From cd3d3137423c21bd05e06e5db3d58a78e6a20ea4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ranim Naimi <>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2024 12:00:48 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] fix: temporal entity queries with lastN parameter and
 aggregation period duration  (#1160)

* first draft for the queries with lastN parameter

* feat: allow lastN on aggregation queries

* changes in the scope history

* removed repititive unit test


Co-authored-by: Benoit Orihuela <>
 search-service/config/detekt/baseline.xml     |  1 +
 .../egm/stellio/search/scope/ScopeService.kt  | 22 ++++++------
 .../service/AttributeInstanceService.kt       | 21 ++++++------
 .../stellio/search/scope/ScopeServiceTests.kt | 34 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../service/AttributeInstanceServiceTests.kt  | 30 ++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/search-service/config/detekt/baseline.xml b/search-service/config/detekt/baseline.xml
index b30a0a9fc..8cb86eb64 100644
--- a/search-service/config/detekt/baseline.xml
+++ b/search-service/config/detekt/baseline.xml
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
     <ID>LongMethod:AttributeInstanceService.kt$AttributeInstanceService$@Transactional suspend fun create(attributeInstance: AttributeInstance): Either&lt;APIException, Unit&gt;</ID>
     <ID>LongMethod:EnabledAuthorizationServiceTests.kt$EnabledAuthorizationServiceTests$@Test fun `it should return serialized access control entities with other rigths if user is owner`()</ID>
+    <ID>LongMethod:AttributeInstanceService.kt$AttributeInstanceService$suspend fun search( temporalEntitiesQuery: TemporalEntitiesQuery, temporalEntityAttributes: List&lt;TemporalEntityAttribute&gt;, origin: ZonedDateTime? = null ): Either&lt;APIException, List&lt;AttributeInstanceResult&gt;&gt;</ID>
     <ID>LongMethod:EntityAccessControlHandler.kt$EntityAccessControlHandler$@PostMapping("/{subjectId}/attrs", consumes = [MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, JSON_LD_CONTENT_TYPE]) suspend fun addRightsOnEntities( @RequestHeader httpHeaders: HttpHeaders, @PathVariable subjectId: String, @RequestBody requestBody: Mono&lt;String&gt; ): ResponseEntity&lt;*&gt;</ID>
     <ID>LongMethod:EntityOperationHandlerTests.kt$EntityOperationHandlerTests$@Test fun `create batch entity should return a 207 when some entities already exist`()</ID>
     <ID>LongMethod:PatchAttributeTests.kt$PatchAttributeTests.Companion$@JvmStatic fun mergePatchProvider(): Stream&lt;Arguments&gt;</ID>
diff --git a/search-service/src/main/kotlin/com/egm/stellio/search/scope/ScopeService.kt b/search-service/src/main/kotlin/com/egm/stellio/search/scope/ScopeService.kt
index 0a05a9d9d..9e40af907 100644
--- a/search-service/src/main/kotlin/com/egm/stellio/search/scope/ScopeService.kt
+++ b/search-service/src/main/kotlin/com/egm/stellio/search/scope/ScopeService.kt
@@ -110,13 +110,13 @@ class ScopeService(
         if (temporalEntitiesQuery.isAggregatedWithDefinedDuration())
-            sqlQueryBuilder.append(" GROUP BY entity_id, origin")
+            sqlQueryBuilder.append(" GROUP BY entity_id, start")
         else if (temporalEntitiesQuery.withAggregatedValues)
             sqlQueryBuilder.append(" GROUP BY entity_id")
-        else if (temporalQuery.lastN != null)
+        if (temporalQuery.lastN != null)
             // in order to get last instances, need to order by time desc
             // final ascending ordering of instances is done in query service
-            sqlQueryBuilder.append(" ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT ${temporalQuery.lastN}")
+            sqlQueryBuilder.append(" ORDER BY start DESC LIMIT ${temporalQuery.lastN}")
         return databaseClient.sql(sqlQueryBuilder.toString())
             .bind("entities_ids", entitiesIds)
@@ -143,20 +143,20 @@ class ScopeService(
                 val computedOrigin = origin ?: temporalQuery.timeAt
                 SELECT entity_id,
-                   public.time_bucket('$aggrPeriodDuration', time, TIMESTAMPTZ '${computedOrigin!!}') as origin,
+                   public.time_bucket('$aggrPeriodDuration', time, TIMESTAMPTZ '${computedOrigin!!}') as start,
             } else
-                "SELECT entity_id, min(time) as origin, max(time) as endTime, $allAggregates "
+                "SELECT entity_id, min(time) as start, max(time) as end, $allAggregates "
         temporalEntitiesQuery.temporalQuery.timeproperty == TemporalProperty.OBSERVED_AT -> {
-                SELECT entity_id, ARRAY(SELECT jsonb_array_elements_text(value)) as value, time
+                SELECT entity_id, ARRAY(SELECT jsonb_array_elements_text(value)) as value, time as start
         else -> {
-                SELECT entity_id, ARRAY(SELECT jsonb_array_elements_text(value)) as value, time, sub
+                SELECT entity_id, ARRAY(SELECT jsonb_array_elements_text(value)) as value, time as start, sub
@@ -188,10 +188,10 @@ class ScopeService(
         temporalEntitiesQuery: TemporalEntitiesQuery
     ): ScopeInstanceResult =
         if (temporalEntitiesQuery.withAggregatedValues) {
-            val startDateTime = toZonedDateTime(row["origin"])
+            val startDateTime = toZonedDateTime(row["start"])
             val endDateTime =
                 if (!temporalEntitiesQuery.isAggregatedWithDefinedDuration())
-                    toZonedDateTime(row["endTime"])
+                    toZonedDateTime(row["end"])
             // in a row, there is the result for each requested aggregation method
@@ -207,13 +207,13 @@ class ScopeService(
                 entityId = toUri(row["entity_id"]),
                 scopes = toList(row["value"]),
-                time = toZonedDateTime(row["time"])
+                time = toZonedDateTime(row["start"])
         } else {
                 entityId = toUri(row["entity_id"]),
                 scopes = toList(row["value"]),
-                time = toZonedDateTime(row["time"]),
+                time = toZonedDateTime(row["start"]),
                 timeproperty = temporalEntitiesQuery.temporalQuery.timeproperty.propertyName,
                 sub = row["sub"] as? String
diff --git a/search-service/src/main/kotlin/com/egm/stellio/search/service/AttributeInstanceService.kt b/search-service/src/main/kotlin/com/egm/stellio/search/service/AttributeInstanceService.kt
index eb6f6e0a3..235cd5c09 100644
--- a/search-service/src/main/kotlin/com/egm/stellio/search/service/AttributeInstanceService.kt
+++ b/search-service/src/main/kotlin/com/egm/stellio/search/service/AttributeInstanceService.kt
@@ -155,13 +155,14 @@ class AttributeInstanceService(
         if (temporalEntitiesQuery.isAggregatedWithDefinedDuration())
-            sqlQueryBuilder.append(" GROUP BY temporal_entity_attribute, origin")
+            sqlQueryBuilder.append(" GROUP BY temporal_entity_attribute, start")
         else if (temporalEntitiesQuery.withAggregatedValues)
             sqlQueryBuilder.append(" GROUP BY temporal_entity_attribute")
-        else if (temporalQuery.lastN != null)
+        if (temporalQuery.lastN != null)
             // in order to get last instances, need to order by time desc
             // final ascending ordering of instances is done in query service
-            sqlQueryBuilder.append(" ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT ${temporalQuery.lastN}")
+            sqlQueryBuilder.append(" ORDER BY start DESC LIMIT ${temporalQuery.lastN}")
         val finalTemporalQuery = composeFinalTemporalQuery(temporalEntityAttributes, sqlQueryBuilder.toString())
@@ -211,11 +212,11 @@ class AttributeInstanceService(
                 val computedOrigin = origin ?: temporalQuery.timeAt
                 SELECT temporal_entity_attribute,
-                    public.time_bucket('$aggrPeriodDuration', time, TIMESTAMPTZ '${computedOrigin!!}') as origin,
+                    public.time_bucket('$aggrPeriodDuration', time, TIMESTAMPTZ '${computedOrigin!!}') as start,
             } else
-                "SELECT temporal_entity_attribute, min(time) as origin, max(time) as endTime, $allAggregates "
+                "SELECT temporal_entity_attribute, min(time) as start, max(time) as end, $allAggregates "
         else -> {
             val valueColumn = when (temporalEntityAttributes[0].attributeValueType) {
@@ -227,7 +228,7 @@ class AttributeInstanceService(
                 AttributeInstance.TemporalProperty.OBSERVED_AT -> null
                 else -> "sub"
-            "SELECT " + listOfNotNull("temporal_entity_attribute", "time", valueColumn, subColumn)
+            "SELECT " + listOfNotNull("temporal_entity_attribute", "time as start", valueColumn, subColumn)
@@ -270,10 +271,10 @@ class AttributeInstanceService(
         temporalEntitiesQuery: TemporalEntitiesQuery
     ): AttributeInstanceResult =
         if (temporalEntitiesQuery.withAggregatedValues) {
-            val startDateTime = toZonedDateTime(row["origin"])
+            val startDateTime = toZonedDateTime(row["start"])
             val endDateTime =
                 if (!temporalEntitiesQuery.isAggregatedWithDefinedDuration())
-                    toZonedDateTime(row["endTime"])
+                    toZonedDateTime(row["end"])
             // in a row, there is the result for each requested aggregation method
@@ -291,12 +292,12 @@ class AttributeInstanceService(
                 // the type of the value of a property may have changed in the history (e.g., from number to string)
                 // in this case, just display an empty value (something happened, but we can't display it)
                 value = row["value"] ?: "",
-                time = toZonedDateTime(row["time"])
+                time = toZonedDateTime(row["start"])
         else FullAttributeInstanceResult(
             temporalEntityAttribute = toUuid(row["temporal_entity_attribute"]),
             payload = toJsonString(row["payload"]),
-            time = toZonedDateTime(row["time"]),
+            time = toZonedDateTime(row["start"]),
             timeproperty = temporalEntitiesQuery.temporalQuery.timeproperty.propertyName,
             sub = row["sub"] as? String
diff --git a/search-service/src/test/kotlin/com/egm/stellio/search/scope/ScopeServiceTests.kt b/search-service/src/test/kotlin/com/egm/stellio/search/scope/ScopeServiceTests.kt
index 36372813d..5df8a4cc3 100644
--- a/search-service/src/test/kotlin/com/egm/stellio/search/scope/ScopeServiceTests.kt
+++ b/search-service/src/test/kotlin/com/egm/stellio/search/scope/ScopeServiceTests.kt
@@ -284,6 +284,40 @@ class ScopeServiceTests : WithTimescaleContainer, WithKafkaContainer {
+    @Test
+    fun `it should retrieve the last n instances of history of scopes with aggregated values`() = runTest {
+        createScopeHistory()
+        val scopeHistoryEntries = scopeService.retrieveHistory(
+            listOf(beehiveTestCId),
+            TemporalEntitiesQuery(
+                EntitiesQuery(
+                    paginationQuery = PaginationQuery(limit = 100, offset = 0),
+                    contexts = APIC_COMPOUND_CONTEXTS
+                ),
+                TemporalQuery(
+                    timeproperty = TemporalProperty.MODIFIED_AT,
+                    timerel = TemporalQuery.Timerel.BEFORE,
+                    timeAt = ngsiLdDateTime(),
+                    aggrMethods = listOf(TemporalQuery.Aggregate.SUM),
+                    aggrPeriodDuration = "PT1S",
+                    lastN = 1
+                ),
+                withTemporalValues = false,
+                withAudit = false,
+                withAggregatedValues = true
+            ),
+            ngsiLdDateTime().minusHours(1)
+        ).shouldSucceedAndResult()
+        assertEquals(1, scopeHistoryEntries.size)
+        assertThat(scopeHistoryEntries).allMatch {
+            it as AggregatedScopeInstanceResult
+            it.values.size == 1 &&
+                it.values[0].aggregate == TemporalQuery.Aggregate.SUM
+        }
+    }
     fun `it should delete scope and its history`() = runTest {
diff --git a/search-service/src/test/kotlin/com/egm/stellio/search/service/AttributeInstanceServiceTests.kt b/search-service/src/test/kotlin/com/egm/stellio/search/service/AttributeInstanceServiceTests.kt
index 62efd15b3..76b97031f 100644
--- a/search-service/src/test/kotlin/com/egm/stellio/search/service/AttributeInstanceServiceTests.kt
+++ b/search-service/src/test/kotlin/com/egm/stellio/search/service/AttributeInstanceServiceTests.kt
@@ -365,6 +365,36 @@ class AttributeInstanceServiceTests : WithTimescaleContainer, WithKafkaContainer
+    @Test
+    fun `it should only return the last n instances asked in an aggregated temporal query`() = runTest {
+        val now = ngsiLdDateTime()
+        (1..10).forEachIndexed { index, _ ->
+            val attributeInstance =
+                gimmeNumericPropertyAttributeInstance(
+                    .copy(
+                        measuredValue = 1.0,
+                        time = now.minusSeconds(index.toLong())
+                    )
+            attributeInstanceService.create(attributeInstance)
+        }
+        val temporalEntitiesQuery = gimmeTemporalEntitiesQuery(
+            TemporalQuery(
+                timerel = TemporalQuery.Timerel.BEFORE,
+                timeAt = now,
+                aggrPeriodDuration = "PT1S",
+                aggrMethods = listOf(TemporalQuery.Aggregate.SUM),
+                lastN = 5
+            ),
+            withAggregatedValues = true
+        )
+, incomingTemporalEntityAttribute)
+            .shouldSucceedWith {
+                assertThat(it)
+                    .hasSize(5)
+            }
+    }
     fun `it should only retrieve the temporal evolution of the provided temporal entity attribute`() = runTest {
         val temporalEntityAttribute2 = TemporalEntityAttribute(