diff --git a/MIGRATION.md b/MIGRATION.md index 7587d8daa65e..e6bc31e02267 100644 --- a/MIGRATION.md +++ b/MIGRATION.md @@ -767,6 +767,10 @@ _Has automigration_ Storybook now uses [Babel mode v7](#babel-mode-v7) exclusively. In 6.x, Storybook provided its own babel settings out of the box. Now, Storybook's uses your project's babel settings (`.babelrc`, `babel.config.js`, etc.) instead. +> Note: +> This is only necessary for projects that use the following packages: @storybook/react-webpack5, @storybook/vue-webpack5, @storybook/vue3-webpack5, @storybook/html-webpack5. +> If you are using @storybook/react-webpack5 with the @storybook/preset-create-react-app package, you can skip this step. + In the new mode, Storybook expects you to provide a configuration file. If you want a configuration file that's equivalent to the 6.x default, you can run the following command in your project directory: ```sh