Any submissions to the Sorobanathon are welcome but for those having trouble getting the cranium cauldron bubbling here are some creative catalysts.
- A written and/or video tutorial walking through the soroban-example-dapp. Related issue
- Rock, paper, scissors game
- Timed action & bid contract
- Tic tac toe dapp
- A streaming payments contract akin to or
- DAO contract examples. Anything from very simple to more complex
- A wager pool maybe connected to a pseudo oracle like Fortnite tracker
- A calculator where the number literals are stored as NFTs, so a calculation would call an operand method, consume two NFTs representing numbers, and produce an NFT containing the result 🤪
- One or more escrow contract examples
- Zero knowledge proof exploratory concepts
- A more complex and fully decentralized hot potato game
- A contract you can send a payment to that redistributes the payment randomly to the holders of a token or NFT
- Explorations into various bridge contracts
- A todolist or task board that issues rewards for completed tasks
- NFT royalties contract
- Wild and crazy NFT explorations and games
- Basic example showcasing interoperability between Classic and Smart assets/tokens
- Be the first to wrap and deploy the native XLM token on Futurenet
- Frontend streaming contract invocations on Futurenet.
- Frontend displaying stats on number of deployed contracts and invocations over time.