This TypeScript library provides a Composition API-like interface for creating a Vuex store out of smaller parts. The goal of this project is to provide low-overhead and zero-configuration for composing Vuex stores.
This library should work in any modern browser that supports JavaScript.
npm i -S vuex-composer
import { createStore, module, action, getter, mutation, state } from "vuex-composer";
const $store = createStore({
setup() {
| State Values
| Creating a State value is pretty straightforward. Use the `state()`
| function to create a reference object. You can access the value
| by either using `.value` or by executing the returned functor.
const number = state(0);
number.value = 3
number.value; // 3
number(); // 3
number(7); // 7
number(); // 7
number.value; // 7
| Getters
| Creating a Getter is also pretty straightforward; use the same format
| you would use with a Vanilla Vuex Getter, but omit the first param.
const getDollars(() => `$${number().toFixed(2)}`); // $7.00
| Mutations and Actions
| Mutations and Actions, like Getters, are defined by providing a function
| without the first parameter.
const SET_DOLLARS = (payload: { number: number }) => {
const sendDollars = (payload: { number: number }) => new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => resolve(SET_DOLLARS(payload)), 500));
| Modules
| Modules take the same format as the store, but also accept a boolean
| for `namespaced`, just like a normal Vuex module would.
const myModule = module({
namespaced: true,
setup() {
return {
// Can access the variables from the root store or other modules.
getPennies: getter(() => ((number() * 100) | 0))
// Module values can also be accessed from other module sor the root store.
console.log(myModule(self => self.getPennies())); // 700
// Pass parameters to the module setup function:
const pModule = module({
namespaced: true,
setup(b: boolean) {
return {
booleanValue: state(b)
}, false);
console.log(pModule(self => self.booleanValue())); // false
| Output to Store
| Return all of the values you want to create in the store with the names
| you want the Vuex store to use. They will be automatically converted
| into the proper Store format.
return { getDollars, number, sendDollars, SET_DOLLARS, myModule };
$store.state.number; // 7
$store.getters.getDollars; // "$7.00"
$store.commit("SET_DOLLARS", { number: 12.34 }); // void
$store.dispatch("sendDollars", { number: 43.21 }); // Promise
$store.getters["myModule/getPennies"]; // 1234