- Added update_profile_banner endpoint.
- Don't treat HTTP status codes in 200 range as errors.
- Tests no longer packaged into egg releases.
- Improve test stability and enable CI testing on pull requests.
- Removed Basic Auth.
- Use built-in timeout feature of httplib to fix appengine.
- Added retweeters() endpoint.
- Removed deprecated retweeted_by and retweeted_by_ids.
- Improved datetime parsing. Should be more thread safe.
- Enable coverage reporting. Upload reports to Coveralls.
- Removed deprecated test() endpoint.
- New stream listeners callback on_disconnect(). Called whenever "disconnect" messages arrive from Twitter before connection is killed.
- Compare View
- Added get_oembed().
- friends() and followers() are back and updated to v1.1.
- Fixed report_spam() endpoint.
- Added "languages" parameter to streaming filter() method.
- Added "timeout" support for API object. Ex: API(timeout=1000).
- Python 2.5 no longer supported.
- Added compression support. Ex: API(compression=True).
- Added on_connect() callback to StreamListener.
- Switched API search() to v1.1 endpoint. Some breaking changes.
- Drop "page" based cursors and use "ID" based ones instead.
- Compare View
Dedicated in memory of Aaron Swartz
- Twitter API 1.1 support.
- Basic Authentication deprecated.
- friends_timeline() removed.
- mentions() removed and replaced by mentions_timeline().
- retweeted_by_user() removed.
- retweeted_by_me() removed.
- retweeted_to_me() removed.
- retweeted_by_user() removed.
- friends() removed.
- followers() removed.
- enable_notifications() removed.
- disable_notifications() removed.
- exists_block() removed.
- lists() removed and replaced by lists_all().
- is_list_member() removed.
- show_list_member added.
- is_subscribed_list() removed.
- show_list_subscriber() added.
- trends_location() removed.
- nearby_places() removed.