A music CLI for developers to enjoy music with no ads and no hassle of searching and downloading music.
- Download/clone the repository Music_CLI
- Install all the requirements mention in requirements
- Through terminal, CD to SRC dir of the project and run "main.py", a command line will start
- You can use to help command to get list of all commands and details
- run "Pcreate playlistName" to create a playlist
- "Sadd playlistName SongName" to add song in the specific playlist (you can use default playlist also i.e allSongs)
- "Pplay playlistName" to play the specific playlist
- "play songName" to play specific song (the song name should match as entered while adding)
- Note: use double quotes from multi words args (eg. Pcreate "playlist name")
Music_CLI is a open source project so feel free to add issue when you encounter bugs and work on new features. Currently Music_CLI is in testing phase so any suggestion and contribution is most welcome.