalanceTransactionSourceTypeDispute is a constant representing a transaction source of dispute
-	BalanceTransactionSourceTypeDispute BalanceTransactionSourceType = "dispute"
-	// BalanceTransactionSourceTypeApplicationFee is a constant representing a transaction source of application_fee
-	BalanceTransactionSourceTypeApplicationFee BalanceTransactionSourceType = "application_fee"
-	// BalanceTransactionSourceTypePayout is a constant representing a transaction source of payout
-	BalanceTransactionSourceTypePayout BalanceTransactionSourceType = "payout"
-	// BalanceTransactionSourceTypeRecipientTransfer is a constant representing a transaction source of recipient_transfer
+	BalanceTransactionSourceTypeApplicationFee    BalanceTransactionSourceType = "application_fee"
+	BalanceTransactionSourceTypeCharge            BalanceTransactionSourceType = "charge"
+	BalanceTransactionSourceTypeDispute           BalanceTransactionSourceType = "dispute"
+	BalanceTransactionSourceTypePayout            BalanceTransactionSourceType = "payout"
 	BalanceTransactionSourceTypeRecipientTransfer BalanceTransactionSourceType = "recipient_transfer"
-	// BalanceTransactionSourceTypeRefund is a constant representing a transaction source of refund
-	BalanceTransactionSourceTypeRefund BalanceTransactionSourceType = "refund"
-	// BalanceTransactionSourceTypeReversal is a constant representing a transaction source of reversal
-	BalanceTransactionSourceTypeReversal BalanceTransactionSourceType = "reversal"
-	// BalanceTransactionSourceTypeTransfer is a constant representing a transaction source of transfer
-	BalanceTransactionSourceTypeTransfer BalanceTransactionSourceType = "transfer"
+	BalanceTransactionSourceTypeRefund            BalanceTransactionSourceType = "refund"
+	BalanceTransactionSourceTypeReversal          BalanceTransactionSourceType = "reversal"
+	BalanceTransactionSourceTypeTransfer          BalanceTransactionSourceType = "transfer"
 // BalanceTransactionSource describes the source of a balance Transaction.
@@ -103,7 +110,7 @@ type BalanceTransaction struct {
 	FeeDetails  []BalanceTransactionFee  `json:"fee_details"`
 	Net         int64                    `json:"net"`
 	Recipient   string                   `json:"recipient"`
-	Source      BalanceTransactionSource `json:"source"`
+	Source      string                   `json:"source"`
 	Status      BalanceTransactionStatus `json:"status"`
 	Type        BalanceTransactionType   `json:"type"`
diff --git a/balance/client.go b/balance/client.go
index 0848254990..f1e1f634c3 100644
--- a/balance/client.go
+++ b/balance/client.go
@@ -6,25 +6,6 @@ import (
-const (
-	BalanceTransactionAvailable stripe.BalanceTransactionStatus = "available"
-	BalanceTransactionPending   stripe.BalanceTransactionStatus = "pending"
-	BalanceTransactionCharge                  stripe.BalanceTransactionType = "charge"
-	BalanceTransactionRefund                  stripe.BalanceTransactionType = "refund"
-	BalanceTransactionAdjust                  stripe.BalanceTransactionType = "adjustment"
-	BalanceTransactionAppFee                  stripe.BalanceTransactionType = "application_fee"
-	BalanceTransactionFeeRefund               stripe.BalanceTransactionType = "application_fee_refund"
-	BalanceTransactionRecipientTransfer       stripe.BalanceTransactionType = "recipient_transfer"
-	BalanceTransactionRecipientTransferCancel stripe.BalanceTransactionType = "recipient_transfer_cancel"
-	BalanceTransactionRecipientTransferFail   stripe.BalanceTransactionType = "recipient_transfer_failure"
-	BalanceTransactionPayout                  stripe.BalanceTransactionType = "payout"
-	BalanceTransactionPayoutCancel            stripe.BalanceTransactionType = "payout_cancel"
-	BalanceTransactionPayoutFail              stripe.BalanceTransactionType = "payout_failure"
-	BalanceTransactionTransfer                stripe.BalanceTransactionType = "transfer"
-	BalanceTransactionTransferCancel          stripe.BalanceTransactionType = "transfer_refund"
 // Client is used to invoke /balance and transaction-related APIs.
 type Client struct {
 	B   stripe.Backend
diff --git a/bankaccount.go b/bankaccount.go
index 6bd964fe1d..a31a2a1601 100644
--- a/bankaccount.go
+++ b/bankaccount.go
@@ -8,9 +8,24 @@ import (
 // BankAccountStatus is the list of allowed values for the bank account's status.
-// Allowed values are "new", "validated", "verified", "verification_failed", "errored".
 type BankAccountStatus string
+const (
+	BankAccountStatusErrored            BankAccountStatus = "errored"
+	BankAccountStatusNew                BankAccountStatus = "new"
+	BankAccountStatusValidated          BankAccountStatus = "validated"
+	BankAccountStatusVerificationFailed BankAccountStatus = "verification_failed"
+	BankAccountStatusVerified           BankAccountStatus = "verified"
+// BankAccountAccountHolderType is the list of allowed values for the bank account holder type.
+type BankAccountAccountHolderType string
+const (
+	BankAccountAccountHolderTypeCompany    BankAccountAccountHolderType = "company"
+	BankAccountAccountHolderTypeIndividual BankAccountAccountHolderType = "individual"
 // BankAccountParams is the set of parameters that can be used when updating a
 // bank account.
@@ -112,20 +127,20 @@ type BankAccountListParams struct {
 // BankAccount represents a Stripe bank account.
 type BankAccount struct {
-	AccountHolderName  string            `json:"account_holder_name"`
-	AccountHolderType  string            `json:"account_holder_type"`
-	BankName           string            `json:"bank_name"`
-	Country            string            `json:"country"`
-	Currency           Currency          `json:"currency"`
-	Customer           *Customer         `json:"customer"`
-	DefaultForCurrency bool              `json:"default_for_currency"`
-	Deleted            bool              `json:"deleted"`
-	Fingerprint        string            `json:"fingerprint"`
-	ID                 string            `json:"id"`
-	Last4              string            `json:"last4"`
-	Metadata           map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
-	RoutingNumber      string            `json:"routing_number"`
-	Status             BankAccountStatus `json:"status"`
+	AccountHolderName  string                       `json:"account_holder_name"`
+	AccountHolderType  BankAccountAccountHolderType `json:"account_holder_type"`
+	BankName           string                       `json:"bank_name"`
+	Country            string                       `json:"country"`
+	Currency           Currency                     `json:"currency"`
+	Customer           *Customer                    `json:"customer"`
+	DefaultForCurrency bool                         `json:"default_for_currency"`
+	Deleted            bool                         `json:"deleted"`
+	Fingerprint        string                       `json:"fingerprint"`
+	ID                 string                       `json:"id"`
+	Last4              string                       `json:"last4"`
+	Metadata           map[string]string            `json:"metadata"`
+	RoutingNumber      string                       `json:"routing_number"`
+	Status             BankAccountStatus            `json:"status"`
 // BankAccountList is a list object for bank accounts.
diff --git a/bankaccount/client.go b/bankaccount/client.go
index 4a6eb3fa06..d4fe33a75f 100644
--- a/bankaccount/client.go
+++ b/bankaccount/client.go
@@ -15,14 +15,6 @@ type Client struct {
 	Key string
-const (
-	NewAccount                stripe.BankAccountStatus = "new"
-	VerificationFAiledAccount stripe.BankAccountStatus = "verification_failed"
-	VerifiedAccount           stripe.BankAccountStatus = "verified"
-	ValidatedAccount          stripe.BankAccountStatus = "validated"
-	ErroredAccount            stripe.BankAccountStatus = "errored"
 // New POSTs a new bank account.
 func New(params *stripe.BankAccountParams) (*stripe.BankAccount, error) {
 	return getC().New(params)
diff --git a/bankaccount_test.go b/bankaccount_test.go
index ace1b6b6ab..f1c57e6e23 100644
--- a/bankaccount_test.go
+++ b/bankaccount_test.go
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ func TestBankAccountParams_AppendToAsSourceOrExternalAccount(t *testing.T) {
 	// Includes account_holder_name
-		params := &BankAccountParams{AccountHolderType: String(string(Individual))}
+		params := &BankAccountParams{AccountHolderType: String(string(BankAccountAccountHolderTypeIndividual))}
 		body := &form.Values{}
 		t.Logf("body = %+v", body)
diff --git a/card.go b/card.go
index f9323530d4..b4d9d28dcd 100644
--- a/card.go
+++ b/card.go
@@ -7,26 +7,50 @@ import (
-// cardSource is a string that's used to build card form parameters. It's a
-// constant just to make mistakes less likely.
-const cardSource = "source"
 // CardBrand is the list of allowed values for the card's brand.
-// Allowed values are "Unknown", "Visa", "American Express", "MasterCard", "Discover"
-// "JCB", "Diners Club".
 type CardBrand string
+const (
+	CardBrandAmex       CardBrand = "American Express"
+	CardBrandDiscover   CardBrand = "Discover"
+	CardBrandDinersClub CardBrand = "Diners Club"
+	CardBrandJCB        CardBrand = "JCB"
+	CardBrandMasterCard CardBrand = "MasterCard"
+	CardBrandUnknown    CardBrand = "Unknown"
+	CardBrandUnionPay   CardBrand = "UnionPay"
+	CardBrandVisa       CardBrand = "Visa"
 // CardFunding is the list of allowed values for the card's funding.
-// Allowed values are "credit", "debit", "prepaid", "unknown".
 type CardFunding string
-// TokenizationMethod is the list of allowed values for the card's tokenization method.
-// Allowed values are "apple_pay", "android_pay".
-type TokenizationMethod string
+const (
+	CardFundingCredit  CardFunding = "credit"
+	CardFundingDebit   CardFunding = "debit"
+	CardFundingPrepaid CardFunding = "prepaid"
+	CardFundingUnknown CardFunding = "unknown"
+// CardTokenizationMethod is the list of allowed values for the card's tokenization method.
+type CardTokenizationMethod string
-// Verification is the list of allowed verification responses.
-// Allowed values are "pass", "fail", "unchecked", "unavailable".
-type Verification string
+const (
+	TokenizationMethodAndroidPay CardTokenizationMethod = "android_pay"
+	TokenizationMethodApplePay   CardTokenizationMethod = "apple_pay"
+// CardVerification is the list of allowed verification responses.
+type CardVerification string
+const (
+	CardVerificationFail      CardVerification = "fail"
+	CardVerificationPass      CardVerification = "pass"
+	CardVerificationUnchecked CardVerification = "unchecked"
+// cardSource is a string that's used to build card form parameters. It's a
+// constant just to make mistakes less likely.
+const cardSource = "source"
 // CardParams is the set of parameters that can be used when creating or updating a card.
 // For more details see and
@@ -147,21 +171,21 @@ type CardListParams struct {
 // Card is the resource representing a Stripe credit/debit card.
 // For more details see
 type Card struct {
-	AddressCity        string       `json:"address_city"`
-	AddressCountry     string       `json:"address_country"`
-	AddressLine1       string       `json:"address_line1"`
-	AddressLine1Check  Verification `json:"address_line1_check"`
-	AddressLine2       string       `json:"address_line2"`
-	AddressState       string       `json:"address_state"`
-	AddressZip         string       `json:"address_zip"`
-	AddressZipCheck    Verification `json:"address_zip_check"`
-	Brand              CardBrand    `json:"brand"`
-	CVCCheck           Verification `json:"cvc_check"`
-	Country            string       `json:"country"`
-	Currency           Currency     `json:"currency"`
-	Customer           *Customer    `json:"customer"`
-	DefaultForCurrency bool         `json:"default_for_currency"`
-	Deleted            bool         `json:"deleted"`
+	AddressCity        string           `json:"address_city"`
+	AddressCountry     string           `json:"address_country"`
+	AddressLine1       string           `json:"address_line1"`
+	AddressLine1Check  CardVerification `json:"address_line1_check"`
+	AddressLine2       string           `json:"address_line2"`
+	AddressState       string           `json:"address_state"`
+	AddressZip         string           `json:"address_zip"`
+	AddressZipCheck    CardVerification `json:"address_zip_check"`
+	Brand              CardBrand        `json:"brand"`
+	CVCCheck           CardVerification `json:"cvc_check"`
+	Country            string           `json:"country"`
+	Currency           Currency         `json:"currency"`
+	Customer           *Customer        `json:"customer"`
+	DefaultForCurrency bool             `json:"default_for_currency"`
+	Deleted            bool             `json:"deleted"`
 	// Description is a succinct summary of the card's information.
@@ -188,12 +212,12 @@ type Card struct {
 	// as part of standard API requests.
 	Issuer string `json:"issuer"`
-	Last4              string             `json:"last4"`
-	Metadata           map[string]string  `json:"metadata"`
-	Name               string             `json:"name"`
-	Recipient          *Recipient         `json:"recipient"`
-	ThreeDSecure       *ThreeDSecure      `json:"three_d_secure"`
-	TokenizationMethod TokenizationMethod `json:"tokenization_method"`
+	Last4              string                 `json:"last4"`
+	Metadata           map[string]string      `json:"metadata"`
+	Name               string                 `json:"name"`
+	Recipient          *Recipient             `json:"recipient"`
+	ThreeDSecure       *ThreeDSecure          `json:"three_d_secure"`
+	TokenizationMethod CardTokenizationMethod `json:"tokenization_method"`
 // CardList is a list object for cards.
diff --git a/card/client.go b/card/client.go
index c21032201f..baf6846095 100644
--- a/card/client.go
+++ b/card/client.go
@@ -9,25 +9,6 @@ import (
-const (
-	BrandUnknown stripe.CardBrand = "Unknown"
-	Visa         stripe.CardBrand = "Visa"
-	Amex         stripe.CardBrand = "American Express"
-	MasterCard   stripe.CardBrand = "MasterCard"
-	Discover     stripe.CardBrand = "Discover"
-	JCB          stripe.CardBrand = "JCB"
-	DinersClub   stripe.CardBrand = "Diners Club"
-	Pass      stripe.Verification = "pass"
-	Fail      stripe.Verification = "fail"
-	Unchecked stripe.Verification = "unchecked"
-	Credit         stripe.CardFunding = "credit"
-	Debit          stripe.CardFunding = "debit"
-	Prepaid        stripe.CardFunding = "prepaid"
-	FundingUnknown stripe.CardFunding = "unknown"
 // Client is used to invoke /cards APIs.
 type Client struct {
 	B   stripe.Backend
diff --git a/charge.go b/charge.go
index 5f0032cf70..e3a9606d74 100644
--- a/charge.go
+++ b/charge.go
@@ -4,14 +4,25 @@ import (
+// ChargeFraudUserReport is the list of allowed values for reporting fraud.
+type ChargeFraudUserReport string
+const (
+	ChargeFraudUserReportFraudulent ChargeFraudUserReport = "fraudulent"
+	ChargeFraudUserReportSafe       ChargeFraudUserReport = "safe"
+// ChargeFraudStripeReport is the list of allowed values for reporting fraud.
+type ChargeFraudStripeReport string
+const (
+	ChargeFraudStripeReportFraudulent ChargeFraudStripeReport = "fraudulent"
 // Currency is the list of supported currencies.
 // For more details see
 type Currency string
-// FraudReport is the list of allowed values for reporting fraud.
-// Allowed values are "fraudulent", "safe".
-type FraudReport string
 // ChargeParams is the set of parameters that can be used when creating or updating a charge.
 // For more details see and
 type ChargeParams struct {
@@ -143,8 +154,8 @@ type ChargeList struct {
 // FraudDetails is the structure detailing fraud status.
 type FraudDetails struct {
-	UserReport   FraudReport `json:"user_report"`
-	StripeReport FraudReport `json:"stripe_report"`
+	UserReport   ChargeFraudUserReport   `json:"user_report"`
+	StripeReport ChargeFraudStripeReport `json:"stripe_report"`
 // ChargeOutcomeRule tells you the Radar rule that blocked the charge, if any.
diff --git a/charge/client.go b/charge/client.go
index 8ed79ef06f..f67dc9cac9 100644
--- a/charge/client.go
+++ b/charge/client.go
@@ -8,11 +8,6 @@ import (
-const (
-	ReportFraudulent stripe.FraudReport = "fraudulent"
-	ReportSafe       stripe.FraudReport = "safe"
 // Client is used to invoke /charges APIs.
 type Client struct {
 	B   stripe.Backend
@@ -143,7 +138,7 @@ func (c Client) MarkFraudulent(id string) (*stripe.Charge, error) {
 			FraudDetails: &stripe.FraudDetailsParams{
-				UserReport: stripe.String(string(ReportFraudulent)),
+				UserReport: stripe.String(string(stripe.ChargeFraudUserReportFraudulent)),
@@ -159,7 +154,7 @@ func (c Client) MarkSafe(id string) (*stripe.Charge, error) {
 			FraudDetails: &stripe.FraudDetailsParams{
-				UserReport: stripe.String(string(ReportSafe)),
+				UserReport: stripe.String(string(stripe.ChargeFraudUserReportSafe)),
diff --git a/coupon.go b/coupon.go
index 2cec158b1d..8a5809c3d1 100644
--- a/coupon.go
+++ b/coupon.go
@@ -3,9 +3,14 @@ package stripe
 import "encoding/json"
 // CouponDuration is the list of allowed values for the coupon's duration.
-// Allowed values are "forever", "once", "repeating".
 type CouponDuration string
+const (
+	CouponDurationForever   CouponDuration = "forever"
+	CouponDurationOnce      CouponDuration = "once"
+	CouponDurationRepeating CouponDuration = "repeating"
 // CouponParams is the set of parameters that can be used when creating a coupon.
 // For more details see
 type CouponParams struct {
diff --git a/coupon/client.go b/coupon/client.go
index 8ffd2d2fb9..412a48b4e5 100644
--- a/coupon/client.go
+++ b/coupon/client.go
@@ -8,12 +8,6 @@ import (
-const (
-	Forever   stripe.CouponDuration = "forever"
-	Once      stripe.CouponDuration = "once"
-	Repeating stripe.CouponDuration = "repeating"
 // Client is used to invoke /coupons APIs.
 type Client struct {
 	B   stripe.Backend
diff --git a/coupon/client_test.go b/coupon/client_test.go
index 7870bb4b7f..8027ee4909 100644
--- a/coupon/client_test.go
+++ b/coupon/client_test.go
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ func TestCouponList(t *testing.T) {
 func TestCouponNew(t *testing.T) {
 	coupon, err := New(&stripe.CouponParams{
 		Currency:         stripe.String(string(currency.USD)),
-		Duration:         stripe.String(string(Repeating)),
+		Duration:         stripe.String(string(stripe.CouponDurationRepeating)),
 		DurationInMonths: stripe.Int64(3),
 		ID:               stripe.String("25OFF"),
 		PercentOff:       stripe.Int64(25),
diff --git a/dispute.go b/dispute.go
index d3dc1083b0..674469c54d 100644
--- a/dispute.go
+++ b/dispute.go
@@ -5,17 +5,33 @@ import (
 // DisputeReason is the list of allowed values for a discount's reason.
-// Allowed values are "duplicate", "fraudulent", "subscription_canceled",
-// "product_unacceptable", "product_not_received", "unrecognized",
-// "credit_not_processed", "general".
 type DisputeReason string
+const (
+	DisputeReasonCreditNotProcessed   DisputeReason = "credit_not_processed"
+	DisputeReasonDuplicate            DisputeReason = "duplicate"
+	DisputeReasonFraudulent           DisputeReason = "fraudulent"
+	DisputeReasonGeneral              DisputeReason = "general"
+	DisputeReasonProductNotReceived   DisputeReason = "product_not_received"
+	DisputeReasonProductUnacceptable  DisputeReason = "product_unacceptable"
+	DisputeReasonSubscriptionCanceled DisputeReason = "subscription_canceled"
+	DisputeReasonUnrecognized         DisputeReason = "unrecognized"
 // DisputeStatus is the list of allowed values for a discount's status.
-// Allowed values are "won", "lost", "needs_response", "under_review",
-// "warning_needs_response", "warning_under_review", "charge_refunded",
-// "warning_closed".
 type DisputeStatus string
+const (
+	DisputeStatusChargeRefunded       DisputeStatus = "charge_refunded"
+	DisputeStatusLost                 DisputeStatus = "lost"
+	DisputeStatusNeedsResponse        DisputeStatus = "needs_response"
+	DisputeStatusUnderReview          DisputeStatus = "under_review"
+	DisputeStatusWarningClosed        DisputeStatus = "warning_closed"
+	DisputeStatusWarningNeedsResponse DisputeStatus = "warning_needs_response"
+	DisputeStatusWarningUnderReview   DisputeStatus = "warning_under_review"
+	DisputeStatusWon                  DisputeStatus = "won"
 // DisputeParams is the set of parameters that can be used when updating a dispute.
 // For more details see
 type DisputeParams struct {
diff --git a/dispute/client.go b/dispute/client.go
index dbebfa2c43..6f3f792508 100644
--- a/dispute/client.go
+++ b/dispute/client.go
@@ -7,26 +7,6 @@ import (
-const (
-	CreditNotProcessed   stripe.DisputeReason = "credit_not_processed"
-	Duplicate            stripe.DisputeReason = "duplicate"
-	Fraudulent           stripe.DisputeReason = "fraudulent"
-	General              stripe.DisputeReason = "general"
-	ProductNotReceived   stripe.DisputeReason = "product_not_received"
-	ProductUnacceptable  stripe.DisputeReason = "product_unacceptable"
-	SubscriptionCanceled stripe.DisputeReason = "subscription_canceled"
-	Unrecognized         stripe.DisputeReason = "unrecognized"
-	Lost                 stripe.DisputeStatus = "lost"
-	NeedsResponse        stripe.DisputeStatus = "needs_response"
-	ChargeRefunded       stripe.DisputeStatus = "charge_refunded"
-	UnderReview          stripe.DisputeStatus = "under_review"
-	WarningClosed        stripe.DisputeStatus = "warning_closed"
-	WarningNeedsResponse stripe.DisputeStatus = "warning_needs_response"
-	WarningUnderReview   stripe.DisputeStatus = "warning_under_review"
-	Won                  stripe.DisputeStatus = "won"
 // Client is used to invoke dispute-related APIs.
 type Client struct {
 	B   stripe.Backend
diff --git a/error.go b/error.go
index fb00d31969..f1356ce4cb 100644
--- a/error.go
+++ b/error.go
@@ -5,9 +5,6 @@ import "encoding/json"
 // ErrorType is the list of allowed values for the error's type.
 type ErrorType string
-// ErrorCode is the list of allowed values for the error's code.
-type ErrorCode string
 const (
 	ErrorTypeAPI            ErrorType = "api_error"
 	ErrorTypeAPIConnection  ErrorType = "api_connection_error"
@@ -16,7 +13,12 @@ const (
 	ErrorTypeInvalidRequest ErrorType = "invalid_request_error"
 	ErrorTypePermission     ErrorType = "more_permissions_required"
 	ErrorTypeRateLimit      ErrorType = "rate_limit_error"
+// ErrorCode is the list of allowed values for the error's code.
+type ErrorCode string
+const (
 	ErrorCodeCardDeclined       ErrorCode = "card_declined"
 	ErrorCodeExpiredCard        ErrorCode = "expired_card"
 	ErrorCodeIncorrectCVC       ErrorCode = "incorrect_cvc"
diff --git a/fileupload.go b/fileupload.go
index ce7ec78815..7a6ef8490a 100644
--- a/fileupload.go
+++ b/fileupload.go
@@ -7,6 +7,14 @@ import (
+// FileUploadPurpose is the purpose of a particular file upload.
+type FileUploadPurpose string
+const (
+	FileUploadPurposeDisputeEvidence  FileUploadPurpose = "dispute_evidence"
+	FileUploadPurposeIdentityDocument FileUploadPurpose = "identity_document"
 // FileUploadParams is the set of parameters that can be used when creating a
 // file upload.
 // For more details see
@@ -31,10 +39,6 @@ type FileUploadListParams struct {
 	Purpose      *string           `form:"purpose"`
-// FileUploadPurpose is the purpose of a particular file upload. Allowed values
-// are "dispute_evidence" and "identity_document".
-type FileUploadPurpose string
 // FileUpload is the resource representing a Stripe file upload.
 // For more details see
 type FileUpload struct {
diff --git a/fileupload/client.go b/fileupload/client.go
index a8280618b7..459a7712aa 100644
--- a/fileupload/client.go
+++ b/fileupload/client.go
@@ -9,11 +9,6 @@ import (
-const (
-	DisputeEvidenceFile stripe.FileUploadPurpose = "dispute_evidence"
-	IdentityDocFile     stripe.FileUploadPurpose = "identity_document"
 // Client is used to invoke file upload APIs.
 type Client struct {
 	B   stripe.Backend
diff --git a/fileupload/client_test.go b/fileupload/client_test.go
index 3c8eb228e0..a6f9c6c7a6 100644
--- a/fileupload/client_test.go
+++ b/fileupload/client_test.go
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ func TestFileUploadNewThenGet(t *testing.T) {
 	uploadParams := &stripe.FileUploadParams{
-		Purpose:    stripe.String(string(DisputeEvidenceFile)),
+		Purpose:    stripe.String(string(stripe.FileUploadPurposeDisputeEvidence)),
 		FileReader: f,
 		Filename:   stripe.String(f.Name()),
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ func TestFileUploadList(t *testing.T) {
 	uploadParams := &stripe.FileUploadParams{
-		Purpose:    stripe.String(string(DisputeEvidenceFile)),
+		Purpose:    stripe.String(string(stripe.FileUploadPurposeDisputeEvidence)),
 		FileReader: f,
 		Filename:   stripe.String(f.Name()),
diff --git a/invoice.go b/invoice.go
index 10d76d46cf..982f9c68ad 100644
--- a/invoice.go
+++ b/invoice.go
@@ -6,10 +6,20 @@ import "encoding/json"
 // Allowed values are "invoiceitem", "subscription".
 type InvoiceLineType string
+const (
+	InvoiceLineTypeInvoiceItem  InvoiceLineType = "invoiceitem"
+	InvoiceLineTypeSubscription InvoiceLineType = "subscription"
 // InvoiceBilling is the type of billing method for this invoice.
 // Currently supported values are "send_invoice" and "charge_automatically".
 type InvoiceBilling string
+const (
+	InvoiceBillingChargeAutomatically InvoiceBilling = "charge_automatically"
+	InvoiceBillingSendInvoice         InvoiceBilling = "send_invoice"
 // InvoiceParams is the set of parameters that can be used when creating or updating an invoice.
 // For more details see,
 type InvoiceParams struct {
diff --git a/invoice/client.go b/invoice/client.go
index 04245e0096..ba3e10532e 100644
--- a/invoice/client.go
+++ b/invoice/client.go
@@ -8,11 +8,6 @@ import (
-const (
-	TypeInvoiceItem  stripe.InvoiceLineType = "invoiceitem"
-	TypeSubscription stripe.InvoiceLineType = "subscription"
 // Client is the client used to invoke /invoices APIs.
 type Client struct {
 	B   stripe.Backend
diff --git a/invoice/client_test.go b/invoice/client_test.go
index ad1cc5d66a..e7722810de 100644
--- a/invoice/client_test.go
+++ b/invoice/client_test.go
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ func TestInvoiceListLines(t *testing.T) {
 func TestInvoiceNew(t *testing.T) {
 	invoice, err := New(&stripe.InvoiceParams{
-		Billing:  stripe.String("charge_automatically"),
+		Billing:  stripe.String(string(stripe.InvoiceBillingChargeAutomatically)),
 		Customer: stripe.String("cus_123"),
 	assert.Nil(t, err)
diff --git a/order.go b/order.go
index 243d29cd45..8886d46c4b 100644
--- a/order.go
+++ b/order.go
@@ -8,11 +8,29 @@ import (
 type OrderStatus string
 const (
-	StatusCanceled  OrderStatus = "canceled"
-	StatusCreated   OrderStatus = "created"
-	StatusFulfilled OrderStatus = "fulfilled"
-	StatusPaid      OrderStatus = "paid"
-	StatusReturned  OrderStatus = "returned"
+	OrderStatusCanceled  OrderStatus = "canceled"
+	OrderStatusCreated   OrderStatus = "created"
+	OrderStatusFulfilled OrderStatus = "fulfilled"
+	OrderStatusPaid      OrderStatus = "paid"
+	OrderStatusReturned  OrderStatus = "returned"
+// OrderDeliveryEstimateType represents the type of delivery estimate for shipping methods
+type OrderDeliveryEstimateType string
+const (
+	OrderDeliveryEstimateTypeExact OrderDeliveryEstimateType = "exact"
+	OrderDeliveryEstimateTypeRange OrderDeliveryEstimateType = "range"
+// OrderItemType represents the type of order item
+type OrderItemType string
+const (
+	OrderItemTeypeDiscount OrderItemType = "discount"
+	OrderItemTeypeShipping OrderItemType = "shipping"
+	OrderItemTeypeSKU      OrderItemType = "sku"
+	OrderItemTeypeTax      OrderItemType = "tax"
 type OrderParams struct {
@@ -67,20 +85,13 @@ type ShippingMethod struct {
 	Description      string            `json:"description"`
-type EstimateType string
-const (
-	Exact EstimateType = "exact"
-	Range EstimateType = "range"
 type DeliveryEstimate struct {
 	// If Type == Exact
 	Date string `json:"date"`
 	// If Type == Range
-	Earliest string       `json:"earliest"`
-	Latest   string       `json:"latest"`
-	Type     EstimateType `json:"type"`
+	Earliest string                    `json:"earliest"`
+	Latest   string                    `json:"latest"`
+	Type     OrderDeliveryEstimateType `json:"type"`
 type Order struct {
@@ -101,7 +112,7 @@ type Order struct {
 	SelectedShippingMethod *string           `json:"selected_shipping_method"`
 	Shipping               Shipping          `json:"shipping"`
 	ShippingMethods        []ShippingMethod  `json:"shipping_methods"`
-	Status                 OrderStatus       `json:"status"`
+	Status                 string            `json:"status"`
 	StatusTransitions      StatusTransitions `json:"status_transitions"`
 	Updated                int64             `json:"updated"`
@@ -144,6 +155,24 @@ type OrderPayParams struct {
 	Source         *SourceParams `form:"*"` // SourceParams has custom encoding so brought to top level with "*"
+type OrderItemParams struct {
+	Amount      *int64  `form:"amount"`
+	Currency    *string `form:"currency"`
+	Description *string `form:"description"`
+	Parent      *string `form:"parent"`
+	Quantity    *int64  `form:"quantity"`
+	Type        *string `form:"type"`
+type OrderItem struct {
+	Amount      int64         `json:"amount"`
+	Currency    Currency      `json:"currency"`
+	Description string        `json:"description"`
+	Parent      string        `json:"parent"`
+	Quantity    int64         `json:"quantity"`
+	Type        OrderItemType `json:"type"`
 // SetSource adds valid sources to a OrderParams object,
 // returning an error for unsupported sources.
 func (op *OrderPayParams) SetSource(sp interface{}) error {
diff --git a/order/client_test.go b/order/client_test.go
index e08cda6a96..e1db42d224 100644
--- a/order/client_test.go
+++ b/order/client_test.go
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ func TestOrderReturn_RequestParams(t *testing.T) {
 func TestOrderUpdate(t *testing.T) {
 	order, err := Update("or_123", &stripe.OrderUpdateParams{
-		Status: stripe.String(string(stripe.StatusFulfilled)),
+		Status: stripe.String(string(stripe.OrderStatusFulfilled)),
 	assert.Nil(t, err)
 	assert.NotNil(t, order)
diff --git a/orderitem.go b/orderitem.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c8a471fb4..0000000000
--- a/orderitem.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-package stripe
-import (
-	// This is pretty silly. Nowhere else do we import a subpackage from the
-	// top-level namespace like this. We should try to deprecate this at some
-	// point.
-	""
-type OrderItemParams struct {
-	Amount      *int64  `form:"amount"`
-	Currency    *string `form:"currency"`
-	Description *string `form:"description"`
-	Parent      *string `form:"parent"`
-	Quantity    *int64  `form:"quantity"`
-	Type        *string `form:"type"`
-type OrderItem struct {
-	Amount      int64              `json:"amount"`
-	Currency    Currency           `json:"currency"`
-	Description string             `json:"description"`
-	Parent      string             `json:"parent"`
-	Quantity    int64              `json:"quantity"`
-	Type        orderitem.ItemType `json:"type"`
diff --git a/orderitem/order_item.go b/orderitem/order_item.go
deleted file mode 100644
index b9a92920e3..0000000000
--- a/orderitem/order_item.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-package orderitem
-// OrderItemType represents one of the possible types that an order's OrderItem
-// can have.
-type ItemType string
-const (
-	SKU      ItemType = "sku"
-	Tax      ItemType = "tax"
-	Shipping ItemType = "shipping"
-	Discount ItemType = "discount"
diff --git a/orderitem/order_item_test.go b/orderitem/order_item_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index ebd4e8162e..0000000000
--- a/orderitem/order_item_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-package orderitem
diff --git a/paymentsource.go b/paymentsource.go
index 9bd5e3469c..d9247e20b0 100644
--- a/paymentsource.go
+++ b/paymentsource.go
@@ -7,6 +7,17 @@ import (
+// PaymentSourceType consts represent valid payment sources.
+type PaymentSourceType string
+const (
+	PaymentSourceTypeAccount         PaymentSourceType = "account"
+	PaymentSourceTypeBankAccount     PaymentSourceType = "bank_account"
+	PaymentSourceTypeBitcoinReceiver PaymentSourceType = "bitcoin_receiver"
+	PaymentSourceTypeCard            PaymentSourceType = "card"
+	PaymentSourceTypeObject          PaymentSourceType = "source"
 // SourceParams is a union struct used to describe an
 // arbitrary payment source.
 type SourceParams struct {
@@ -70,31 +81,6 @@ func SourceParamsFor(obj interface{}) (*SourceParams, error) {
 	return sp, err
-// PaymentSourceType consts represent valid payment sources.
-type PaymentSourceType string
-const (
-	// PaymentSourceAccount is a constant representing a payment source which is
-	// an account.
-	PaymentSourceAccount PaymentSourceType = "account"
-	// PaymentSourceBankAccount is a constant representing a payment source
-	// which is a bank account.
-	PaymentSourceBankAccount PaymentSourceType = "bank_account"
-	// PaymentSourceBitcoinReceiver is a constant representing a payment source
-	// which is a Bitcoin receiver.
-	PaymentSourceBitcoinReceiver PaymentSourceType = "bitcoin_receiver"
-	// PaymentSourceCard is a constant representing a payment source which is a
-	// card.
-	PaymentSourceCard PaymentSourceType = "card"
-	// PaymentSourceObject is a constant representing a payment source which
-	// is a top level source object (/v1/sources).
-	PaymentSourceObject PaymentSourceType = "source"
 // PaymentSource describes the payment source used to make a Charge.
 // The Type should indicate which object is fleshed out (eg. BitcoinReceiver or Card)
 // For more details see
@@ -132,13 +118,13 @@ func (s *PaymentSource) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
 		*s = PaymentSource(ss)
 		switch s.Type {
-		case PaymentSourceBankAccount:
+		case PaymentSourceTypeBankAccount:
 			err = json.Unmarshal(data, &s.BankAccount)
-		case PaymentSourceBitcoinReceiver:
+		case PaymentSourceTypeBitcoinReceiver:
 			err = json.Unmarshal(data, &s.BitcoinReceiver)
-		case PaymentSourceCard:
+		case PaymentSourceTypeCard:
 			err = json.Unmarshal(data, &s.Card)
-		case PaymentSourceObject:
+		case PaymentSourceTypeObject:
 			err = json.Unmarshal(data, &s.SourceObject)
@@ -155,12 +141,12 @@ func (s *PaymentSource) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
 // MarshalJSON handles serialization of a PaymentSource.
 // This custom marshaling is needed because the specific type
-// of payment instrument it represents is specified by the PaymentSourceType
+// of payment instrument it represents is specified by the Type
 func (s *PaymentSource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
 	var target interface{}
 	switch s.Type {
-	case PaymentSourceBitcoinReceiver:
+	case PaymentSourceTypeBitcoinReceiver:
 		target = struct {
 			Type PaymentSourceType `json:"object"`
@@ -168,7 +154,7 @@ func (s *PaymentSource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
 			BitcoinReceiver: s.BitcoinReceiver,
 			Type:            s.Type,
-	case PaymentSourceCard:
+	case PaymentSourceTypeCard:
 		var customerID *string
 		if s.Card.Customer != nil {
 			customerID = &s.Card.Customer.ID
@@ -183,7 +169,7 @@ func (s *PaymentSource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
 			Customer: customerID,
 			Type:     s.Type,
-	case PaymentSourceAccount:
+	case PaymentSourceTypeAccount:
 		target = struct {
 			ID   string            `json:"id"`
 			Type PaymentSourceType `json:"object"`
@@ -191,7 +177,7 @@ func (s *PaymentSource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
 			ID:   s.ID,
 			Type: s.Type,
-	case PaymentSourceBankAccount:
+	case PaymentSourceTypeBankAccount:
 		var customerID *string
 		if s.BankAccount.Customer != nil {
 			customerID = &s.BankAccount.Customer.ID
diff --git a/paymentsource_test.go b/paymentsource_test.go
index 7fefedc541..28e5bfe12d 100644
--- a/paymentsource_test.go
+++ b/paymentsource_test.go
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ func TestPaymentSource_MarshalJSON(t *testing.T) {
 		id := "card_123"
 		name := "alice cooper"
 		paymentSource := &PaymentSource{
-			Type: PaymentSourceCard,
+			Type: PaymentSourceTypeCard,
 			ID:   id,
 			Card: &Card{
 				ID:   id,
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ func TestPaymentSource_MarshalJSON(t *testing.T) {
 		id := "ba_123"
 		name := "big bank"
 		paymentSource := &PaymentSource{
-			Type: PaymentSourceBankAccount,
+			Type: PaymentSourceTypeBankAccount,
 			ID:   id,
 			BankAccount: &BankAccount{
 				ID:                id,
diff --git a/payout.go b/payout.go
index 13b9855cda..276f7b5ecb 100644
--- a/payout.go
+++ b/payout.go
@@ -5,42 +5,61 @@ import "encoding/json"
 // PayoutDestinationType consts represent valid payout destinations.
 type PayoutDestinationType string
+const (
+	PayoutDestinationTypeBankAccount PayoutDestinationType = "bank_account"
+	PayoutDestinationTypeCard        PayoutDestinationType = "card"
 // PayoutFailureCode is the list of allowed values for the payout's failure code.
-// Allowed values are "insufficient_funds", "account_closed", "no_account",
-// "invalid_account_number", "debit_not_authorized", "bank_ownership_changed",
-// "account_frozen", "could_not_process", "bank_account_restricted", "invalid_currency".
 type PayoutFailureCode string
+const (
+	PayoutFailureCodeAccountClosed         PayoutFailureCode = "account_closed"
+	PayoutFailureCodeAccountFrozen         PayoutFailureCode = "account_frozen"
+	PayoutFailureCodeBankAccountRestricted PayoutFailureCode = "bank_account_restricted"
+	PayoutFailureCodeBankOwnershipChanged  PayoutFailureCode = "bank_ownership_changed"
+	PayoutFailureCodeCouldNotProcess       PayoutFailureCode = "could_not_process"
+	PayoutFailureCodeDebitNotAuthorized    PayoutFailureCode = "debit_not_authorized"
+	PayoutFailureCodeInsufficientFunds     PayoutFailureCode = "insufficient_funds"
+	PayoutFailureCodeInvalidAccountNumber  PayoutFailureCode = "invalid_account_number"
+	PayoutFailureCodeInvalidCurrency       PayoutFailureCode = "invalid_currency"
+	PayoutFailureCodeNoAccount             PayoutFailureCode = "no_account"
 // PayoutSourceType is the list of allowed values for the payout's source_type field.
-// Allowed values are "alipay_account", bank_account", "bitcoin_receiver", "card".
 type PayoutSourceType string
+const (
+	PayoutSourceTypeAlipayAccount   PayoutSourceType = "alipay_account"
+	PayoutSourceTypeBankAccount     PayoutSourceType = "bank_account"
+	PayoutSourceTypeBitcoinReceiver PayoutSourceType = "bitcoin_receiver"
+	PayoutSourceTypeCard            PayoutSourceType = "card"
 // PayoutStatus is the list of allowed values for the payout's status.
-// Allowed values are "paid", "pending", "in_transit",  "failed", "canceled".
 type PayoutStatus string
+const (
+	PayoutStatusCanceled  PayoutStatus = "canceled"
+	PayoutStatusFailed    PayoutStatus = "failed"
+	PayoutStatusInTransit PayoutStatus = "in_transit"
+	PayoutStatusPaid      PayoutStatus = "paid"
+	PayoutStatusPending   PayoutStatus = "pending"
 // PayoutType is the list of allowed values for the payout's type.
-// Allowed values are "bank_account" or "card".
 type PayoutType string
 const (
-	// PayoutDestinationBankAccount is a constant representing a payout destination
-	// which is a bank account.
-	PayoutDestinationBankAccount PayoutDestinationType = "bank_account"
-	// PayoutDestinationCard is a constant representing a payout destination
-	// which is a card.
-	PayoutDestinationCard PayoutDestinationType = "card"
+	PayoutTypeBank PayoutType = "bank_account"
+	PayoutTypeCard PayoutType = "card"
 // PayoutMethodType represents the type of payout
 type PayoutMethodType string
 const (
-	// PayoutMethodInstant is a constant representing an instant payout
-	PayoutMethodInstant PayoutMethodType = "instant"
-	// PayoutMethodStandard is a constant representing a standard payout
+	PayoutMethodInstant  PayoutMethodType = "instant"
 	PayoutMethodStandard PayoutMethodType = "standard"
@@ -89,7 +108,7 @@ type Payout struct {
 	Card                      *Card               `json:"card"`
 	Created                   int64               `json:"created"`
 	Currency                  Currency            `json:"currency"`
-	Destination               PayoutDestination   `json:"destination"`
+	Destination               string              `json:"destination"`
 	FailureBalanceTransaction *BalanceTransaction `json:"failure_balance_transaction"`
 	FailureCode               PayoutFailureCode   `json:"failure_code"`
 	FailureMessage            string              `json:"failure_message"`
@@ -137,9 +156,9 @@ func (d *PayoutDestination) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
 		*d = PayoutDestination(dd)
 		switch d.Type {
-		case PayoutDestinationBankAccount:
+		case PayoutDestinationTypeBankAccount:
 			err = json.Unmarshal(data, &d.BankAccount)
-		case PayoutDestinationCard:
+		case PayoutDestinationTypeCard:
 			err = json.Unmarshal(data, &d.Card)
diff --git a/payout/client.go b/payout/client.go
index ea2bc46a58..c528be47e7 100644
--- a/payout/client.go
+++ b/payout/client.go
@@ -8,33 +8,6 @@ import (
-const (
-	Canceled stripe.PayoutStatus = "canceled"
-	Failed   stripe.PayoutStatus = "failed"
-	Paid     stripe.PayoutStatus = "paid"
-	Pending  stripe.PayoutStatus = "pending"
-	Transit  stripe.PayoutStatus = "in_transit"
-	Bank stripe.PayoutType = "bank_account"
-	Card stripe.PayoutType = "card"
-	SourceAlipay  stripe.PayoutSourceType = "alipay_account"
-	SourceBank    stripe.PayoutSourceType = "bank_account"
-	SourceBitcoin stripe.PayoutSourceType = "bitcoin_receiver"
-	SourceCard    stripe.PayoutSourceType = "card"
-	AccountClosed        stripe.PayoutFailureCode = "account_closed"
-	AccountFrozen        stripe.PayoutFailureCode = "account_frozen"
-	BankAccountRestrict  stripe.PayoutFailureCode = "bank_account_restricted"
-	BankOwnerChanged     stripe.PayoutFailureCode = "bank_ownership_changed"
-	CouldNotProcess      stripe.PayoutFailureCode = "could_not_process"
-	DebitNotAuth         stripe.PayoutFailureCode = "debit_not_authorized"
-	InsufficientFunds    stripe.PayoutFailureCode = "insufficient_funds"
-	InvalidAccountNumber stripe.PayoutFailureCode = "invalid_account_number"
-	InvalidCurrency      stripe.PayoutFailureCode = "invalid_currency"
-	NoAccount            stripe.PayoutFailureCode = "no_account"
 // Client is used to invoke /payouts APIs.
 type Client struct {
 	B   stripe.Backend
diff --git a/plan.go b/plan.go
index 1284aab1c7..be02f5fe2d 100644
--- a/plan.go
+++ b/plan.go
@@ -7,41 +7,44 @@ import (
 // PlanInterval is the list of allowed values for a plan's interval.
-// Allowed values are "day", "week", "month", "year".
 type PlanInterval string
 const (
-	// PlanBillingSchemeTiered indicates that the price per single unit is tiered
-	// and can change with the total number of units.
-	PlanBillingSchemeTiered string = "tiered"
-	// PlanBillingSchemePerUnit indicates that each unit is billed at a fixed
-	// price.
-	PlanBillingSchemePerUnit string = "per_unit"
+	PlanIntervalDay   PlanInterval = "day"
+	PlanIntervalWeek  PlanInterval = "week"
+	PlanIntervalMonth PlanInterval = "month"
+	PlanIntervalYear  PlanInterval = "year"
+// PlanBillingScheme is the list of allowed values for a plan's billing scheme.
+type PlanBillingScheme string
+const (
+	PlanBillingSchemePerUnit PlanBillingScheme = "per_unit"
+	PlanBillingSchemeTiered  PlanBillingScheme = "tiered"
+// PlanUsageType is the list of allowed values for a plan's usage type.
+type PlanUsageType string
 const (
-	// PlanUsageTypeLicensed indicates that the set Quantity on a subscription item
-	// will be used to bill for a subscription.
-	PlanUsageTypeLicensed string = "licensed"
-	// PlanUsageTypeMetered indicates that usage records must be reported instead
-	// of setting a Quantity on a subscription item.
-	PlanUsageTypeMetered string = "metered"
+	PlanUsageTypeLicensed PlanUsageType = "licensed"
+	PlanUsageTypeMetered  PlanUsageType = "metered"
+// PlanTransformUsageRound is the list of allowed values for a plan's transform usage round logic.
+type PlanTransformUsageRound string
 const (
-	// PlanTransformUsageModeRoundDown represents a bucket billing configuration: a partially
-	// filled bucket will count as an empty bucket.
-	PlanTransformUsageModeRoundDown string = "round_down"
-	// PlanTransformUsageModeRoundUp represents a bucket billing configuration: a partially
-	// filled bucket will count as a full bucket.
-	PlanTransformUsageModeRoundUp string = "round_up"
+	PlanTransformUsageRoundDown PlanTransformUsageRound = "down"
+	PlanTransformUsageRoundUp   PlanTransformUsageRound = "up"
 // Plan is the resource representing a Stripe plan.
 // For more details see
 type Plan struct {
 	Amount          int64               `json:"amount"`
-	BillingScheme   string              `json:"billing_scheme"`
+	BillingScheme   PlanBillingScheme   `json:"billing_scheme"`
 	Created         int64               `json:"created"`
 	Currency        Currency            `json:"currency"`
 	Deleted         bool                `json:"deleted"`
@@ -56,7 +59,7 @@ type Plan struct {
 	TiersMode       string              `json:"tiers_mode"`
 	TransformUsage  *PlanTransformUsage `json:"transform_usage"`
 	TrialPeriodDays int64               `json:"trial_period_days"`
-	UsageType       string              `json:"usage_type"`
+	UsageType       PlanUsageType       `json:"usage_type"`
 // PlanList is a list of plans as returned from a list endpoint.
@@ -101,8 +104,8 @@ type PlanTier struct {
 // PlanTransformUsage represents the bucket billing configuration.
 type PlanTransformUsage struct {
-	DivideBy int64  `json:"bucket_size"`
-	Round    string `json:"round"`
+	DivideBy int64                   `json:"bucket_size"`
+	Round    PlanTransformUsageRound `json:"round"`
 // PlanTransformUsageParams represents the bucket billing configuration.
diff --git a/plan/client.go b/plan/client.go
index 409ce67200..8195a607a2 100644
--- a/plan/client.go
+++ b/plan/client.go
@@ -9,13 +9,6 @@ import (
-const (
-	Day   stripe.PlanInterval = "day"
-	Week  stripe.PlanInterval = "week"
-	Month stripe.PlanInterval = "month"
-	Year  stripe.PlanInterval = "year"
 // Client is used to invoke /plans APIs.
 type Client struct {
 	B   stripe.Backend
diff --git a/plan/client_test.go b/plan/client_test.go
index b4feb07bb2..39de697781 100644
--- a/plan/client_test.go
+++ b/plan/client_test.go
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ func TestPlanNew(t *testing.T) {
 		Amount:   stripe.Int64(1),
 		Currency: stripe.String(string(currency.USD)),
 		ID:       stripe.String("sapphire-elite"),
-		Interval: stripe.String(string(Month)),
+		Interval: stripe.String(string(stripe.PlanIntervalMonth)),
 		Product: &stripe.ProductParams{
 			ID:                  stripe.String("plan_id"),
 			Name:                stripe.String("Sapphire Elite"),
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ func TestPlanNewWithProductID(t *testing.T) {
 		Amount:    stripe.Int64(1),
 		Currency:  stripe.String(string(currency.USD)),
 		ID:        stripe.String("sapphire-elite"),
-		Interval:  stripe.String(string(Month)),
+		Interval:  stripe.String(string(stripe.PlanIntervalMonth)),
 		ProductID: stripe.String("prod_12345abc"),
 	assert.Nil(t, err)
diff --git a/product.go b/product.go
index 3b9d1baff7..d5b65f348c 100644
--- a/product.go
+++ b/product.go
@@ -6,12 +6,7 @@ import "encoding/json"
 type ProductType string
 const (
-	// ProductTypeGood is a constant that indicates a product represents a physical good,
-	// which may be sold through the Stripe Relay API.
-	ProductTypeGood ProductType = "good"
-	// ProductTypeService is a constant that indicates a product represents a service
-	// which is provided on a recurring basis and is priced with a Stripe plan.
+	ProductTypeGood    ProductType = "good"
 	ProductTypeService ProductType = "service"
diff --git a/recipient.go b/recipient.go
index 8f7cc5eac3..5aecaa8f3d 100644
--- a/recipient.go
+++ b/recipient.go
@@ -7,9 +7,13 @@ import (
 // RecipientType is the list of allowed values for the recipient's type.
-// Allowed values are "individual", "corporation".
 type RecipientType string
+const (
+	RecipientTypeIndividual RecipientType = "individual"
+	RecipientTypeCorp       RecipientType = "corporation"
 // RecipientParams is the set of parameters that can be used when creating or updating recipients.
 // For more details see and
 type RecipientParams struct {
diff --git a/recipient/client.go b/recipient/client.go
index 3ae66964ac..4d2f3b390e 100644
--- a/recipient/client.go
+++ b/recipient/client.go
@@ -6,11 +6,6 @@ import (
-const (
-	Individual stripe.RecipientType = "individual"
-	Corp       stripe.RecipientType = "corporation"
 // Client is used to invoke /recipients APIs.
 type Client struct {
 	B   stripe.Backend
diff --git a/recipienttransfer.go b/recipienttransfer.go
index 92efe24647..d76a11f84c 100644
--- a/recipienttransfer.go
+++ b/recipienttransfer.go
@@ -5,42 +5,60 @@ import "encoding/json"
 // RecipientTransferDestinationType consts represent valid recipient_transfer destinations.
 type RecipientTransferDestinationType string
-// RecipientTransferFailCode is the list of allowed values for the recipient_transfer's failure code.
-// Allowed values are "insufficient_funds", "account_closed", "no_account",
-// "invalid_account_number", "debit_not_authorized", "bank_ownership_changed",
-// "account_frozen", "could_not_process", "bank_account_restricted", "invalid_currency".
-type RecipientTransferFailCode string
+const (
+	RecipientTransferDestinationBankAccount RecipientTransferDestinationType = "bank_account"
+	RecipientTransferDestinationCard        RecipientTransferDestinationType = "card"
+// RecipientTransferFailureCode is the list of allowed values for the recipient_transfer's failure code.
+type RecipientTransferFailureCode string
+const (
+	RecipientTransferFailureCodeAccountClosed         RecipientTransferFailureCode = "account_closed"
+	RecipientTransferFailureCodeAccountFrozen         RecipientTransferFailureCode = "account_frozen"
+	RecipientTransferFailureCodeBankAccountRestricted RecipientTransferFailureCode = "bank_account_restricted"
+	RecipientTransferFailureCodeBankOwnershipChanged  RecipientTransferFailureCode = "bank_ownership_changed"
+	RecipientTransferFailureCodeDebitNotAuthorized    RecipientTransferFailureCode = "debit_not_authorized"
+	RecipientTransferFailureCodeCouldNotProcess       RecipientTransferFailureCode = "could_not_process"
+	RecipientTransferFailureCodeInsufficientFunds     RecipientTransferFailureCode = "insufficient_funds"
+	RecipientTransferFailureCodeInvalidAccountNumber  RecipientTransferFailureCode = "invalid_account_number"
+	RecipientTransferFailureCodeInvalidCurrency       RecipientTransferFailureCode = "invalid_currency"
+	RecipientTransferFailureCodeNoAccount             RecipientTransferFailureCode = "no_account"
 // RecipientTransferSourceType is the list of allowed values for the recipient_transfer's source_type field.
-// Allowed values are "alipay_account", bank_account", "bitcoin_receiver", "card".
 type RecipientTransferSourceType string
+const (
+	RecipientTransferSourceTypeAlipayAccount   RecipientTransferSourceType = "alipay_account"
+	RecipientTransferSourceTypeBankAccount     RecipientTransferSourceType = "bank_account"
+	RecipientTransferSourceTypeBitcoinReceiver RecipientTransferSourceType = "bitcoin_receiver"
+	RecipientTransferSourceTypeCard            RecipientTransferSourceType = "card"
 // RecipientTransferStatus is the list of allowed values for the recipient_transfer's status.
-// Allowed values are "paid", "pending", "in_transit",  "failed".
 type RecipientTransferStatus string
+const (
+	RecipientTransferStatusFailed    RecipientTransferStatus = "failed"
+	RecipientTransferStatusInTransit RecipientTransferStatus = "in_transit"
+	RecipientTransferStatusPaid      RecipientTransferStatus = "paid"
+	RecipientTransferStatusPending   RecipientTransferStatus = "pending"
 // RecipientTransferType is the list of allowed values for the recipient_transfer's type.
-// Allowed values are "bank_account" or "card".
 type RecipientTransferType string
 const (
-	// RecipientTransferDestinationBankAccount is a constant representing a recipient_transfer destination
-	// which is a bank account.
-	RecipientTransferDestinationBankAccount RecipientTransferDestinationType = "bank_account"
-	// RecipientTransferDestinationCard is a constant representing a recipient_transfer destination
-	// which is a card.
-	RecipientTransferDestinationCard RecipientTransferDestinationType = "card"
+	RecipientTransferTypeBank RecipientTransferType = "bank_account"
+	RecipientTransferTypeCard RecipientTransferType = "card"
 // RecipientTransferMethodType represents the type of recipient_transfer
 type RecipientTransferMethodType string
 const (
-	// RecipientTransferMethodInstant is a constant representing an instant recipient_transfer
-	RecipientTransferMethodInstant RecipientTransferMethodType = "instant"
-	// RecipientTransferMethodStandard is a constant representing a standard recipient_transfer
+	RecipientTransferMethodInstant  RecipientTransferMethodType = "instant"
 	RecipientTransferMethodStandard RecipientTransferMethodType = "standard"
@@ -66,8 +84,8 @@ type RecipientTransfer struct {
 	Currency            Currency                     `json:"currency"`
 	Date                int64                        `json:"date"`
 	Description         string                       `json:"description"`
-	Destination         RecipientTransferDestination `json:"destination"`
-	FailureCode         RecipientTransferFailCode    `json:"failure_code"`
+	Destination         string                       `json:"destination"`
+	FailureCode         RecipientTransferFailureCode `json:"failure_code"`
 	FailureMessage      string                       `json:"failure_message"`
 	ID                  string                       `json:"id"`
 	Livemode            bool                         `json:"livemode"`
diff --git a/recipienttransfer/client.go b/recipienttransfer/client.go
index 25a9e34333..e5b27c6e7a 100644
--- a/recipienttransfer/client.go
+++ b/recipienttransfer/client.go
@@ -1,35 +1,5 @@
 // Package recipienttransfer provides the /recipient_transfers APIs
 package recipienttransfer
-import (
-	stripe ""
-const (
-	Failed  stripe.RecipientTransferStatus = "failed"
-	Paid    stripe.RecipientTransferStatus = "paid"
-	Pending stripe.RecipientTransferStatus = "pending"
-	Transit stripe.RecipientTransferStatus = "in_transit"
-	Bank stripe.RecipientTransferType = "bank_account"
-	Card stripe.RecipientTransferType = "card"
-	SourceAlipay  stripe.RecipientTransferSourceType = "alipay_account"
-	SourceBank    stripe.RecipientTransferSourceType = "bank_account"
-	SourceBitcoin stripe.RecipientTransferSourceType = "bitcoin_receiver"
-	SourceCard    stripe.RecipientTransferSourceType = "card"
-	AccountClosed        stripe.RecipientTransferFailCode = "account_closed"
-	AccountFrozen        stripe.RecipientTransferFailCode = "account_frozen"
-	BankAccountRestrict  stripe.RecipientTransferFailCode = "bank_account_restricted"
-	BankOwnerChanged     stripe.RecipientTransferFailCode = "bank_ownership_changed"
-	DebitNotAuth         stripe.RecipientTransferFailCode = "debit_not_authorized"
-	CouldNotProcess      stripe.RecipientTransferFailCode = "could_not_process"
-	InsufficientFunds    stripe.RecipientTransferFailCode = "insufficient_funds"
-	InvalidAccountNumber stripe.RecipientTransferFailCode = "invalid_account_number"
-	InvalidCurrency      stripe.RecipientTransferFailCode = "invalid_currency"
-	NoAccount            stripe.RecipientTransferFailCode = "no_account"
 // This object can only be returned/expanded on Balance Transactions
 // The API doesn't support retrieve/update/list for those.
diff --git a/refund.go b/refund.go
index 263a3e9ca2..97f2f96f11 100644
--- a/refund.go
+++ b/refund.go
@@ -2,15 +2,25 @@ package stripe
 import "encoding/json"
-// RefundReason is, if set, the reason the refund is being made--allowed values
-// are "fraudulent", "duplicate", and "requested_by_customer".
+// RefundReason is, if set, the reason the refund is being made
 type RefundReason string
+const (
+	RefundReasonDuplicate           RefundReason = "duplicate"
+	RefundReasonFraudulent          RefundReason = "fraudulent"
+	RefundReasonRequestedByCustomer RefundReason = "requested_by_customer"
 // RefundStatus is the status of the refund.
-// For credit card refunds, this will always be "succeeded".
-// For other types of refunds, it can be "pending", "succeeded", "failed", or "cancelled".
 type RefundStatus string
+const (
+	RefundStatusCanceled  RefundStatus = "canceled"
+	RefundStatusFailed    RefundStatus = "failed"
+	RefundStatusPending   RefundStatus = "pending"
+	RefundStatusSucceeded RefundStatus = "succeeded"
 // RefundParams is the set of parameters that can be used when refunding a charge.
 // For more details see
 type RefundParams struct {
diff --git a/refund/client.go b/refund/client.go
index b145ba1633..cb0bf3c39a 100644
--- a/refund/client.go
+++ b/refund/client.go
@@ -6,12 +6,6 @@ import (
-const (
-	RefundFraudulent          stripe.RefundReason = "fraudulent"
-	RefundDuplicate           stripe.RefundReason = "duplicate"
-	RefundRequestedByCustomer stripe.RefundReason = "requested_by_customer"
 // Client is used to invoke /refunds APIs.
 type Client struct {
 	B   stripe.Backend
diff --git a/refund/client_test.go b/refund/client_test.go
index 7e5c3e4dcb..8a5f5c88a6 100644
--- a/refund/client_test.go
+++ b/refund/client_test.go
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ func TestRefundList(t *testing.T) {
 func TestRefundNew(t *testing.T) {
 	refund, err := New(&stripe.RefundParams{
 		Charge: stripe.String("ch_123"),
-		Reason: stripe.String(string(RefundDuplicate)),
+		Reason: stripe.String(string(stripe.RefundReasonDuplicate)),
 	assert.Nil(t, err)
 	assert.NotNil(t, refund)
diff --git a/review.go b/review.go
index 8fd5c3c8e6..bcc84eb769 100644
--- a/review.go
+++ b/review.go
@@ -2,27 +2,25 @@ package stripe
 import "encoding/json"
-// Reason describes the reason why the review is open or closed.
-// Allowed values are "rule", "manual", "approved", "refunded",
-// "refunded_as_fraud", "disputed".
-type ReasonType string
+// ReviewReasonType describes the reason why the review is open or closed.
+type ReviewReasonType string
 const (
-	ReasonApproved        ReasonType = "approved"
-	ReasonDisputed        ReasonType = "disputed"
-	ReasonManual          ReasonType = "manual"
-	ReasonRefunded        ReasonType = "refunded"
-	ReasonRefundedAsFraud ReasonType = "refunded_as_fraud"
-	ReasonRule            ReasonType = "rule"
+	ReviewReasonApproved        ReviewReasonType = "approved"
+	ReviewReasonDisputed        ReviewReasonType = "disputed"
+	ReviewReasonManual          ReviewReasonType = "manual"
+	ReviewReasonRefunded        ReviewReasonType = "refunded"
+	ReviewReasonRefundedAsFraud ReviewReasonType = "refunded_as_fraud"
+	ReviewReasonRule            ReviewReasonType = "rule"
 type Review struct {
-	Charge   *Charge    `json:"charge"`
-	Created  int64      `json:"created"`
-	ID       string     `json:"id"`
-	Livemode bool       `json:"livemode"`
-	Open     bool       `json:"open"`
-	Reason   ReasonType `json:"reason"`
+	Charge   *Charge          `json:"charge"`
+	Created  int64            `json:"created"`
+	ID       string           `json:"id"`
+	Livemode bool             `json:"livemode"`
+	Open     bool             `json:"open"`
+	Reason   ReviewReasonType `json:"reason"`
 func (r *Review) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
diff --git a/sku.go b/sku.go
index fb19f125f4..b2d1f62018 100644
--- a/sku.go
+++ b/sku.go
@@ -2,6 +2,24 @@ package stripe
 import "encoding/json"
+// SKUInventoryType describe's the possible value for inventory type
+type SKUInventoryType string
+const (
+	SKUInventoryTypeBucket   SKUInventoryType = "bucket"
+	SKUInventoryTypeFinite   SKUInventoryType = "finite"
+	SKUInventoryTypeInfinite SKUInventoryType = "infinite"
+// SKUInventoryValue describe's the possible value for inventory value
+type SKUInventoryValue string
+const (
+	SKUInventoryValueInStock    SKUInventoryValue = "in_stock"
+	SKUInventoryValueLimited    SKUInventoryValue = "limited"
+	SKUInventoryValueOutOfStock SKUInventoryValue = "out_of_stock"
 type InventoryParams struct {
 	Quantity *int64  `form:"quantity"`
 	Type     *string `form:"type"`
@@ -23,9 +41,9 @@ type SKUParams struct {
 type Inventory struct {
-	Quantity int64  `json:"quantity"`
-	Type     string `json:"type"`
-	Value    string `json:"value"`
+	Quantity int64             `json:"quantity"`
+	Type     SKUInventoryType  `json:"type"`
+	Value    SKUInventoryValue `json:"value"`
 type SKU struct {
diff --git a/sku/client_test.go b/sku/client_test.go
index 1e75b546d6..c81734da1d 100644
--- a/sku/client_test.go
+++ b/sku/client_test.go
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ func TestSKUNew(t *testing.T) {
 		Price:      stripe.Int64(499),
 		Currency:   stripe.String(string(currency.USD)),
 		Inventory: &stripe.InventoryParams{
-			Type:  stripe.String("bucket"),
-			Value: stripe.String("limited"),
+			Type:  stripe.String(string(stripe.SKUInventoryTypeBucket)),
+			Value: stripe.String(string(stripe.SKUInventoryValueLimited)),
 		Product: stripe.String("prod_123"),
 		Image:   stripe.String(""),
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ func TestSKUNew(t *testing.T) {
 func TestSKUUpdate(t *testing.T) {
 	sku, err := Update("sku_123", &stripe.SKUParams{
 		Inventory: &stripe.InventoryParams{
-			Type:  stripe.String("bucket"),
-			Value: stripe.String("in_stock"),
+			Type:  stripe.String(string(stripe.SKUInventoryTypeBucket)),
+			Value: stripe.String(string(stripe.SKUInventoryValueInStock)),
 	assert.Nil(t, err)
diff --git a/source.go b/source.go
index 72c0631fd9..8ab2206edb 100644
--- a/source.go
+++ b/source.go
@@ -6,62 +6,86 @@ import (
-// SourceStatus represents the possible statuses of a source object.
-type SourceStatus string
+// SourceCodeVerificationFlowStatus represents the possible statuses of a code verification flow.
+type SourceCodeVerificationFlowStatus string
 const (
-	// SourceStatusCanceled we canceled the source along with any side-effect
-	// it had (returned funds to customers if any were sent).
-	SourceStatusCanceled SourceStatus = "canceled"
+	SourceCodeVerificationFlowStatusFailed    SourceCodeVerificationFlowStatus = "failed"
+	SourceCodeVerificationFlowStatusPending   SourceCodeVerificationFlowStatus = "pending"
+	SourceCodeVerificationFlowStatusSucceeded SourceCodeVerificationFlowStatus = "succeeded"
-	// SourceStatusChargeable the source is ready to be charged (once if usage
-	// is `single_use`, repeatedly otherwise).
-	SourceStatusChargeable SourceStatus = "chargeable"
+// SourceFlow represents the possible flows of a source object.
+type SourceFlow string
-	// SourceStatusConsumed the source is `single_use` usage and has been
-	// charged already.
-	SourceStatusConsumed SourceStatus = "consumed"
+const (
+	SourceFlowCodeVerification SourceFlow = "code_verification"
+	SourceFlowNone             SourceFlow = "none"
+	SourceFlowReceiver         SourceFlow = "receiver"
+	SourceFlowRedirect         SourceFlow = "redirect"
-	// SourceStatusFailed the source is no longer usable.
-	SourceStatusFailed SourceStatus = "failed"
+// SourceMandateAcceptanceStatus represents the possible failure reasons of a redirect flow.
+type SourceMandateAcceptanceStatus string
-	// SourceStatusPending the source is freshly created and not yet
-	// chargeable. The flow should indicate how to authenticate it with your
-	// customer.
-	SourceStatusPending SourceStatus = "pending"
+const (
+	SourceMandateAcceptanceStatusAccepted SourceMandateAcceptanceStatus = "accepted"
+	SourceMandateAcceptanceStatusRefused  SourceMandateAcceptanceStatus = "refused"
-// SourceFlow represents the possible flows of a source object.
-type SourceFlow string
+// SourceRedirectFlowFailureReason represents the possible failure reasons of a redirect flow.
+type SourceRedirectFlowFailureReason string
+const (
+	SourceRedirectFlowFailureReasonDeclined        SourceRedirectFlowFailureReason = "declined"
+	SourceRedirectFlowFailureReasonProcessingError SourceRedirectFlowFailureReason = "processing_error"
+	SourceRedirectFlowFailureReasonUserAbort       SourceRedirectFlowFailureReason = "user_abort"
+// SourceRedirectFlowStatus represents the possible statuses of a redirect flow.
+type SourceRedirectFlowStatus string
 const (
-	// FlowCodeVerification a verification code should be communicated by the
-	// customer to authenticate the source.
-	FlowCodeVerification SourceFlow = "code_verification"
+	SourceRedirectFlowStatusFailed      SourceRedirectFlowStatus = "failed"
+	SourceRedirectFlowStatusNotRequired SourceRedirectFlowStatus = "not_required"
+	SourceRedirectFlowStatusPending     SourceRedirectFlowStatus = "pending"
+	SourceRedirectFlowStatusSucceeded   SourceRedirectFlowStatus = "succeeded"
-	// FlowNone no particular authentication is involved the source should
-	// become chargeable directly or asyncrhonously.
-	FlowNone SourceFlow = "none"
+// SourceRefundAttributesMethod are the possible method to retrieve a receiver's refund attributes.
+type SourceRefundAttributesMethod string
-	// FlowReceiver a receiver address should be communicated to the customer
-	// to push funds to it.
-	FlowReceiver SourceFlow = "receiver"
+const (
+	SourceRefundAttributesMethodEmail  SourceRefundAttributesMethod = "email"
+	SourceRefundAttributesMethodManual SourceRefundAttributesMethod = "manual"
+// SourceRefundAttributesStatus are the possible status of a receiver's refund attributes.
+type SourceRefundAttributesStatus string
-	// FlowRedirect a redirect is required to authenticate the source.
-	FlowRedirect SourceFlow = "redirect"
+const (
+	SourceRefundAttributesStatusAvailable SourceRefundAttributesStatus = "available"
+	SourceRefundAttributesStatusMissing   SourceRefundAttributesStatus = "missing"
+	SourceRefundAttributesStatusRequested SourceRefundAttributesStatus = "requested"
+// SourceStatus represents the possible statuses of a source object.
+type SourceStatus string
+const (
+	SourceStatusCanceled   SourceStatus = "canceled"
+	SourceStatusChargeable SourceStatus = "chargeable"
+	SourceStatusConsumed   SourceStatus = "consumed"
+	SourceStatusFailed     SourceStatus = "failed"
+	SourceStatusPending    SourceStatus = "pending"
 // SourceUsage represents the possible usages of a source object.
 type SourceUsage string
 const (
-	// UsageReusable the source can be charged multiple times for arbitrary
-	// amounts.
-	UsageReusable SourceUsage = "reusable"
-	// UsageSingleUse the source can only be charged once for the specified
-	// amount and currency.
-	UsageSingleUse SourceUsage = "single_use"
+	SourceUsageReusable  SourceUsage = "reusable"
+	SourceUsageSingleUse SourceUsage = "single_use"
 type SourceOwnerParams struct {
@@ -109,91 +133,35 @@ type SourceOwner struct {
 	VerifiedPhone   string   `json:"verified_phone"`
-// RedirectFlowFailureReason represents the possible failure reasons of a redirect flow.
-type RedirectFlowFailureReason string
-const (
-	RedirectFlowFailureReasonDeclined        RedirectFlowFailureReason = "declined"
-	RedirectFlowFailureReasonProcessingError RedirectFlowFailureReason = "processing_error"
-	RedirectFlowFailureReasonUserAbort       RedirectFlowFailureReason = "user_abort"
-// RedirectFlowStatus represents the possible statuses of a redirect flow.
-type RedirectFlowStatus string
-const (
-	RedirectFlowStatusFailed      RedirectFlowStatus = "failed"
-	RedirectFlowStatusNotRequired RedirectFlowStatus = "not_required"
-	RedirectFlowStatusPending     RedirectFlowStatus = "pending"
-	RedirectFlowStatusSucceeded   RedirectFlowStatus = "succeeded"
 // ReceiverFlow informs of the state of a redirect authentication flow.
 type RedirectFlow struct {
-	FailureReason RedirectFlowFailureReason `json:"failure_reason"`
-	ReturnURL     string                    `json:"return_url"`
-	Status        RedirectFlowStatus        `json:"status"`
-	URL           string                    `json:"url"`
+	FailureReason SourceRedirectFlowFailureReason `json:"failure_reason"`
+	ReturnURL     string                          `json:"return_url"`
+	Status        SourceRedirectFlowStatus        `json:"status"`
+	URL           string                          `json:"url"`
-// RefundAttributesStatus are the possible status of a receiver's refund
-// attributes.
-type RefundAttributesStatus string
-const (
-	// RefundAttributesAvailable the refund attributes are available
-	RefundAttributesAvailable RefundAttributesStatus = "available"
-	// RefundAttributesMissing the refund attributes are missing
-	RefundAttributesMissing RefundAttributesStatus = "missing"
-	// RefundAttributesRequested the refund attributes have been requested
-	RefundAttributesRequested RefundAttributesStatus = "requested"
-// RefundAttributesMethod are the possible method to retrieve a receiver's
-// refund attributes.
-type RefundAttributesMethod string
-const (
-	// RefundAttributesEmail the refund attributes are automatically collected over email
-	RefundAttributesEmail RefundAttributesMethod = "email"
-	// RefundAttributesManual the refund attributes should be collected by the user
-	RefundAttributesManual RefundAttributesMethod = "manual"
 // ReceiverFlow informs of the state of a receiver authentication flow.
 type ReceiverFlow struct {
-	Address                string                 `json:"address"`
-	AmountCharged          int64                  `json:"amount_charged"`
-	AmountReceived         int64                  `json:"amount_received"`
-	AmountReturned         int64                  `json:"amount_returned"`
-	RefundAttributesMethod RefundAttributesMethod `json:"refund_attributes_method"`
-	RefundAttributesStatus RefundAttributesStatus `json:"refund_attributes_status"`
+	Address                string                       `json:"address"`
+	AmountCharged          int64                        `json:"amount_charged"`
+	AmountReceived         int64                        `json:"amount_received"`
+	AmountReturned         int64                        `json:"amount_returned"`
+	RefundAttributesMethod SourceRefundAttributesMethod `json:"refund_attributes_method"`
+	RefundAttributesStatus SourceRefundAttributesStatus `json:"refund_attributes_status"`
-// CodeVerificationFlowStatus represents the possible statuses of a code verification
-// flow.
-type CodeVerificationFlowStatus string
-const (
-	CodeVerificationFlowStatusFailed    CodeVerificationFlowStatus = "failed"
-	CodeVerificationFlowStatusPending   CodeVerificationFlowStatus = "pending"
-	CodeVerificationFlowStatusSucceeded CodeVerificationFlowStatus = "succeeded"
 // CodeVerificationFlow informs of the state of a verification authentication flow.
 type CodeVerificationFlow struct {
-	AttemptsRemaining int64                      `json:"attempts_remaining"`
-	Status            CodeVerificationFlowStatus `json:"status"`
+	AttemptsRemaining int64                            `json:"attempts_remaining"`
+	Status            SourceCodeVerificationFlowStatus `json:"status"`
 type SourceMandateAcceptance struct {
-	Date      string `json:"date"`
-	IP        string `json:"ip"`
-	Status    string `json:"status"`
-	UserAgent string `json:"user_agent"`
+	Date      string                        `json:"date"`
+	IP        string                        `json:"ip"`
+	Status    SourceMandateAcceptanceStatus `json:"status"`
+	UserAgent string                        `json:"user_agent"`
 type SourceMandate struct {
diff --git a/source/client_test.go b/source/client_test.go
index e18ec65963..5425852b61 100644
--- a/source/client_test.go
+++ b/source/client_test.go
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ func TestSourceNew(t *testing.T) {
 		Type:     stripe.String("bitcoin"),
 		Amount:   stripe.Int64(1000),
 		Currency: stripe.String(string(currency.USD)),
-		Flow:     stripe.String(string(stripe.FlowReceiver)),
+		Flow:     stripe.String(string(stripe.SourceFlowReceiver)),
 		Owner: &stripe.SourceOwnerParams{
 			Email: stripe.String(""),
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ func TestSourceSharing(t *testing.T) {
 		Type:           stripe.String("card"),
 		Customer:       stripe.String("cus_123"),
 		OriginalSource: stripe.String("src_123"),
-		Usage:          stripe.String(string(stripe.UsageReusable)),
+		Usage:          stripe.String(string(stripe.SourceUsageReusable)),
 	source, err := New(params)
diff --git a/sub.go b/sub.go
index a53731a2dc..6ab04185b5 100644
--- a/sub.go
+++ b/sub.go
@@ -7,13 +7,25 @@ import (
 // SubscriptionStatus is the list of allowed values for the subscription's status.
-// Allowed values are "trialing", "active", "past_due", "canceled", "unpaid", "all".
 type SubscriptionStatus string
+const (
+	SubscriptionStatusActive   SubscriptionStatus = "active"
+	SubscriptionStatusAll      SubscriptionStatus = "all"
+	SubscriptionStatusCanceled SubscriptionStatus = "canceled"
+	SubscriptionStatusPastDue  SubscriptionStatus = "past_due"
+	SubscriptionStatusTrialing SubscriptionStatus = "trialing"
+	SubscriptionStatusUnpaid   SubscriptionStatus = "unpaid"
 // SubscriptionBilling is the type of billing method for this subscription's invoices.
-// Currently supported values are "send_invoice" and "charge_automatically".
 type SubscriptionBilling string
+const (
+	SubscriptionBillingChargeAutomatically SubscriptionBilling = "charge_automatically"
+	SubscriptionBillingSendInvoice         SubscriptionBilling = "send_invoice"
 // SubscriptionParams is the set of parameters that can be used when creating or updating a subscription.
 // For more details see and
 type SubscriptionParams struct {
@@ -77,12 +89,12 @@ type SubscriptionItemsParams struct {
 // For more details see
 type SubscriptionListParams struct {
 	ListParams   `form:"*"`
-	Billing      SubscriptionBilling `form:"billing"`
-	Created      int64               `form:"created"`
-	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams   `form:"created"`
-	Customer     string              `form:"customer"`
-	Plan         string              `form:"plan"`
-	Status       SubscriptionStatus  `form:"status"`
+	Billing      string            `form:"billing"`
+	Created      int64             `form:"created"`
+	CreatedRange *RangeQueryParams `form:"created"`
+	Customer     string            `form:"customer"`
+	Plan         string            `form:"plan"`
+	Status       string            `form:"status"`
 // Subscription is the resource representing a Stripe subscription.
diff --git a/sub/client.go b/sub/client.go
index 800023346c..09d6ab3e8a 100644
--- a/sub/client.go
+++ b/sub/client.go
@@ -8,15 +8,6 @@ import (
-const (
-	Trialing stripe.SubscriptionStatus = "trialing"
-	Active   stripe.SubscriptionStatus = "active"
-	PastDue  stripe.SubscriptionStatus = "past_due"
-	Canceled stripe.SubscriptionStatus = "canceled"
-	Unpaid   stripe.SubscriptionStatus = "unpaid"
-	All      stripe.SubscriptionStatus = "all"
 // Client is used to invoke /subscriptions APIs.
 type Client struct {
 	B   stripe.Backend
diff --git a/sub/client_test.go b/sub/client_test.go
index 414e11bf87..567be7cc2a 100644
--- a/sub/client_test.go
+++ b/sub/client_test.go
@@ -34,11 +34,14 @@ func TestSubscriptionNew(t *testing.T) {
 	subscription, err := New(&stripe.SubscriptionParams{
 		Customer: stripe.String("cus_123"),
 		Items: []*stripe.SubscriptionItemsParams{
-			{Plan: "plan_123", Quantity: stripe.Int64(10)},
+			{
+				Plan:     stripe.String("plan_123"),
+				Quantity: stripe.Int64(10),
+			},
 		TaxPercent:         stripe.Float64(20.0),
 		BillingCycleAnchor: stripe.Int64(time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, 12).Unix()),
-		Billing:            stripe.String("send_invoice"),
+		Billing:            stripe.String(string(stripe.SubscriptionBillingSendInvoice)),
 		DaysUntilDue:       stripe.Int64(30),
 	assert.Nil(t, err)
diff --git a/token.go b/token.go
index 90732051f8..900513dcf3 100644
--- a/token.go
+++ b/token.go
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
 package stripe
 // TokenType is the list of allowed values for a token's type.
-// Allowed values are "card", "bank_account".
 type TokenType string
+const (
+	TokenTypeAccount     TokenType = "account"
+	TokenTypeCard        TokenType = "card"
+	TokenTypeBankAccount TokenType = "bank_account"
+	TokenTypePII         TokenType = "pii"
 // TokenParams is the set of parameters that can be used when creating a token.
 // For more details see and
 type TokenParams struct {
diff --git a/token/client.go b/token/client.go
index a85eafd3d0..36011cf750 100644
--- a/token/client.go
+++ b/token/client.go
@@ -6,12 +6,6 @@ import (
-const (
-	Card stripe.TokenType = "card"
-	Bank stripe.TokenType = "bank_account"
-	PII  stripe.TokenType = "pii"
 // Client is used to invoke /tokens APIs.
 type Client struct {
 	B   stripe.Backend
diff --git a/transfer.go b/transfer.go
index 3b287243f5..81c6e35891 100644
--- a/transfer.go
+++ b/transfer.go
@@ -3,9 +3,15 @@ package stripe
 import "encoding/json"
 // TransferSourceType is the list of allowed values for the transfer's source_type field.
-// Allowed values are "alipay_account", bank_account", "bitcoin_receiver", "card".
 type TransferSourceType string
+const (
+	TransferSourceTypeAlipayAccount   TransferSourceType = "alipay_account"
+	TransferSourceTypeBankAccount     TransferSourceType = "bank_account"
+	TransferSourceTypeBitcoinReceiver TransferSourceType = "bitcoin_receiver"
+	TransferSourceTypeCard            TransferSourceType = "card"
 // TransferDestination describes the destination of a Transfer.
 // The Type should indicate which object is fleshed out
 // For more details see
@@ -52,6 +58,7 @@ type Transfer struct {
 	Reversals          *ReversalList             `json:"reversals"`
 	Reversed           bool                      `json:"reversed"`
 	SourceTransaction  *BalanceTransactionSource `json:"source_transaction"`
+	SourceType         TransferSourceType        `json:"source_type"`
 	TransferGroup      string                    `json:"transfer_group"`
diff --git a/transfer/client.go b/transfer/client.go
index 259be7a88c..dfacdfb2cc 100644
--- a/transfer/client.go
+++ b/transfer/client.go
@@ -6,13 +6,6 @@ import (
-const (
-	SourceAlipay  stripe.TransferSourceType = "alipay_account"
-	SourceBank    stripe.TransferSourceType = "bank_account"
-	SourceBitcoin stripe.TransferSourceType = "bitcoin_receiver"
-	SourceCard    stripe.TransferSourceType = "card"
 // Client is used to invoke /transfers APIs.
 type Client struct {
 	B   stripe.Backend
diff --git a/transfer/client_test.go b/transfer/client_test.go
index aa1226b26e..1bff282a2c 100644
--- a/transfer/client_test.go
+++ b/transfer/client_test.go
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ func TestTransferNew(t *testing.T) {
 		Currency:          stripe.String(string(currency.USD)),
 		Destination:       stripe.String("acct_123"),
 		SourceTransaction: stripe.String("ch_123"),
-		SourceType:        stripe.String(string(SourceCard)),
+		SourceType:        stripe.String(string(stripe.TransferSourceTypeCard)),
 	assert.Nil(t, err)
 	assert.NotNil(t, transfer)
diff --git a/usage_record.go b/usage_record.go
index 57c6c5e310..013a1a48a1 100644
--- a/usage_record.go
+++ b/usage_record.go
@@ -1,14 +1,8 @@
 package stripe
 const (
-	// UsageRecordParamsActionIncrement indicates that if two usage records conflict
-	// (i.E. are reported a the same timestamp), their Quantity will be summed
-	UsageRecordParamsActionIncrement string = "increment"
-	// UsageRecordParamsActionSet indicates that if two usage records conflict
-	// (i.E. are reported a the same timestamp), the Quantity of the most recent
-	// usage record will overwrite any other quantity.
-	UsageRecordParamsActionSet string = "set"
+	UsageRecordActionIncrement string = "increment"
+	UsageRecordActionSet       string = "set"
 // UsageRecord represents a usage record.
diff --git a/usagerecord/client_test.go b/usagerecord/client_test.go
index d112636ffb..9ed13fc9a1 100644
--- a/usagerecord/client_test.go
+++ b/usagerecord/client_test.go
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ func TestUsageRecordNew(t *testing.T) {
 	usageRecord, err := New(&stripe.UsageRecordParams{
 		Quantity:         stripe.Int64(123),
 		Timestamp:        stripe.Int64(now),
-		Action:           stripe.String(stripe.UsageRecordParamsActionIncrement),
+		Action:           stripe.String(stripe.UsageRecordActionIncrement),
 		SubscriptionItem: stripe.String("si_123"),
 	assert.Nil(t, err)