{%= badge("fury") %} {%= badge("travis") %}
{%= description %}
NOTE: This solution is not actively maintained anymore. Contributors to take over are highly welcome. Alternatively use qrs-interact
![]({%= verb.baseImgUrl %}docs/images/qrs.png)
{%= include("install-npm", {save: true}) %}
{%= docs('usage') %}
{%= docs('config-options') %}
{%= docs('server-setup') %}
{%= apidocs("lib/qrs.js") %}
Think of plugins as some kind of sugar layer with additional business logic on top of qrs
It is easy to either add new plugins to the qrs
repository or just to load some external code/plugin.
The list of built-in plugins is probably and hopefully a growing one (and hopefully not only created by the author of this document).
The following plugins are available with the current version of qrs
{%= include("tests") %}
{%= include("contributing") %}
{%= docs("author") %}
{%= copyright() %} {%= license %}
{%= include("footer") %}