diff --git a/src/Stratis.VS.StratisEVM/Grammars/Solidity.tmLanguage b/src/Stratis.VS.StratisEVM/Grammars/Solidity.tmLanguage
deleted file mode 100644
index 8015688..0000000
--- a/src/Stratis.VS.StratisEVM/Grammars/Solidity.tmLanguage
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1531 +0,0 @@
- fileTypes
- sol
- firstLineMatch
- ^#!/.*\b(pragma solidity \^[0..9]+\.[0..9]\.[0..9])$\n?
- keyEquivalent
- ^~S
- name
- Solidity
- patterns
- include
- #core
- repository
- brackets
- patterns
- include
- #round-brackets
- include
- #square-brackets
- include
- #curly-brackets
- comments
- patterns
- include
- #special-comments-conditional-compilation
- begin
- /\*\*(?!/)
- captures
- 0
- name
- punctuation.definition.comment.sol
- end
- \*/
- name
- comment.block.documentation.sol
- begin
- /\*
- captures
- 0
- name
- punctuation.definition.comment.sol
- end
- \*/
- name
- comment.block.sol
- captures
- 1
- name
- punctuation.definition.comment.sol
- match
- (//).*$\n?
- name
- comment.line.double-slash.sol
- core
- patterns
- include
- #literal-function-labels
- include
- #literal-labels
- include
- #literal-keywords
- include
- #literal-for
- include
- #expression
- include
- #literal-punctuation
- curly-brackets
- patterns
- begin
- \{
- beginCaptures
- 0
- name
- meta.brace.curly.sol
- end
- \}
- endCaptures
- 0
- name
- meta.brace.curly.sol
- name
- meta.group.braces.curly
- patterns
- include
- $self
- expression
- patterns
- include
- #support
- include
- #literal-function
- include
- #literal-regexp
- include
- #literal-number
- include
- #literal-string
- include
- #literal-language-constant
- include
- #literal-language-variable
- include
- #literal-contract
- include
- #literal-library
- include
- #literal-function-call
- include
- #comments
- include
- #brackets
- include
- #literal-operators
- include
- #literal-variable
- function-declaration-parameters
- patterns
- begin
- \(
- beginCaptures
- 0
- name
- punctuation.definition.parameters.begin.sol
- end
- \)
- endCaptures
- 0
- name
- punctuation.definition.parameters.end.sol
- patterns
- match
- [_$a-zA-Z][$\w]*
- name
- variable.parameter.function.sol
- match
- ,
- name
- punctuation.separator.parameter.function.sol
- include
- #comments
- literal-contract
- patterns
- begin
- (?x) (?<!\.)\b(contract|interface) \s+((?!\b(is)\b)[A-Z][$\w]*)?
- beginCaptures
- 1
- name
- storage.type.contract.sol
- 2
- name
- entity.name.contract.sol
- end
- }
- endCaptures
- 0
- name
- meta.brace.curly.sol
- literal-library
- patterns
- begin
- (?x) (?<!\.)\b(library) \s+([A-Z][$\w]*)?
- beginCaptures
- 1
- name
- storage.type.library.sol
- 2
- name
- entity.name.library.sol
- end
- }
- endCaptures
- 0
- name
- meta.brace.curly.sol
- literal-for
- patterns
- begin
- (?<!\.)\b(for)\b
- beginCaptures
- 1
- name
- keyword.control.loop.sol
- end
- \)
- endCaptures
- 0
- name
- meta.brace.round.sol
- name
- meta.for.sol
- patterns
- begin
- \(
- beginCaptures
- 0
- name
- meta.brace.round.sol
- end
- (?=\))
- patterns
- include
- #literal-keyword-storage
- include
- #expression
- include
- #literal-punctuation
- literal-function
- patterns
- begin
- (?x) \s*(function)(?:\s*(\*)|(?=\s|[(]))
- \s*([_$a-zA-Z][$\w]*)?\s*
- beginCaptures
- 1
- name
- storage.type.sol
- 2
- name
- storage.type.function.sol
- 3
- name
- keyword.generator.asterisk.sol
- 4
- name
- entity.name.function.sol
- end
- (?<=\))
- name
- meta.function.sol
- patterns
- include
- #function-declaration-parameters
- begin
- (?x) (\b[_$a-zA-Z][$\w]*) \s*=
- \s*(function|event|modifier)(?:\s*(\*)|(?=\s|[(]))
- \s*([_$a-zA-Z][$\w]*)?\s*
- beginCaptures
- 1
- name
- entity.name.function.sol
- 2
- name
- storage.type.sol
- 3
- name
- storage.type.function.sol
- 4
- name
- keyword.generator.asterisk.sol
- 5
- name
- entity.name.function.sol
- end
- (?<=\))
- name
- meta.function.sol
- patterns
- include
- #function-declaration-parameters
- begin
- (?x) (\b_?[A-Z][$\w]*)?
- (\.)([_$a-zA-Z][$\w]*) \s*=
- \s*(function)(?:\s*(\*)|(?=\s|[(]))
- \s*([_$a-zA-Z][$\w]*)?\s*
- beginCaptures
- 1
- name
- keyword.operator.accessor.sol
- 2
- name
- variable.language.prototype.sol
- 3
- name
- keyword.operator.accessor.sol
- 4
- name
- entity.name.function.sol
- 5
- name
- storage.type.sol
- 6
- name
- storage.type.function.sol
- 7
- name
- keyword.generator.asterisk.sol
- 8
- name
- entity.name.function.sol
- end
- (?<=\))
- name
- meta.prototype.function.sol
- patterns
- include
- #function-declaration-parameters
- begin
- (?x) (\b_?[A-Z][$\w]*)? (\.)([_$a-zA-Z][$\w]*) \s*=
- \s*(function|event|modifier)(?:\s*(\*)|(?=\s|[(]))
- \s*([_$a-zA-Z][$\w]*)*\s*
- beginCaptures
- 1
- name
- keyword.operator.accessor.sol
- 2
- name
- entity.name.function.sol
- 3
- name
- storage.type.sol
- 4
- name
- storage.type.function.sol
- 5
- name
- keyword.generator.asterisk.sol
- 6
- name
- entity.name.function.sol
- end
- (?<=\))
- name
- meta.function.static.sol
- patterns
- include
- #function-declaration-parameters
- literal-function-call
- patterns
- captures
- 1
- name
- entity.name.function.sol
- 2
- name
- meta.group.braces.round.function.arguments.sol
- match
- (?x) ([_$a-zA-Z][$\w]*)\s* (\(\s*\))
- name
- meta.function-call.without-arguments.sol
- captures
- 1
- name
- entity.name.function.sol
- match
- (?x) ([_$a-zA-Z][$\w]*)\s* (?=\()
- name
- meta.function-call.with-arguments.sol
- literal-function-labels
- patterns
- begin
- (?x) \b([_$a-zA-Z][$\w]*) \s*(:)
- \s*(function|event|modifier)(?:\s*(\*)|(?=\s|[(]))
- \s*([_$a-zA-Z][$\w]*)*\s*
- beginCaptures
- 1
- name
- entity.name.function.sol
- 2
- name
- punctuation.separator.key-value.sol
- 3
- name
- storage.type.sol
- 4
- name
- storage.type.function.sol
- 5
- name
- keyword.generator.asterisk.sol
- 6
- name
- entity.name.function.sol
- end
- (?<=\))
- patterns
- include
- #function-declaration-parameters
- begin
- (?x) (?:
- ((')((?:[^']|\\')*)('))|
- ((")((?:[^"]|\\")*)(")) ) \s*(:)
- \s*(function|event|modifier)(?:\s*(\*)|(?=\s|[(]))
- \s*([_$a-zA-Z][$\w]*)*\s*
- beginCaptures
- 1
- name
- string.quoted.single.sol
- 10
- name
- storage.type.sol
- 11
- name
- storage.type.function.sol
- 12
- name
- keyword.generator.asterisk.sol
- 13
- name
- entity.name.function.sol
- 2
- name
- punctuation.definition.string.begin.sol
- 3
- name
- entity.name.function.sol
- 4
- name
- punctuation.definition.string.end.sol
- 5
- name
- string.quoted.double.sol
- 6
- name
- punctuation.definition.string.begin.sol
- 7
- name
- entity.name.function.sol
- 8
- name
- punctuation.definition.string.end.sol
- 9
- name
- punctuation.separator.key-value.sol
- end
- (?<=\))
- patterns
- include
- #function-declaration-parameters
- literal-keyword-storage
- patterns
- match
- (?<!\.)\b(constant)\b
- name
- storage.type.sol
- literal-keywords
- patterns
- include
- #literal-keyword-storage
- match
- (?<!\.)\b(return)\b
- name
- keyword.control.flow.sol
- match
- (?<!\.)\b(if|else)\b
- name
- keyword.control.conditional.sol
- match
- (?<!\.)\b(require|assert)\b
- name
- keyword.require-assert.sol
- literal-labels
- patterns
- begin
- (?x) (?<!\?)(?<!\?\s)(?=(
- ((')((?:[^']|\\')*)('))|
- ((")((?:[^"]|\\")*)(")) )\s*:)
- end
- :
- endCaptures
- 0
- name
- punctuation.separator.key-value.sol
- patterns
- include
- #literal-string
- captures
- 1
- name
- string.unquoted.label.sol
- 2
- name
- punctuation.separator.key-value.sol
- match
- (?<!\.|\?|\?\s)([_$a-zA-Z][$\w]*)\s*(:)
- name
- constant.other.object.key.sol
- literal-language-constant
- patterns
- match
- (?<!\.)\btrue\b
- name
- constant.language.boolean.true.sol
- match
- (?<!\.)\bfalse\b
- name
- constant.language.boolean.false.sol
- literal-language-variable
- patterns
- match
- (?<!(?<!\.\.)\.)\b(arguments)\b
- name
- variable.language.arguments.sol
- match
- (?<!(?<!\.\.)\.)\b(super)\b
- name
- variable.language.super.sol
- match
- (?<!(?<!\.\.)\.)\b(this)\b
- name
- variable.language.this.sol
- literal-number
- patterns
- match
- (?i)(?:\B[-+]|\b)0x[0-9a-f]*\.(\B|\b[0-9]+)
- name
- invalid.illegal.numeric.hex.sol
- match
- (?:\B[-+]|\b)0[0-9]+\.(\B|\b[0-9]+)
- name
- invalid.illegal.numeric.octal.sol
- match
- (?xi) (?:\B[-+])? (?: \b0b[0-1]*| # binary
- \b0o[0-7]*| # octal \b0x[0-9a-f]*| # hex (
- \B\.[0-9]+| # e.g. .999 \b[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)? # e.g.
- 999.999, 999. or 999 )(e[-+]?[0-9]+)? # e.g. e+123,
- E-123 )
- name
- constant.numeric.sol
- literal-operators
- patterns
- match
- (?<!\.)\b(delete|new)\b
- name
- keyword.operator.sol
- match
- (?x) !(?!=)| # logical-not right-to-left right
- && | # logical-and left-to-right both \|\| |
- # logical-or left-to-right both
- name
- keyword.operator.logical.sol
- match
- (?x) =(?!=)| # assignment right-to-left both
- name
- keyword.operator.assignment.sol
- match
- (?x) %= | # assignment right-to-left both &= | #
- assignment right-to-left both \*= | # assignment
- right-to-left both \+= | # assignment right-to-left
- both -= | # assignment right-to-left both /= | #
- assignment right-to-left both \^= | # assignment
- right-to-left both \|= | # assignment right-to-left
- both <<= | # assignment right-to-left both
- >>= | # assignment right-to-left both
- >>>= | # assignment right-to-left both
- name
- keyword.operator.assignment.augmented.sol
- match
- (?x) ~ | # bitwise-not right-to-left right <<
- | # bitwise-shift left-to-right both >>> |
- # bitwise-shift left-to-right both >> | #
- bitwise-shift left-to-right both & | #
- bitwise-and left-to-right both \^ | # bitwise-xor
- left-to-right both \| # bitwise-or left-to-right
- both
- name
- keyword.operator.bitwise.sol
- match
- (?x) <= | # relational left-to-right both >= |
- # relational left-to-right both < | # relational
- left-to-right both > # relational left-to-right
- both
- name
- keyword.operator.relational.sol
- match
- (?x) == | # equality left-to-right both != # equality left-to-right both
- name
- keyword.operator.comparison.sol
- match
- (?x) / | # division left-to-right both
- % | # modulus left-to-right both
- \* | # multiplication left-to-right both
- \+ | # addition left-to-right both
- - # subtraction left-to-right both
- name
- keyword.operator.arithmetic.sol
- match
- \?|:
- name
- keyword.operator.ternary.sol
- match
- (?<!\.)\.\.\.
- name
- keyword.operator.spread.sol
- match
- \.
- name
- keyword.operator.accessor.sol
- literal-prototype
- patterns
- captures
- 1
- name
- entity.name.class.sol
- 2
- name
- keyword.operator.accessor.sol
- 3
- name
- variable.language.prototype.sol
- match
- ([_$a-zA-Z][$\w]*)(\.)(prototype)\b
- name
- meta.prototype.access.sol
- captures
- 1
- name
- entity.name.class.sol
- 2
- name
- keyword.operator.accessor.sol
- 3
- name
- variable.language.prototype.sol
- match
- ([_$a-zA-Z][$\w]*)(\.)(prototype)\s*=\s*
- name
- meta.prototype.declaration.sol
- literal-punctuation
- patterns
- match
- \;
- name
- punctuation.terminator.statement.sol
- match
- ,
- name
- meta.delimiter.comma.sol
- literal-regexp
- patterns
- begin
- (?x) (?<=
- \.|\(|,|{|}|\[|;|,|<|>|<=|>=|==|!=|\+|-|\*|%|\+\+|--|<<|>>|>>>|&|\||\^|!|~|&&|\|\||\?|:|=|\+=|-=|\*=|%=|<<=|>>=|>>>=|&=|\|=|\^=|/|/=| \Wnew|\Wdelete|\Wvoid|\Wreturn| ^new|^delete|^void|^return|^ )\s* (/) (?!/|\*|$)
- beginCaptures
- 1
- name
- punctuation.definition.string.begin.sol
- end
- (/)([gimy]*)
- endCaptures
- 1
- name
- punctuation.definition.string.end.sol
- 2
- name
- keyword.other.sol
- name
- string.regexp.sol
- patterns
- include
- source.regexp.sol
- literal-string
- patterns
- begin
- '
- beginCaptures
- 0
- name
- punctuation.definition.string.begin.sol
- end
- (')|(\n)
- endCaptures
- 1
- name
- punctuation.definition.string.end.sol
- 2
- name
- invalid.illegal.newline.sol
- name
- string.quoted.single.sol
- patterns
- include
- #string-content
- begin
- "
- beginCaptures
- 0
- name
- punctuation.definition.string.begin.sol
- end
- (")|(\n)
- endCaptures
- 1
- name
- punctuation.definition.string.end.sol
- 2
- name
- invalid.illegal.newline.sol
- name
- string.quoted.double.sol
- patterns
- include
- #string-content
- literal-variable
- patterns
- match
- [A-Z][_$\dA-Z]*\b
- name
- variable.other.constant.sol
- captures
- 1
- name
- punctuation.dollar.sol
- match
- (\$)[$\w]+
- name
- variable.other.dollar.sol
- captures
- 1
- name
- variable.other.class.sol
- 2
- name
- keyword.operator.accessor.sol
- 3
- name
- variable.other.property.static.sol
- match
- (?x) \b([A-Z][$\w]*)\s*(\.) ([_$a-zA-Z][$\w]*)
- name
- meta.property.class.sol
- captures
- 1
- name
- variable.other.object.sol
- match
- (?<!\.)[_$a-zA-Z][$\w]*\s*(?=[\[\.])
- name
- variable.other.object.sol
- captures
- 2
- name
- variable.other.property.sol
- match
- (?<=\.)\s*[_$a-zA-Z][$\w]*
- name
- meta.property.object.sol
- match
- [_$a-zA-Z][$\w]*
- name
- variable.other.readwrite.sol
- round-brackets
- patterns
- begin
- \(
- beginCaptures
- 0
- name
- meta.brace.round.sol
- end
- \)
- endCaptures
- 0
- name
- meta.brace.round.sol
- name
- meta.group.braces.round
- patterns
- include
- #expression
- special-comments-conditional-compilation
- patterns
- begin
- /\*(?=@)
- captures
- 0
- name
- punctuation.definition.comment.sol
- end
- \*/
- endCaptures
- 1
- name
- keyword.control.conditional.sol
- 2
- name
- punctuation.definition.keyword.sol
- name
- comment.block.conditional.sol
- patterns
- match
- /\*
- name
- punctuation.definition.comment.sol
- include
- $self
- captures
- 1
- name
- punctuation.definition.keyword.sol
- match
- (@)(if|elif|else|end|ifdef|endif|cc_on|set)\b
- name
- keyword.control.conditional.sol
- captures
- 1
- name
- punctuation.definition.variable.sol
- square-brackets
- patterns
- begin
- \[
- beginCaptures
- 0
- name
- meta.brace.square.sol
- end
- \]
- endCaptures
- 0
- name
- meta.brace.square.sol
- name
- meta.group.braces.square
- patterns
- include
- #expression
- string-content
- patterns
- match
- \\\s*\n
- name
- constant.character.escape.newline.sol
- match
- \\(x[\da-fA-F]{2}|u[\da-fA-F]{4}|.)
- name
- constant.character.escape.sol
- support
- patterns
- match
- \.(pop|push)\b
- name
- support.function.mutator.sol
- begin
- {{
- end
- }}
- name
- meta.tag.mustache.sol
- scopeName
- source.sol
- uuid
- 3F50A19F-DEE2-4C44-8F60-C01CEE8CEA68
diff --git a/src/Stratis.VS.StratisEVM/Grammars/solidity.json b/src/Stratis.VS.StratisEVM/Grammars/solidity.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da3e47b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Stratis.VS.StratisEVM/Grammars/solidity.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1215 @@
+ "fileTypes": [
+ "sol"
+ ],
+ "name": "Solidity",
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "include": "#natspec"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#declaration-userType"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#comment"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#operator"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#global"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#control"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#constant"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#primitive"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#type-primitive"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#type-modifier-extended-scope"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#declaration"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#function-call"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#assembly"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#punctuation"
+ }
+ ],
+ "repository": {
+ "natspec": {
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "begin": "/\\*\\*",
+ "end": "\\*/",
+ "name": "comment.block.documentation",
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "include": "#natspec-tags"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "begin": "///",
+ "end": "$",
+ "name": "comment.block.documentation",
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "include": "#natspec-tags"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "natspec-tags": {
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "include": "#comment-todo"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#natspec-tag-title"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#natspec-tag-author"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#natspec-tag-notice"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#natspec-tag-dev"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#natspec-tag-param"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#natspec-tag-return"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#natspec-tag-custom"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#natspec-tag-inheritdoc"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "natspec-tag-title": {
+ "match": "(@title)\\b",
+ "name": "storage.type.title.natspec"
+ },
+ "natspec-tag-author": {
+ "match": "(@author)\\b",
+ "name": "storage.type.author.natspec"
+ },
+ "natspec-tag-notice": {
+ "match": "(@notice)\\b",
+ "name": "storage.type.dev.natspec"
+ },
+ "natspec-tag-custom": {
+ "match": "(@custom:\\w*)\\b",
+ "name": "storage.type.dev.natspec"
+ },
+ "natspec-tag-inheritdoc": {
+ "match": "(@inheritdoc)\\b",
+ "name": "storage.type.author.natspec"
+ },
+ "natspec-tag-dev": {
+ "match": "(@dev)\\b",
+ "name": "storage.type.dev.natspec"
+ },
+ "natspec-tag-param": {
+ "match": "(@param)(\\s+([A-Za-z_]\\w*))?\\b",
+ "captures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "storage.type.param.natspec"
+ },
+ "3": {
+ "name": "variable.other.natspec"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "natspec-tag-return": {
+ "match": "(@return)(\\s+([A-Za-z_]\\w*))?\\b",
+ "captures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "storage.type.return.natspec"
+ },
+ "3": {
+ "name": "variable.other.natspec"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "comment": {
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "include": "#comment-line"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#comment-block"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "comment-todo": {
+ "match": "(?i)\\b(FIXME|TODO|CHANGED|XXX|IDEA|HACK|NOTE|REVIEW|NB|BUG|QUESTION|COMBAK|TEMP|SUPPRESS|LINT|\\w+-disable|\\w+-suppress)\\b(?-i)",
+ "name": "keyword.comment.todo"
+ },
+ "comment-line": {
+ "begin": "(?(?!>)|>=|\\&\\&|\\|\\||\\:(?!=)|\\?|\\!)",
+ "name": "keyword.operator.logic"
+ },
+ "operator-mapping": {
+ "match": "(=>)",
+ "name": "keyword.operator.mapping"
+ },
+ "operator-arithmetic": {
+ "match": "(\\+|\\-|\\/|\\*)",
+ "name": "keyword.operator.arithmetic"
+ },
+ "operator-binary": {
+ "match": "(\\^|\\&|\\||<<|>>)",
+ "name": "keyword.operator.binary"
+ },
+ "operator-assignment": {
+ "match": "(\\:?=)",
+ "name": "keyword.operator.assignment"
+ },
+ "control": {
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "include": "#control-flow"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#control-using"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#control-import"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#control-pragma"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#control-underscore"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#control-unchecked"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#control-other"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "control-flow": {
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(if|else|for|while|do|break|continue|try|catch|finally|throw|return|global)\\b",
+ "name": "keyword.control.flow"
+ },
+ {
+ "begin": "\\b(returns)\\b",
+ "beginCaptures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "keyword.control.flow.return"
+ }
+ },
+ "end": "(?=\\))",
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "include": "#declaration-function-parameters"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "control-using": {
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(using)\\b\\s+\\b([A-Za-z\\d_]+)\\b\\s+\\b(for)\\b\\s+\\b([A-Za-z\\d_]+)",
+ "captures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "keyword.control.using"
+ },
+ "2": {
+ "name": "entity.name.type.library"
+ },
+ "3": {
+ "name": "keyword.control.for"
+ },
+ "4": {
+ "name": "entity.name.type"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(using)\\b",
+ "name": "keyword.control.using"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "control-import": {
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "begin": "\\b(import)\\b",
+ "beginCaptures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "keyword.control.import"
+ }
+ },
+ "end": "(?=\\;)",
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "begin": "((?=\\{))",
+ "end": "((?=\\}))",
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(\\w+)\\b",
+ "name": "entity.name.type.interface"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(from)\\b",
+ "name": "keyword.control.import.from"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#string"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#punctuation"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(import)\\b",
+ "name": "keyword.control.import"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "control-unchecked": {
+ "match": "\\b(unchecked)\\b",
+ "name": "keyword.control.unchecked"
+ },
+ "control-pragma": {
+ "match": "\\b(pragma)(?:\\s+([A-Za-z_]\\w+)\\s+([^\\s]+))?\\b",
+ "captures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "keyword.control.pragma"
+ },
+ "2": {
+ "name": "entity.name.tag.pragma"
+ },
+ "3": {
+ "name": "constant.other.pragma"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "control-underscore": {
+ "match": "\\b(_)\\b",
+ "name": "constant.other.underscore"
+ },
+ "control-other": {
+ "match": "\\b(new|delete|emit)\\b",
+ "name": "keyword.control"
+ },
+ "constant": {
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "include": "#constant-boolean"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#constant-time"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#constant-currency"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "constant-boolean": {
+ "match": "\\b(true|false)\\b",
+ "name": "constant.language.boolean"
+ },
+ "constant-time": {
+ "match": "\\b(seconds|minutes|hours|days|weeks|years)\\b",
+ "name": "constant.language.time"
+ },
+ "constant-currency": {
+ "match": "\\b(ether|wei|gwei|finney|szabo)\\b",
+ "name": "constant.language.currency"
+ },
+ "number": {
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "include": "#number-decimal"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#number-hex"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#number-scientific"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "number-decimal": {
+ "match": "\\b([0-9_]+(\\.[0-9_]+)?)\\b",
+ "name": "constant.numeric.decimal"
+ },
+ "number-hex": {
+ "match": "\\b(0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+)\\b",
+ "name": "constant.numeric.hexadecimal"
+ },
+ "number-scientific": {
+ "match": "\\b(?:0\\.(?:0[0-9]|[0-9][0-9_]?)|[0-9][0-9_]*(?:\\.\\d{1,2})?)(?:e[+-]?[0-9_]+)?",
+ "name": "constant.numeric.scientific"
+ },
+ "string": {
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+ {
+ "match": "\\\"(?:\\\\\"|[^\\\"])*\\\"",
+ "name": "string.quoted.double"
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\'(?:\\\\'|[^\\'])*\\'",
+ "name": "string.quoted.single"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "primitive": {
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+ {
+ "include": "#number-decimal"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#number-hex"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#number-scientific"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#string"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type-primitive": {
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "begin": "\\b(address|string\\d*|bytes\\d*|int\\d*|uint\\d*|bool|hash\\d*)\\b(?:\\[\\])(\\()",
+ "beginCaptures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "support.type.primitive"
+ }
+ },
+ "end": "(\\))",
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "include": "#primitive"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#punctuation"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#global"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#variable"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(address|string\\d*|bytes\\d*|int\\d*|uint\\d*|bool|hash\\d*)\\b",
+ "name": "support.type.primitive"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "global": {
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "include": "#global-variables"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#global-functions"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "global-variables": {
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(this)\\b",
+ "name": "variable.language.this"
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(super)\\b",
+ "name": "variable.language.super"
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(abi)\\b",
+ "name": "variable.language.builtin.abi"
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(msg\\.sender|msg|block|tx|now)\\b",
+ "name": "variable.language.transaction"
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(tx\\.origin|tx\\.gasprice|msg\\.data|msg\\.sig|msg\\.value)\\b",
+ "name": "variable.language.transaction"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "global-functions": {
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(require|assert|revert)\\b",
+ "name": "keyword.control.exceptions"
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(selfdestruct|suicide)\\b",
+ "name": "keyword.control.contract"
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(addmod|mulmod|keccak256|sha256|sha3|ripemd160|ecrecover)\\b",
+ "name": "support.function.math"
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(unicode)\\b",
+ "name": "support.function.string"
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(blockhash|gasleft)\\b",
+ "name": "variable.language.transaction"
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(type)\\b",
+ "name": "variable.language.type"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type-modifier-access": {
+ "match": "\\b(internal|external|private|public)\\b",
+ "name": "storage.type.modifier.access"
+ },
+ "type-modifier-payable": {
+ "match": "\\b(nonpayable|payable)\\b",
+ "name": "storage.type.modifier.payable"
+ },
+ "type-modifier-constant": {
+ "match": "\\b(constant)\\b",
+ "name": "storage.type.modifier.readonly"
+ },
+ "type-modifier-immutable": {
+ "match": "\\b(immutable)\\b",
+ "name": "storage.type.modifier.readonly"
+ },
+ "type-modifier-extended-scope": {
+ "match": "\\b(pure|view|inherited|indexed|storage|memory|virtual|calldata|override|abstract)\\b",
+ "name": "storage.type.modifier.extendedscope"
+ },
+ "variable": {
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(\\_\\w+)\\b",
+ "captures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "variable.parameter.function"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "(?:\\.)(\\w+)\\b",
+ "captures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "support.variable.property"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(\\w+)\\b",
+ "captures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "variable.parameter.other"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "modifier-call": {
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "include": "#function-call"
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(\\w+)\\b",
+ "name": "entity.name.function.modifier"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "declaration": {
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+ {
+ "include": "#declaration-contract"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#declaration-userType"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#declaration-interface"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#declaration-library"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#declaration-function"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#declaration-modifier"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#declaration-constructor"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#declaration-event"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#declaration-storage"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#declaration-error"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "declaration-storage-field": {
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+ {
+ "include": "#comment"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#control"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#type-primitive"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#type-modifier-access"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#type-modifier-immutable"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#type-modifier-extend-scope"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#type-modifier-payable"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#type-modifier-constant"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#primitive"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#constant"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#operator"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#punctuation"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "declaration-storage": {
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+ {
+ "include": "#declaration-storage-mapping"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#declaration-struct"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#declaration-enum"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#declaration-storage-field"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "declaration-userType": {
+ "match": "\\b(type)\\b\\s+(\\w+)\\b\\s+\\b(is)\\b",
+ "captures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "storage.type.userType"
+ },
+ "2": {
+ "name": "entity.name.type.userType"
+ },
+ "3": {
+ "name": "storage.modifier.is"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "declaration-contract": {
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "begin": "\\b(contract)\\b\\s+(\\w+)\\b\\s+\\b(is)\\b\\s+",
+ "end": "(?=\\{)",
+ "beginCaptures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "storage.type.contract"
+ },
+ "2": {
+ "name": "entity.name.type.contract"
+ },
+ "3": {
+ "name": "storage.modifier.is"
+ }
+ },
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(\\w+)\\b",
+ "name": "entity.name.type.contract.extend"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(contract)(\\s+([A-Za-z_]\\w*))?\\b",
+ "captures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "storage.type.contract"
+ },
+ "2": {
+ "name": "entity.name.type.contract"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "declaration-interface": {
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+ {
+ "begin": "\\b(interface)\\b\\s+(\\w+)\\b\\s+\\b(is)\\b\\s+",
+ "end": "(?=\\{)",
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+ "1": {
+ "name": "storage.type.interface"
+ },
+ "2": {
+ "name": "entity.name.type.interface"
+ },
+ "3": {
+ "name": "storage.modifier.is"
+ }
+ },
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(\\w+)\\b",
+ "name": "entity.name.type.interface.extend"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(interface)(\\s+([A-Za-z_]\\w*))?\\b",
+ "captures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "storage.type.interface"
+ },
+ "2": {
+ "name": "entity.name.type.interface"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "declaration-library": {
+ "match": "\\b(library)(\\s+([A-Za-z_]\\w*))?\\b",
+ "captures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "storage.type.library"
+ },
+ "3": {
+ "name": "entity.name.type.library"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "declaration-struct": {
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(struct)(\\s+([A-Za-z_]\\w*))?\\b",
+ "captures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "storage.type.struct"
+ },
+ "3": {
+ "name": "entity.name.type.struct"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "begin": "\\b(struct)\\b\\s*(\\w+)?\\b\\s*(?=\\{)",
+ "beginCaptures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "storage.type.struct"
+ },
+ "2": {
+ "name": "entity.name.type.struct"
+ }
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#comment"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "declaration-event": {
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "begin": "\\b(event)\\b(?:\\s+(\\w+)\\b)?",
+ "end": "(?=\\))",
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+ "1": {
+ "name": "storage.type.event"
+ },
+ "2": {
+ "name": "entity.name.type.event"
+ }
+ },
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "include": "#type-primitive"
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(?:(indexed)\\s)?(\\w+)(?:,\\s*|)",
+ "captures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "storage.type.modifier.indexed"
+ },
+ "2": {
+ "name": "variable.parameter.event"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#punctuation"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(event)(\\s+([A-Za-z_]\\w*))?\\b",
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+ "1": {
+ "name": "storage.type.event"
+ },
+ "3": {
+ "name": "entity.name.type.event"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "declaration-constructor": {
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+ {
+ "begin": "\\b(constructor)\\b",
+ "beginCaptures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "storage.type.constructor"
+ }
+ },
+ "end": "(?=\\{)",
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "begin": "\\G\\s*(?=\\()",
+ "end": "(?=\\))",
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "include": "#declaration-function-parameters"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "begin": "(?<=\\))",
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+ },
+ {
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+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(constructor)\\b",
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+ "1": {
+ "name": "storage.type.constructor"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "declaration-enum": {
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "begin": "\\b(enum)\\s+(\\w+)\\b",
+ "beginCaptures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "storage.type.enum"
+ },
+ "2": {
+ "name": "entity.name.type.enum"
+ }
+ },
+ "end": "(?=\\})",
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+ "match": "\\b(\\w+)\\b",
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#comment"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(enum)(\\s+([A-Za-z_]\\w*))?\\b",
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+ "1": {
+ "name": "storage.type.enum"
+ },
+ "3": {
+ "name": "entity.name.type.enum"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "declaration-function-parameters": {
+ "begin": "\\G\\s*(?=\\()",
+ "end": "(?=\\))",
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+ "include": "#type-primitive"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#type-modifier-extended-scope"
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\b([A-Z]\\w*)\\b",
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+ "1": {
+ "name": "storage.type.struct"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#punctuation"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#comment"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "declaration-function": {
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+ {
+ "begin": "\\b(function)\\s+(\\w+)\\b",
+ "beginCaptures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "storage.type.function"
+ },
+ "2": {
+ "name": "entity.name.function"
+ }
+ },
+ "end": "(?=\\{|;)",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "include": "#type-modifier-access"
+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ "include": "#function-call"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#modifier-call"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#punctuation"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(function)\\s+([A-Za-z_]\\w*)\\b",
+ "captures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "storage.type.function"
+ },
+ "2": {
+ "name": "entity.name.function"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "declaration-modifier": {
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+ {
+ "begin": "\\b(modifier)\\b\\s*(\\w+)",
+ "beginCaptures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "storage.type.function.modifier"
+ },
+ "2": {
+ "name": "entity.name.function.modifier"
+ }
+ },
+ "end": "(?=\\{)",
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "include": "#declaration-function-parameters"
+ },
+ {
+ "begin": "(?<=\\))",
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+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#type-modifier-immutable"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#type-modifier-extended-scope"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#function-call"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#modifier-call"
+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#control-flow"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(modifier)(\\s+([A-Za-z_]\\w*))?\\b",
+ "captures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "storage.type.modifier"
+ },
+ "3": {
+ "name": "entity.name.function"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "declaration-storage-mapping": {
+ "patterns": [
+ {
+ "begin": "\\b(mapping)\\b",
+ "beginCaptures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "storage.type.mapping"
+ }
+ },
+ "end": "(?=\\))",
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+ },
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ "include": "#operator"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(mapping)\\b",
+ "name": "storage.type.mapping"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "declaration-error": {
+ "match": "\\b(error)(\\s+([A-Za-z_]\\w*))?\\b",
+ "captures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "storage.type.error"
+ },
+ "3": {
+ "name": "entity.name.type.error"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "function-call": {
+ "match": "\\b([A-Za-z_]\\w*)\\s*(\\()",
+ "captures": {
+ "1": {
+ "name": "entity.name.function"
+ },
+ "2": {
+ "name": "punctuation.parameters.begin"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "assembly": {
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+ {
+ "match": "\\b(assembly)\\b",
+ "name": "keyword.control.assembly"
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\b(let)\\b",
+ "name": "storage.type.assembly"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "punctuation": {
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+ {
+ "match": ";",
+ "name": "punctuation.terminator.statement"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\]",
+ "name": "punctuation.brace.square.end"
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\(",
+ "name": "punctuation.parameters.begin"
+ },
+ {
+ "match": "\\)",
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+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "scopeName": "source.solidity",
+ "uuid": "ad87d2cd-8575-4afe-984e-9421a3788933"
diff --git a/src/Stratis.VS.StratisEVM/README.html b/src/Stratis.VS.StratisEVM/README.html
index 30adaaf..7d8bfdc 100644
--- a/src/Stratis.VS.StratisEVM/README.html
+++ b/src/Stratis.VS.StratisEVM/README.html
@@ -1,40 +1,30 @@
-commonmark.js dingus
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-## Try CommonMark
-You can try CommonMark here. This dingus is powered by
-[commonmark.js](https://github.com/commonmark/commonmark.js), the
-JavaScript reference implementation.
-1. item one
-2. item two
- - sublist
- - sublist
- Preview
The StratisEVM extension provides support for developing Stratis Solidity smart contracts inside Visual Studio.
-- Uses vscode-solidity language server
-- Integrates with Visual Studio "Open Folder"
-- Syntax highlighting
-- Intellisense
-- Linting
-- Compiling a Solidity file from inside Visual Studio
+ - Uses vscode-solidity language server
+ - Integrates with Visual Studio "Open Folder"
+ - Syntax highlighting and hover information
+ - Intellisense
+ - Linting
+ - Compiling a Solidity file from inside Visual Studio
-- Visual Stdio 2022
-- A recent version of Node.js
+ - Visual Stdio 2022
+ - A recent version of Node.js
-Use the Visual Studio Open Folder... feature to open a folder with Solidity contracts.
-The first time you open a folder with Solidity contracts the extension will install the necessary Node.js modules in the extension's private node_modules
-This will take a few seconds to complete so opening the folder will be slower than normal but after the modules are installed the first time, opening folders containing
-Solidity contracts will be as usual.
\ No newline at end of file
+ Use the Visual Studio Open Folder... feature to open a folder with Solidity contracts. Edit a Solidity file as normal. To compile a Solidity file, right-click
+ on the file in Solution Explorer and select 'Compile Solidity File'.
+ The first time you open a folder with Solidity contracts the extension will install the necessary Node.js modules in the extension's private node_modules
+ This will take a few seconds to complete so opening the folder will be slower than normal but after the modules are installed the first time, opening folders containing
+ Solidity contracts will be as usual.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Stratis.VS.StratisEVM/README.md b/src/Stratis.VS.StratisEVM/README.md
index b7a97c4..4db9092 100644
--- a/src/Stratis.VS.StratisEVM/README.md
+++ b/src/Stratis.VS.StratisEVM/README.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ The StratisEVM extension provides support for developing Stratis Solidity smart
## Features
* Uses [vscode-solidity](https://github.com/juanfranblanco/vscode-solidity) language server
* Integrates with Visual Studio "Open Folder"
-* Syntax highlighting
+* Syntax highlighting and hover information
* Intellisense
* Linting
* Compiling a Solidity file from inside Visual Studio
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ The StratisEVM extension provides support for developing Stratis Solidity smart
* A recent version of [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/)
## Usage
-Use the Visual Studio Open Folder... feature to open a folder with Solidity contracts.
+Use the Visual Studio Open Folder... feature to open a folder with Solidity contracts. Edit a Solidity file as normal. To compile a Solidity file, right-click
+on the file in Solution Explorer and select 'Compile Solidity File'.
The first time you open a folder with Solidity contracts the extension will install the necessary Node.js modules in the extension's private `node_modules` directory.
This will take a few seconds to complete so opening the folder will be slower than normal but after the modules are installed the first time, opening folders containing
diff --git a/src/Stratis.VS.StratisEVM/Stratis.VS.StratisEVM.csproj b/src/Stratis.VS.StratisEVM/Stratis.VS.StratisEVM.csproj
index e30f392..9c13e95 100644
--- a/src/Stratis.VS.StratisEVM/Stratis.VS.StratisEVM.csproj
+++ b/src/Stratis.VS.StratisEVM/Stratis.VS.StratisEVM.csproj
@@ -57,9 +57,6 @@
- true
@@ -79,6 +76,9 @@
+ true
diff --git a/tests/solidity/test2/BasicContract.sol b/tests/solidity/test2/BasicContract.sol
index e81f094..5e464b8 100644
--- a/tests/solidity/test2/BasicContract.sol
+++ b/tests/solidity/test2/BasicContract.sol
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ contract BasicContract {
// Uncomment this line, and the import of "hardhat/console.sol", to print a log in your terminal
// console.log("Unlock time is %o and block timestamp is %o", unlockTime, block.timestamp);
emit BasicEvent(funcArg);
+ uint memory foo;