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76 lines (58 loc) · 3.09 KB

File metadata and controls

76 lines (58 loc) · 3.09 KB


The Scaffold is set up to generate a CSS file index.css from the SCSS entry point src/css/index.scss.

There are intentionally few existing styles, only a few defaults are included. Though the Scaffold supports the full gamut of SCSS, by convention we aim to write SCSS in a way that is close to standard CSS.


  • use minimal nesting, to keep specificity low and readability/maintainability high
  • use single classNames for selectors as much as possible to keep specificity low
  • use a BEM methodology for class naming
  • use CSS variables not SCSS variables, for easier debugging and interop with JavaScript and DOM
  • use mixins sparingly, they can generate a lot of repeat CSS
  • use CSS grid for two dimensional layout, flexbox for one dimensional layout


SCSS partials are organised by type

  • abstracts
    • constants - the fundamental design tokens of the UI
    • mixins - SCSS mixins
  • base
    • grid - the base grid system with utility grid classes
    • normalise - for normalising browser default styles
    • typefaces
    • typescale
  • components - the basic blocks of the UI
  • vendor - third party styles

CSS variables

The fundamental tokens of the user interface should be defined in src/css/abstracts/_constants.scss. These should include

  • colours
  • vertical and horizontal spacing (baseline and gutter)
  • typefaces
  • typographic scale


The Scaffold grid system is implemented using CSS grid.

The grid system is based on constants defined in the src/css/abstracts/_constants.scss file. By default a 12 column grid with 24px horizontal spacing, and 1.5rem vertical spacing.

Breakpoints and their corresponding classNames are defined by the $mq-breakpoints, $grid-names and $grid-classes variables.

Grid classNames

A .grid containing element will set up a CSS grid.

Each child element should have one or more utility column size class names to indicate width at different breakpoints.

Based on the default 12 column grid, 1 column will be 1/12th of the width of the containing element, 12 columns the full width.

Grid utility class names are generated using a mixin. A number of utility classes are included by default. These can be adjusted by updating the $grid-classes variable in src/css/abstracts/_constants.scss to give a more targeted list based on project requirements.


Single row with two elements, they are full width on on two rows on small screens, two-up on one row at the medium breakpoint and up

<div class="grid">
    <div class="xs-12 md-6"></div>
    <div class="xs-12 md-6"></div>

Multiple rows, elements are full width on separate rows on small screens, two per-row at the medium breakpoint, and three per-row at the large breakpoint and up

<div class="grid">
    <div class="xs-12 md-6 lg-4"></div>
    <div class="xs-12 md-6 lg-4"></div>
    <div class="xs-12 md-6 lg-4"></div>
    <div class="xs-12 md-6 lg-4"></div>
    <div class="xs-12 md-6 lg-4"></div>
    <div class="xs-12 md-6 lg-4"></div>


JavaScript ⟶