From 19e56ac7b2363f3c020807230c036dfe1d1cf6fe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Bensuperpc Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2021 13:50:24 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Big update (See commit details) Add github action for Linux, MacOS, Windows Add github action for cross platform (ARM, RISCV, PowerPC ect...) with dockcross Add Google test and Google benchmark, to avoid regressions with units test Add CMake (Shared or Static crc32 library), can be installed (Tested only on ArchLinux/Manjaro and ubuntu 21.10) Add CMake Presets Add Examples Improve Readme Compatible C++11 to C++20 CMake library based on cmake-init Use std::chrono and std::chrono::high_resolution_clock, instead ctime and custom second function. Improve warning message with MSCV Update readme Signed-off-by: Bensuperpc --- .clang-format | 178 ++ .clang-tidy | 153 ++ .codespellrc | 6 + .github/workflows/base.yml | 204 +++ .github/workflows/dockcross.yml | 199 +++ .github/workflows/linux.yml | 53 + .github/workflows/macos.yml | 46 + .github/workflows/windows.yml | 45 + .gitignore | 9 + | 47 + CMakeLists.txt | 125 ++ CMakePresets.json | 163 ++ | 5 + | 19 + Crc32.cpp | 1245 -------------- Crc32.h | 69 - Crc32Test.cpp | 170 -- Crc32TestMultithreaded.cpp | 203 --- | 127 ++ Makefile | 26 - | 75 + cmake/coverage.cmake | 33 + cmake/dev-mode.cmake | 25 + cmake/docs.cmake | 50 + cmake/folders.cmake | 21 + cmake/install-config.cmake | 1 + cmake/install-rules.cmake | 67 + cmake/lint-targets.cmake | 34 + cmake/lint.cmake | 52 + cmake/open-cpp-coverage.cmake.example | 31 + cmake/prelude.cmake | 17 + cmake/project-is-top-level.cmake | 6 + cmake/spell-targets.cmake | 22 + cmake/spell.cmake | 29 + cmake/variables.cmake | 37 + cmake/windows-set-path.cmake | 22 + docs/ | 32 + docs/ | 6 + docs/pages/about.dox | 7 + example/CMakeLists.txt | 56 + example/crc32_test_multithreaded.cpp | 295 ++++ example/crc32_test_singlethreaded.cpp | 198 +++ example/simple_c_example.c | 26 + example/simple_example.cpp | 28 + include/crc32/crc32.h | 102 ++ include/crc32/crc32.hpp | 231 +++ include/crc32/crc32_var.h | 117 ++ | 25 - source/crc32.c | 577 +++++++ source/crc32.cpp | 651 ++++++++ source/crc32_var.c | 795 +++++++++ test/CMakeLists.txt | 81 + test/source/crc32_bench.cpp | 546 +++++++ test/source/crc32_test.cpp | 2159 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ tools/ | 30 + tools/ | 64 + tools/ | 12 + 57 files changed, 7914 insertions(+), 1738 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .clang-format create mode 100644 .clang-tidy create mode 100644 .codespellrc create mode 100644 .github/workflows/base.yml create mode 100644 .github/workflows/dockcross.yml create mode 100644 .github/workflows/linux.yml create mode 100644 .github/workflows/macos.yml create mode 100644 .github/workflows/windows.yml create mode 100644 .gitignore create mode 100644 create mode 100644 CMakeLists.txt create mode 100644 CMakePresets.json create mode 100644 create mode 100644 delete mode 100644 Crc32.cpp delete mode 100644 Crc32.h delete mode 100644 Crc32Test.cpp delete mode 100644 Crc32TestMultithreaded.cpp create mode 100644 delete mode 100644 Makefile create mode 100644 create mode 100644 cmake/coverage.cmake create mode 100644 cmake/dev-mode.cmake create mode 100644 cmake/docs.cmake create mode 100644 cmake/folders.cmake create mode 100644 cmake/install-config.cmake create mode 100644 cmake/install-rules.cmake create mode 100644 cmake/lint-targets.cmake create mode 100644 cmake/lint.cmake create mode 100644 cmake/open-cpp-coverage.cmake.example create mode 100644 cmake/prelude.cmake create mode 100644 cmake/project-is-top-level.cmake create mode 100644 cmake/spell-targets.cmake create mode 100644 cmake/spell.cmake create mode 100644 cmake/variables.cmake create mode 100644 cmake/windows-set-path.cmake create mode 100644 docs/ create mode 100644 docs/ create mode 100644 docs/pages/about.dox create mode 100644 example/CMakeLists.txt create mode 100644 example/crc32_test_multithreaded.cpp create mode 100644 example/crc32_test_singlethreaded.cpp create mode 100644 example/simple_c_example.c create mode 100644 example/simple_example.cpp create mode 100644 include/crc32/crc32.h create mode 100644 include/crc32/crc32.hpp create mode 100644 include/crc32/crc32_var.h delete mode 100644 create mode 100644 source/crc32.c create mode 100644 source/crc32.cpp create mode 100644 source/crc32_var.c create mode 100644 test/CMakeLists.txt create mode 100644 test/source/crc32_bench.cpp create mode 100644 test/source/crc32_test.cpp create mode 100644 tools/ create mode 100644 tools/ create mode 100644 tools/ diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f4f773 --- /dev/null +++ b/.clang-format @@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ +--- +Language: Cpp +# BasedOnStyle: Chromium +AccessModifierOffset: -2 +AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align +AlignConsecutiveMacros: false +AlignConsecutiveAssignments: false +AlignConsecutiveBitFields: false +AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: false +AlignEscapedNewlines: DontAlign +AlignOperands: DontAlign +AlignTrailingComments: false +AllowAllArgumentsOnNextLine: true +AllowAllConstructorInitializersOnNextLine: false +AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: true +AllowShortEnumsOnASingleLine: false +AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: Empty +AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false +AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: Inline +AllowShortLambdasOnASingleLine: All +AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: Never +AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false +AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType: None +AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: None +AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: true +AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: Yes +BinPackArguments: false +BinPackParameters: false +BraceWrapping: + AfterCaseLabel: false + AfterClass: true + AfterControlStatement: MultiLine + AfterEnum: true + AfterFunction: true + AfterNamespace: true + AfterObjCDeclaration: false + AfterStruct: true + AfterUnion: true + AfterExternBlock: true + BeforeCatch: false + BeforeElse: false + BeforeLambdaBody: true + BeforeWhile: false + IndentBraces: false + SplitEmptyFunction: true + SplitEmptyRecord: true + SplitEmptyNamespace: true +BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: NonAssignment +BreakBeforeBraces: Custom +# BreakBeforeInheritanceComma: true +BreakInheritanceList: BeforeComma +BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: true +BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: true +BreakConstructorInitializers: BeforeComma +BreakAfterJavaFieldAnnotations: true +BreakStringLiterals: true +ColumnLimit: 80 +CommentPragmas: '^ IWYU pragma:' +CompactNamespaces: false +ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: false +ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4 +ContinuationIndentWidth: 4 +Cpp11BracedListStyle: true +DeriveLineEnding: false +DerivePointerAlignment: false +DisableFormat: false +ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false +FixNamespaceComments: true +ForEachMacros: + - foreach + - Q_FOREACH + - BOOST_FOREACH +IncludeBlocks: Regroup +IncludeCategories: + # Standard library headers come before anything else + - Regex: '^<[a-z_]+>' + Priority: -1 + - Regex: '^<.+\.h(pp)?>' + Priority: 1 + - Regex: '^<.*' + Priority: 2 + - Regex: '.*' + Priority: 3 +IncludeIsMainRegex: '' +IncludeIsMainSourceRegex: '' +IndentCaseLabels: true +IndentCaseBlocks: false +IndentGotoLabels: true +IndentPPDirectives: AfterHash +IndentExternBlock: NoIndent +IndentWidth: 2 +IndentWrappedFunctionNames: false +InsertTrailingCommas: Wrapped +JavaScriptQuotes: Double +JavaScriptWrapImports: true +KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: false +MacroBlockBegin: '' +MacroBlockEnd: '' +MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1 +NamespaceIndentation: None +ObjCBinPackProtocolList: Never +ObjCBlockIndentWidth: 2 +ObjCBreakBeforeNestedBlockParam: true +ObjCSpaceAfterProperty: false +ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList: true +PenaltyBreakAssignment: 2 +PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter: 1 +PenaltyBreakComment: 300 +PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess: 120 +PenaltyBreakString: 1000 +PenaltyBreakTemplateDeclaration: 10 +PenaltyExcessCharacter: 1000000 +PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 200 +PointerAlignment: Left +RawStringFormats: + - Language: Cpp + Delimiters: + - cc + - CC + - cpp + - Cpp + - CPP + - 'c++' + - 'C++' + CanonicalDelimiter: '' + BasedOnStyle: google + - Language: TextProto + Delimiters: + - pb + - PB + - proto + - PROTO + EnclosingFunctions: + - EqualsProto + - EquivToProto + - PARSE_PARTIAL_TEXT_PROTO + - PARSE_TEST_PROTO + - PARSE_TEXT_PROTO + - ParseTextOrDie + - ParseTextProtoOrDie + - ParseTestProto + - ParsePartialTestProto + CanonicalDelimiter: '' + BasedOnStyle: google +ReflowComments: true +SortIncludes: true +SortUsingDeclarations: true +SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false +SpaceAfterLogicalNot: false +SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword: false +SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true +SpaceBeforeCpp11BracedList: true +SpaceBeforeCtorInitializerColon: true +SpaceBeforeInheritanceColon: true +SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatementsExceptForEachMacros +SpaceBeforeRangeBasedForLoopColon: true +SpaceInEmptyBlock: false +SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false +SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 2 +SpacesInAngles: false +SpacesInConditionalStatement: false +SpacesInContainerLiterals: false +SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false +SpacesInParentheses: false +SpacesInSquareBrackets: false +SpaceBeforeSquareBrackets: false +Standard: Auto +StatementMacros: + - Q_UNUSED + - QT_REQUIRE_VERSION +TabWidth: 8 +UseCRLF: false +UseTab: Never +WhitespaceSensitiveMacros: + - STRINGIZE + - PP_STRINGIZE + - BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE +... diff --git a/.clang-tidy b/.clang-tidy new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f932a80 --- /dev/null +++ b/.clang-tidy @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +--- +# Enable ALL the things! Except not really +# misc-non-private-member-variables-in-classes: the options don't do anything +Checks: "*,\ + -google-readability-todo,\ + -altera-unroll-loops,\ + -fuchsia-*,\ + fuchsia-multiple-inheritance,\ + -llvm-header-guard,\ + -llvm-include-order,\ + -llvmlibc-*,\ + -misc-non-private-member-variables-in-classes" +WarningsAsErrors: '' +CheckOptions: + - key: 'bugprone-argument-comment.StrictMode' + value: 'true' +# Prefer using enum classes with 2 values for parameters instead of bools + - key: 'bugprone-argument-comment.CommentBoolLiterals' + value: 'true' + - key: 'bugprone-misplaced-widening-cast.CheckImplicitCasts' + value: 'true' + - key: 'bugprone-sizeof-expression.WarnOnSizeOfIntegerExpression' + value: 'true' + - key: 'bugprone-suspicious-string-compare.WarnOnLogicalNotComparison' + value: 'true' + - key: 'readability-simplify-boolean-expr.ChainedConditionalReturn' + value: 'true' + - key: 'readability-simplify-boolean-expr.ChainedConditionalAssignment' + value: 'true' + - key: 'readability-uniqueptr-delete-release.PreferResetCall' + value: 'true' + - key: 'cppcoreguidelines-init-variables.MathHeader' + value: '' + - key: 'cppcoreguidelines-narrowing-conversions.PedanticMode' + value: 'true' + - key: 'readability-else-after-return.WarnOnUnfixable' + value: 'true' + - key: 'readability-else-after-return.WarnOnConditionVariables' + value: 'true' + - key: 'readability-inconsistent-declaration-parameter-name.Strict' + value: 'true' + - key: 'readability-qualified-auto.AddConstToQualified' + value: 'true' + - key: 'readability-redundant-access-specifiers.CheckFirstDeclaration' + value: 'true' +# These seem to be the most common identifier styles + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.AbstractClassCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.ClassCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.ClassConstantCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.ClassMemberCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.ClassMethodCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.ConstantCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.ConstantMemberCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.ConstantParameterCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.ConstantPointerParameterCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.ConstexprFunctionCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.ConstexprMethodCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.ConstexprVariableCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.EnumCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.EnumConstantCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.FunctionCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.GlobalConstantCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.GlobalConstantPointerCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.GlobalFunctionCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.GlobalPointerCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.GlobalVariableCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.InlineNamespaceCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.LocalConstantCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.LocalConstantPointerCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.LocalPointerCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.LocalVariableCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.MacroDefinitionCase' + value: 'UPPER_CASE' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.MemberCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.MethodCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.NamespaceCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.ParameterCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.ParameterPackCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.PointerParameterCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.PrivateMemberCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.PrivateMemberPrefix' + value: 'm_' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.PrivateMethodCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.ProtectedMemberCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.ProtectedMemberPrefix' + value: 'm_' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.ProtectedMethodCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.PublicMemberCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.PublicMethodCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.ScopedEnumConstantCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.StaticConstantCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.StaticVariableCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.StructCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.TemplateParameterCase' + value: 'CamelCase' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.TemplateTemplateParameterCase' + value: 'CamelCase' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.TypeAliasCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.TypedefCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.TypeTemplateParameterCase' + value: 'CamelCase' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.UnionCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.ValueTemplateParameterCase' + value: 'CamelCase' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.VariableCase' + value: 'lower_case' + - key: 'readability-identifier-naming.VirtualMethodCase' + value: 'lower_case' +... diff --git a/.codespellrc b/.codespellrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e8883e --- /dev/null +++ b/.codespellrc @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +[codespell] +builtin = clear,rare,en-GB_to_en-US,names,informal,code +check-filenames = +check-hidden = +skip = */.git,*/build +quiet-level = 2 diff --git a/.github/workflows/base.yml b/.github/workflows/base.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e9b6ea --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/base.yml @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +name: Continuous Integration + +on: + push: + branches: + - "*" + paths-ignore: + - "**.md" + pull_request: + branches: + - "*" + workflow_dispatch: + +jobs: + lint: + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + + steps: + - name: "Checkout Code" + uses: actions/checkout@v2 + with: + submodules: "recursive" + fetch-depth: 0 + + - uses: actions/setup-python@v2 + with: { python-version: "3.8" } + + - name: Install codespell + run: pip3 install codespell + + - name: Lint + run: cmake -D FORMAT_COMMAND=clang-format-11 -P cmake/lint.cmake + + - name: Spell check + if: always() + run: cmake -P cmake/spell.cmake + + coverage: + needs: [lint] + + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + + # To enable coverage, go to, acquire a token, put it + # into your secrets (Settings > Secrets > New repository secret), delete + # the last line from the conditional below and edit the "" + # placeholder to your GitHub name. + # If you do not wish to use codecov, then simply delete this job from the + # workflow. + if: github.repository_owner == 'bensuperpc' + + steps: + - name: "Checkout Code" + uses: actions/checkout@v2 + with: + submodules: "recursive" + fetch-depth: 0 + + - name: Install LCov + run: sudo apt-get update -q + && sudo apt-get install lcov -q -y + + - name: Configure + run: cmake --preset=ci-coverage + + - name: Build + run: cmake --build build/coverage -j 2 + + - name: Test + working-directory: build/coverage + run: ctest --verbose --output-on-failure -j 2 + + - name: Process coverage info + run: cmake --build build/coverage -t coverage + + - name: Submit to + uses: codecov/codecov-action@v1 + with: + file: build/coverage/ + + sanitize: + needs: [lint] + + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + + steps: + - name: "Checkout Code" + uses: actions/checkout@v2 + with: + submodules: "recursive" + fetch-depth: 0 + + - name: Configure + env: { CXX: clang++-11 } + run: cmake --preset=ci-sanitize + + - name: Build + run: cmake --build build/sanitize -j 2 + + - name: Test + working-directory: build/sanitize + env: + ASAN_OPTIONS: "strict_string_checks=1:\ + detect_stack_use_after_return=1:\ + check_initialization_order=1:\ + strict_init_order=1:\ + detect_leaks=1" + UBSAN_OPTIONS: print_stacktrace=1 + run: ctest --verbose --output-on-failure -j 2 + + test: + needs: [lint] + + strategy: + fail-fast: false + matrix: + os: [macos, ubuntu, windows] + + type: [shared, static] + + include: + - { type: shared, shared: YES } + - { type: static, shared: NO } + + runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}-latest + + steps: + - name: "Checkout Code" + uses: actions/checkout@v2 + with: + submodules: "recursive" + fetch-depth: 0 + + - name: Install static analyzers + if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu' + run: sudo apt-get install clang-tidy cppcheck -y -q + + - name: Configure linux + if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu' + run: cmake --preset=ci-${{ matrix.os }} + -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=${{ matrix.shared }} + -D BENCHMARK_TEST=ON + + - name: Configure macos/windows + if: matrix.os == 'macos' || matrix.os == 'windows' + run: cmake --preset=ci-${{ matrix.os }} + -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=${{ matrix.shared }} + -D BENCHMARK_TEST=OFF + + - name: Build + run: cmake --build build --config Release -j 2 + + - name: Install + run: cmake --install build --config Release --prefix prefix + + - name: Test + working-directory: build + run: ctest --verbose --output-on-failure -C Release -j 2 + + docs: + # Deploy docs only when builds succeed + needs: [sanitize, test] + + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + + # To enable, first you have to create an orphaned gh-pages branch: + # + # git switch --orphan gh-pages + # git commit --allow-empty -m "Initial commit" + # git push -u origin gh-pages + # + # Edit the placeholder below to your GitHub name, so this action + # runs only in your repository and no one else's fork. After these, delete + # this comment and the last line in the conditional below. + # If you do not wish to use GitHub Pages for deploying documentation, then + # simply delete this job similarly to the coverage one. + if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' + && github.repository_owner == 'bensuperpc' + + steps: + - name: "Checkout Code" + uses: actions/checkout@v2 + with: + submodules: "recursive" + fetch-depth: 0 + + - uses: actions/setup-python@v2 + with: { python-version: "3.8" } + + - name: Install m.css dependencies + run: pip3 install jinja2 Pygments + + - name: Install Doxygen + run: sudo apt-get update -q + && sudo apt-get install doxygen -q -y + + - name: Build docs + run: cmake -B build -D "CMAKE_PROJECT_INCLUDE=$PWD/cmake/docs.cmake" + && cmake --build build --target docs + + - name: Deploy docs + uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3 + with: + github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} + publish_dir: build/docs/html diff --git a/.github/workflows/dockcross.yml b/.github/workflows/dockcross.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e27d85c --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/dockcross.yml @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +name: Dockcross CI + +on: + push: + branches: + - "*" + paths-ignore: + - "**.md" + pull_request: + branches: + - "*" + workflow_dispatch: + +jobs: + build: + name: dockcross ${{ matrix.dockcross.image_name }} ${{ matrix.build_type }} + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + strategy: + fail-fast: false + matrix: + dockcross: + # Android images + - { image_name: android-arm, cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17" } + - { image_name: android-arm64, cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17" } + - { image_name: android-x86, cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17" } + - { image_name: android-x86_64, cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17" } + + # Web images + - { image_name: web-wasm, cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17" } + - { + image_name: web-wasi, + cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS='${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fno-exceptions'", + } + + # Linux ARMv5 images + - { image_name: linux-armv5, cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17" } + - { + image_name: linux-armv5-musl, + cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17", + } + + # Linux ARMv6 images + - { image_name: linux-armv6, cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17" } + - { + image_name: linux-armv6-lts, + cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17", + } + - { + image_name: linux-armv6-musl, + cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17", + } + + # linux ARMv7 images + - { image_name: linux-armv7, cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17" } + - { + image_name: linux-armv7-lts, + cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17", + } + - { image_name: linux-armv7a, cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17" } + - { + image_name: linux-armv7l-musl, + cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17", + } + + # Linux ARMv8 (64 bit) images + - { image_name: linux-arm64, cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17" } + - { + image_name: linux-arm64-lts, + cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17", + } + - { + image_name: linux-arm64-full, + cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17", + } + - { + image_name: linux-arm64-musl, + cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17", + } + + # Linux x86 images + - { image_name: linux-x86, cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17" } + - { image_name: linux-x64, cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17" } + - { + image_name: linux-x64-clang, + cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17", + } + - { + image_name: linux-x64-tinycc, + cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17", + } + - { + image_name: linux-x86_64-full, + cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17", + } + + # Linux s390 images + - { image_name: linux-s390x, cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17" } + + # Linux mips images + - { image_name: linux-mips, cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17" } + + # Linux PowerPC 64 images + - { image_name: linux-ppc64le, cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17" } + + # Linux xtensa images + - { + image_name: linux-xtensa-uclibc, + cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17", + } + + # Linux riscv images + - { image_name: linux-riscv32, cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17" } + - { image_name: linux-riscv64, cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17" } + + # Linux m68k images + - { + image_name: linux-m68k-uclibc, + cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17", + } + + # ManyLinux images + - { image_name: manylinux1-x64, cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=14 -D CMAKE_C_STANDARD=99" } + - { image_name: manylinux1-x86, cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=14 -D CMAKE_C_STANDARD=99" } + - { + image_name: manylinux2010-x86, + cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17", + } + - { + image_name: manylinux2010-x64, + cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17", + } + - { + image_name: manylinux2014-x86, + cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17", + } + - { + image_name: manylinux2014-x64, + cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17", + } + # - { image_name: manylinux2014-aarch64, cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17" } + + # Windows x86 images + - { + image_name: windows-static-x64, + cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17", + } + - { + image_name: windows-static-x64-posix, + cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17", + } + - { + image_name: windows-static-x86, + cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17", + } + - { + image_name: windows-shared-x64, + cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17", + } + - { + image_name: windows-shared-x64-posix, + cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17", + } + - { + image_name: windows-shared-x86, + cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17", + } + + # Windows ARM images + - { + image_name: windows-armv7, + cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH=ON -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17", + } + - { + image_name: windows-arm64, + cmake_arg: "-DCMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH=ON -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17", + } + + # Disable MinSizeRel RelWithDebInfo, Release, Debug + build_type: [Release] + steps: + - name: "Checkout Code" + uses: actions/checkout@v2 + with: + submodules: "recursive" + fetch-depth: 0 + + - name: "Pull docker image: dockcross/${{ matrix.dockcross.image_name }}" + run: docker pull dockcross/${{ matrix.dockcross.image_name }}:latest + + - name: "Make dockcross script: dockcross-${{ matrix.dockcross.image_name }}" + run: | + docker run --rm dockcross/${{ matrix.dockcross.image_name }} > ./dockcross-${{ matrix.dockcross.image_name }} + chmod +x ./dockcross-${{ matrix.dockcross.image_name }} + + - name: "Config CMake build" + run: ./dockcross-${{ matrix.dockcross.image_name }} cmake -B build-${{ matrix.dockcross.image_name }} -S . -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${{ matrix.build_type }} ${{ matrix.dockcross.cmake_arg }} + + - name: "Build" + run: ./dockcross-${{ matrix.dockcross.image_name }} ninja -C build-${{ matrix.dockcross.image_name }} diff --git a/.github/workflows/linux.yml b/.github/workflows/linux.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a5005d --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/linux.yml @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +name: linux + +on: + push: + branches: + - "*" + paths-ignore: + - "**.md" + pull_request: + branches: + - "*" + workflow_dispatch: + +jobs: + build: + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + strategy: + fail-fast: false + matrix: + cxx_compiler: [g++, clang++] + cc_compiler: [gcc] + shared: [YES, NO] + standard: [11, 14, 17, 20] + build_type: [Debug, Release] + + steps: + - name: "Checkout Code" + uses: actions/checkout@v2 + with: + submodules: "recursive" + fetch-depth: 0 + + - name: dependencies + run: | + sudo apt -y update + sudo apt -y install ninja-build + + - name: Configure + env: + CXX: ${{matrix.cxx_compiler}} + CC: ${{matrix.cc_compiler}} + run: | + cmake -S . -B build -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${{matrix.build_type}} \ + -D CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=${{matrix.standard}} -G Ninja \ + -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=${{matrix.shared}} --preset=ci-coverage + + - name: Build + run: ninja -C build + + - name: Test + run: ctest --test-dir build --verbose --output-on-failure --parallel 2 + env: + CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE: True diff --git a/.github/workflows/macos.yml b/.github/workflows/macos.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4971284 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/macos.yml @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +name: macos + +on: + push: + branches: + - "*" + paths-ignore: + - "**.md" + pull_request: + branches: + - "*" + workflow_dispatch: + +jobs: + build: + runs-on: macos-latest + strategy: + fail-fast: false + matrix: + build_type: [Debug, Release] + shared: [YES, NO] + standard: [11, 14, 17, 20] + + steps: + - name: "Checkout Code" + uses: actions/checkout@v2 + with: + submodules: "recursive" + fetch-depth: 0 + + - name: Create Build Environment + run: cmake -E make_directory ${{runner.workspace}}/build + + - name: Configure + run: | + cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${{matrix.build_type}} \ + -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=${{matrix.shared}} \ + -D CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=${{matrix.standard}} --preset=ci-macos + + - name: Build + run: cmake --build build --config ${{matrix.build_type}} --parallel 2 + + - name: Test + run: ctest --test-dir build --verbose --output-on-failure --parallel 2 + env: + CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE: True diff --git a/.github/workflows/windows.yml b/.github/workflows/windows.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1dd9d40 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/windows.yml @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +name: windows + +on: + push: + branches: + - "*" + paths-ignore: + - "**.md" + pull_request: + branches: + - "*" + workflow_dispatch: + +jobs: + build: + runs-on: windows-latest + strategy: + fail-fast: false + matrix: + shared: [YES, NO] + standard: [11, 14, 17, 20] + platform: [Win32, x64] + build_type: [Debug, Release] + steps: + - name: "Checkout Code" + uses: actions/checkout@v2 + with: + submodules: "recursive" + fetch-depth: 0 + + - name: Create Build Environment + run: cmake -E make_directory ${{runner.workspace}}/build + + - name: Configure + run: cmake -S . -B build -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${{matrix.build_type}} + -A ${{matrix.platform}} -D CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=${{matrix.standard}} + -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=${{matrix.shared}} --preset=ci-windows + + - name: Build + run: cmake --build build --parallel 2 + + - name: Test + run: ctest --test-dir build --verbose --output-on-failure --parallel 2 + env: + CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE: True diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..75622aa --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +.idea/ +.vs/ +.vscode/ +build/ +cmake/open-cpp-coverage.cmake +cmake-build-*/ +prefix/ +CMakeLists.txt.user +CMakeUserPresets.json diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..088fb8c --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +# Building with CMake + +## Build + +This project doesn't require any special command-line flags to build to keep +things simple. + +Here are the steps for building in release mode with a single-configuration +generator, like the Unix Makefiles one: + +```sh +cmake -S . -B build -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release +cmake --build build +``` + +Here are the steps for building in release mode with a multi-configuration +generator, like the Visual Studio ones: + +```sh +cmake -S . -B build +cmake --build build --config Release +``` + +## Install + +This project doesn't require any special command-line flags to install to keep +things simple. As a prerequisite, the project has to be built with the above +commands already. + +The below commands require at least CMake 3.15 to run, because that is the +version in which [Install a Project][1] was added. + +Here is the command for installing the release mode artifacts with a +single-configuration generator, like the Unix Makefiles one: + +```sh +cmake --install build +``` + +Here is the command for installing the release mode artifacts with a +multi-configuration generator, like the Visual Studio ones: + +```sh +cmake --install build --config Release +``` + +[1]: diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dbb2372 --- /dev/null +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14) + +include(cmake/prelude.cmake) + +project( + crc32 + VERSION 0.1.0 + DESCRIPTION "fast crc32 library" + HOMEPAGE_URL "" + LANGUAGES C CXX +) + +docs_early_return() + +include(cmake/project-is-top-level.cmake) +include(cmake/variables.cmake) + +# ---- Library options ---- + +option(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE "Enable 1 byte crc32 function" ON) +option(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 "Enable 4 byte crc32 function" ON) +option(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 "Enable 8 byte crc32 function" ON) +option(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 "Enable 16 byte crc32 function" ON) + +# ---- Declare library ---- + +add_library( + crc32_crc32 + source/crc32.cpp + source/crc32.c + source/crc32_var.c +) +add_library(crc32::crc32 ALIAS crc32_crc32) + +include(GenerateExportHeader) +generate_export_header( + crc32_crc32 + BASE_NAME crc32 + EXPORT_FILE_NAME export/crc32/crc32_export.hpp + CUSTOM_CONTENT_FROM_VARIABLE pragma_suppress_c4251 +) + +# ---- Library variables ---- + +if(NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) + target_compile_definitions(crc32_crc32 PUBLIC CRC32_STATIC_DEFINE) +endif() + +if(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE) + target_compile_definitions(crc32_crc32 PUBLIC CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE) +else() + message(STATUS "CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE is disable") +endif() + +if(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4) + target_compile_definitions(crc32_crc32 PUBLIC CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4) +else() + message(STATUS "DCRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 is disable") +endif() + +if(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8) + target_compile_definitions(crc32_crc32 PUBLIC CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8) +else() + message(STATUS "DCRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 is disable") +endif() + +if(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16) +target_compile_definitions(crc32_crc32 PUBLIC CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16) +else() + message(STATUS "DCRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 is disable") +endif() + +# ---- Library properties ---- + +set_target_properties( + crc32_crc32 PROPERTIES + CXX_VISIBILITY_PRESET hidden + VISIBILITY_INLINES_HIDDEN YES + VERSION "${PROJECT_VERSION}" + SOVERSION "${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}" + EXPORT_NAME crc32 + OUTPUT_NAME crc32 +) + +target_include_directories( + crc32_crc32 ${warning_guard} + PUBLIC + "$" +) + +target_include_directories( + crc32_crc32 SYSTEM + PUBLIC + "$" +) + +# target_compile_features(crc32_crc32 PUBLIC cxx_std_17) + +# ---- Install rules ---- + +if(NOT CMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RULES) + include(cmake/install-rules.cmake) +endif() + +# ---- Examples ---- + +if(PROJECT_IS_TOP_LEVEL) + option(BUILD_EXAMPLES "Build examples tree." "${crc32_DEVELOPER_MODE}") + if(BUILD_EXAMPLES) + add_subdirectory(example) + endif() +endif() + +# ---- Developer mode ---- + +if(NOT crc32_DEVELOPER_MODE) + return() +elseif(NOT PROJECT_IS_TOP_LEVEL) + message( + AUTHOR_WARNING + "Developer mode is intended for developers of crc32" + ) +endif() + +include(cmake/dev-mode.cmake) diff --git a/CMakePresets.json b/CMakePresets.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5c41da --- /dev/null +++ b/CMakePresets.json @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +{ + "version": 1, + "cmakeMinimumRequired": { + "major": 3, + "minor": 14, + "patch": 0 + }, + "configurePresets": [ + { + "name": "cmake-pedantic", + "hidden": true, + "warnings": { + "dev": true, + "deprecated": true, + "uninitialized": true, + "unusedCli": true, + "systemVars": false + }, + "errors": { + "dev": false, + "deprecated": false + } + }, + { + "name": "dev-mode", + "hidden": true, + "inherits": "cmake-pedantic", + "cacheVariables": { + "crc32_DEVELOPER_MODE": "ON" + } + }, + { + "name": "cppcheck", + "hidden": true, + "cacheVariables": { + "CMAKE_CXX_CPPCHECK": "cppcheck;--inline-suppr" + } + }, + { + "name": "clang-tidy", + "hidden": true, + "cacheVariables": { + "CMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY": "clang-tidy;--header-filter=${sourceDir}/*" + } + }, + { + "name": "ci-std", + "description": "This preset makes sure the project actually builds with at least the specified standard", + "hidden": true, + "cacheVariables": { + "CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS": "OFF", + "CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD": "17", + "CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED": "ON", + "CMAKE_C_EXTENSIONS": "OFF", + "CMAKE_C_STANDARD": "99", + "CMAKE_C_STANDARD_REQUIRED": "ON" + } + }, + { + "name": "flags-unix", + "hidden": true, + "cacheVariables": { + "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS": "-Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wshadow -Wold-style-cast", + "CMAKE_C_FLAGS": "-Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wshadow" + } + }, + { + "name": "flags-windows", + "hidden": true, + "cacheVariables": { + "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS": "/W4 /permissive- /utf-8 /volatile:iso /EHsc /Zc:__cplusplus /Zc:throwingNew" + } + }, + { + "name": "ci-unix", + "generator": "Unix Makefiles", + "hidden": true, + "inherits": [ + "flags-unix", + "ci-std" + ], + "cacheVariables": { + "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE": "Release" + } + }, + { + "name": "ci-win64", + "inherits": [ + "flags-windows", + "ci-std" + ], + "generator": "Visual Studio 16 2019", + "architecture": "x64", + "hidden": true + }, + { + "name": "coverage-unix", + "binaryDir": "${sourceDir}/build/coverage", + "inherits": "ci-unix", + "hidden": true, + "cacheVariables": { + "ENABLE_COVERAGE": "ON", + "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE": "Coverage", + "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_COVERAGE": "-Og -g --coverage -fkeep-inline-functions -fkeep-static-functions", + "CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_COVERAGE": "--coverage", + "CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_COVERAGE": "--coverage" + } + }, + { + "name": "ci-coverage", + "inherits": [ + "coverage-unix", + "dev-mode" + ], + "cacheVariables": { + "COVERAGE_HTML_COMMAND": "" + } + }, + { + "name": "ci-sanitize", + "binaryDir": "${sourceDir}/build/sanitize", + "inherits": [ + "ci-unix", + "dev-mode" + ], + "cacheVariables": { + "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE": "Sanitize", + "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_SANITIZE": "-O2 -g -fsanitize=address,undefined -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-common" + } + }, + { + "name": "ci-build", + "binaryDir": "${sourceDir}/build", + "hidden": true + }, + { + "name": "ci-macos", + "inherits": [ + "ci-build", + "ci-unix", + "dev-mode" + ] + }, + { + "name": "ci-ubuntu", + "inherits": [ + "ci-build", + "ci-unix", + "clang-tidy", + "cppcheck", + "dev-mode" + ] + }, + { + "name": "ci-windows", + "inherits": [ + "ci-build", + "ci-win64", + "dev-mode" + ] + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d120231 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# Code of Conduct + +* You will be judged by your contributions first, and your sense of humor + second. +* Nobody owes you anything. diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10cccf3 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +# Contributing + + + +## Code of Conduct + +Please see the [``]( document. + +## Getting started + +Helpful notes for developers can be found in the [``]( +document. + +In addition to he above, if you use the presets file as instructed, then you +should NOT check it into source control, just as the CMake documentation +suggests. diff --git a/Crc32.cpp b/Crc32.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index ca36519..0000000 --- a/Crc32.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1245 +0,0 @@ -// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Crc32.cpp -// Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Stephan Brumme. All rights reserved. -// Slicing-by-16 contributed by Bulat Ziganshin -// Tableless bytewise CRC contributed by Hagai Gold -// see -// - -// if running on an embedded system, you might consider shrinking the -// big Crc32Lookup table: -// - crc32_bitwise doesn't need it at all -// - crc32_halfbyte has its own small lookup table -// - crc32_1byte needs only Crc32Lookup[0] -// - crc32_4bytes needs only Crc32Lookup[0..3] -// - crc32_8bytes needs only Crc32Lookup[0..7] -// - crc32_4x8bytes needs only Crc32Lookup[0..7] -// - crc32_16bytes needs all of Crc32Lookup - - -#include "Crc32.h" - -#ifndef __LITTLE_ENDIAN - #define __LITTLE_ENDIAN 1234 -#endif -#ifndef __BIG_ENDIAN - #define __BIG_ENDIAN 4321 -#endif - -// define endianess and some integer data types -#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__) - // Windows always little endian - #define __BYTE_ORDER __LITTLE_ENDIAN - - // intrinsics / prefetching - #if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__clang__) - #define PREFETCH(location) __builtin_prefetch(location) - #else - #if defined(__SSE2__) - #include - #define PREFETCH(location) _mm_prefetch(location, _MM_HINT_T0) - #else - #define PREFETCH(location) ; - #endif - #endif -#else - // defines __BYTE_ORDER as __LITTLE_ENDIAN or __BIG_ENDIAN - #include - - // intrinsics / prefetching - #ifdef __GNUC__ - #define PREFETCH(location) __builtin_prefetch(location) - #else - // no prefetching - #define PREFETCH(location) ; - #endif -#endif - -// abort if byte order is undefined -#if !defined(__BYTE_ORDER) -#error undefined byte order, compile with -D__BYTE_ORDER=1234 (if little endian) or -D__BYTE_ORDER=4321 (big endian) -#endif - - -namespace -{ - /// zlib's CRC32 polynomial - const uint32_t Polynomial = 0xEDB88320; - -#if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN - /// swap endianess - static inline uint32_t swap(uint32_t x) - { - #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) - return __builtin_bswap32(x); - #else - return (x >> 24) | - ((x >> 8) & 0x0000FF00) | - ((x << 8) & 0x00FF0000) | - (x << 24); - #endif - } -#endif - - /// Slicing-By-16 - #ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 - const size_t MaxSlice = 16; - #elif defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8) - const size_t MaxSlice = 8; - #elif defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4) - const size_t MaxSlice = 4; - #elif defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE) - const size_t MaxSlice = 1; - #else - #define NO_LUT // don't need Crc32Lookup at all - #endif - -} // anonymous namespace - -#ifndef NO_LUT -/// forward declaration, table is at the end of this file -extern const uint32_t Crc32Lookup[MaxSlice][256]; // extern is needed to keep compiler happy -#endif - - -/// compute CRC32 (bitwise algorithm) -uint32_t crc32_bitwise(const void* data, size_t length, uint32_t previousCrc32) -{ - uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF - const uint8_t* current = (const uint8_t*) data; - - while (length-- != 0) - { - crc ^= *current++; - - for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) - { - // branch-free - crc = (crc >> 1) ^ (-int32_t(crc & 1) & Polynomial); - - // branching, much slower: - //if (crc & 1) - // crc = (crc >> 1) ^ Polynomial; - //else - // crc = crc >> 1; - } - } - - return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF -} - - -/// compute CRC32 (half-byte algoritm) -uint32_t crc32_halfbyte(const void* data, size_t length, uint32_t previousCrc32) -{ - uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF - const uint8_t* current = (const uint8_t*) data; - - /// look-up table for half-byte, same as crc32Lookup[0][16*i] - static const uint32_t Crc32Lookup16[16] = - { - 0x00000000,0x1DB71064,0x3B6E20C8,0x26D930AC,0x76DC4190,0x6B6B51F4,0x4DB26158,0x5005713C, - 0xEDB88320,0xF00F9344,0xD6D6A3E8,0xCB61B38C,0x9B64C2B0,0x86D3D2D4,0xA00AE278,0xBDBDF21C - }; - - while (length-- != 0) - { - crc = Crc32Lookup16[(crc ^ *current ) & 0x0F] ^ (crc >> 4); - crc = Crc32Lookup16[(crc ^ (*current >> 4)) & 0x0F] ^ (crc >> 4); - current++; - } - - return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF -} - - -#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE -/// compute CRC32 (standard algorithm) -uint32_t crc32_1byte(const void* data, size_t length, uint32_t previousCrc32) -{ - uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF - const uint8_t* current = (const uint8_t*) data; - - while (length-- != 0) - crc = (crc >> 8) ^ Crc32Lookup[0][(crc & 0xFF) ^ *current++]; - - return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF -} -#endif - - -/// compute CRC32 (byte algorithm) without lookup tables -uint32_t crc32_1byte_tableless(const void* data, size_t length, uint32_t previousCrc32) -{ - uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF - const uint8_t* current = (const uint8_t*) data; - - while (length-- != 0) - { - uint8_t s = uint8_t(crc) ^ *current++; - - // Hagai Gold made me aware of this table-less algorithm and send me code - - // polynomial 0xEDB88320 can be written in binary as 11101101101110001000001100100000b - // reverse the bits (or just assume bit 0 is the first one) - // and we have bits set at position 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 16, 22, 23, 26 - // => those are the shift offsets: - //crc = (crc >> 8) ^ - // t ^ - // (t >> 1) ^ (t >> 2) ^ (t >> 4) ^ (t >> 5) ^ // == y - // (t >> 7) ^ (t >> 8) ^ (t >> 10) ^ (t >> 11) ^ // == y >> 6 - // (t >> 12) ^ (t >> 16) ^ // == z - // (t >> 22) ^ (t >> 26) ^ // == z >> 10 - // (t >> 23); - - // the fastest I can come up with: - uint32_t low = (s ^ (s << 6)) & 0xFF; - uint32_t a = (low * ((1 << 23) + (1 << 14) + (1 << 2))); - crc = (crc >> 8) ^ - (low * ((1 << 24) + (1 << 16) + (1 << 8))) ^ - a ^ - (a >> 1) ^ - (low * ((1 << 20) + (1 << 12) )) ^ - (low << 19) ^ - (low << 17) ^ - (low >> 2); - - // Hagai's code: - /*uint32_t t = (s ^ (s << 6)) << 24; - - // some temporaries to optimize XOR - uint32_t x = (t >> 1) ^ (t >> 2); - uint32_t y = x ^ (x >> 3); - uint32_t z = (t >> 12) ^ (t >> 16); - - crc = (crc >> 8) ^ - t ^ (t >> 23) ^ - y ^ (y >> 6) ^ - z ^ (z >> 10);*/ - } - - return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF -} - - -/// compute CRC32 (byte algorithm) without lookup tables -uint32_t crc32_1byte_tableless2(const void* data, size_t length, uint32_t previousCrc32) -{ - int32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // note: signed integer, right shift distributes sign bit into lower bits - const uint8_t* current = (const uint8_t*) data; - - while (length-- != 0) - { - crc = crc ^ *current++; - - uint32_t c = (((crc << 31) >> 31) & ((Polynomial >> 7) ^ (Polynomial >> 1))) ^ - (((crc << 30) >> 31) & ((Polynomial >> 6) ^ Polynomial)) ^ - (((crc << 29) >> 31) & (Polynomial >> 5)) ^ - (((crc << 28) >> 31) & (Polynomial >> 4)) ^ - (((crc << 27) >> 31) & (Polynomial >> 3)) ^ - (((crc << 26) >> 31) & (Polynomial >> 2)) ^ - (((crc << 25) >> 31) & (Polynomial >> 1)) ^ - (((crc << 24) >> 31) & Polynomial); - - crc = ((uint32_t)crc >> 8) ^ c; // convert to unsigned integer before right shift - } - - return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF -} - - -#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 -/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-4 algorithm) -uint32_t crc32_4bytes(const void* data, size_t length, uint32_t previousCrc32) -{ - uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF - const uint32_t* current = (const uint32_t*) data; - - // process four bytes at once (Slicing-by-4) - while (length >= 4) - { -#if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN - uint32_t one = *current++ ^ swap(crc); - crc = Crc32Lookup[0][ one & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[1][(one>> 8) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[2][(one>>16) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[3][(one>>24) & 0xFF]; -#else - uint32_t one = *current++ ^ crc; - crc = Crc32Lookup[0][(one>>24) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[1][(one>>16) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[2][(one>> 8) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[3][ one & 0xFF]; -#endif - - length -= 4; - } - - const uint8_t* currentChar = (const uint8_t*) current; - // remaining 1 to 3 bytes (standard algorithm) - while (length-- != 0) - crc = (crc >> 8) ^ Crc32Lookup[0][(crc & 0xFF) ^ *currentChar++]; - - return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF -} -#endif - - -#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 -/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-8 algorithm) -uint32_t crc32_8bytes(const void* data, size_t length, uint32_t previousCrc32) -{ - uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF - const uint32_t* current = (const uint32_t*) data; - - // process eight bytes at once (Slicing-by-8) - while (length >= 8) - { -#if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN - uint32_t one = *current++ ^ swap(crc); - uint32_t two = *current++; - crc = Crc32Lookup[0][ two & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[1][(two>> 8) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[2][(two>>16) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[3][(two>>24) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[4][ one & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[5][(one>> 8) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[6][(one>>16) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[7][(one>>24) & 0xFF]; -#else - uint32_t one = *current++ ^ crc; - uint32_t two = *current++; - crc = Crc32Lookup[0][(two>>24) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[1][(two>>16) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[2][(two>> 8) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[3][ two & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[4][(one>>24) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[5][(one>>16) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[6][(one>> 8) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[7][ one & 0xFF]; -#endif - - length -= 8; - } - - const uint8_t* currentChar = (const uint8_t*) current; - // remaining 1 to 7 bytes (standard algorithm) - while (length-- != 0) - crc = (crc >> 8) ^ Crc32Lookup[0][(crc & 0xFF) ^ *currentChar++]; - - return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF -} - - -/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-8 algorithm), unroll inner loop 4 times -uint32_t crc32_4x8bytes(const void* data, size_t length, uint32_t previousCrc32) -{ - uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF - const uint32_t* current = (const uint32_t*) data; - - // enabling optimization (at least -O2) automatically unrolls the inner for-loop - const size_t Unroll = 4; - const size_t BytesAtOnce = 8 * Unroll; - - // process 4x eight bytes at once (Slicing-by-8) - while (length >= BytesAtOnce) - { - for (size_t unrolling = 0; unrolling < Unroll; unrolling++) - { -#if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN - uint32_t one = *current++ ^ swap(crc); - uint32_t two = *current++; - crc = Crc32Lookup[0][ two & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[1][(two>> 8) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[2][(two>>16) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[3][(two>>24) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[4][ one & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[5][(one>> 8) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[6][(one>>16) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[7][(one>>24) & 0xFF]; -#else - uint32_t one = *current++ ^ crc; - uint32_t two = *current++; - crc = Crc32Lookup[0][(two>>24) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[1][(two>>16) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[2][(two>> 8) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[3][ two & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[4][(one>>24) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[5][(one>>16) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[6][(one>> 8) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[7][ one & 0xFF]; -#endif - - } - - length -= BytesAtOnce; - } - - const uint8_t* currentChar = (const uint8_t*) current; - // remaining 1 to 31 bytes (standard algorithm) - while (length-- != 0) - crc = (crc >> 8) ^ Crc32Lookup[0][(crc & 0xFF) ^ *currentChar++]; - - return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF -} -#endif // CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 - - -#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 -/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-16 algorithm) -uint32_t crc32_16bytes(const void* data, size_t length, uint32_t previousCrc32) -{ - uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF - const uint32_t* current = (const uint32_t*) data; - - // enabling optimization (at least -O2) automatically unrolls the inner for-loop - const size_t Unroll = 4; - const size_t BytesAtOnce = 16 * Unroll; - - while (length >= BytesAtOnce) - { - for (size_t unrolling = 0; unrolling < Unroll; unrolling++) - { -#if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN - uint32_t one = *current++ ^ swap(crc); - uint32_t two = *current++; - uint32_t three = *current++; - uint32_t four = *current++; - crc = Crc32Lookup[ 0][ four & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 1][(four >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 2][(four >> 16) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 3][(four >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 4][ three & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 5][(three >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 6][(three >> 16) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 7][(three >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 8][ two & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 9][(two >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[10][(two >> 16) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[11][(two >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[12][ one & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[13][(one >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[14][(one >> 16) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[15][(one >> 24) & 0xFF]; -#else - uint32_t one = *current++ ^ crc; - uint32_t two = *current++; - uint32_t three = *current++; - uint32_t four = *current++; - crc = Crc32Lookup[ 0][(four >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 1][(four >> 16) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 2][(four >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 3][ four & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 4][(three >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 5][(three >> 16) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 6][(three >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 7][ three & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 8][(two >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 9][(two >> 16) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[10][(two >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[11][ two & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[12][(one >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[13][(one >> 16) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[14][(one >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[15][ one & 0xFF]; -#endif - } - - length -= BytesAtOnce; - } - - const uint8_t* currentChar = (const uint8_t*) current; - // remaining 1 to 63 bytes (standard algorithm) - while (length-- != 0) - crc = (crc >> 8) ^ Crc32Lookup[0][(crc & 0xFF) ^ *currentChar++]; - - return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF -} - - -/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-16 algorithm, prefetch upcoming data blocks) -uint32_t crc32_16bytes_prefetch(const void* data, size_t length, uint32_t previousCrc32, size_t prefetchAhead) -{ - // CRC code is identical to crc32_16bytes (including unrolling), only added prefetching - // 256 bytes look-ahead seems to be the sweet spot on Core i7 CPUs - - uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF - const uint32_t* current = (const uint32_t*) data; - - // enabling optimization (at least -O2) automatically unrolls the for-loop - const size_t Unroll = 4; - const size_t BytesAtOnce = 16 * Unroll; - - while (length >= BytesAtOnce + prefetchAhead) - { - PREFETCH(((const char*) current) + prefetchAhead); - - for (size_t unrolling = 0; unrolling < Unroll; unrolling++) - { -#if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN - uint32_t one = *current++ ^ swap(crc); - uint32_t two = *current++; - uint32_t three = *current++; - uint32_t four = *current++; - crc = Crc32Lookup[ 0][ four & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 1][(four >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 2][(four >> 16) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 3][(four >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 4][ three & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 5][(three >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 6][(three >> 16) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 7][(three >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 8][ two & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 9][(two >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[10][(two >> 16) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[11][(two >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[12][ one & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[13][(one >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[14][(one >> 16) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[15][(one >> 24) & 0xFF]; -#else - uint32_t one = *current++ ^ crc; - uint32_t two = *current++; - uint32_t three = *current++; - uint32_t four = *current++; - crc = Crc32Lookup[ 0][(four >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 1][(four >> 16) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 2][(four >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 3][ four & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 4][(three >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 5][(three >> 16) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 6][(three >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 7][ three & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 8][(two >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[ 9][(two >> 16) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[10][(two >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[11][ two & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[12][(one >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[13][(one >> 16) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[14][(one >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ - Crc32Lookup[15][ one & 0xFF]; -#endif - } - - length -= BytesAtOnce; - } - - const uint8_t* currentChar = (const uint8_t*) current; - // remaining 1 to 63 bytes (standard algorithm) - while (length-- != 0) - crc = (crc >> 8) ^ Crc32Lookup[0][(crc & 0xFF) ^ *currentChar++]; - - return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF -} -#endif - - -/// compute CRC32 using the fastest algorithm for large datasets on modern CPUs -uint32_t crc32_fast(const void* data, size_t length, uint32_t previousCrc32) -{ -#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 - return crc32_16bytes (data, length, previousCrc32); -#elif defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8) - return crc32_8bytes (data, length, previousCrc32); -#elif defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4) - return crc32_4bytes (data, length, previousCrc32); -#elif defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE) - return crc32_1byte (data, length, previousCrc32); -#else - return crc32_halfbyte(data, length, previousCrc32); -#endif -} - - -/// merge two CRC32 such that result = crc32(dataB, lengthB, crc32(dataA, lengthA)) -uint32_t crc32_combine(uint32_t crcA, uint32_t crcB, size_t lengthB) -{ - // based on Mark Adler's crc_combine from - // - - // main idea: - // - if you have two equally-sized blocks A and B, - // then you can create a block C = A ^ B - // which has the property crc(C) = crc(A) ^ crc(B) - // - if you append length(B) zeros to A and call it A' (think of it as AAAA000) - // and prepend length(A) zeros to B and call it B' (think of it as 0000BBB) - // then exists a C' = A' ^ B' - // - remember: if you XOR someting with zero, it remains unchanged: X ^ 0 = X - // - that means C' = A concat B so that crc(A concat B) = crc(C') = crc(A') ^ crc(B') - // - the trick is to compute crc(A') based on crc(A) - // and crc(B') based on crc(B) - // - since B' starts with many zeros, the crc of those initial zeros is still zero - // - that means crc(B') = crc(B) - // - unfortunately the trailing zeros of A' change the crc, so usually crc(A') != crc(A) - // - the following code is a fast algorithm to compute crc(A') - // - starting with crc(A) and appending length(B) zeros, needing just log2(length(B)) iterations - // - the details are explained by the original author at - // - // - // notes: - // - I squeezed everything into one function to keep global namespace clean (original code two helper functions) - // - most original comments are still in place, I added comments where these helper functions where made inline code - // - performance-wise there isn't any differenze to the original zlib/pigz code - - // degenerated case - if (lengthB == 0) - return crcA; - - /// CRC32 => 32 bits - const uint32_t CrcBits = 32; - - uint32_t odd [CrcBits]; // odd-power-of-two zeros operator - uint32_t even[CrcBits]; // even-power-of-two zeros operator - - // put operator for one zero bit in odd - odd[0] = Polynomial; // CRC-32 polynomial - for (int i = 1; i < (int)CrcBits; i++) - odd[i] = 1 << (i - 1); - - // put operator for two zero bits in even - // same as gf2_matrix_square(even, odd); - for (int i = 0; i < (int)CrcBits; i++) - { - uint32_t vec = odd[i]; - even[i] = 0; - for (int j = 0; vec != 0; j++, vec >>= 1) - if (vec & 1) - even[i] ^= odd[j]; - } - // put operator for four zero bits in odd - // same as gf2_matrix_square(odd, even); - for (int i = 0; i < (int)CrcBits; i++) - { - uint32_t vec = even[i]; - odd[i] = 0; - for (int j = 0; vec != 0; j++, vec >>= 1) - if (vec & 1) - odd[i] ^= even[j]; - } - - // the following loop becomes much shorter if I keep swapping even and odd - uint32_t* a = even; - uint32_t* b = odd; - // apply secondLength zeros to firstCrc32 - for (; lengthB > 0; lengthB >>= 1) - { - // same as gf2_matrix_square(a, b); - for (int i = 0; i < (int)CrcBits; i++) - { - uint32_t vec = b[i]; - a[i] = 0; - for (int j = 0; vec != 0; j++, vec >>= 1) - if (vec & 1) - a[i] ^= b[j]; - } - - // apply zeros operator for this bit - if (lengthB & 1) - { - // same as firstCrc32 = gf2_matrix_times(a, firstCrc32); - uint32_t sum = 0; - for (int i = 0; crcA != 0; i++, crcA >>= 1) - if (crcA & 1) - sum ^= a[i]; - crcA = sum; - } - - // switch even and odd - uint32_t* t = a; a = b; b = t; - } - - // return combined crc - return crcA ^ crcB; -} - - -// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// constants - - -#ifndef NO_LUT -/// look-up table, already declared above -const uint32_t Crc32Lookup[MaxSlice][256] = -{ - //// same algorithm as crc32_bitwise - //for (int i = 0; i <= 0xFF; i++) - //{ - // uint32_t crc = i; - // for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) - // crc = (crc >> 1) ^ ((crc & 1) * Polynomial); - // Crc32Lookup[0][i] = crc; - //} - //// ... and the following slicing-by-8 algorithm (from Intel): - //// - //// - //for (int slice = 1; slice < MaxSlice; slice++) - // Crc32Lookup[slice][i] = (Crc32Lookup[slice - 1][i] >> 8) ^ Crc32Lookup[0][Crc32Lookup[slice - 1][i] & 0xFF]; - { - // note: the first number of every second row corresponds to the half-byte look-up table ! - 0x00000000,0x77073096,0xEE0E612C,0x990951BA,0x076DC419,0x706AF48F,0xE963A535,0x9E6495A3, - 0x0EDB8832,0x79DCB8A4,0xE0D5E91E,0x97D2D988,0x09B64C2B,0x7EB17CBD,0xE7B82D07,0x90BF1D91, - 0x1DB71064,0x6AB020F2,0xF3B97148,0x84BE41DE,0x1ADAD47D,0x6DDDE4EB,0xF4D4B551,0x83D385C7, - 0x136C9856,0x646BA8C0,0xFD62F97A,0x8A65C9EC,0x14015C4F,0x63066CD9,0xFA0F3D63,0x8D080DF5, - 0x3B6E20C8,0x4C69105E,0xD56041E4,0xA2677172,0x3C03E4D1,0x4B04D447,0xD20D85FD,0xA50AB56B, - 0x35B5A8FA,0x42B2986C,0xDBBBC9D6,0xACBCF940,0x32D86CE3,0x45DF5C75,0xDCD60DCF,0xABD13D59, - 0x26D930AC,0x51DE003A,0xC8D75180,0xBFD06116,0x21B4F4B5,0x56B3C423,0xCFBA9599,0xB8BDA50F, - 0x2802B89E,0x5F058808,0xC60CD9B2,0xB10BE924,0x2F6F7C87,0x58684C11,0xC1611DAB,0xB6662D3D, - 0x76DC4190,0x01DB7106,0x98D220BC,0xEFD5102A,0x71B18589,0x06B6B51F,0x9FBFE4A5,0xE8B8D433, - 0x7807C9A2,0x0F00F934,0x9609A88E,0xE10E9818,0x7F6A0DBB,0x086D3D2D,0x91646C97,0xE6635C01, - 0x6B6B51F4,0x1C6C6162,0x856530D8,0xF262004E,0x6C0695ED,0x1B01A57B,0x8208F4C1,0xF50FC457, - 0x65B0D9C6,0x12B7E950,0x8BBEB8EA,0xFCB9887C,0x62DD1DDF,0x15DA2D49,0x8CD37CF3,0xFBD44C65, - 0x4DB26158,0x3AB551CE,0xA3BC0074,0xD4BB30E2,0x4ADFA541,0x3DD895D7,0xA4D1C46D,0xD3D6F4FB, - 0x4369E96A,0x346ED9FC,0xAD678846,0xDA60B8D0,0x44042D73,0x33031DE5,0xAA0A4C5F,0xDD0D7CC9, - 0x5005713C,0x270241AA,0xBE0B1010,0xC90C2086,0x5768B525,0x206F85B3,0xB966D409,0xCE61E49F, - 0x5EDEF90E,0x29D9C998,0xB0D09822,0xC7D7A8B4,0x59B33D17,0x2EB40D81,0xB7BD5C3B,0xC0BA6CAD, - 0xEDB88320,0x9ABFB3B6,0x03B6E20C,0x74B1D29A,0xEAD54739,0x9DD277AF,0x04DB2615,0x73DC1683, - 0xE3630B12,0x94643B84,0x0D6D6A3E,0x7A6A5AA8,0xE40ECF0B,0x9309FF9D,0x0A00AE27,0x7D079EB1, - 0xF00F9344,0x8708A3D2,0x1E01F268,0x6906C2FE,0xF762575D,0x806567CB,0x196C3671,0x6E6B06E7, - 0xFED41B76,0x89D32BE0,0x10DA7A5A,0x67DD4ACC,0xF9B9DF6F,0x8EBEEFF9,0x17B7BE43,0x60B08ED5, - 0xD6D6A3E8,0xA1D1937E,0x38D8C2C4,0x4FDFF252,0xD1BB67F1,0xA6BC5767,0x3FB506DD,0x48B2364B, - 0xD80D2BDA,0xAF0A1B4C,0x36034AF6,0x41047A60,0xDF60EFC3,0xA867DF55,0x316E8EEF,0x4669BE79, - 0xCB61B38C,0xBC66831A,0x256FD2A0,0x5268E236,0xCC0C7795,0xBB0B4703,0x220216B9,0x5505262F, - 0xC5BA3BBE,0xB2BD0B28,0x2BB45A92,0x5CB36A04,0xC2D7FFA7,0xB5D0CF31,0x2CD99E8B,0x5BDEAE1D, - 0x9B64C2B0,0xEC63F226,0x756AA39C,0x026D930A,0x9C0906A9,0xEB0E363F,0x72076785,0x05005713, - 0x95BF4A82,0xE2B87A14,0x7BB12BAE,0x0CB61B38,0x92D28E9B,0xE5D5BE0D,0x7CDCEFB7,0x0BDBDF21, - 0x86D3D2D4,0xF1D4E242,0x68DDB3F8,0x1FDA836E,0x81BE16CD,0xF6B9265B,0x6FB077E1,0x18B74777, - 0x88085AE6,0xFF0F6A70,0x66063BCA,0x11010B5C,0x8F659EFF,0xF862AE69,0x616BFFD3,0x166CCF45, - 0xA00AE278,0xD70DD2EE,0x4E048354,0x3903B3C2,0xA7672661,0xD06016F7,0x4969474D,0x3E6E77DB, - 0xAED16A4A,0xD9D65ADC,0x40DF0B66,0x37D83BF0,0xA9BCAE53,0xDEBB9EC5,0x47B2CF7F,0x30B5FFE9, - 0xBDBDF21C,0xCABAC28A,0x53B39330,0x24B4A3A6,0xBAD03605,0xCDD70693,0x54DE5729,0x23D967BF, - 0xB3667A2E,0xC4614AB8,0x5D681B02,0x2A6F2B94,0xB40BBE37,0xC30C8EA1,0x5A05DF1B,0x2D02EF8D, - } - -#if defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4) || defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8) || defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16) - // beyond this point only relevant for Slicing-by-4, Slicing-by-8 and Slicing-by-16 - ,{ - 0x00000000,0x191B3141,0x32366282,0x2B2D53C3,0x646CC504,0x7D77F445,0x565AA786,0x4F4196C7, - 0xC8D98A08,0xD1C2BB49,0xFAEFE88A,0xE3F4D9CB,0xACB54F0C,0xB5AE7E4D,0x9E832D8E,0x87981CCF, - 0x4AC21251,0x53D92310,0x78F470D3,0x61EF4192,0x2EAED755,0x37B5E614,0x1C98B5D7,0x05838496, - 0x821B9859,0x9B00A918,0xB02DFADB,0xA936CB9A,0xE6775D5D,0xFF6C6C1C,0xD4413FDF,0xCD5A0E9E, - 0x958424A2,0x8C9F15E3,0xA7B24620,0xBEA97761,0xF1E8E1A6,0xE8F3D0E7,0xC3DE8324,0xDAC5B265, - 0x5D5DAEAA,0x44469FEB,0x6F6BCC28,0x7670FD69,0x39316BAE,0x202A5AEF,0x0B07092C,0x121C386D, - 0xDF4636F3,0xC65D07B2,0xED705471,0xF46B6530,0xBB2AF3F7,0xA231C2B6,0x891C9175,0x9007A034, - 0x179FBCFB,0x0E848DBA,0x25A9DE79,0x3CB2EF38,0x73F379FF,0x6AE848BE,0x41C51B7D,0x58DE2A3C, - 0xF0794F05,0xE9627E44,0xC24F2D87,0xDB541CC6,0x94158A01,0x8D0EBB40,0xA623E883,0xBF38D9C2, - 0x38A0C50D,0x21BBF44C,0x0A96A78F,0x138D96CE,0x5CCC0009,0x45D73148,0x6EFA628B,0x77E153CA, - 0xBABB5D54,0xA3A06C15,0x888D3FD6,0x91960E97,0xDED79850,0xC7CCA911,0xECE1FAD2,0xF5FACB93, - 0x7262D75C,0x6B79E61D,0x4054B5DE,0x594F849F,0x160E1258,0x0F152319,0x243870DA,0x3D23419B, - 0x65FD6BA7,0x7CE65AE6,0x57CB0925,0x4ED03864,0x0191AEA3,0x188A9FE2,0x33A7CC21,0x2ABCFD60, - 0xAD24E1AF,0xB43FD0EE,0x9F12832D,0x8609B26C,0xC94824AB,0xD05315EA,0xFB7E4629,0xE2657768, - 0x2F3F79F6,0x362448B7,0x1D091B74,0x04122A35,0x4B53BCF2,0x52488DB3,0x7965DE70,0x607EEF31, - 0xE7E6F3FE,0xFEFDC2BF,0xD5D0917C,0xCCCBA03D,0x838A36FA,0x9A9107BB,0xB1BC5478,0xA8A76539, - 0x3B83984B,0x2298A90A,0x09B5FAC9,0x10AECB88,0x5FEF5D4F,0x46F46C0E,0x6DD93FCD,0x74C20E8C, - 0xF35A1243,0xEA412302,0xC16C70C1,0xD8774180,0x9736D747,0x8E2DE606,0xA500B5C5,0xBC1B8484, - 0x71418A1A,0x685ABB5B,0x4377E898,0x5A6CD9D9,0x152D4F1E,0x0C367E5F,0x271B2D9C,0x3E001CDD, - 0xB9980012,0xA0833153,0x8BAE6290,0x92B553D1,0xDDF4C516,0xC4EFF457,0xEFC2A794,0xF6D996D5, - 0xAE07BCE9,0xB71C8DA8,0x9C31DE6B,0x852AEF2A,0xCA6B79ED,0xD37048AC,0xF85D1B6F,0xE1462A2E, - 0x66DE36E1,0x7FC507A0,0x54E85463,0x4DF36522,0x02B2F3E5,0x1BA9C2A4,0x30849167,0x299FA026, - 0xE4C5AEB8,0xFDDE9FF9,0xD6F3CC3A,0xCFE8FD7B,0x80A96BBC,0x99B25AFD,0xB29F093E,0xAB84387F, - 0x2C1C24B0,0x350715F1,0x1E2A4632,0x07317773,0x4870E1B4,0x516BD0F5,0x7A468336,0x635DB277, - 0xCBFAD74E,0xD2E1E60F,0xF9CCB5CC,0xE0D7848D,0xAF96124A,0xB68D230B,0x9DA070C8,0x84BB4189, - 0x03235D46,0x1A386C07,0x31153FC4,0x280E0E85,0x674F9842,0x7E54A903,0x5579FAC0,0x4C62CB81, - 0x8138C51F,0x9823F45E,0xB30EA79D,0xAA1596DC,0xE554001B,0xFC4F315A,0xD7626299,0xCE7953D8, - 0x49E14F17,0x50FA7E56,0x7BD72D95,0x62CC1CD4,0x2D8D8A13,0x3496BB52,0x1FBBE891,0x06A0D9D0, - 0x5E7EF3EC,0x4765C2AD,0x6C48916E,0x7553A02F,0x3A1236E8,0x230907A9,0x0824546A,0x113F652B, - 0x96A779E4,0x8FBC48A5,0xA4911B66,0xBD8A2A27,0xF2CBBCE0,0xEBD08DA1,0xC0FDDE62,0xD9E6EF23, - 0x14BCE1BD,0x0DA7D0FC,0x268A833F,0x3F91B27E,0x70D024B9,0x69CB15F8,0x42E6463B,0x5BFD777A, - 0xDC656BB5,0xC57E5AF4,0xEE530937,0xF7483876,0xB809AEB1,0xA1129FF0,0x8A3FCC33,0x9324FD72, - }, - - { - 0x00000000,0x01C26A37,0x0384D46E,0x0246BE59,0x0709A8DC,0x06CBC2EB,0x048D7CB2,0x054F1685, - 0x0E1351B8,0x0FD13B8F,0x0D9785D6,0x0C55EFE1,0x091AF964,0x08D89353,0x0A9E2D0A,0x0B5C473D, - 0x1C26A370,0x1DE4C947,0x1FA2771E,0x1E601D29,0x1B2F0BAC,0x1AED619B,0x18ABDFC2,0x1969B5F5, - 0x1235F2C8,0x13F798FF,0x11B126A6,0x10734C91,0x153C5A14,0x14FE3023,0x16B88E7A,0x177AE44D, - 0x384D46E0,0x398F2CD7,0x3BC9928E,0x3A0BF8B9,0x3F44EE3C,0x3E86840B,0x3CC03A52,0x3D025065, - 0x365E1758,0x379C7D6F,0x35DAC336,0x3418A901,0x3157BF84,0x3095D5B3,0x32D36BEA,0x331101DD, - 0x246BE590,0x25A98FA7,0x27EF31FE,0x262D5BC9,0x23624D4C,0x22A0277B,0x20E69922,0x2124F315, - 0x2A78B428,0x2BBADE1F,0x29FC6046,0x283E0A71,0x2D711CF4,0x2CB376C3,0x2EF5C89A,0x2F37A2AD, - 0x709A8DC0,0x7158E7F7,0x731E59AE,0x72DC3399,0x7793251C,0x76514F2B,0x7417F172,0x75D59B45, - 0x7E89DC78,0x7F4BB64F,0x7D0D0816,0x7CCF6221,0x798074A4,0x78421E93,0x7A04A0CA,0x7BC6CAFD, - 0x6CBC2EB0,0x6D7E4487,0x6F38FADE,0x6EFA90E9,0x6BB5866C,0x6A77EC5B,0x68315202,0x69F33835, - 0x62AF7F08,0x636D153F,0x612BAB66,0x60E9C151,0x65A6D7D4,0x6464BDE3,0x662203BA,0x67E0698D, - 0x48D7CB20,0x4915A117,0x4B531F4E,0x4A917579,0x4FDE63FC,0x4E1C09CB,0x4C5AB792,0x4D98DDA5, - 0x46C49A98,0x4706F0AF,0x45404EF6,0x448224C1,0x41CD3244,0x400F5873,0x4249E62A,0x438B8C1D, - 0x54F16850,0x55330267,0x5775BC3E,0x56B7D609,0x53F8C08C,0x523AAABB,0x507C14E2,0x51BE7ED5, - 0x5AE239E8,0x5B2053DF,0x5966ED86,0x58A487B1,0x5DEB9134,0x5C29FB03,0x5E6F455A,0x5FAD2F6D, - 0xE1351B80,0xE0F771B7,0xE2B1CFEE,0xE373A5D9,0xE63CB35C,0xE7FED96B,0xE5B86732,0xE47A0D05, - 0xEF264A38,0xEEE4200F,0xECA29E56,0xED60F461,0xE82FE2E4,0xE9ED88D3,0xEBAB368A,0xEA695CBD, - 0xFD13B8F0,0xFCD1D2C7,0xFE976C9E,0xFF5506A9,0xFA1A102C,0xFBD87A1B,0xF99EC442,0xF85CAE75, - 0xF300E948,0xF2C2837F,0xF0843D26,0xF1465711,0xF4094194,0xF5CB2BA3,0xF78D95FA,0xF64FFFCD, - 0xD9785D60,0xD8BA3757,0xDAFC890E,0xDB3EE339,0xDE71F5BC,0xDFB39F8B,0xDDF521D2,0xDC374BE5, - 0xD76B0CD8,0xD6A966EF,0xD4EFD8B6,0xD52DB281,0xD062A404,0xD1A0CE33,0xD3E6706A,0xD2241A5D, - 0xC55EFE10,0xC49C9427,0xC6DA2A7E,0xC7184049,0xC25756CC,0xC3953CFB,0xC1D382A2,0xC011E895, - 0xCB4DAFA8,0xCA8FC59F,0xC8C97BC6,0xC90B11F1,0xCC440774,0xCD866D43,0xCFC0D31A,0xCE02B92D, - 0x91AF9640,0x906DFC77,0x922B422E,0x93E92819,0x96A63E9C,0x976454AB,0x9522EAF2,0x94E080C5, - 0x9FBCC7F8,0x9E7EADCF,0x9C381396,0x9DFA79A1,0x98B56F24,0x99770513,0x9B31BB4A,0x9AF3D17D, - 0x8D893530,0x8C4B5F07,0x8E0DE15E,0x8FCF8B69,0x8A809DEC,0x8B42F7DB,0x89044982,0x88C623B5, - 0x839A6488,0x82580EBF,0x801EB0E6,0x81DCDAD1,0x8493CC54,0x8551A663,0x8717183A,0x86D5720D, - 0xA9E2D0A0,0xA820BA97,0xAA6604CE,0xABA46EF9,0xAEEB787C,0xAF29124B,0xAD6FAC12,0xACADC625, - 0xA7F18118,0xA633EB2F,0xA4755576,0xA5B73F41,0xA0F829C4,0xA13A43F3,0xA37CFDAA,0xA2BE979D, - 0xB5C473D0,0xB40619E7,0xB640A7BE,0xB782CD89,0xB2CDDB0C,0xB30FB13B,0xB1490F62,0xB08B6555, - 0xBBD72268,0xBA15485F,0xB853F606,0xB9919C31,0xBCDE8AB4,0xBD1CE083,0xBF5A5EDA,0xBE9834ED, - }, - - { - 0x00000000,0xB8BC6765,0xAA09C88B,0x12B5AFEE,0x8F629757,0x37DEF032,0x256B5FDC,0x9DD738B9, - 0xC5B428EF,0x7D084F8A,0x6FBDE064,0xD7018701,0x4AD6BFB8,0xF26AD8DD,0xE0DF7733,0x58631056, - 0x5019579F,0xE8A530FA,0xFA109F14,0x42ACF871,0xDF7BC0C8,0x67C7A7AD,0x75720843,0xCDCE6F26, - 0x95AD7F70,0x2D111815,0x3FA4B7FB,0x8718D09E,0x1ACFE827,0xA2738F42,0xB0C620AC,0x087A47C9, - 0xA032AF3E,0x188EC85B,0x0A3B67B5,0xB28700D0,0x2F503869,0x97EC5F0C,0x8559F0E2,0x3DE59787, - 0x658687D1,0xDD3AE0B4,0xCF8F4F5A,0x7733283F,0xEAE41086,0x525877E3,0x40EDD80D,0xF851BF68, - 0xF02BF8A1,0x48979FC4,0x5A22302A,0xE29E574F,0x7F496FF6,0xC7F50893,0xD540A77D,0x6DFCC018, - 0x359FD04E,0x8D23B72B,0x9F9618C5,0x272A7FA0,0xBAFD4719,0x0241207C,0x10F48F92,0xA848E8F7, - 0x9B14583D,0x23A83F58,0x311D90B6,0x89A1F7D3,0x1476CF6A,0xACCAA80F,0xBE7F07E1,0x06C36084, - 0x5EA070D2,0xE61C17B7,0xF4A9B859,0x4C15DF3C,0xD1C2E785,0x697E80E0,0x7BCB2F0E,0xC377486B, - 0xCB0D0FA2,0x73B168C7,0x6104C729,0xD9B8A04C,0x446F98F5,0xFCD3FF90,0xEE66507E,0x56DA371B, - 0x0EB9274D,0xB6054028,0xA4B0EFC6,0x1C0C88A3,0x81DBB01A,0x3967D77F,0x2BD27891,0x936E1FF4, - 0x3B26F703,0x839A9066,0x912F3F88,0x299358ED,0xB4446054,0x0CF80731,0x1E4DA8DF,0xA6F1CFBA, - 0xFE92DFEC,0x462EB889,0x549B1767,0xEC277002,0x71F048BB,0xC94C2FDE,0xDBF98030,0x6345E755, - 0x6B3FA09C,0xD383C7F9,0xC1366817,0x798A0F72,0xE45D37CB,0x5CE150AE,0x4E54FF40,0xF6E89825, - 0xAE8B8873,0x1637EF16,0x048240F8,0xBC3E279D,0x21E91F24,0x99557841,0x8BE0D7AF,0x335CB0CA, - 0xED59B63B,0x55E5D15E,0x47507EB0,0xFFEC19D5,0x623B216C,0xDA874609,0xC832E9E7,0x708E8E82, - 0x28ED9ED4,0x9051F9B1,0x82E4565F,0x3A58313A,0xA78F0983,0x1F336EE6,0x0D86C108,0xB53AA66D, - 0xBD40E1A4,0x05FC86C1,0x1749292F,0xAFF54E4A,0x322276F3,0x8A9E1196,0x982BBE78,0x2097D91D, - 0x78F4C94B,0xC048AE2E,0xD2FD01C0,0x6A4166A5,0xF7965E1C,0x4F2A3979,0x5D9F9697,0xE523F1F2, - 0x4D6B1905,0xF5D77E60,0xE762D18E,0x5FDEB6EB,0xC2098E52,0x7AB5E937,0x680046D9,0xD0BC21BC, - 0x88DF31EA,0x3063568F,0x22D6F961,0x9A6A9E04,0x07BDA6BD,0xBF01C1D8,0xADB46E36,0x15080953, - 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0x4BC29689,0xE5AA0718,0xCC62B3EA,0x620A227B,0x9FF3DA0E,0x319B4B9F,0x1853FF6D,0xB63B6EFC, - 0x38D109C6,0x96B99857,0xBF712CA5,0x1119BD34,0xECE04541,0x4288D4D0,0x6B406022,0xC528F1B3, - 0xADE5A817,0x038D3986,0x2A458D74,0x842D1CE5,0x79D4E490,0xD7BC7501,0xFE74C1F3,0x501C5062, - 0xDEF63758,0x709EA6C9,0x5956123B,0xF73E83AA,0x0AC77BDF,0xA4AFEA4E,0x8D675EBC,0x230FCF2D, - 0x72831B0E,0xDCEB8A9F,0xF5233E6D,0x5B4BAFFC,0xA6B25789,0x08DAC618,0x211272EA,0x8F7AE37B, - 0x01908441,0xAFF815D0,0x8630A122,0x285830B3,0xD5A1C8C6,0x7BC95957,0x5201EDA5,0xFC697C34, - 0x94A42590,0x3ACCB401,0x130400F3,0xBD6C9162,0x40956917,0xEEFDF886,0xC7354C74,0x695DDDE5, - 0xE7B7BADF,0x49DF2B4E,0x60179FBC,0xCE7F0E2D,0x3386F658,0x9DEE67C9,0xB426D33B,0x1A4E42AA, - 0x65BC6073,0xCBD4F1E2,0xE21C4510,0x4C74D481,0xB18D2CF4,0x1FE5BD65,0x362D0997,0x98459806, - 0x16AFFF3C,0xB8C76EAD,0x910FDA5F,0x3F674BCE,0xC29EB3BB,0x6CF6222A,0x453E96D8,0xEB560749, - 0x839B5EED,0x2DF3CF7C,0x043B7B8E,0xAA53EA1F,0x57AA126A,0xF9C283FB,0xD00A3709,0x7E62A698, - 0xF088C1A2,0x5EE05033,0x7728E4C1,0xD9407550,0x24B98D25,0x8AD11CB4,0xA319A846,0x0D7139D7, - } -#endif // CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 -}; -#endif // NO_LUT diff --git a/Crc32.h b/Crc32.h deleted file mode 100644 index cf60e0b..0000000 --- a/Crc32.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ -// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Crc32.h -// Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Stephan Brumme. All rights reserved. -// Slicing-by-16 contributed by Bulat Ziganshin -// Tableless bytewise CRC contributed by Hagai Gold -// see -// - -// if running on an embedded system, you might consider shrinking the -// big Crc32Lookup table by undefining these lines: -#define CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE -#define CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 -#define CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 -#define CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 -// - crc32_bitwise doesn't need it at all -// - crc32_halfbyte has its own small lookup table -// - crc32_1byte_tableless and crc32_1byte_tableless2 don't need it at all -// - crc32_1byte needs only Crc32Lookup[0] -// - crc32_4bytes needs only Crc32Lookup[0..3] -// - crc32_8bytes needs only Crc32Lookup[0..7] -// - crc32_4x8bytes needs only Crc32Lookup[0..7] -// - crc32_16bytes needs all of Crc32Lookup -// using the aforementioned #defines the table is automatically fitted to your needs - -// uint8_t, uint32_t, int32_t -#include -// size_t -#include - -// crc32_fast selects the fastest algorithm depending on flags (CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_...) -/// compute CRC32 using the fastest algorithm for large datasets on modern CPUs -uint32_t crc32_fast (const void* data, size_t length, uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); - -/// merge two CRC32 such that result = crc32(dataB, lengthB, crc32(dataA, lengthA)) -uint32_t crc32_combine (uint32_t crcA, uint32_t crcB, size_t lengthB); - -/// compute CRC32 (bitwise algorithm) -uint32_t crc32_bitwise (const void* data, size_t length, uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); -/// compute CRC32 (half-byte algoritm) -uint32_t crc32_halfbyte(const void* data, size_t length, uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); - -#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE -/// compute CRC32 (standard algorithm) -uint32_t crc32_1byte (const void* data, size_t length, uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); -#endif - -/// compute CRC32 (byte algorithm) without lookup tables -uint32_t crc32_1byte_tableless (const void* data, size_t length, uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); -/// compute CRC32 (byte algorithm) without lookup tables -uint32_t crc32_1byte_tableless2(const void* data, size_t length, uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); - -#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 -/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-4 algorithm) -uint32_t crc32_4bytes (const void* data, size_t length, uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); -#endif - -#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 -/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-8 algorithm) -uint32_t crc32_8bytes (const void* data, size_t length, uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); -/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-8 algorithm), unroll inner loop 4 times -uint32_t crc32_4x8bytes(const void* data, size_t length, uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); -#endif - -#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 -/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-16 algorithm) -uint32_t crc32_16bytes (const void* data, size_t length, uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); -/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-16 algorithm, prefetch upcoming data blocks) -uint32_t crc32_16bytes_prefetch(const void* data, size_t length, uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0, size_t prefetchAhead = 256); -#endif diff --git a/Crc32Test.cpp b/Crc32Test.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 3a4eb01..0000000 --- a/Crc32Test.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,170 +0,0 @@ -// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Crc32Test.cpp -// Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Stephan Brumme. All rights reserved. -// see -// - -#include "Crc32.h" -#include -#include - -// the slicing-by-4/8/16 tests are only performed if the corresponding -// preprocessor symbol is defined in Crc32.h -// simpler algorithms can be enabled/disabled right here: -#define CRC32_TEST_BITWISE -#define CRC32_TEST_HALFBYTE -#define CRC32_TEST_TABLELESS - -// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// test code - -/// one gigabyte -const size_t NumBytes = 1024*1024*1024; -/// 4k chunks during last test -const size_t DefaultChunkSize = 4*1024; - - -#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) -#include -#else -#include -#endif - -// timing -static double seconds() -{ -#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) - LARGE_INTEGER frequency, now; - QueryPerformanceFrequency(&frequency); - QueryPerformanceCounter (&now); - return now.QuadPart / double(frequency.QuadPart); -#else - timespec now; - clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now); - return now.tv_sec + now.tv_nsec / 1000000000.0; -#endif -} - - -int main(int, char**) -{ - printf("Please wait ...\n"); - - uint32_t randomNumber = 0x27121978; - // initialize - char* data = new char[NumBytes]; - for (size_t i = 0; i < NumBytes; i++) - { - data[i] = char(randomNumber & 0xFF); - // simple LCG, see - randomNumber = 1664525 * randomNumber + 1013904223; - } - - // re-use variables - double startTime, duration; - uint32_t crc; - -#ifdef CRC32_TEST_BITWISE - // bitwise - startTime = seconds(); - crc = crc32_bitwise(data, NumBytes); - duration = seconds() - startTime; - printf("bitwise : CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", - crc, duration, (NumBytes / (1024*1024)) / duration); -#endif // CRC32_TEST_BITWISE - -#ifdef CRC32_TEST_HALFBYTE - // half-byte - startTime = seconds(); - crc = crc32_halfbyte(data, NumBytes); - duration = seconds() - startTime; - printf("half-byte : CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", - crc, duration, (NumBytes / (1024*1024)) / duration); -#endif // CRC32_TEST_HALFBYTE - -#ifdef CRC32_TEST_TABLELESS - // one byte at once (without lookup tables) - startTime = seconds(); - crc = crc32_1byte_tableless(data, NumBytes); - duration = seconds() - startTime; - printf("tableless (byte) : CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", - crc, duration, (NumBytes / (1024*1024)) / duration); - - // one byte at once (without lookup tables) - startTime = seconds(); - crc = crc32_1byte_tableless2(data, NumBytes); - duration = seconds() - startTime; - printf("tableless (byte2): CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", - crc, duration, (NumBytes / (1024*1024)) / duration); -#endif // CRC32_TEST_TABLELESS - -#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE - // one byte at once - startTime = seconds(); - crc = crc32_1byte(data, NumBytes); - duration = seconds() - startTime; - printf(" 1 byte at once: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", - crc, duration, (NumBytes / (1024*1024)) / duration); -#endif // CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE - -#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 - // four bytes at once - startTime = seconds(); - crc = crc32_4bytes(data, NumBytes); - duration = seconds() - startTime; - printf(" 4 bytes at once: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", - crc, duration, (NumBytes / (1024*1024)) / duration); -#endif // CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 - -#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 - // eight bytes at once - startTime = seconds(); - crc = crc32_8bytes(data, NumBytes); - duration = seconds() - startTime; - printf(" 8 bytes at once: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", - crc, duration, (NumBytes / (1024*1024)) / duration); - - // eight bytes at once, unrolled 4 times (=> 32 bytes per loop) - startTime = seconds(); - crc = crc32_4x8bytes(data, NumBytes); - duration = seconds() - startTime; - printf("4x8 bytes at once: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", - crc, duration, (NumBytes / (1024*1024)) / duration); -#endif // CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 - -#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 - // sixteen bytes at once - startTime = seconds(); - crc = crc32_16bytes(data, NumBytes); - duration = seconds() - startTime; - printf(" 16 bytes at once: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", - crc, duration, (NumBytes / (1024*1024)) / duration); - - // sixteen bytes at once - startTime = seconds(); - crc = crc32_16bytes_prefetch(data, NumBytes, 0, 256); - duration = seconds() - startTime; - printf(" 16 bytes at once: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s (including prefetching)\n", - crc, duration, (NumBytes / (1024*1024)) / duration); -#endif // CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 - - // process in 4k chunks - startTime = seconds(); - crc = 0; // also default parameter of crc32_xx functions - size_t bytesProcessed = 0; - while (bytesProcessed < NumBytes) - { - size_t bytesLeft = NumBytes - bytesProcessed; - size_t chunkSize = (DefaultChunkSize < bytesLeft) ? DefaultChunkSize : bytesLeft; - - crc = crc32_fast(data + bytesProcessed, chunkSize, crc); - - bytesProcessed += chunkSize; - } - duration = seconds() - startTime; - printf(" chunked : CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", - crc, duration, (NumBytes / (1024*1024)) / duration); - - delete[] data; - return 0; -} diff --git a/Crc32TestMultithreaded.cpp b/Crc32TestMultithreaded.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 0878801..0000000 --- a/Crc32TestMultithreaded.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,203 +0,0 @@ -// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Crc32TestMultithreaded.cpp -// Copyright (c) 2019 Stephan Brumme. All rights reserved. -// see -// - -#include "Crc32.h" -#include -#include - -#include -#include - -// C++11 multithreading -#include -#include - -// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// test code - -/// one gigabyte -const size_t NumBytes = 1024*1024*1024; - - -#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) -#include -#else -#include -#endif - -// timing -static double seconds() -{ -#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) - LARGE_INTEGER frequency, now; - QueryPerformanceFrequency(&frequency); - QueryPerformanceCounter (&now); - return now.QuadPart / double(frequency.QuadPart); -#else - timespec now; - clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now); - return now.tv_sec + now.tv_nsec / 1000000000.0; -#endif -} - -// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// run a CRC32 algorithm on multiple threads -typedef uint32_t (*Crc32Algorithm)(const void* data, size_t length, uint32_t previousCrc32); -// compute CRC32 of up to maxBlockSize bytes and start recursively a new thread for excess data -uint32_t asyncCrc32(Crc32Algorithm myCrc32, const void* data, size_t numBytes, size_t maxBlockSize) -{ - // last block ? - if (numBytes <= maxBlockSize) - return myCrc32(data, numBytes, 0); // we're done - - // compute CRC of the remaining bytes in a separate thread - auto dataLeft = (const char*)data + maxBlockSize; - auto bytesLeft = numBytes - maxBlockSize; - auto remainder = std::async(std::launch::async, asyncCrc32, myCrc32, dataLeft, bytesLeft, maxBlockSize); - - // compute CRC of the current block - auto currentCrc = myCrc32(data, maxBlockSize, 0); - // get CRC of the remainder - auto remainderCrc = remainder.get(); - // and merge both - return crc32_combine(currentCrc, remainderCrc, bytesLeft); -} -// call: run(crc32_8bytes, data, NumBytes, 8) if you have an octocore CPU -uint32_t run(Crc32Algorithm myCrc32, const void* data, size_t numBytes, size_t numThreads = 0) -{ - // run on all cores - if (numThreads == 0) - numThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); - - // split data evenly, rounding up - auto defaultBlocksize = (numBytes + numThreads - 1) / numThreads; - - return asyncCrc32(myCrc32, data, numBytes, defaultBlocksize); -} - - -// test original sequential CRC32 algorithm against crc32_combine -bool testCombine(const char* data, size_t maxBytes = 1024) -{ - bool ok = true; - for (size_t lengthA = 1; lengthA < maxBytes; lengthA++) - { - // split bytes into two blocks of lengthA and lengthB - auto lengthB = maxBytes - lengthA; - - // compute CRC of both blocks - auto crcA = crc32_1byte(data, lengthA); - auto crcB = crc32_1byte(data + lengthA, lengthB); - - // CRC of the whole block - auto crcAtOnce = crc32_1byte(data, maxBytes); - // CRC of both blocks in a sequential fashion - auto crcSequential = crc32_1byte(data + lengthA, lengthB, crcA); - - // CRC using the new crc32_combine function - auto crcCombined = crc32_combine(crcA, crcB, lengthB); - - // check results - if (crcAtOnce != crcSequential || crcAtOnce != crcCombined) - { - printf("FAILED @ %d: %08X %08X %08X %08X %08X\n", lengthA, crcA, crcB, crcAtOnce, crcSequential, crcCombined); - ok = false; - } - } - return ok; -} - - -int main(int argc, char* argv[]) -{ - // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - printf("Please wait ...\n"); - - uint32_t randomNumber = 0x27121978; - // initialize - char* data = new char[NumBytes]; - for (size_t i = 0; i < NumBytes; i++) - { - data[i] = char(randomNumber & 0xFF); - // simple LCG, see - randomNumber = 1664525 * randomNumber + 1013904223; - } - - // re-use variables - double startTime, duration; - uint32_t crc; - std::vector> futures; - - // number of threads: use all cores by default or set number as command-line parameter - auto numThreads = 0; - if (argc == 2) - numThreads = std::stoi(argv[1]); - if (numThreads <= 0) - numThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); - printf("use %d threads:\n", numThreads); - - // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - // one byte at once - startTime = seconds(); - crc = run(crc32_1byte, data, NumBytes, numThreads); - duration = seconds() - startTime; - printf(" 1 byte at once / %d threads: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", - numThreads, crc, duration, (NumBytes / (1024*1024)) / duration); - - // four bytes at once - startTime = seconds(); - crc = run(crc32_4bytes, data, NumBytes, numThreads); - duration = seconds() - startTime; - printf(" 4 bytes at once / %d threads: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", - numThreads, crc, duration, (NumBytes / (1024*1024)) / duration); - - // eight bytes at once - startTime = seconds(); - crc = run(crc32_8bytes, data, NumBytes, numThreads); - duration = seconds() - startTime; - printf(" 8 bytes at once / %d threads: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", - numThreads, crc, duration, (NumBytes / (1024*1024)) / duration); - - // eight bytes at once, unrolled 4 times (=> 32 bytes per loop) - startTime = seconds(); - crc = run(crc32_4x8bytes, data, NumBytes, numThreads); - duration = seconds() - startTime; - printf("4x8 bytes at once / %d threads: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", - numThreads, crc, duration, (NumBytes / (1024*1024)) / duration); - - // sixteen bytes at once - startTime = seconds(); - crc = run(crc32_16bytes, data, NumBytes, numThreads); - duration = seconds() - startTime; - printf(" 16 bytes at once / %d threads: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", - numThreads, crc, duration, (NumBytes / (1024*1024)) / duration); - - // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - // slowly increment number of threads to determine scalability - printf("run slicing-by-8 algorithm with 1 to %d threads:\n", numThreads); - for (auto scaleThreads = 1; scaleThreads <= numThreads; scaleThreads++) - { - // eight bytes at once - startTime = seconds(); - - if (scaleThreads == 1) - crc = crc32_8bytes (data, NumBytes); // single-threaded - else - crc = run(crc32_8bytes, data, NumBytes, scaleThreads); // multi-threaded - - duration = seconds() - startTime; - printf(" 8 bytes at once / %d threads: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", - scaleThreads, crc, duration, (NumBytes / (1024*1024)) / duration); - } - - // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - // verify crc32_combine - if (!testCombine(data, 1024)) - printf("ERROR in crc32_combine !!!\n"); - - delete[] data; - return 0; -} diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f94530d --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +# Hacking + +Here is some wisdom to help you build and test this project as a developer and +potential contributor. + +If you plan to contribute, please read the [CONTRIBUTING]( +guide. + +## Developer mode + +Build system targets that are only useful for developers of this project are +hidden if the `crc32_DEVELOPER_MODE` option is disabled. Enabling this +option makes tests and other developer targets and options available. Not +enabling this option means that you are a consumer of this project and thus you +have no need for these targets and options. + +Developer mode is always set to on in CI workflows. + +### Presets + +This project makes use of [presets][1] to simplify the process of configuring +the project. As a developer, you are recommended to always have the [latest +CMake version][2] installed to make use of the latest Quality-of-Life +additions. + +You have a few options to pass `crc32_DEVELOPER_MODE` to the configure +command, but this project prefers to use presets. + +As a developer, you should create a `CMakeUserPresets.json` file at the root of +the project: + +```json +{ + "version": 1, + "cmakeMinimumRequired": { + "major": 3, + "minor": 14, + "patch": 0 + }, + "configurePresets": [ + { + "name": "dev", + "binaryDir": "${sourceDir}/build/dev", + "inherits": ["dev-mode", "ci-"] + } + ] +} +``` + +You should replace `` in your newly created presets file with the name of +the operating system you have, which may be `win64` or `unix`. You can see what +these correspond to in the [`CMakePresets.json`](CMakePresets.json) file. + +`CMakeUserPresets.json` is also the perfect place in which you can put all +sorts of things that you would otherwise want to pass to the configure command +in the terminal. + +Full example with Ubuntu (Linux): + +```json +{ + "version": 1, + "cmakeMinimumRequired": { + "major": 3, + "minor": 14, + "patch": 0 + }, + "configurePresets": [ + { + "name": "static-analyzers", + "hidden": true, + "inherits": ["clang-tidy", "cppcheck"] + }, + { + "name": "dev-common", + "hidden": true, + "inherits": ["static-analyzers", "dev-mode"], + "cacheVariables": { + "BUILD_MCSS_DOCS": "ON" + } + }, + { + "name": "dev-unix", + "binaryDir": "${sourceDir}/build/dev-unix", + "inherits": ["dev-common", "ci-unix"] + }, + { + "name": "dev-win64", + "binaryDir": "${sourceDir}/build/dev-win64", + "inherits": ["dev-common", "ci-win64"] + }, + { + "name": "dev", + "binaryDir": "${sourceDir}/build/dev", + "inherits": "dev-unix" + }, + { + "name": "dev-coverage", + "binaryDir": "${sourceDir}/build/coverage", + "inherits": ["dev-mode", "coverage-unix"] + } + ] +} +``` + +### Configure, build and test + +If you followed the above instructions, then you can configure, build and test +the project respectively with the following commands from the project root on +Windows: + +```sh +cmake --preset=dev +cmake --build build/dev --config Release +cd build/dev && ctest -C Release +``` + +And here is the same on a Unix based system (Linux, macOS): + +```sh +cmake --preset=dev +cmake --build build/dev +cd build/dev && ctest +``` + +[1]: +[2]: diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 066c3a0..0000000 --- a/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -# simple Makefile -#CXX = g++ - -# files -PROGRAM = Crc32Test -LIBS = -lrt -HEADERS = Crc32.h -OBJECTS = Crc32.o Crc32Test.o - -# flags -FLAGS = -O3 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -s - -default: $(PROGRAM) -all: default - -$(PROGRAM): $(OBJECTS) Makefile - $(CXX) $(OBJECTS) $(FLAGS) $(LIBS) -o $(PROGRAM) - -%.o: %.cpp $(HEADERS) Makefile - $(CXX) $(FLAGS) -c $< -o $@ - -clean: - -rm -f $(OBJECTS) $(PROGRAM) - -run: $(PROGRAM) - ./$(PROGRAM) diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..083810a --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +# Fast CRC32 + +Fast CRC32 library, based on the work of Stephan Brumme ( + +[![Continuous Integration](]( [![Dockcross CI](]( + +[![linux](]( [![windows](]( [![macos](]( + +## Features + +- C99 and C++11 support (C++17 recommended, eg **std::string_view** ...) +- CMake support (3.14 minimal or 3.19 with preset) +- The fastest algorithms need about 1 CPU cycle per byte +- Endian-aware +- Support for [multi-threaded computation](example/crc32_test_multithreaded.cpp) +- Multi OS support: Linux 32/64, MacOS, Windows 32/64, Android 32/64 +- Cross-plateform support: AMD64, I386, ARMv8, ARMv7, ARMv6, ARMv5, RISC-V 32/64, PPC64le, Mips, m68k.. +- Runs even on [Arduino](Crc32Best.ino), Raspberry Pi, etc. +- Quite long posting about it on, describing each implemented algorithm in detail + +## Algorithms + +| Functions | version | Published by | CPU cycles/byte | Bits/iter | Table size | MB/s | +| ------------------------------------------------------ | ------- | ---------------- | --------------- | --------- | ---------- | ------ | +| bitwise_branch / crc32::bitwise_branch | 1.0.0 | unknown | 100 | 1 | - | 170 | +| bitwise / crc32::bitwise | 1.0.0 | unknown | 50 or 40 | 1 | - | 190 | +| half-byte / crc32::half-byte | 1.0.0 | unknown | 14 | 4 | 64 bytes | 263 | +| crc32_1byte / crc32::crc32_1byte | 1.0.0 | Hagai Gold | 8 | 8 | 1 KB | 522 | +| crc32_1byte_tableless / crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless | 1.0.0 | Henry S. Warren | 18 | 8 | - | 300 | +| crc32_1byte_tableless2 / crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2 | 1.0.0 | Dilip V. Sarwate | 19 | 8 | - | 170 | +| crc32_4bytes / crc32::crc32_4bytes | 1.0.0 | Intel Corp. | 3 or 4 | 32 | 4 KB | 1458 | +| crc32_8bytes / crc32::crc32_8bytes | 1.0.0 | Intel Corp. | 3 or 4 | 64 | 8 KB | 2629 | +| crc32_4x8bytes / crc32::crc32_4x8bytes | 1.0.0 | ? | 1.75 or 2.25 | 256 | 8 KB | 3003 | +| crc32_16bytes / crc32::crc32_16bytes | 1.0.0 | Bulat Ziganshin | 1.1 or 1.5 | 128 | 16 KB | 6027 | +| crc32_16bytes_prefetch / crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch | 1.0.0 | Bulat Ziganshin | 1 or 1.5 | 512 | 8 KB | 6102 | +| crc32_fast / crc32::crc32_fast | 1.0.0 | None | varies | varies | varies | varies | + +Tested on Lenovo Legion 5 Pro: +- Manjaro 21.1.6 +- Clang 12.0.1 +- Build type: Release +- CPU: AMD R7 5800H +- RAM: 32 GB DDR4 3200Mhz 22CL 8x +- Data: 1 GB + +### Others function +- crc32_combine() "merges" two indepedently computed CRC32 values which is the basis for even faster multi-threaded calculation + +See my website for documentation, code examples and a benchmark. + +# Building and installing + +See the [BUILDING]( document. + +# Contributing + +See the [CONTRIBUTING]( document. + +# Open source projects used + +- [crc32]( +- [dockcross]( +- [crosstool-ng]( +- [git]( +- [cmake-init]( +- [buildroot]( +- [CMake]( +- [llvm-project]( +- [gcc]( +- [docker]( +- [actions]( + +# Licensing + +See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) document. diff --git a/cmake/coverage.cmake b/cmake/coverage.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c89cc16 --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/coverage.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# ---- Variables ---- + +# We use variables separate from what CTest uses, because those have +# customization issues +set( + COVERAGE_TRACE_COMMAND + lcov -c -q + -o "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/" + -d "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}" + --include "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/*" + CACHE STRING + "; separated command to generate a trace for the 'coverage' target" +) + +set( + COVERAGE_HTML_COMMAND + genhtml --legend -f -q + "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/" + -p "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}" + -o "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/coverage_html" + CACHE STRING + "; separated command to generate an HTML report for the 'coverage' target" +) + +# ---- Coverage target ---- + +add_custom_target( + coverage + COMMAND ${COVERAGE_TRACE_COMMAND} + COMMAND ${COVERAGE_HTML_COMMAND} + COMMENT "Generating coverage report" + VERBATIM +) diff --git a/cmake/dev-mode.cmake b/cmake/dev-mode.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cfffaa6 --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/dev-mode.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +include(cmake/folders.cmake) + +include(CTest) +if(BUILD_TESTING) + add_subdirectory(test) +endif() + +option(BUILD_MCSS_DOCS "Build documentation using Doxygen and m.css" OFF) +if(BUILD_MCSS_DOCS) + include(cmake/docs.cmake) +endif() + +option(ENABLE_COVERAGE "Enable coverage support separate from CTest's" OFF) +if(ENABLE_COVERAGE) + include(cmake/coverage.cmake) +endif() + +if(CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Windows") + include(cmake/open-cpp-coverage.cmake OPTIONAL) +endif() + +include(cmake/lint-targets.cmake) +include(cmake/spell-targets.cmake) + +add_folders(Project) diff --git a/cmake/docs.cmake b/cmake/docs.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2b4723 --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/docs.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +# ---- Redefine docs_early_return ---- + +# This function must be a macro, so the return() takes effect in the calling +# scope. This prevents other targets from being available and potentially +# requiring dependencies. This cuts down on the time it takes to generate +# documentation in CI. +macro(docs_early_return) + return() +endmacro() + +# ---- Dependencies ---- + +include(FetchContent) +FetchContent_Declare( + mcss URL + + URL_MD5 00cd2757ebafb9bcba7f5d399b3bec7f + SOURCE_DIR "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/mcss" + UPDATE_DISCONNECTED YES +) +FetchContent_MakeAvailable(mcss) + +find_package(Python3 3.6 REQUIRED) + +# ---- Declare documentation target ---- + +set( + DOXYGEN_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/docs" + CACHE PATH "Path for the generated Doxygen documentation" +) + +set(working_dir "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/docs") + +foreach(file IN ITEMS Doxyfile + configure_file("docs/${file}.in" "${working_dir}/${file}" @ONLY) +endforeach() + +set(mcss_script "${mcss_SOURCE_DIR}/documentation/") +set(config "${working_dir}/") + +add_custom_target( + docs + COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E remove_directory + "${DOXYGEN_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/html" + "${DOXYGEN_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/xml" + COMMAND "${Python3_EXECUTABLE}" "${mcss_script}" "${config}" + COMMENT "Building documentation using Doxygen and m.css" + WORKING_DIRECTORY "${working_dir}" + VERBATIM +) diff --git a/cmake/folders.cmake b/cmake/folders.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da7bd33 --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/folders.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY USE_FOLDERS YES) + +# Call this function at the end of a directory scope to assign a folder to +# targets created in that directory. Utility targets will be assigned to the +# UtilityTargets folder, otherwise to the ${name}Targets folder. If a target +# already has a folder assigned, then that target will be skipped. +function(add_folders name) + get_property(targets DIRECTORY PROPERTY BUILDSYSTEM_TARGETS) + foreach(target IN LISTS targets) + get_property(folder TARGET "${target}" PROPERTY FOLDER) + if(DEFINED folder) + continue() + endif() + set(folder Utility) + get_property(type TARGET "${target}" PROPERTY TYPE) + if(NOT type STREQUAL "UTILITY") + set(folder "${name}") + endif() + set_property(TARGET "${target}" PROPERTY FOLDER "${folder}Targets") + endforeach() +endfunction() diff --git a/cmake/install-config.cmake b/cmake/install-config.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b569da --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/install-config.cmake @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/crc32Targets.cmake") diff --git a/cmake/install-rules.cmake b/cmake/install-rules.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d59cd76 --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/install-rules.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +if(PROJECT_IS_TOP_LEVEL) + set(CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR include/crc32 CACHE PATH "") +endif() + +include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) +include(GNUInstallDirs) + +# find_package() call for consumers to find this project +set(package crc32) + +install( + DIRECTORY + include/ + "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/export/" + DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}" + COMPONENT crc32_Development +) + +install( + TARGETS crc32_crc32 + EXPORT crc32Targets + RUNTIME # + COMPONENT crc32_Runtime + LIBRARY # + COMPONENT crc32_Runtime + NAMELINK_COMPONENT crc32_Development + ARCHIVE # + COMPONENT crc32_Development + INCLUDES # + DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}" +) + +write_basic_package_version_file( + "${package}ConfigVersion.cmake" + COMPATIBILITY SameMajorVersion +) + +# Allow package maintainers to freely override the path for the configs +set( + crc32_INSTALL_CMAKEDIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/${package}" + CACHE PATH "CMake package config location relative to the install prefix" +) +mark_as_advanced(crc32_INSTALL_CMAKEDIR) + +install( + FILES cmake/install-config.cmake + DESTINATION "${crc32_INSTALL_CMAKEDIR}" + RENAME "${package}Config.cmake" + COMPONENT crc32_Development +) + +install( + FILES "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${package}ConfigVersion.cmake" + DESTINATION "${crc32_INSTALL_CMAKEDIR}" + COMPONENT crc32_Development +) + +install( + EXPORT crc32Targets + NAMESPACE crc32:: + DESTINATION "${crc32_INSTALL_CMAKEDIR}" + COMPONENT crc32_Development +) + +if(PROJECT_IS_TOP_LEVEL) + include(CPack) +endif() diff --git a/cmake/lint-targets.cmake b/cmake/lint-targets.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000..244d521 --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/lint-targets.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +set( + FORMAT_PATTERNS + source/*.cpp source/*.hpp + include/*.hpp + test/*.cpp test/*.hpp + example/*.cpp example/*.hpp + CACHE STRING + "; separated patterns relative to the project source dir to format" +) + +set(FORMAT_COMMAND clang-format CACHE STRING "Formatter to use") + +add_custom_target( + format-check + COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" + -D "FORMAT_COMMAND=${FORMAT_COMMAND}" + -D "PATTERNS=${FORMAT_PATTERNS}" + -P "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/lint.cmake" + WORKING_DIRECTORY "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}" + COMMENT "Linting the code" + VERBATIM +) + +add_custom_target( + format-fix + COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" + -D "FORMAT_COMMAND=${FORMAT_COMMAND}" + -D "PATTERNS=${FORMAT_PATTERNS}" + -D FIX=YES + -P "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/lint.cmake" + WORKING_DIRECTORY "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}" + COMMENT "Fixing the code" + VERBATIM +) diff --git a/cmake/lint.cmake b/cmake/lint.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c0d2725 --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/lint.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14) + +macro(default name) + if(NOT DEFINED "${name}") + set("${name}" "${ARGN}") + endif() +endmacro() + +default(FORMAT_COMMAND clang-format) +default( + PATTERNS + source/*.cpp source/*.hpp + include/*.hpp + test/*.cpp test/*.hpp + example/*.cpp example/*.hpp +) +default(FIX NO) + +set(flag --output-replacements-xml) +set(args OUTPUT_VARIABLE output) +if(FIX) + set(flag -i) + set(args "") +endif() + +file(GLOB_RECURSE files ${PATTERNS}) +set(badly_formatted "") +set(output "") +string(LENGTH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/" path_prefix_length) + +foreach(file IN LISTS files) + execute_process( + COMMAND "${FORMAT_COMMAND}" --style=file "${flag}" "${file}" + WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" + RESULT_VARIABLE result + ${args} + ) + if(NOT result EQUAL "0") + message(FATAL_ERROR "'${file}': formatter returned with ${result}") + endif() + if(NOT FIX AND output MATCHES "\n ...) +function(windows_set_path TEST) + if(NOT CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Windows") + return() + endif() + + set(path "") + set(glue "") + foreach(target IN LISTS ARGN) + get_target_property(type "${target}" TYPE) + if(type STREQUAL "SHARED_LIBRARY") + set(path "${path}${glue}$") + set(glue "\;") # backslash is important + endif() + endforeach() + if(NOT path STREQUAL "") + set_property(TEST "${TEST}" PROPERTY ENVIRONMENT "PATH=${path}") + endif() +endfunction() diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc37a2a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +# Configuration for Doxygen for use with CMake +# Only options that deviate from the default are included +# To create a new Doxyfile containing all available options, call `doxygen -g` + +# Get Project name and version from CMake +PROJECT_NAME = "@PROJECT_NAME@" +PROJECT_NUMBER = "@PROJECT_VERSION@" + +# Add sources +INPUT = "@PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR@/" "@PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR@/include" "@PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR@/docs/pages" +EXTRACT_ALL = YES +RECURSIVE = YES +OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = "@DOXYGEN_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY@" + +# Use the README as a main page +USE_MDFILE_AS_MAINPAGE = "@PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR@/" + +# set relative include paths +FULL_PATH_NAMES = YES +STRIP_FROM_PATH = "@PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR@/include" "@PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR@" +STRIP_FROM_INC_PATH = + +# We use m.css to generate the html documentation, so we only need XML output +GENERATE_XML = YES +GENERATE_HTML = NO +GENERATE_LATEX = NO +XML_PROGRAMLISTING = NO +CREATE_SUBDIRS = NO + +# Include all directories, files and namespaces in the documentation +# Disable to include only explicitly documented objects +M_SHOW_UNDOCUMENTED = YES diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b81e3d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +DOXYFILE = 'Doxyfile' + +LINKS_NAVBAR1 = [ + (None, 'pages', [(None, 'about')]), + (None, 'namespaces', []), +] diff --git a/docs/pages/about.dox b/docs/pages/about.dox new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2efbda9 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/pages/about.dox @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +/** + * @page about About + * @section about-doxygen Doxygen documentation + * This page is auto generated using + * Doxygen, making use of some useful + * special commands. + */ diff --git a/example/CMakeLists.txt b/example/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eba802e --- /dev/null +++ b/example/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14) + +project(crc32Examples C CXX) + +include(../cmake/project-is-top-level.cmake) +include(../cmake/folders.cmake) + +if(PROJECT_IS_TOP_LEVEL) + find_package(crc32 REQUIRED) +endif() + +add_custom_target(run-examples) + +function(add_example NAME) + add_executable("${NAME}" "${NAME}.cpp") + target_link_libraries("${NAME}" PRIVATE crc32::crc32) +# target_compile_features("${NAME}" PRIVATE cxx_std_17) + add_custom_target("run_${NAME}" COMMAND "${NAME}" VERBATIM) + add_dependencies("run_${NAME}" "${NAME}") + add_dependencies(run-examples "run_${NAME}") +endfunction() + +function(add_c_example NAME) + add_executable("${NAME}" "${NAME}.c") + target_link_libraries("${NAME}" PRIVATE crc32::crc32) + add_custom_target("run_${NAME}" COMMAND "${NAME}" VERBATIM) + add_dependencies("run_${NAME}" "${NAME}") + add_dependencies(run-examples "run_${NAME}") +endfunction() + +function(add_example_thread NAME) + add_executable("${NAME}" "${NAME}.cpp") + target_link_libraries("${NAME}" PRIVATE crc32::crc32 Threads::Threads) +# target_compile_features("${NAME}" PRIVATE cxx_std_17) + add_custom_target("run_${NAME}" COMMAND "${NAME}" VERBATIM) + add_dependencies("run_${NAME}" "${NAME}") + add_dependencies(run-examples "run_${NAME}") +endfunction() + +add_example(crc32_test_singlethreaded) + +add_example(simple_example) +add_c_example(simple_c_example) + + +set(CMAKE_THREAD_PREFER_PTHREAD TRUE) +set(THREADS_PREFER_PTHREAD_FLAG TRUE) +find_package(Threads) + +if(Threads_FOUND) + add_example_thread(crc32_test_multithreaded) +else() +message(WARNING "Threads not found ! Disable crc32_test_multithreaded example." ) +endif() + +add_folders(Example) diff --git a/example/crc32_test_multithreaded.cpp b/example/crc32_test_multithreaded.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..25be93d --- /dev/null +++ b/example/crc32_test_multithreaded.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,295 @@ +// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Crc32TestMultithreaded.cpp +// Copyright (c) 2021 Stephan Brumme. All rights reserved. +// see +// + +#include // std::chrono +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "crc32/crc32.hpp" + +// C++11 multithreading +#include +#include + +// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// test code + +/// one gigabyte +const size_t NumBytes = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; + +using cpp_clock = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock; + +// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// run a CRC32 algorithm on multiple threads +typedef uint32_t (*Crc32Algorithm)(const void* data, + size_t length, + uint32_t previousCrc32); +// compute CRC32 of up to maxBlockSize bytes and start recursively a new thread +// for excess data +uint32_t asyncCrc32(Crc32Algorithm myCrc32, + const void* data, + size_t numBytes, + size_t maxBlockSize) +{ + // last block ? + if (numBytes <= maxBlockSize) + return myCrc32(data, numBytes, 0); // we're done + + // compute CRC of the remaining bytes in a separate thread + auto dataLeft = reinterpret_cast(data) + maxBlockSize; + auto bytesLeft = numBytes - maxBlockSize; + auto remainder = std::async(std::launch::async, + asyncCrc32, + myCrc32, + dataLeft, + bytesLeft, + maxBlockSize); + + // compute CRC of the current block + auto currentCrc = myCrc32(data, maxBlockSize, 0); + // get CRC of the remainder + auto remainderCrc = remainder.get(); + // and merge both + return crc32::crc32_combine(currentCrc, remainderCrc, bytesLeft); +} +// call: run(crc32_8bytes, data, NumBytes, 8) if you have an octocore CPU +uint32_t run(Crc32Algorithm myCrc32, + const void* data, + size_t numBytes, + size_t numThreads = 0) +{ + // run on all cores + if (numThreads == 0) + numThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); + + // split data evenly, rounding up + auto defaultBlocksize = (numBytes + numThreads - 1) / numThreads; + + return asyncCrc32(myCrc32, data, numBytes, defaultBlocksize); +} + +// test original sequential CRC32 algorithm against crc32_combine +bool testCombine(const char* data, size_t maxBytes = 1024) +{ + bool ok = true; + for (size_t lengthA = 1; lengthA < maxBytes; lengthA++) { + // split bytes into two blocks of lengthA and lengthB + auto lengthB = maxBytes - lengthA; + +// compute CRC of both blocks +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE + auto crcA = crc32::crc32_1byte(data, lengthA); + auto crcB = crc32::crc32_1byte(data + lengthA, lengthB); + + // CRC of the whole block + auto crcAtOnce = crc32::crc32_1byte(data, maxBytes); + // CRC of both blocks in a sequential fashion + auto crcSequential = crc32::crc32_1byte(data + lengthA, lengthB, crcA); + + // CRC using the new crc32_combine function + auto crcCombined = crc32::crc32_combine(crcA, crcB, lengthB); + + // check results + if (crcAtOnce != crcSequential || crcAtOnce != crcCombined) { + printf("FAILED @ %zu: %08X %08X %08X %08X %08X\n", + lengthA, + crcA, + crcB, + crcAtOnce, + crcSequential, + crcCombined); + ok = false; + } +#else + auto crcA = crc32::crc32_halfbyte(data, lengthA); + auto crcB = crc32::crc32_halfbyte(data + lengthA, lengthB); + + // CRC of the whole block + auto crcAtOnce = crc32::crc32_halfbyte(data, maxBytes); + // CRC of both blocks in a sequential fashion + auto crcSequential = crc32::crc32_halfbyte(data + lengthA, lengthB, crcA); + + // CRC using the new crc32_combine function + auto crcCombined = crc32::crc32_combine(crcA, crcB, lengthB); + + // check results + if (crcAtOnce != crcSequential || crcAtOnce != crcCombined) { + printf("FAILED @ %zu: %08X %08X %08X %08X %08X\n", + lengthA, + crcA, + crcB, + crcAtOnce, + crcSequential, + crcCombined); + ok = false; + } +#endif + } + return ok; +} + +int main(int argc, char* argv[]) +{ + // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + printf("Please wait ...\n"); + + uint32_t randomNumber = 0x27121978; + // initialize + char* data = new char[NumBytes]; + for (size_t i = 0; i < NumBytes; i++) { + data[i] = char(randomNumber & 0xFF); + // simple LCG, see + // + randomNumber = 1664525 * randomNumber + 1013904223; + } + + // re-use variables + auto start_time = cpp_clock::now(); + + double duration = 0.0; + uint32_t crc = 0; + + // number of threads: use all cores by default or set number as command-line + // parameter + auto numThreads = 0; + if (argc == 2) { + numThreads = std::stoi(argv[1]); + } + if (numThreads <= 0) { + numThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); + } + printf("use %d threads:\n", numThreads); + +// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// one byte at once +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE + start_time = cpp_clock::now(); + crc = run(crc32::crc32_1byte, data, NumBytes, numThreads); + duration = std::chrono::duration_cast>( + cpp_clock::now() - start_time) + .count(); + printf(" 1 byte at once / %d threads: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", + numThreads, + crc, + duration, + (NumBytes / (1024 * 1024)) / duration); +#endif + +// four bytes at once +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 + start_time = cpp_clock::now(); + crc = run(crc32::crc32_4bytes, data, NumBytes, numThreads); + duration = std::chrono::duration_cast>( + cpp_clock::now() - start_time) + .count(); + printf(" 4 bytes at once / %d threads: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", + numThreads, + crc, + duration, + (NumBytes / (1024 * 1024)) / duration); +#endif + +// eight bytes at once +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 + start_time = cpp_clock::now(); + crc = run(crc32::crc32_8bytes, data, NumBytes, numThreads); + duration = std::chrono::duration_cast>( + cpp_clock::now() - start_time) + .count(); + printf(" 8 bytes at once / %d threads: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", + numThreads, + crc, + duration, + (NumBytes / (1024 * 1024)) / duration); + +#endif + +// eight bytes at once, unrolled 4 times (=> 32 bytes per loop) +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 + start_time = cpp_clock::now(); + crc = run(crc32::crc32_4x8bytes, data, NumBytes, numThreads); + duration = std::chrono::duration_cast>( + cpp_clock::now() - start_time) + .count(); + printf("4x8 bytes at once / %d threads: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", + numThreads, + crc, + duration, + (NumBytes / (1024 * 1024)) / duration); +#endif + +// sixteen bytes at once +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 + start_time = cpp_clock::now(); + crc = run(crc32::crc32_16bytes, data, NumBytes, numThreads); + duration = std::chrono::duration_cast>( + cpp_clock::now() - start_time) + .count(); + printf(" 16 bytes at once / %d threads: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", + numThreads, + crc, + duration, + (NumBytes / (1024 * 1024)) / duration); +#endif + +// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// slowly increment number of threads to determine scalability +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 + printf("run slicing-by-8 algorithm with 1 to %d threads:\n", numThreads); +#else + printf("run crc32_halfbyte algorithm with 1 to %d threads:\n", numThreads); +#endif + + for (auto scaleThreads = 1; scaleThreads <= numThreads; scaleThreads++) { + // eight bytes at once + start_time = cpp_clock::now(); +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 + if (scaleThreads == 1) { + crc = crc32::crc32_8bytes(data, NumBytes); // single-threaded + } else { + crc = run( + crc32::crc32_8bytes, data, NumBytes, scaleThreads); // multi-threaded + } +#else + if (scaleThreads == 1) { + crc = crc32::crc32_halfbyte(data, NumBytes); // single-threaded + } else { + crc = run(crc32::crc32_halfbyte, + data, + NumBytes, + scaleThreads); // multi-threaded + } +#endif + + duration = std::chrono::duration_cast>( + cpp_clock::now() - start_time) + .count(); +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 + printf(" 8 bytes at once / %d threads: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", + scaleThreads, + crc, + duration, + (NumBytes / (1024 * 1024)) / duration); +#else + printf(" 0.5 bytes at once / %d threads: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", + scaleThreads, + crc, + duration, + (NumBytes / (1024 * 1024)) / duration); +#endif + + // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // verify crc32_combine + if (!testCombine(data, 1024)) { + printf("ERROR in crc32_combine !!!\n"); + } + + delete[] data; + return 0; + } +} diff --git a/example/crc32_test_singlethreaded.cpp b/example/crc32_test_singlethreaded.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..20ce8bd --- /dev/null +++ b/example/crc32_test_singlethreaded.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ +// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// test_example.cpp +// Copyright (c) 2016-2021 Stephan Brumme. All rights reserved. +// see +// + +#include // std::chrono +#include +#include + +#include "crc32/crc32.hpp" + +// the slicing-by-4/8/16 tests are only performed if the corresponding +// preprocessor symbol is defined in crc32.hpp +// simpler algorithms can be enabled/disabled right here: +#define CRC32_TEST_BITWISE +#define CRC32_TEST_HALFBYTE +#define CRC32_TEST_TABLELESS + +using cpp_clock = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock; + +// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// test code + +/// one gigabyte +const size_t NumBytes = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; +/// 4k chunks during last test +const size_t DefaultChunkSize = 4 * 1024; + +auto main(int argc, char* argv[]) -> int +{ + printf("Please wait ...\n"); + + uint32_t randomNumber = 0x27121978; + // initialize + char* data = new char[NumBytes]; + for (size_t i = 0; i < NumBytes; i++) { + data[i] = char(randomNumber & 0xFF); + // simple LCG, see + // + randomNumber = 1664525 * randomNumber + 1013904223; + } + + // re-use variables + auto start_time = cpp_clock::now(); + + double duration = 0.0; + uint32_t crc = 0; + +#ifdef CRC32_TEST_BITWISE + // bitwise + start_time = cpp_clock::now(); + crc = crc32::crc32_bitwise(data, NumBytes); + duration = std::chrono::duration_cast>( + cpp_clock::now() - start_time) + .count(); + printf("bitwise : CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", + crc, + duration, + (NumBytes / (1024 * 1024)) / duration); +#endif // CRC32_TEST_BITWISE + +#ifdef CRC32_TEST_HALFBYTE + // half-byte + start_time = cpp_clock::now(); + crc = crc32::crc32_halfbyte(data, NumBytes); + duration = std::chrono::duration_cast>( + cpp_clock::now() - start_time) + .count(); + printf("half-byte : CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", + crc, + duration, + (NumBytes / (1024 * 1024)) / duration); +#endif // CRC32_TEST_HALFBYTE + +#ifdef CRC32_TEST_TABLELESS + // one byte at once (without lookup tables) + start_time = cpp_clock::now(); + crc = crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(data, NumBytes); + duration = std::chrono::duration_cast>( + cpp_clock::now() - start_time) + .count(); + printf("tableless (byte) : CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", + crc, + duration, + (NumBytes / (1024 * 1024)) / duration); + + // one byte at once (without lookup tables) + start_time = cpp_clock::now(); + crc = crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(data, NumBytes); + duration = std::chrono::duration_cast>( + cpp_clock::now() - start_time) + .count(); + printf("tableless (byte2): CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", + crc, + duration, + (NumBytes / (1024 * 1024)) / duration); +#endif // CRC32_TEST_TABLELESS + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE + // one byte at once + start_time = cpp_clock::now(); + crc = crc32::crc32_1byte(data, NumBytes); + duration = std::chrono::duration_cast>( + cpp_clock::now() - start_time) + .count(); + printf(" 1 byte at once: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", + crc, + duration, + (NumBytes / (1024 * 1024)) / duration); +#endif // CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 + // four bytes at once + start_time = cpp_clock::now(); + crc = crc32::crc32_4bytes(data, NumBytes); + duration = std::chrono::duration_cast>( + cpp_clock::now() - start_time) + .count(); + printf(" 4 bytes at once: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", + crc, + duration, + (NumBytes / (1024 * 1024)) / duration); +#endif // CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 + // eight bytes at once + start_time = cpp_clock::now(); + crc = crc32::crc32_8bytes(data, NumBytes); + duration = std::chrono::duration_cast>( + cpp_clock::now() - start_time) + .count(); + printf(" 8 bytes at once: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", + crc, + duration, + (NumBytes / (1024 * 1024)) / duration); + + // eight bytes at once, unrolled 4 times (=> 32 bytes per loop) + start_time = cpp_clock::now(); + crc = crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(data, NumBytes); + duration = std::chrono::duration_cast>( + cpp_clock::now() - start_time) + .count(); + printf("4x8 bytes at once: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", + crc, + duration, + (NumBytes / (1024 * 1024)) / duration); +#endif // CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 + // sixteen bytes at once + start_time = cpp_clock::now(); + crc = crc32::crc32_16bytes(data, NumBytes); + duration = std::chrono::duration_cast>( + cpp_clock::now() - start_time) + .count(); + printf(" 16 bytes at once: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", + crc, + duration, + (NumBytes / (1024 * 1024)) / duration); + + // sixteen bytes at once + start_time = cpp_clock::now(); + crc = crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(data, NumBytes, 0, 256); + duration = std::chrono::duration_cast>( + cpp_clock::now() - start_time) + .count(); + printf( + " 16 bytes at once: CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s (including prefetching)\n", + crc, + duration, + (NumBytes / (1024 * 1024)) / duration); +#endif // CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 + + // process in 4k chunks + start_time = cpp_clock::now(); + crc = 0; // also default parameter of crc32_xx functions + size_t bytesProcessed = 0; + while (bytesProcessed < NumBytes) { + size_t bytesLeft = NumBytes - bytesProcessed; + size_t chunkSize = + (DefaultChunkSize < bytesLeft) ? DefaultChunkSize : bytesLeft; + + crc = crc32::crc32_fast(data + bytesProcessed, chunkSize, crc); + + bytesProcessed += chunkSize; + } + duration = std::chrono::duration_cast>( + cpp_clock::now() - start_time) + .count(); + printf(" chunked : CRC=%08X, %.3fs, %.3f MB/s\n", + crc, + duration, + (NumBytes / (1024 * 1024)) / duration); + + delete[] data; + return 0; +} diff --git a/example/simple_c_example.c b/example/simple_c_example.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4bb584f --- /dev/null +++ b/example/simple_c_example.c @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// simple_example.c +// Copyright (c) 2021-2021 Stephan Brumme. All rights reserved. +// Simple example contributed by Bensuperpc +// see +// + +#include +#include + +#include "crc32/crc32.h" + +int main() +{ + char str[5] = {'L', 'i', 'n', 'u', 'x'}; + + const uint32_t result = crc32_halfbyte(str, 5, 0); + + if (result == 0x53d0684b) { + printf("0x%.4X\n", result); + } else { + printf("Error: wrong CRC32 value"); + return 1; + } + return 0; +} diff --git a/example/simple_example.cpp b/example/simple_example.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e4f7254 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/simple_example.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// simple_example.cpp +// Copyright (c) 2021-2021 Stephan Brumme. All rights reserved. +// Simple example contributed by Bensuperpc +// see +// + +#include +#include + +#include "crc32/crc32.hpp" + +auto main() -> int +{ + const std::string str1 = "Linux"; + const auto result1 = + crc32::crc32_halfbyte(, str1.size(), 0); // Use void* for data + std::cout << "CRC32 of: " << str1 << " = 0x" << std::hex << result1 + << std::endl; + + const std::string str2 = "Linux"; + const auto result2 = crc32::crc32_halfbyte( + str2, 0); // Use std::string_view or std::string for data + std::cout << "CRC32 of: " << str2 << " = 0x" << std::hex << result2 + << std::endl; + + return 0; +} diff --git a/include/crc32/crc32.h b/include/crc32/crc32.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66e24cd --- /dev/null +++ b/include/crc32/crc32.h @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// crc32.h +// Copyright (c) 2011-2021 Stephan Brumme. All rights reserved. +// Slicing-by-16 contributed by Bulat Ziganshin +// Tableless bytewise CRC contributed by Hagai Gold +// see +// + +#ifndef CRC32_H_INCLUDED +#define CRC32_H_INCLUDED + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +// uint8_t, uint32_t, int32_t +#include + +#include "crc32/crc32_var.h" + +// Needed, add CRC32_EXPORT before each function +#include "crc32/crc32_export.hpp" + +// crc32_fast selects the fastest algorithm depending on flags +// (CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_...) +/// compute CRC32 using the fastest algorithm for large datasets on modern CPUs +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_fast(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t); + +/// merge two CRC32 such that result = crc32(dataB, lengthB, crc32(dataA, +/// lengthA)) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_combine(uint32_t crcA, + uint32_t crcB, + size_t lengthB); + +/// compute CRC32 (bitwise algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_bitwise(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t); + +/// compute CRC32 (bitwise algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_bitwise_branch(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t); + +/// compute CRC32 (half-byte algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_halfbyte(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t); + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE +/// compute CRC32 (standard algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_1byte(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t); +#endif + +/// compute CRC32 (byte algorithm) without lookup tables +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_1byte_tableless(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t); +/// compute CRC32 (byte algorithm) without lookup tables +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_1byte_tableless2(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t); + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-4 algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_4bytes(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t); +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-8 algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_8bytes(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t); +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-8 algorithm), unroll inner loop 4 times +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_4x8bytes(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t); +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-16 algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_16bytes(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t); +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-16 algorithm, prefetch upcoming data blocks) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_16bytes_prefetch(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t, + size_t prefetchAhead); +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif // CRC32_H_INCLUDED diff --git a/include/crc32/crc32.hpp b/include/crc32/crc32.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..260f0b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/crc32/crc32.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,231 @@ +// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// crc32.hpp +// Copyright (c) 2011-2021 Stephan Brumme. All rights reserved. +// Slicing-by-16 contributed by Bulat Ziganshin +// Tableless bytewise CRC contributed by Hagai Gold +// see +// + +#pragma once + +// uint8_t, uint32_t, int32_t +extern "C" { +#include + +#include "crc32/crc32.h" +#include "crc32/crc32_var.h" +} + +#include // size_t + +#if ((defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) || __cplusplus >= 201703L) +# include +#else +# include +#endif + +// Needed, add CRC32_EXPORT before each function +#include "crc32/crc32_export.hpp" + +namespace crc32 +{ +// crc32_fast selects the fastest algorithm depending on flags +// (CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_...) +/// compute CRC32 using the fastest algorithm for large datasets on modern CPUs +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_fast(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); + +/// merge two CRC32 such that result = crc32(dataB, lengthB, crc32(dataA, +/// lengthA)) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_combine(uint32_t crcA, + uint32_t crcB, + size_t lengthB); + +/// compute CRC32 (bitwise algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_bitwise(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); + +/// compute CRC32 (bitwise algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_bitwise_branch(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); + +/// compute CRC32 (half-byte algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_halfbyte(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE +/// compute CRC32 (standard algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_1byte(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); +#endif + +/// compute CRC32 (byte algorithm) without lookup tables +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_1byte_tableless(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); +/// compute CRC32 (byte algorithm) without lookup tables +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_1byte_tableless2(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-4 algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_4bytes(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-8 algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_8bytes(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-8 algorithm), unroll inner loop 4 times +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_4x8bytes(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-16 algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_16bytes(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-16 algorithm, prefetch upcoming data blocks) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_16bytes_prefetch(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0, + size_t prefetchAhead = 256); +#endif + +// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// C++ functions +#if ((defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) || __cplusplus >= 201703L) + +// crc32_fast selects the fastest algorithm depending on flags +// (CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_...) +/// compute CRC32 using the fastest algorithm for large datasets on modern CPUs +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_fast(std::string_view data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); + +/// compute CRC32 (bitwise algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_bitwise(std::string_view data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); + +/// compute CRC32 (bitwise algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_bitwise_branch(std::string_view data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); + +/// compute CRC32 (half-byte algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_halfbyte(std::string_view data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); + +# ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE +/// compute CRC32 (standard algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_1byte(std::string_view data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); +# endif + +/// compute CRC32 (byte algorithm) without lookup tables +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_1byte_tableless(std::string_view data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); + +/// compute CRC32 (byte algorithm) without lookup tables +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_1byte_tableless2(std::string_view data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); + +# ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-4 algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_4bytes(std::string_view data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); +# endif + +# ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-8 algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_8bytes(std::string_view data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); + +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-8 algorithm), unroll inner loop 4 times +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_4x8bytes(std::string_view data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); +# endif + +# ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-16 algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_16bytes(std::string_view data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); + +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-16 algorithm, prefetch upcoming data blocks) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_16bytes_prefetch(std::string_view data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0, + size_t prefetchAhead = 256); +# endif + +#else + +// crc32_fast selects the fastest algorithm depending on flags +// (CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_...) +/// compute CRC32 using the fastest algorithm for large datasets on modern CPUs +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_fast(const std::string& data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); + +/// compute CRC32 (bitwise algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_bitwise(const std::string& data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); + +/// compute CRC32 (bitwise algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_bitwise_branch(const std::string& data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); + +/// compute CRC32 (half-byte algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_halfbyte(const std::string& data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); + +# ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE +/// compute CRC32 (standard algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_1byte(const std::string& data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); +# endif + +/// compute CRC32 (byte algorithm) without lookup tables +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_1byte_tableless(const std::string& data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); + +/// compute CRC32 (byte algorithm) without lookup tables +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_1byte_tableless2(const std::string& data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); + +# ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-4 algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_4bytes(const std::string& data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); +# endif + +# ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-8 algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_8bytes(const std::string& data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); + +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-8 algorithm), unroll inner loop 4 times +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_4x8bytes(const std::string& data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); +# endif + +# ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-16 algorithm) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_16bytes(const std::string& data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0); + +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-16 algorithm, prefetch upcoming data blocks) +CRC32_EXPORT uint32_t crc32_16bytes_prefetch(const std::string& data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0, + size_t prefetchAhead = 256); +# endif + +#endif +} // namespace crc32 diff --git a/include/crc32/crc32_var.h b/include/crc32/crc32_var.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e3f5d33 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/crc32/crc32_var.h @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// crc32_var.h +// Copyright (c) 2011-2021 Stephan Brumme. All rights reserved. +// Slicing-by-16 contributed by Bulat Ziganshin +// Tableless bytewise CRC contributed by Hagai Gold +// see +// + +#ifndef CRC32_VAR_H_INCLUDED +#define CRC32_VAR_H_INCLUDED + +// if running on an embedded system, you might consider shrinking the +// big Crc32Lookup table by undefining these lines: + +// #define CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE +// #define CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 +// #define CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 +// #define CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 + +// - crc32_bitwise doesn't need it at all +// - crc32_bitwise_branch doesn't need it at all +// - crc32_halfbyte has its own small lookup table +// - crc32_1byte_tableless and crc32_1byte_tableless2 don't need it at all +// - crc32_1byte needs only Crc32Lookup[0] +// - crc32_4bytes needs only Crc32Lookup[0..3] +// - crc32_8bytes needs only Crc32Lookup[0..7] +// - crc32_4x8bytes needs only Crc32Lookup[0..7] +// - crc32_16bytes needs all of Crc32Lookup +// using the aforementioned #defines the table is automatically fitted to your +// needs + +// Needed, add CRC32_EXPORT before each function +#include "crc32/crc32_export.hpp" + +// uint8_t, uint32_t, int32_t +#include + +#ifndef __LITTLE_ENDIAN +# define __LITTLE_ENDIAN 1234 +#endif +#ifndef __BIG_ENDIAN +# define __BIG_ENDIAN 4321 +#endif + +// define endianness and some integer data types +#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__) +// Windows always little endian +# define __BYTE_ORDER __LITTLE_ENDIAN + +// intrinsics / prefetching +# if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__clang__) +# define PREFETCH(location) __builtin_prefetch(location) +# else +# if defined(__SSE2__) +# include +# define PREFETCH(location) _mm_prefetch(location, _MM_HINT_T0) +# else +# define PREFETCH(location) ; +# endif +# endif +#else +// defines __BYTE_ORDER as __LITTLE_ENDIAN or __BIG_ENDIAN +# include + +// intrinsics / prefetching +# ifdef __GNUC__ +# define PREFETCH(location) __builtin_prefetch(location) +# else +// no prefetching +# define PREFETCH(location) ; +# endif +#endif + +// abort if byte order is undefined +#if !defined(__BYTE_ORDER) + +# if _MSC_VER && !__INTEL_COMPILER +# pragma message( \ + "undefined byte order, compile with -D__BYTE_ORDER=1234 (if little endian) or -D__BYTE_ORDER=4321 (big endian)") +# pragma message("use default byte order: little endian (x86 and ARM CPUs)") +# else +# warning undefined byte order, compile with -D__BYTE_ORDER=1234 (if little endian) or -D__BYTE_ORDER=4321 (big endian) +# warning use default byte order: little endian (x86 and ARM CPUs) +# endif +#endif + +#if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN +/// swap endianness +static inline uint32_t swap(uint32_t x) +{ +# if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) + return __builtin_bswap32(x); +# else + return (x >> 24) | ((x >> 8) & 0x0000FF00) | ((x << 8) & 0x00FF0000) + | (x << 24); +# endif +} +#endif + +// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// constants + +/// zlib's CRC32 polynomial +extern const uint32_t Polynomial; + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 +extern const uint32_t Crc32Lookup[16][256]; +#elif defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8) +extern const uint32_t Crc32Lookup[8][256]; +#elif defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4) +extern const uint32_t Crc32Lookup[4][256]; +#elif defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE) +extern const uint32_t Crc32Lookup[1][256]; +#else +# define NO_LUT // don't need Crc32Lookup at all +#endif +#endif // CRC32_VAR_H_INCLUDED diff --git a/ b/ deleted file mode 100644 index a8a84c6..0000000 --- a/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -# Fast CRC32 - -This is a mirror of my CRC32 library hosted at - -Features in a nutshell: -- C++ code, single file -- the fastest algorithms need about 1 CPU cycle per byte -- endian-aware -- support for multi-threaded computation -- runs even on Arduino, Raspberry Pi, etc. -- quite long posting about it on, describing each implemented algorithm in detail - -Algorithms: -- bitwise -- branch-free bitwise -- half-byte -- tableless full-byte -- Sarwate's original algorithm -- slicing-by-4 -- slicing-by-8 -- slicing-by-16 - -- crc32_combine() "merges" two indepedently computed CRC32 values which is the basis for even faster multi-threaded calculation - -See my website for documentation, code examples and a benchmark. diff --git a/source/crc32.c b/source/crc32.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9e417e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/source/crc32.c @@ -0,0 +1,577 @@ +// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// crc32.cpp +// Copyright (c) 2011-2021 Stephan Brumme. All rights reserved. +// Slicing-by-16 contributed by Bulat Ziganshin +// Tableless bytewise CRC contributed by Hagai Gold +// see +// + +// if running on an embedded system, you might consider shrinking the +// big Crc32Lookup table: +// - crc32_bitwise doesn't need it at all +// - crc32_bitwise_banch doesn't need it at all +// - crc32_halfbyte has its own small lookup table +// - crc32_1byte needs only Crc32Lookup[0] +// - crc32_4bytes needs only Crc32Lookup[0..3] +// - crc32_8bytes needs only Crc32Lookup[0..7] +// - crc32_4x8bytes needs only Crc32Lookup[0..7] +// - crc32_16bytes needs all of Crc32Lookup + +#include "crc32/crc32.h" + +/// compute CRC32 (bitwise algorithm) +uint32_t crc32_bitwise(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +{ + uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF + const uint8_t* current = (const uint8_t*)data; + + while (length-- != 0) { + crc ^= *current++; + + for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { + // branch-free + crc = (crc >> 1) ^ (-(int32_t)(crc & 1) & Polynomial); + } + } + + return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF +} + +/// compute CRC32 (bitwise algorithm with branching) +uint32_t crc32_bitwise_branch(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +{ + uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF + const uint8_t* current = (const uint8_t*)data; + + while (length-- != 0) { + crc ^= *current++; + + for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { + // branching, much slower + if (crc & 1) { + crc = (crc >> 1) ^ Polynomial; + } else { + crc = crc >> 1; + } + } + } + + return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF +} + +/// compute CRC32 (half-byte algorithm) +uint32_t crc32_halfbyte(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +{ + uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF + const uint8_t* current = (const uint8_t*)data; + + /// look-up table for half-byte, same as crc32Lookup[0][16*i] + static const uint32_t _Crc32Lookup16[16] = {0x00000000, + 0x1DB71064, + 0x3B6E20C8, + 0x26D930AC, + 0x76DC4190, + 0x6B6B51F4, + 0x4DB26158, + 0x5005713C, + 0xEDB88320, + 0xF00F9344, + 0xD6D6A3E8, + 0xCB61B38C, + 0x9B64C2B0, + 0x86D3D2D4, + 0xA00AE278, + 0xBDBDF21C}; + + while (length-- != 0) { + crc = _Crc32Lookup16[(crc ^ *current) & 0x0F] ^ (crc >> 4); + crc = _Crc32Lookup16[(crc ^ (*current >> 4)) & 0x0F] ^ (crc >> 4); + current++; + } + + return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF +} + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE +/// compute CRC32 (standard algorithm) +uint32_t crc32_1byte(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +{ + uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF + const uint8_t* current = (const uint8_t*)data; + + while (length-- != 0) + crc = (crc >> 8) ^ Crc32Lookup[0][(crc & 0xFF) ^ *current++]; + + return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF +} +#endif + +/// compute CRC32 (byte algorithm) without lookup tables +uint32_t crc32_1byte_tableless(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +{ + uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF + const uint8_t* current = (const uint8_t*)data; + + while (length-- != 0) { + uint8_t s = (uint8_t)crc ^ *current++; + + // Hagai Gold made me aware of this table-less algorithm and send me code + + // polynomial 0xEDB88320 can be written in binary as + // 11101101101110001000001100100000b reverse the bits (or just assume bit 0 + // is the first one) and we have bits set at position 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, + // 10, 11, 12, 16, 22, 23, 26 + // => those are the shift offsets: + // crc = (crc >> 8) ^ + // t ^ + // (t >> 1) ^ (t >> 2) ^ (t >> 4) ^ (t >> 5) ^ // == y + // (t >> 7) ^ (t >> 8) ^ (t >> 10) ^ (t >> 11) ^ // == y >> 6 + // (t >> 12) ^ (t >> 16) ^ // == z + // (t >> 22) ^ (t >> 26) ^ // == z >> 10 + // (t >> 23); + + // the fastest I can come up with: + uint32_t low = (s ^ (s << 6)) & 0xFF; + uint32_t a = (low * ((1 << 23) + (1 << 14) + (1 << 2))); + crc = (crc >> 8) ^ (low * ((1 << 24) + (1 << 16) + (1 << 8))) ^ a ^ (a >> 1) + ^ (low * ((1 << 20) + (1 << 12))) ^ (low << 19) ^ (low << 17) + ^ (low >> 2); + + // Hagai's code: + /*uint32_t t = (s ^ (s << 6)) << 24; + + // some temporaries to optimize XOR + uint32_t x = (t >> 1) ^ (t >> 2); + uint32_t y = x ^ (x >> 3); + uint32_t z = (t >> 12) ^ (t >> 16); + + crc = (crc >> 8) ^ + t ^ (t >> 23) ^ + y ^ (y >> 6) ^ + z ^ (z >> 10);*/ + } + + return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF +} + +/// compute CRC32 (byte algorithm) without lookup tables +uint32_t crc32_1byte_tableless2(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +{ + int32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // note: signed integer, right shift + // distributes sign bit into lower bits + const uint8_t* current = (const uint8_t*)data; + + while (length-- != 0) { + crc = crc ^ *current++; + + uint32_t c = (((crc << 31) >> 31) & ((Polynomial >> 7) ^ (Polynomial >> 1))) + ^ (((crc << 30) >> 31) & ((Polynomial >> 6) ^ Polynomial)) + ^ (((crc << 29) >> 31) & (Polynomial >> 5)) + ^ (((crc << 28) >> 31) & (Polynomial >> 4)) + ^ (((crc << 27) >> 31) & (Polynomial >> 3)) + ^ (((crc << 26) >> 31) & (Polynomial >> 2)) + ^ (((crc << 25) >> 31) & (Polynomial >> 1)) + ^ (((crc << 24) >> 31) & Polynomial); + + crc = ((uint32_t)crc >> 8) + ^ c; // convert to unsigned integer before right shift + } + + return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF +} + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-4 algorithm) +uint32_t crc32_4bytes(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +{ + uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF + const uint32_t* current = (const uint32_t*)data; + + // process four bytes at once (Slicing-by-4) + while (length >= 4) { +# if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN + uint32_t one = *current++ ^ swap(crc); + crc = Crc32Lookup[0][one & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[1][(one >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[2][(one >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[3][(one >> 24) & 0xFF]; +# else + uint32_t one = *current++ ^ crc; + crc = Crc32Lookup[0][(one >> 24) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[1][(one >> 16) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[2][(one >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[3][one & 0xFF]; +# endif + + length -= 4; + } + + const uint8_t* currentChar = (const uint8_t*)current; + // remaining 1 to 3 bytes (standard algorithm) + while (length-- != 0) + crc = (crc >> 8) ^ Crc32Lookup[0][(crc & 0xFF) ^ *currentChar++]; + + return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF +} +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-8 algorithm) +uint32_t crc32_8bytes(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +{ + uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF + const uint32_t* current = (const uint32_t*)data; + + // process eight bytes at once (Slicing-by-8) + while (length >= 8) { +# if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN + uint32_t one = *current++ ^ swap(crc); + uint32_t two = *current++; + crc = Crc32Lookup[0][two & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[1][(two >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[2][(two >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[3][(two >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[4][one & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[5][(one >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[6][(one >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[7][(one >> 24) & 0xFF]; +# else + uint32_t one = *current++ ^ crc; + uint32_t two = *current++; + crc = Crc32Lookup[0][(two >> 24) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[1][(two >> 16) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[2][(two >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[3][two & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[4][(one >> 24) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[5][(one >> 16) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[6][(one >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[7][one & 0xFF]; +# endif + + length -= 8; + } + + const uint8_t* currentChar = (const uint8_t*)current; + // remaining 1 to 7 bytes (standard algorithm) + while (length-- != 0) + crc = (crc >> 8) ^ Crc32Lookup[0][(crc & 0xFF) ^ *currentChar++]; + + return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF +} + +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-8 algorithm), unroll inner loop 4 times +uint32_t crc32_4x8bytes(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +{ + uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF + const uint32_t* current = (const uint32_t*)data; + + // enabling optimization (at least -O2) automatically unrolls the inner + // for-loop + const size_t Unroll = 4; + const size_t BytesAtOnce = 8 * Unroll; + + // process 4x eight bytes at once (Slicing-by-8) + while (length >= BytesAtOnce) { + for (size_t unrolling = 0; unrolling < Unroll; unrolling++) { +# if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN + uint32_t one = *current++ ^ swap(crc); + uint32_t two = *current++; + crc = Crc32Lookup[0][two & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[1][(two >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[2][(two >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[3][(two >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[4][one & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[5][(one >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[6][(one >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[7][(one >> 24) & 0xFF]; +# else + uint32_t one = *current++ ^ crc; + uint32_t two = *current++; + crc = Crc32Lookup[0][(two >> 24) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[1][(two >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[2][(two >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[3][two & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[4][(one >> 24) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[5][(one >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[6][(one >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[7][one & 0xFF]; +# endif + } + + length -= BytesAtOnce; + } + + const uint8_t* currentChar = (const uint8_t*)current; + // remaining 1 to 31 bytes (standard algorithm) + while (length-- != 0) + crc = (crc >> 8) ^ Crc32Lookup[0][(crc & 0xFF) ^ *currentChar++]; + + return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF +} +#endif // CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-16 algorithm) +uint32_t crc32_16bytes(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +{ + uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF + const uint32_t* current = (const uint32_t*)data; + + // enabling optimization (at least -O2) automatically unrolls the inner + // for-loop + const size_t Unroll = 4; + const size_t BytesAtOnce = 16 * Unroll; + + while (length >= BytesAtOnce) { + for (size_t unrolling = 0; unrolling < Unroll; unrolling++) { +# if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN + uint32_t one = *current++ ^ swap(crc); + uint32_t two = *current++; + uint32_t three = *current++; + uint32_t four = *current++; + crc = Crc32Lookup[0][four & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[1][(four >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[2][(four >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[3][(four >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[4][three & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[5][(three >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[6][(three >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[7][(three >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[8][two & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[9][(two >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[10][(two >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[11][(two >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[12][one & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[13][(one >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[14][(one >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[15][(one >> 24) & 0xFF]; +# else + uint32_t one = *current++ ^ crc; + uint32_t two = *current++; + uint32_t three = *current++; + uint32_t four = *current++; + crc = Crc32Lookup[0][(four >> 24) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[1][(four >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[2][(four >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[3][four & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[4][(three >> 24) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[5][(three >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[6][(three >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[7][three & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[8][(two >> 24) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[9][(two >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[10][(two >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[11][two & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[12][(one >> 24) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[13][(one >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[14][(one >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[15][one & 0xFF]; +# endif + } + + length -= BytesAtOnce; + } + + const uint8_t* currentChar = (const uint8_t*)current; + // remaining 1 to 63 bytes (standard algorithm) + while (length-- != 0) { + crc = (crc >> 8) ^ Crc32Lookup[0][(crc & 0xFF) ^ *currentChar++]; + } + + return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF +} + +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-16 algorithm, prefetch upcoming data blocks) +uint32_t crc32_16bytes_prefetch(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32, + size_t prefetchAhead) +{ + // CRC code is identical to crc32_16bytes (including unrolling), only added + // prefetching 256 bytes look-ahead seems to be the sweet spot on Core i7 CPUs + + uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF + const uint32_t* current = (const uint32_t*)data; + + // enabling optimization (at least -O2) automatically unrolls the for-loop + const size_t Unroll = 4; + const size_t BytesAtOnce = 16 * Unroll; + + while (length >= BytesAtOnce + prefetchAhead) { + PREFETCH((const char*)current + prefetchAhead); + + for (size_t unrolling = 0; unrolling < Unroll; unrolling++) { +# if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN + uint32_t one = *current++ ^ swap(crc); + uint32_t two = *current++; + uint32_t three = *current++; + uint32_t four = *current++; + crc = Crc32Lookup[0][four & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[1][(four >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[2][(four >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[3][(four >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[4][three & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[5][(three >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[6][(three >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[7][(three >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[8][two & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[9][(two >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[10][(two >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[11][(two >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[12][one & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[13][(one >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[14][(one >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[15][(one >> 24) & 0xFF]; +# else + uint32_t one = *current++ ^ crc; + uint32_t two = *current++; + uint32_t three = *current++; + uint32_t four = *current++; + crc = Crc32Lookup[0][(four >> 24) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[1][(four >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[2][(four >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[3][four & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[4][(three >> 24) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[5][(three >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[6][(three >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[7][three & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[8][(two >> 24) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[9][(two >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[10][(two >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[11][two & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[12][(one >> 24) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[13][(one >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[14][(one >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[15][one & 0xFF]; +# endif + } + + length -= BytesAtOnce; + } + + const uint8_t* currentChar = (const uint8_t*)current; + // remaining 1 to 63 bytes (standard algorithm) + while (length-- != 0) { + crc = (crc >> 8) ^ Crc32Lookup[0][(crc & 0xFF) ^ *currentChar++]; + } + + return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF +} +#endif + +/// compute CRC32 using the fastest algorithm for large datasets on modern CPUs +uint32_t crc32_fast(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +{ +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 + return crc32_16bytes(data, length, previousCrc32); +#elif defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8) + return crc32_8bytes(data, length, previousCrc32); +#elif defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4) + return crc32_4bytes(data, length, previousCrc32); +#elif defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE) + return crc32_1byte(data, length, previousCrc32); +#else + return crc32_halfbyte(data, length, previousCrc32); +#endif +} + +/// merge two CRC32 such that result = crc32(dataB, lengthB, crc32(dataA, +/// lengthA)) +uint32_t crc32_combine(uint32_t crcA, uint32_t crcB, size_t lengthB) +{ + // based on Mark Adler's crc_combine from + // + + // main idea: + // - if you have two equally-sized blocks A and B, + // then you can create a block C = A ^ B + // which has the property crc(C) = crc(A) ^ crc(B) + // - if you append length(B) zeros to A and call it A' (think of it as + // AAAA000) + // and prepend length(A) zeros to B and call it B' (think of it as + // 0000BBB) then exists a C' = A' ^ B' + // - remember: if you XOR something with zero, it remains unchanged: X ^ 0 = X + // - that means C' = A concat B so that crc(A concat B) = crc(C') = crc(A') ^ + // crc(B') + // - the trick is to compute crc(A') based on crc(A) + // and crc(B') based on crc(B) + // - since B' starts with many zeros, the crc of those initial zeros is still + // zero + // - that means crc(B') = crc(B) + // - unfortunately the trailing zeros of A' change the crc, so usually crc(A') + // != crc(A) + // - the following code is a fast algorithm to compute crc(A') + // - starting with crc(A) and appending length(B) zeros, needing just + // log2(length(B)) iterations + // - the details are explained by the original author at + // + // + // notes: + // - I squeezed everything into one function to keep global namespace clean + // (original code two helper functions) + // - most original comments are still in place, I added comments where these + // helper functions where made inline code + // - performance-wise there isn't any differenze to the original zlib/pigz + // code + + // degenerated case + if (lengthB == 0) + return crcA; + + /// CRC32 => 32 bits + // const uint32_t CrcBits = 32; + + uint32_t odd[32]; // odd-power-of-two zeros operator + uint32_t even[32]; // even-power-of-two zeros operator + + // put operator for one zero bit in odd + odd[0] = Polynomial; // CRC-32 polynomial + for (int i = 1; i < (int)32; i++) + odd[i] = 1 << (i - 1); + + // put operator for two zero bits in even + // same as gf2_matrix_square(even, odd); + for (int i = 0; i < (int)32; i++) { + uint32_t vec = odd[i]; + even[i] = 0; + for (int j = 0; vec != 0; j++, vec >>= 1) + if (vec & 1) + even[i] ^= odd[j]; + } + // put operator for four zero bits in odd + // same as gf2_matrix_square(odd, even); + for (int i = 0; i < (int)32; i++) { + uint32_t vec = even[i]; + odd[i] = 0; + for (int j = 0; vec != 0; j++, vec >>= 1) + if (vec & 1) + odd[i] ^= even[j]; + } + + // the following loop becomes much shorter if I keep swapping even and odd + uint32_t* a = even; + uint32_t* b = odd; + // apply secondLength zeros to firstCrc32 + for (; lengthB > 0; lengthB >>= 1) { + // same as gf2_matrix_square(a, b); + for (int i = 0; i < (int)32; i++) { + uint32_t vec = b[i]; + a[i] = 0; + for (int j = 0; vec != 0; j++, vec >>= 1) + if (vec & 1) + a[i] ^= b[j]; + } + + // apply zeros operator for this bit + if (lengthB & 1) { + // same as firstCrc32 = gf2_matrix_times(a, firstCrc32); + uint32_t sum = 0; + for (int i = 0; crcA != 0; i++, crcA >>= 1) + if (crcA & 1) + sum ^= a[i]; + crcA = sum; + } + + // switch even and odd + uint32_t* t = a; + a = b; + b = t; + } + + // return combined crc + return crcA ^ crcB; +} diff --git a/source/crc32.cpp b/source/crc32.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..03a7dc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/source/crc32.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,651 @@ +// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// crc32.cpp +// Copyright (c) 2011-2021 Stephan Brumme. All rights reserved. +// Slicing-by-16 contributed by Bulat Ziganshin +// Tableless bytewise CRC contributed by Hagai Gold +// see +// + +// if running on an embedded system, you might consider shrinking the +// big Crc32Lookup table: +// - crc32_bitwise doesn't need it at all +// - crc32_bitwise_banch doesn't need it at all +// - crc32_halfbyte has its own small lookup table +// - crc32_1byte needs only Crc32Lookup[0] +// - crc32_4bytes needs only Crc32Lookup[0..3] +// - crc32_8bytes needs only Crc32Lookup[0..7] +// - crc32_4x8bytes needs only Crc32Lookup[0..7] +// - crc32_16bytes needs all of Crc32Lookup + +#include "crc32/crc32.hpp" + +/// compute CRC32 (bitwise algorithm) +uint32_t crc32::crc32_bitwise(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +{ + return ::crc32_bitwise(data, length, previousCrc32); +} + +/// compute CRC32 (bitwise algorithm with branching) +uint32_t crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +{ + return ::crc32_bitwise_branch(data, length, previousCrc32); +} + +/// compute CRC32 (half-byte algorithm) +uint32_t crc32::crc32_halfbyte(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +{ + return ::crc32_halfbyte(data, length, previousCrc32); +} + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE +/// compute CRC32 (standard algorithm) +uint32_t crc32::crc32_1byte(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +{ + return ::crc32_1byte(data, length, previousCrc32); +} +#endif + +/// compute CRC32 (byte algorithm) without lookup tables +uint32_t crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +{ + return ::crc32_1byte_tableless(data, length, previousCrc32); +} + +/// compute CRC32 (byte algorithm) without lookup tables +uint32_t crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +{ + return ::crc32_1byte_tableless2(data, length, previousCrc32); +} + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-4 algorithm) +uint32_t crc32::crc32_4bytes(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +{ + return ::crc32_4bytes(data, length, previousCrc32); +} +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-8 algorithm) +uint32_t crc32::crc32_8bytes(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +{ + return ::crc32_8bytes(data, length, previousCrc32); +} + +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-8 algorithm), unroll inner loop 4 times +uint32_t crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +{ + return ::crc32_4x8bytes(data, length, previousCrc32); +} +#endif // CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-16 algorithm) +uint32_t crc32::crc32_16bytes(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +{ + return ::crc32_16bytes(data, length, previousCrc32); +} + +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-16 algorithm, prefetch upcoming data blocks) +uint32_t crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32, + size_t prefetchAhead) +{ + return ::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(data, length, previousCrc32, prefetchAhead); +} +#endif + +/// compute CRC32 using the fastest algorithm for large datasets on modern CPUs +uint32_t crc32::crc32_fast(const void* data, + size_t length, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +{ +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 + return crc32_16bytes(data, length, previousCrc32); +#elif defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8) + return crc32_8bytes(data, length, previousCrc32); +#elif defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4) + return crc32_4bytes(data, length, previousCrc32); +#elif defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE) + return crc32_1byte(data, length, previousCrc32); +#else + return crc32::crc32_halfbyte(data, length, previousCrc32); +#endif +} + +/// merge two CRC32 such that result = crc32(dataB, lengthB, crc32(dataA, +/// lengthA)) +uint32_t crc32::crc32_combine(uint32_t crcA, uint32_t crcB, size_t lengthB) +{ + return ::crc32_combine(crcA, crcB, lengthB); +} + +/// compute CRC32 (bitwise algorithm) +#if ((defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) || __cplusplus >= 201703L) +std::uint32_t crc32::crc32_bitwise(std::string_view data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +#else +std::uint32_t crc32::crc32_bitwise(const std::string& data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +#endif +{ + uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF + const uint8_t* current = reinterpret_cast(; + uint64_t length = data.length(); + + while (length-- != 0) { + crc ^= *current++; + + for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { + // branch-free + crc = (crc >> 1) ^ (-int32_t(crc & 1) & Polynomial); + } + } + + return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF +} + +/// compute CRC32 (bitwise algorithm with branching) +#if ((defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) || __cplusplus >= 201703L) +std::uint32_t crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(std::string_view data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +#else +std::uint32_t crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(const std::string& data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +#endif +{ + uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF + const uint8_t* current = reinterpret_cast(; + uint64_t length = data.length(); + + while (length-- != 0) { + crc ^= *current++; + + for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { + // branching, much slower + if (crc & 1) { + crc = (crc >> 1) ^ Polynomial; + } else { + crc = crc >> 1; + } + } + } + + return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF +} + +/// compute CRC32 (half-byte algorithm) +#if ((defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) || __cplusplus >= 201703L) +std::uint32_t crc32::crc32_halfbyte(std::string_view data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +#else +std::uint32_t crc32::crc32_halfbyte(const std::string& data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +#endif +{ + uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF + const uint8_t* current = reinterpret_cast(; + uint64_t length = data.length(); + + /// look-up table for half-byte, same as crc32Lookup[0][16*i] + static const uint32_t _Crc32Lookup16[16] = {0x00000000, + 0x1DB71064, + 0x3B6E20C8, + 0x26D930AC, + 0x76DC4190, + 0x6B6B51F4, + 0x4DB26158, + 0x5005713C, + 0xEDB88320, + 0xF00F9344, + 0xD6D6A3E8, + 0xCB61B38C, + 0x9B64C2B0, + 0x86D3D2D4, + 0xA00AE278, + 0xBDBDF21C}; + + while (length-- != 0) { + crc = _Crc32Lookup16[(crc ^ *current) & 0x0F] ^ (crc >> 4); + crc = _Crc32Lookup16[(crc ^ (*current >> 4)) & 0x0F] ^ (crc >> 4); + current++; + } + + return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF +} + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE +/// compute CRC32 (standard algorithm) +# if ((defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) || __cplusplus >= 201703L) +std::uint32_t crc32::crc32_1byte(std::string_view data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +# else +std::uint32_t crc32::crc32_1byte(const std::string& data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +# endif +{ + uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF + const uint8_t* current = reinterpret_cast(; + uint64_t length = data.length(); + + while (length-- != 0) + crc = (crc >> 8) ^ Crc32Lookup[0][(crc & 0xFF) ^ *current++]; + + return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF +} +#endif + +/// compute CRC32 (byte algorithm) without lookup tables +#if ((defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) || __cplusplus >= 201703L) +std::uint32_t crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(std::string_view data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +#else +std::uint32_t crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(const std::string& data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +#endif +{ + uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF + const uint8_t* current = reinterpret_cast(; + uint64_t length = data.length(); + + while (length-- != 0) { + uint8_t s = uint8_t(crc) ^ *current++; + + // Hagai Gold made me aware of this table-less algorithm and send me code + + // polynomial 0xEDB88320 can be written in binary as + // 11101101101110001000001100100000b reverse the bits (or just assume bit 0 + // is the first one) and we have bits set at position 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, + // 10, 11, 12, 16, 22, 23, 26 + // => those are the shift offsets: + // crc = (crc >> 8) ^ + // t ^ + // (t >> 1) ^ (t >> 2) ^ (t >> 4) ^ (t >> 5) ^ // == y + // (t >> 7) ^ (t >> 8) ^ (t >> 10) ^ (t >> 11) ^ // == y >> 6 + // (t >> 12) ^ (t >> 16) ^ // == z + // (t >> 22) ^ (t >> 26) ^ // == z >> 10 + // (t >> 23); + + // the fastest I can come up with: + uint32_t low = (s ^ (s << 6)) & 0xFF; + uint32_t a = (low * ((1 << 23) + (1 << 14) + (1 << 2))); + crc = (crc >> 8) ^ (low * ((1 << 24) + (1 << 16) + (1 << 8))) ^ a ^ (a >> 1) + ^ (low * ((1 << 20) + (1 << 12))) ^ (low << 19) ^ (low << 17) + ^ (low >> 2); + + // Hagai's code: + /*uint32_t t = (s ^ (s << 6)) << 24; + + // some temporaries to optimize XOR + uint32_t x = (t >> 1) ^ (t >> 2); + uint32_t y = x ^ (x >> 3); + uint32_t z = (t >> 12) ^ (t >> 16); + + crc = (crc >> 8) ^ + t ^ (t >> 23) ^ + y ^ (y >> 6) ^ + z ^ (z >> 10);*/ + } + + return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF +} + +/// compute CRC32 (byte algorithm) without lookup tables +#if ((defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) || __cplusplus >= 201703L) +std::uint32_t crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(std::string_view data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +#else +std::uint32_t crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(const std::string& data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +#endif +{ + int32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF + const uint8_t* current = reinterpret_cast(; + uint64_t length = data.length(); + + while (length-- != 0) { + crc = crc ^ *current++; + + uint32_t c = (((crc << 31) >> 31) & ((Polynomial >> 7) ^ (Polynomial >> 1))) + ^ (((crc << 30) >> 31) & ((Polynomial >> 6) ^ Polynomial)) + ^ (((crc << 29) >> 31) & (Polynomial >> 5)) + ^ (((crc << 28) >> 31) & (Polynomial >> 4)) + ^ (((crc << 27) >> 31) & (Polynomial >> 3)) + ^ (((crc << 26) >> 31) & (Polynomial >> 2)) + ^ (((crc << 25) >> 31) & (Polynomial >> 1)) + ^ (((crc << 24) >> 31) & Polynomial); + + crc = (static_cast(crc) >> 8) + ^ c; // convert to unsigned integer before right shift + } + + return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF +} + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-4 algorithm) +# if ((defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) || __cplusplus >= 201703L) +std::uint32_t crc32::crc32_4bytes(std::string_view data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +# else +std::uint32_t crc32::crc32_4bytes(const std::string& data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +# endif +{ + uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF + const uint32_t* current = reinterpret_cast(; + uint64_t length = data.length(); + + // process four bytes at once (Slicing-by-4) + while (length >= 4) { +# if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN + uint32_t one = *current++ ^ swap(crc); + crc = Crc32Lookup[0][one & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[1][(one >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[2][(one >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[3][(one >> 24) & 0xFF]; +# else + uint32_t one = *current++ ^ crc; + crc = Crc32Lookup[0][(one >> 24) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[1][(one >> 16) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[2][(one >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[3][one & 0xFF]; +# endif + + length -= 4; + } + + const uint8_t* currentChar = reinterpret_cast(current); + // remaining 1 to 3 bytes (standard algorithm) + while (length-- != 0) + crc = (crc >> 8) ^ Crc32Lookup[0][(crc & 0xFF) ^ *currentChar++]; + + return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF +} +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-8 algorithm) +# if ((defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) || __cplusplus >= 201703L) +std::uint32_t crc32::crc32_8bytes(std::string_view data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +# else +std::uint32_t crc32::crc32_8bytes(const std::string& data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +# endif +{ + uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF + const uint32_t* current = reinterpret_cast(; + uint64_t length = data.length(); + + // process eight bytes at once (Slicing-by-8) + while (length >= 8) { +# if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN + uint32_t one = *current++ ^ swap(crc); + uint32_t two = *current++; + crc = Crc32Lookup[0][two & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[1][(two >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[2][(two >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[3][(two >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[4][one & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[5][(one >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[6][(one >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[7][(one >> 24) & 0xFF]; +# else + uint32_t one = *current++ ^ crc; + uint32_t two = *current++; + crc = Crc32Lookup[0][(two >> 24) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[1][(two >> 16) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[2][(two >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[3][two & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[4][(one >> 24) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[5][(one >> 16) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[6][(one >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[7][one & 0xFF]; +# endif + + length -= 8; + } + + const uint8_t* currentChar = reinterpret_cast(current); + // remaining 1 to 7 bytes (standard algorithm) + while (length-- != 0) + crc = (crc >> 8) ^ Crc32Lookup[0][(crc & 0xFF) ^ *currentChar++]; + + return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF +} + +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-8 algorithm), unroll inner loop 4 times +# if ((defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) || __cplusplus >= 201703L) +std::uint32_t crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(std::string_view data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +# else +std::uint32_t crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(const std::string& data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +# endif +{ + uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF + const uint8_t* current = reinterpret_cast(; + uint64_t length = data.length(); + + // enabling optimization (at least -O2) automatically unrolls the inner + // for-loop + const size_t Unroll = 4; + const size_t BytesAtOnce = 8 * Unroll; + + // process 4x eight bytes at once (Slicing-by-8) + while (length >= BytesAtOnce) { + for (size_t unrolling = 0; unrolling < Unroll; unrolling++) { +# if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN + uint32_t one = *current++ ^ swap(crc); + uint32_t two = *current++; + crc = Crc32Lookup[0][two & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[1][(two >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[2][(two >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[3][(two >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[4][one & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[5][(one >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[6][(one >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[7][(one >> 24) & 0xFF]; +# else + uint32_t one = *current++ ^ crc; + uint32_t two = *current++; + crc = Crc32Lookup[0][(two >> 24) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[1][(two >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[2][(two >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[3][two & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[4][(one >> 24) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[5][(one >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[6][(one >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[7][one & 0xFF]; +# endif + } + + length -= BytesAtOnce; + } + + const uint8_t* currentChar = reinterpret_cast(current); + // remaining 1 to 31 bytes (standard algorithm) + while (length-- != 0) + crc = (crc >> 8) ^ Crc32Lookup[0][(crc & 0xFF) ^ *currentChar++]; + + return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF +} +#endif // CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-16 algorithm) +# if ((defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) || __cplusplus >= 201703L) +std::uint32_t crc32::crc32_16bytes(std::string_view data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +# else +std::uint32_t crc32::crc32_16bytes(const std::string& data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +# endif +{ + uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF + const uint8_t* current = reinterpret_cast(; + uint64_t length = data.length(); + + // enabling optimization (at least -O2) automatically unrolls the inner + // for-loop + const size_t Unroll = 4; + const size_t BytesAtOnce = 16 * Unroll; + + while (length >= BytesAtOnce) { + for (size_t unrolling = 0; unrolling < Unroll; unrolling++) { +# if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN + uint32_t one = *current++ ^ swap(crc); + uint32_t two = *current++; + uint32_t three = *current++; + uint32_t four = *current++; + crc = Crc32Lookup[0][four & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[1][(four >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[2][(four >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[3][(four >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[4][three & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[5][(three >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[6][(three >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[7][(three >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[8][two & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[9][(two >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[10][(two >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[11][(two >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[12][one & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[13][(one >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[14][(one >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[15][(one >> 24) & 0xFF]; +# else + uint32_t one = *current++ ^ crc; + uint32_t two = *current++; + uint32_t three = *current++; + uint32_t four = *current++; + crc = Crc32Lookup[0][(four >> 24) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[1][(four >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[2][(four >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[3][four & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[4][(three >> 24) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[5][(three >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[6][(three >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[7][three & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[8][(two >> 24) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[9][(two >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[10][(two >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[11][two & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[12][(one >> 24) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[13][(one >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[14][(one >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[15][one & 0xFF]; +# endif + } + + length -= BytesAtOnce; + } + + const uint8_t* currentChar = reinterpret_cast(current); + // remaining 1 to 63 bytes (standard algorithm) + while (length-- != 0) { + crc = (crc >> 8) ^ Crc32Lookup[0][(crc & 0xFF) ^ *currentChar++]; + } + + return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF +} + +/// compute CRC32 (Slicing-by-16 algorithm, prefetch upcoming data blocks) +# if ((defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) || __cplusplus >= 201703L) +std::uint32_t crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(std::string_view data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32, + size_t prefetchAhead) +# else +std::uint32_t crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(const std::string& data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32, + size_t prefetchAhead) +# endif +{ + uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF + const uint8_t* current = reinterpret_cast(; + uint64_t length = data.length(); + + // CRC code is identical to crc32_16bytes (including unrolling), only added + // prefetching 256 bytes look-ahead seems to be the sweet spot on Core i7 CPUs + + // enabling optimization (at least -O2) automatically unrolls the for-loop + const size_t Unroll = 4; + const size_t BytesAtOnce = 16 * Unroll; + + while (length >= BytesAtOnce + prefetchAhead) { + PREFETCH((reinterpret_cast(current)) + prefetchAhead); + + for (size_t unrolling = 0; unrolling < Unroll; unrolling++) { +# if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN + uint32_t one = *current++ ^ swap(crc); + uint32_t two = *current++; + uint32_t three = *current++; + uint32_t four = *current++; + crc = Crc32Lookup[0][four & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[1][(four >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[2][(four >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[3][(four >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[4][three & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[5][(three >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[6][(three >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[7][(three >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[8][two & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[9][(two >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[10][(two >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[11][(two >> 24) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[12][one & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[13][(one >> 8) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[14][(one >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[15][(one >> 24) & 0xFF]; +# else + uint32_t one = *current++ ^ crc; + uint32_t two = *current++; + uint32_t three = *current++; + uint32_t four = *current++; + crc = Crc32Lookup[0][(four >> 24) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[1][(four >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[2][(four >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[3][four & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[4][(three >> 24) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[5][(three >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[6][(three >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[7][three & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[8][(two >> 24) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[9][(two >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[10][(two >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[11][two & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[12][(one >> 24) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[13][(one >> 16) & 0xFF] + ^ Crc32Lookup[14][(one >> 8) & 0xFF] ^ Crc32Lookup[15][one & 0xFF]; +# endif + } + + length -= BytesAtOnce; + } + + const uint8_t* currentChar = reinterpret_cast(current); + // remaining 1 to 63 bytes (standard algorithm) + while (length-- != 0) { + crc = (crc >> 8) ^ Crc32Lookup[0][(crc & 0xFF) ^ *currentChar++]; + } + + return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF +} +#endif + +/// compute CRC32 using the fastest algorithm for large datasets on modern CPUs +#if ((defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) || __cplusplus >= 201703L) +std::uint32_t crc32::crc32_fast(std::string_view data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +#else +std::uint32_t crc32::crc32_fast(const std::string& data, + const uint32_t previousCrc32) +#endif +{ +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 + return crc32_16bytes(data, previousCrc32); +#elif defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8) + return crc32_8bytes(data, previousCrc32); +#elif defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4) + return crc32_4bytes(data, previousCrc32); +#elif defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE) + return crc32_1byte(data, previousCrc32); +#else + return crc32::crc32_halfbyte(data, previousCrc32); +#endif +} diff --git a/source/crc32_var.c b/source/crc32_var.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8df5737 --- /dev/null +++ b/source/crc32_var.c @@ -0,0 +1,795 @@ +// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// crc32_var.c +// Copyright (c) 2021-2021 Stephan Brumme. All rights reserved. +// Slicing-by-16 contributed by Bulat Ziganshin +// Tableless bytewise CRC contributed by Hagai Gold +// see +// + +#include "crc32/crc32_var.h" + +// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// constants +const uint32_t Polynomial = 0xEDB88320; + +#ifndef NO_LUT +# ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 +const uint32_t Crc32Lookup[16][256] = { +# elif defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8) +const uint32_t Crc32Lookup[8][256] = { +# elif defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4) +const uint32_t Crc32Lookup[4][256] = { +# elif defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE) +const uint32_t Crc32Lookup[1][256] = { +# endif + //// same algorithm as crc32_bitwise + // for (int i = 0; i <= 0xFF; i++) + //{ + // uint32_t crc = i; + // for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) + // crc = (crc >> 1) ^ ((crc & 1) * Polynomial); + // Crc32Lookup[0][i] = crc; + //} + //// ... and the following slicing-by-8 algorithm (from Intel): + //// + /// + //// + // for (int slice = 1; slice < MaxSlice; slice++) + // Crc32Lookup[slice][i] = (Crc32Lookup[slice - 1][i] >> 8) ^ + // Crc32Lookup[0][Crc32Lookup[slice - 1][i] & 0xFF]; + { + // note: the first number of every second row corresponds to the + // half-byte look-up table ! + 0x00000000, 0x77073096, 0xEE0E612C, 0x990951BA, 0x076DC419, 0x706AF48F, + 0xE963A535, 0x9E6495A3, 0x0EDB8832, 0x79DCB8A4, 0xE0D5E91E, 0x97D2D988, + 0x09B64C2B, 0x7EB17CBD, 0xE7B82D07, 0x90BF1D91, 0x1DB71064, 0x6AB020F2, + 0xF3B97148, 0x84BE41DE, 0x1ADAD47D, 0x6DDDE4EB, 0xF4D4B551, 0x83D385C7, + 0x136C9856, 0x646BA8C0, 0xFD62F97A, 0x8A65C9EC, 0x14015C4F, 0x63066CD9, + 0xFA0F3D63, 0x8D080DF5, 0x3B6E20C8, 0x4C69105E, 0xD56041E4, 0xA2677172, + 0x3C03E4D1, 0x4B04D447, 0xD20D85FD, 0xA50AB56B, 0x35B5A8FA, 0x42B2986C, + 0xDBBBC9D6, 0xACBCF940, 0x32D86CE3, 0x45DF5C75, 0xDCD60DCF, 0xABD13D59, + 0x26D930AC, 0x51DE003A, 0xC8D75180, 0xBFD06116, 0x21B4F4B5, 0x56B3C423, + 0xCFBA9599, 0xB8BDA50F, 0x2802B89E, 0x5F058808, 0xC60CD9B2, 0xB10BE924, + 0x2F6F7C87, 0x58684C11, 0xC1611DAB, 0xB6662D3D, 0x76DC4190, 0x01DB7106, + 0x98D220BC, 0xEFD5102A, 0x71B18589, 0x06B6B51F, 0x9FBFE4A5, 0xE8B8D433, + 0x7807C9A2, 0x0F00F934, 0x9609A88E, 0xE10E9818, 0x7F6A0DBB, 0x086D3D2D, + 0x91646C97, 0xE6635C01, 0x6B6B51F4, 0x1C6C6162, 0x856530D8, 0xF262004E, + 0x6C0695ED, 0x1B01A57B, 0x8208F4C1, 0xF50FC457, 0x65B0D9C6, 0x12B7E950, + 0x8BBEB8EA, 0xFCB9887C, 0x62DD1DDF, 0x15DA2D49, 0x8CD37CF3, 0xFBD44C65, + 0x4DB26158, 0x3AB551CE, 0xA3BC0074, 0xD4BB30E2, 0x4ADFA541, 0x3DD895D7, + 0xA4D1C46D, 0xD3D6F4FB, 0x4369E96A, 0x346ED9FC, 0xAD678846, 0xDA60B8D0, + 0x44042D73, 0x33031DE5, 0xAA0A4C5F, 0xDD0D7CC9, 0x5005713C, 0x270241AA, + 0xBE0B1010, 0xC90C2086, 0x5768B525, 0x206F85B3, 0xB966D409, 0xCE61E49F, + 0x5EDEF90E, 0x29D9C998, 0xB0D09822, 0xC7D7A8B4, 0x59B33D17, 0x2EB40D81, + 0xB7BD5C3B, 0xC0BA6CAD, 0xEDB88320, 0x9ABFB3B6, 0x03B6E20C, 0x74B1D29A, + 0xEAD54739, 0x9DD277AF, 0x04DB2615, 0x73DC1683, 0xE3630B12, 0x94643B84, + 0x0D6D6A3E, 0x7A6A5AA8, 0xE40ECF0B, 0x9309FF9D, 0x0A00AE27, 0x7D079EB1, + 0xF00F9344, 0x8708A3D2, 0x1E01F268, 0x6906C2FE, 0xF762575D, 0x806567CB, + 0x196C3671, 0x6E6B06E7, 0xFED41B76, 0x89D32BE0, 0x10DA7A5A, 0x67DD4ACC, + 0xF9B9DF6F, 0x8EBEEFF9, 0x17B7BE43, 0x60B08ED5, 0xD6D6A3E8, 0xA1D1937E, + 0x38D8C2C4, 0x4FDFF252, 0xD1BB67F1, 0xA6BC5767, 0x3FB506DD, 0x48B2364B, + 0xD80D2BDA, 0xAF0A1B4C, 0x36034AF6, 0x41047A60, 0xDF60EFC3, 0xA867DF55, + 0x316E8EEF, 0x4669BE79, 0xCB61B38C, 0xBC66831A, 0x256FD2A0, 0x5268E236, + 0xCC0C7795, 0xBB0B4703, 0x220216B9, 0x5505262F, 0xC5BA3BBE, 0xB2BD0B28, + 0x2BB45A92, 0x5CB36A04, 0xC2D7FFA7, 0xB5D0CF31, 0x2CD99E8B, 0x5BDEAE1D, + 0x9B64C2B0, 0xEC63F226, 0x756AA39C, 0x026D930A, 0x9C0906A9, 0xEB0E363F, + 0x72076785, 0x05005713, 0x95BF4A82, 0xE2B87A14, 0x7BB12BAE, 0x0CB61B38, + 0x92D28E9B, 0xE5D5BE0D, 0x7CDCEFB7, 0x0BDBDF21, 0x86D3D2D4, 0xF1D4E242, + 0x68DDB3F8, 0x1FDA836E, 0x81BE16CD, 0xF6B9265B, 0x6FB077E1, 0x18B74777, + 0x88085AE6, 0xFF0F6A70, 0x66063BCA, 0x11010B5C, 0x8F659EFF, 0xF862AE69, + 0x616BFFD3, 0x166CCF45, 0xA00AE278, 0xD70DD2EE, 0x4E048354, 0x3903B3C2, + 0xA7672661, 0xD06016F7, 0x4969474D, 0x3E6E77DB, 0xAED16A4A, 0xD9D65ADC, + 0x40DF0B66, 0x37D83BF0, 0xA9BCAE53, 0xDEBB9EC5, 0x47B2CF7F, 0x30B5FFE9, + 0xBDBDF21C, 0xCABAC28A, 0x53B39330, 0x24B4A3A6, 0xBAD03605, 0xCDD70693, + 0x54DE5729, 0x23D967BF, 0xB3667A2E, 0xC4614AB8, 0x5D681B02, 0x2A6F2B94, + 0xB40BBE37, 0xC30C8EA1, 0x5A05DF1B, 0x2D02EF8D, + } + +# if defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4) \ + || defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8) \ + || defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16) + // beyond this point only relevant for Slicing-by-4, Slicing-by-8 and + // Slicing-by-16 + , + { + 0x00000000, 0x191B3141, 0x32366282, 0x2B2D53C3, 0x646CC504, 0x7D77F445, + 0x565AA786, 0x4F4196C7, 0xC8D98A08, 0xD1C2BB49, 0xFAEFE88A, 0xE3F4D9CB, + 0xACB54F0C, 0xB5AE7E4D, 0x9E832D8E, 0x87981CCF, 0x4AC21251, 0x53D92310, + 0x78F470D3, 0x61EF4192, 0x2EAED755, 0x37B5E614, 0x1C98B5D7, 0x05838496, + 0x821B9859, 0x9B00A918, 0xB02DFADB, 0xA936CB9A, 0xE6775D5D, 0xFF6C6C1C, + 0xD4413FDF, 0xCD5A0E9E, 0x958424A2, 0x8C9F15E3, 0xA7B24620, 0xBEA97761, + 0xF1E8E1A6, 0xE8F3D0E7, 0xC3DE8324, 0xDAC5B265, 0x5D5DAEAA, 0x44469FEB, + 0x6F6BCC28, 0x7670FD69, 0x39316BAE, 0x202A5AEF, 0x0B07092C, 0x121C386D, + 0xDF4636F3, 0xC65D07B2, 0xED705471, 0xF46B6530, 0xBB2AF3F7, 0xA231C2B6, + 0x891C9175, 0x9007A034, 0x179FBCFB, 0x0E848DBA, 0x25A9DE79, 0x3CB2EF38, + 0x73F379FF, 0x6AE848BE, 0x41C51B7D, 0x58DE2A3C, 0xF0794F05, 0xE9627E44, + 0xC24F2D87, 0xDB541CC6, 0x94158A01, 0x8D0EBB40, 0xA623E883, 0xBF38D9C2, + 0x38A0C50D, 0x21BBF44C, 0x0A96A78F, 0x138D96CE, 0x5CCC0009, 0x45D73148, + 0x6EFA628B, 0x77E153CA, 0xBABB5D54, 0xA3A06C15, 0x888D3FD6, 0x91960E97, + 0xDED79850, 0xC7CCA911, 0xECE1FAD2, 0xF5FACB93, 0x7262D75C, 0x6B79E61D, + 0x4054B5DE, 0x594F849F, 0x160E1258, 0x0F152319, 0x243870DA, 0x3D23419B, + 0x65FD6BA7, 0x7CE65AE6, 0x57CB0925, 0x4ED03864, 0x0191AEA3, 0x188A9FE2, + 0x33A7CC21, 0x2ABCFD60, 0xAD24E1AF, 0xB43FD0EE, 0x9F12832D, 0x8609B26C, + 0xC94824AB, 0xD05315EA, 0xFB7E4629, 0xE2657768, 0x2F3F79F6, 0x362448B7, + 0x1D091B74, 0x04122A35, 0x4B53BCF2, 0x52488DB3, 0x7965DE70, 0x607EEF31, + 0xE7E6F3FE, 0xFEFDC2BF, 0xD5D0917C, 0xCCCBA03D, 0x838A36FA, 0x9A9107BB, + 0xB1BC5478, 0xA8A76539, 0x3B83984B, 0x2298A90A, 0x09B5FAC9, 0x10AECB88, + 0x5FEF5D4F, 0x46F46C0E, 0x6DD93FCD, 0x74C20E8C, 0xF35A1243, 0xEA412302, + 0xC16C70C1, 0xD8774180, 0x9736D747, 0x8E2DE606, 0xA500B5C5, 0xBC1B8484, + 0x71418A1A, 0x685ABB5B, 0x4377E898, 0x5A6CD9D9, 0x152D4F1E, 0x0C367E5F, + 0x271B2D9C, 0x3E001CDD, 0xB9980012, 0xA0833153, 0x8BAE6290, 0x92B553D1, + 0xDDF4C516, 0xC4EFF457, 0xEFC2A794, 0xF6D996D5, 0xAE07BCE9, 0xB71C8DA8, + 0x9C31DE6B, 0x852AEF2A, 0xCA6B79ED, 0xD37048AC, 0xF85D1B6F, 0xE1462A2E, + 0x66DE36E1, 0x7FC507A0, 0x54E85463, 0x4DF36522, 0x02B2F3E5, 0x1BA9C2A4, + 0x30849167, 0x299FA026, 0xE4C5AEB8, 0xFDDE9FF9, 0xD6F3CC3A, 0xCFE8FD7B, + 0x80A96BBC, 0x99B25AFD, 0xB29F093E, 0xAB84387F, 0x2C1C24B0, 0x350715F1, + 0x1E2A4632, 0x07317773, 0x4870E1B4, 0x516BD0F5, 0x7A468336, 0x635DB277, + 0xCBFAD74E, 0xD2E1E60F, 0xF9CCB5CC, 0xE0D7848D, 0xAF96124A, 0xB68D230B, + 0x9DA070C8, 0x84BB4189, 0x03235D46, 0x1A386C07, 0x31153FC4, 0x280E0E85, + 0x674F9842, 0x7E54A903, 0x5579FAC0, 0x4C62CB81, 0x8138C51F, 0x9823F45E, + 0xB30EA79D, 0xAA1596DC, 0xE554001B, 0xFC4F315A, 0xD7626299, 0xCE7953D8, + 0x49E14F17, 0x50FA7E56, 0x7BD72D95, 0x62CC1CD4, 0x2D8D8A13, 0x3496BB52, + 0x1FBBE891, 0x06A0D9D0, 0x5E7EF3EC, 0x4765C2AD, 0x6C48916E, 0x7553A02F, + 0x3A1236E8, 0x230907A9, 0x0824546A, 0x113F652B, 0x96A779E4, 0x8FBC48A5, + 0xA4911B66, 0xBD8A2A27, 0xF2CBBCE0, 0xEBD08DA1, 0xC0FDDE62, 0xD9E6EF23, + 0x14BCE1BD, 0x0DA7D0FC, 0x268A833F, 0x3F91B27E, 0x70D024B9, 0x69CB15F8, + 0x42E6463B, 0x5BFD777A, 0xDC656BB5, 0xC57E5AF4, 0xEE530937, 0xF7483876, + 0xB809AEB1, 0xA1129FF0, 0x8A3FCC33, 0x9324FD72, + }, + + { + 0x00000000, 0x01C26A37, 0x0384D46E, 0x0246BE59, 0x0709A8DC, 0x06CBC2EB, + 0x048D7CB2, 0x054F1685, 0x0E1351B8, 0x0FD13B8F, 0x0D9785D6, 0x0C55EFE1, + 0x091AF964, 0x08D89353, 0x0A9E2D0A, 0x0B5C473D, 0x1C26A370, 0x1DE4C947, + 0x1FA2771E, 0x1E601D29, 0x1B2F0BAC, 0x1AED619B, 0x18ABDFC2, 0x1969B5F5, + 0x1235F2C8, 0x13F798FF, 0x11B126A6, 0x10734C91, 0x153C5A14, 0x14FE3023, + 0x16B88E7A, 0x177AE44D, 0x384D46E0, 0x398F2CD7, 0x3BC9928E, 0x3A0BF8B9, + 0x3F44EE3C, 0x3E86840B, 0x3CC03A52, 0x3D025065, 0x365E1758, 0x379C7D6F, + 0x35DAC336, 0x3418A901, 0x3157BF84, 0x3095D5B3, 0x32D36BEA, 0x331101DD, + 0x246BE590, 0x25A98FA7, 0x27EF31FE, 0x262D5BC9, 0x23624D4C, 0x22A0277B, + 0x20E69922, 0x2124F315, 0x2A78B428, 0x2BBADE1F, 0x29FC6046, 0x283E0A71, + 0x2D711CF4, 0x2CB376C3, 0x2EF5C89A, 0x2F37A2AD, 0x709A8DC0, 0x7158E7F7, + 0x731E59AE, 0x72DC3399, 0x7793251C, 0x76514F2B, 0x7417F172, 0x75D59B45, + 0x7E89DC78, 0x7F4BB64F, 0x7D0D0816, 0x7CCF6221, 0x798074A4, 0x78421E93, + 0x7A04A0CA, 0x7BC6CAFD, 0x6CBC2EB0, 0x6D7E4487, 0x6F38FADE, 0x6EFA90E9, + 0x6BB5866C, 0x6A77EC5B, 0x68315202, 0x69F33835, 0x62AF7F08, 0x636D153F, + 0x612BAB66, 0x60E9C151, 0x65A6D7D4, 0x6464BDE3, 0x662203BA, 0x67E0698D, + 0x48D7CB20, 0x4915A117, 0x4B531F4E, 0x4A917579, 0x4FDE63FC, 0x4E1C09CB, + 0x4C5AB792, 0x4D98DDA5, 0x46C49A98, 0x4706F0AF, 0x45404EF6, 0x448224C1, + 0x41CD3244, 0x400F5873, 0x4249E62A, 0x438B8C1D, 0x54F16850, 0x55330267, + 0x5775BC3E, 0x56B7D609, 0x53F8C08C, 0x523AAABB, 0x507C14E2, 0x51BE7ED5, + 0x5AE239E8, 0x5B2053DF, 0x5966ED86, 0x58A487B1, 0x5DEB9134, 0x5C29FB03, + 0x5E6F455A, 0x5FAD2F6D, 0xE1351B80, 0xE0F771B7, 0xE2B1CFEE, 0xE373A5D9, + 0xE63CB35C, 0xE7FED96B, 0xE5B86732, 0xE47A0D05, 0xEF264A38, 0xEEE4200F, + 0xECA29E56, 0xED60F461, 0xE82FE2E4, 0xE9ED88D3, 0xEBAB368A, 0xEA695CBD, + 0xFD13B8F0, 0xFCD1D2C7, 0xFE976C9E, 0xFF5506A9, 0xFA1A102C, 0xFBD87A1B, + 0xF99EC442, 0xF85CAE75, 0xF300E948, 0xF2C2837F, 0xF0843D26, 0xF1465711, + 0xF4094194, 0xF5CB2BA3, 0xF78D95FA, 0xF64FFFCD, 0xD9785D60, 0xD8BA3757, + 0xDAFC890E, 0xDB3EE339, 0xDE71F5BC, 0xDFB39F8B, 0xDDF521D2, 0xDC374BE5, + 0xD76B0CD8, 0xD6A966EF, 0xD4EFD8B6, 0xD52DB281, 0xD062A404, 0xD1A0CE33, + 0xD3E6706A, 0xD2241A5D, 0xC55EFE10, 0xC49C9427, 0xC6DA2A7E, 0xC7184049, + 0xC25756CC, 0xC3953CFB, 0xC1D382A2, 0xC011E895, 0xCB4DAFA8, 0xCA8FC59F, + 0xC8C97BC6, 0xC90B11F1, 0xCC440774, 0xCD866D43, 0xCFC0D31A, 0xCE02B92D, + 0x91AF9640, 0x906DFC77, 0x922B422E, 0x93E92819, 0x96A63E9C, 0x976454AB, + 0x9522EAF2, 0x94E080C5, 0x9FBCC7F8, 0x9E7EADCF, 0x9C381396, 0x9DFA79A1, + 0x98B56F24, 0x99770513, 0x9B31BB4A, 0x9AF3D17D, 0x8D893530, 0x8C4B5F07, + 0x8E0DE15E, 0x8FCF8B69, 0x8A809DEC, 0x8B42F7DB, 0x89044982, 0x88C623B5, + 0x839A6488, 0x82580EBF, 0x801EB0E6, 0x81DCDAD1, 0x8493CC54, 0x8551A663, + 0x8717183A, 0x86D5720D, 0xA9E2D0A0, 0xA820BA97, 0xAA6604CE, 0xABA46EF9, + 0xAEEB787C, 0xAF29124B, 0xAD6FAC12, 0xACADC625, 0xA7F18118, 0xA633EB2F, + 0xA4755576, 0xA5B73F41, 0xA0F829C4, 0xA13A43F3, 0xA37CFDAA, 0xA2BE979D, + 0xB5C473D0, 0xB40619E7, 0xB640A7BE, 0xB782CD89, 0xB2CDDB0C, 0xB30FB13B, + 0xB1490F62, 0xB08B6555, 0xBBD72268, 0xBA15485F, 0xB853F606, 0xB9919C31, + 0xBCDE8AB4, 0xBD1CE083, 0xBF5A5EDA, 0xBE9834ED, + }, + + { + 0x00000000, 0xB8BC6765, 0xAA09C88B, 0x12B5AFEE, 0x8F629757, 0x37DEF032, + 0x256B5FDC, 0x9DD738B9, 0xC5B428EF, 0x7D084F8A, 0x6FBDE064, 0xD7018701, + 0x4AD6BFB8, 0xF26AD8DD, 0xE0DF7733, 0x58631056, 0x5019579F, 0xE8A530FA, + 0xFA109F14, 0x42ACF871, 0xDF7BC0C8, 0x67C7A7AD, 0x75720843, 0xCDCE6F26, + 0x95AD7F70, 0x2D111815, 0x3FA4B7FB, 0x8718D09E, 0x1ACFE827, 0xA2738F42, + 0xB0C620AC, 0x087A47C9, 0xA032AF3E, 0x188EC85B, 0x0A3B67B5, 0xB28700D0, + 0x2F503869, 0x97EC5F0C, 0x8559F0E2, 0x3DE59787, 0x658687D1, 0xDD3AE0B4, + 0xCF8F4F5A, 0x7733283F, 0xEAE41086, 0x525877E3, 0x40EDD80D, 0xF851BF68, + 0xF02BF8A1, 0x48979FC4, 0x5A22302A, 0xE29E574F, 0x7F496FF6, 0xC7F50893, + 0xD540A77D, 0x6DFCC018, 0x359FD04E, 0x8D23B72B, 0x9F9618C5, 0x272A7FA0, + 0xBAFD4719, 0x0241207C, 0x10F48F92, 0xA848E8F7, 0x9B14583D, 0x23A83F58, + 0x311D90B6, 0x89A1F7D3, 0x1476CF6A, 0xACCAA80F, 0xBE7F07E1, 0x06C36084, + 0x5EA070D2, 0xE61C17B7, 0xF4A9B859, 0x4C15DF3C, 0xD1C2E785, 0x697E80E0, + 0x7BCB2F0E, 0xC377486B, 0xCB0D0FA2, 0x73B168C7, 0x6104C729, 0xD9B8A04C, + 0x446F98F5, 0xFCD3FF90, 0xEE66507E, 0x56DA371B, 0x0EB9274D, 0xB6054028, + 0xA4B0EFC6, 0x1C0C88A3, 0x81DBB01A, 0x3967D77F, 0x2BD27891, 0x936E1FF4, + 0x3B26F703, 0x839A9066, 0x912F3F88, 0x299358ED, 0xB4446054, 0x0CF80731, + 0x1E4DA8DF, 0xA6F1CFBA, 0xFE92DFEC, 0x462EB889, 0x549B1767, 0xEC277002, + 0x71F048BB, 0xC94C2FDE, 0xDBF98030, 0x6345E755, 0x6B3FA09C, 0xD383C7F9, + 0xC1366817, 0x798A0F72, 0xE45D37CB, 0x5CE150AE, 0x4E54FF40, 0xF6E89825, + 0xAE8B8873, 0x1637EF16, 0x048240F8, 0xBC3E279D, 0x21E91F24, 0x99557841, + 0x8BE0D7AF, 0x335CB0CA, 0xED59B63B, 0x55E5D15E, 0x47507EB0, 0xFFEC19D5, + 0x623B216C, 0xDA874609, 0xC832E9E7, 0x708E8E82, 0x28ED9ED4, 0x9051F9B1, + 0x82E4565F, 0x3A58313A, 0xA78F0983, 0x1F336EE6, 0x0D86C108, 0xB53AA66D, + 0xBD40E1A4, 0x05FC86C1, 0x1749292F, 0xAFF54E4A, 0x322276F3, 0x8A9E1196, + 0x982BBE78, 0x2097D91D, 0x78F4C94B, 0xC048AE2E, 0xD2FD01C0, 0x6A4166A5, + 0xF7965E1C, 0x4F2A3979, 0x5D9F9697, 0xE523F1F2, 0x4D6B1905, 0xF5D77E60, + 0xE762D18E, 0x5FDEB6EB, 0xC2098E52, 0x7AB5E937, 0x680046D9, 0xD0BC21BC, + 0x88DF31EA, 0x3063568F, 0x22D6F961, 0x9A6A9E04, 0x07BDA6BD, 0xBF01C1D8, + 0xADB46E36, 0x15080953, 0x1D724E9A, 0xA5CE29FF, 0xB77B8611, 0x0FC7E174, + 0x9210D9CD, 0x2AACBEA8, 0x38191146, 0x80A57623, 0xD8C66675, 0x607A0110, + 0x72CFAEFE, 0xCA73C99B, 0x57A4F122, 0xEF189647, 0xFDAD39A9, 0x45115ECC, + 0x764DEE06, 0xCEF18963, 0xDC44268D, 0x64F841E8, 0xF92F7951, 0x41931E34, + 0x5326B1DA, 0xEB9AD6BF, 0xB3F9C6E9, 0x0B45A18C, 0x19F00E62, 0xA14C6907, + 0x3C9B51BE, 0x842736DB, 0x96929935, 0x2E2EFE50, 0x2654B999, 0x9EE8DEFC, + 0x8C5D7112, 0x34E11677, 0xA9362ECE, 0x118A49AB, 0x033FE645, 0xBB838120, + 0xE3E09176, 0x5B5CF613, 0x49E959FD, 0xF1553E98, 0x6C820621, 0xD43E6144, + 0xC68BCEAA, 0x7E37A9CF, 0xD67F4138, 0x6EC3265D, 0x7C7689B3, 0xC4CAEED6, + 0x591DD66F, 0xE1A1B10A, 0xF3141EE4, 0x4BA87981, 0x13CB69D7, 0xAB770EB2, + 0xB9C2A15C, 0x017EC639, 0x9CA9FE80, 0x241599E5, 0x36A0360B, 0x8E1C516E, + 0x866616A7, 0x3EDA71C2, 0x2C6FDE2C, 0x94D3B949, 0x090481F0, 0xB1B8E695, + 0xA30D497B, 0x1BB12E1E, 0x43D23E48, 0xFB6E592D, 0xE9DBF6C3, 0x516791A6, + 0xCCB0A91F, 0x740CCE7A, 0x66B96194, 0xDE0506F1, + } +# endif // defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4) || + // defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8) || + // defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16) +# if defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8) \ + || defined(CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16) + // beyond this point only relevant for Slicing-by-8 and Slicing-by-16 + , + { + 0x00000000, 0x3D6029B0, 0x7AC05360, 0x47A07AD0, 0xF580A6C0, 0xC8E08F70, + 0x8F40F5A0, 0xB220DC10, 0x30704BC1, 0x0D106271, 0x4AB018A1, 0x77D03111, + 0xC5F0ED01, 0xF890C4B1, 0xBF30BE61, 0x825097D1, 0x60E09782, 0x5D80BE32, + 0x1A20C4E2, 0x2740ED52, 0x95603142, 0xA80018F2, 0xEFA06222, 0xD2C04B92, + 0x5090DC43, 0x6DF0F5F3, 0x2A508F23, 0x1730A693, 0xA5107A83, 0x98705333, + 0xDFD029E3, 0xE2B00053, 0xC1C12F04, 0xFCA106B4, 0xBB017C64, 0x866155D4, + 0x344189C4, 0x0921A074, 0x4E81DAA4, 0x73E1F314, 0xF1B164C5, 0xCCD14D75, + 0x8B7137A5, 0xB6111E15, 0x0431C205, 0x3951EBB5, 0x7EF19165, 0x4391B8D5, + 0xA121B886, 0x9C419136, 0xDBE1EBE6, 0xE681C256, 0x54A11E46, 0x69C137F6, + 0x2E614D26, 0x13016496, 0x9151F347, 0xAC31DAF7, 0xEB91A027, 0xD6F18997, + 0x64D15587, 0x59B17C37, 0x1E1106E7, 0x23712F57, 0x58F35849, 0x659371F9, + 0x22330B29, 0x1F532299, 0xAD73FE89, 0x9013D739, 0xD7B3ADE9, 0xEAD38459, + 0x68831388, 0x55E33A38, 0x124340E8, 0x2F236958, 0x9D03B548, 0xA0639CF8, + 0xE7C3E628, 0xDAA3CF98, 0x3813CFCB, 0x0573E67B, 0x42D39CAB, 0x7FB3B51B, + 0xCD93690B, 0xF0F340BB, 0xB7533A6B, 0x8A3313DB, 0x0863840A, 0x3503ADBA, + 0x72A3D76A, 0x4FC3FEDA, 0xFDE322CA, 0xC0830B7A, 0x872371AA, 0xBA43581A, + 0x9932774D, 0xA4525EFD, 0xE3F2242D, 0xDE920D9D, 0x6CB2D18D, 0x51D2F83D, + 0x167282ED, 0x2B12AB5D, 0xA9423C8C, 0x9422153C, 0xD3826FEC, 0xEEE2465C, + 0x5CC29A4C, 0x61A2B3FC, 0x2602C92C, 0x1B62E09C, 0xF9D2E0CF, 0xC4B2C97F, + 0x8312B3AF, 0xBE729A1F, 0x0C52460F, 0x31326FBF, 0x7692156F, 0x4BF23CDF, + 0xC9A2AB0E, 0xF4C282BE, 0xB362F86E, 0x8E02D1DE, 0x3C220DCE, 0x0142247E, + 0x46E25EAE, 0x7B82771E, 0xB1E6B092, 0x8C869922, 0xCB26E3F2, 0xF646CA42, + 0x44661652, 0x79063FE2, 0x3EA64532, 0x03C66C82, 0x8196FB53, 0xBCF6D2E3, + 0xFB56A833, 0xC6368183, 0x74165D93, 0x49767423, 0x0ED60EF3, 0x33B62743, + 0xD1062710, 0xEC660EA0, 0xABC67470, 0x96A65DC0, 0x248681D0, 0x19E6A860, + 0x5E46D2B0, 0x6326FB00, 0xE1766CD1, 0xDC164561, 0x9BB63FB1, 0xA6D61601, + 0x14F6CA11, 0x2996E3A1, 0x6E369971, 0x5356B0C1, 0x70279F96, 0x4D47B626, + 0x0AE7CCF6, 0x3787E546, 0x85A73956, 0xB8C710E6, 0xFF676A36, 0xC2074386, + 0x4057D457, 0x7D37FDE7, 0x3A978737, 0x07F7AE87, 0xB5D77297, 0x88B75B27, + 0xCF1721F7, 0xF2770847, 0x10C70814, 0x2DA721A4, 0x6A075B74, 0x576772C4, + 0xE547AED4, 0xD8278764, 0x9F87FDB4, 0xA2E7D404, 0x20B743D5, 0x1DD76A65, + 0x5A7710B5, 0x67173905, 0xD537E515, 0xE857CCA5, 0xAFF7B675, 0x92979FC5, + 0xE915E8DB, 0xD475C16B, 0x93D5BBBB, 0xAEB5920B, 0x1C954E1B, 0x21F567AB, + 0x66551D7B, 0x5B3534CB, 0xD965A31A, 0xE4058AAA, 0xA3A5F07A, 0x9EC5D9CA, + 0x2CE505DA, 0x11852C6A, 0x562556BA, 0x6B457F0A, 0x89F57F59, 0xB49556E9, + 0xF3352C39, 0xCE550589, 0x7C75D999, 0x4115F029, 0x06B58AF9, 0x3BD5A349, + 0xB9853498, 0x84E51D28, 0xC34567F8, 0xFE254E48, 0x4C059258, 0x7165BBE8, + 0x36C5C138, 0x0BA5E888, 0x28D4C7DF, 0x15B4EE6F, 0x521494BF, 0x6F74BD0F, + 0xDD54611F, 0xE03448AF, 0xA794327F, 0x9AF41BCF, 0x18A48C1E, 0x25C4A5AE, + 0x6264DF7E, 0x5F04F6CE, 0xED242ADE, 0xD044036E, 0x97E479BE, 0xAA84500E, + 0x4834505D, 0x755479ED, 0x32F4033D, 0x0F942A8D, 0xBDB4F69D, 0x80D4DF2D, + 0xC774A5FD, 0xFA148C4D, 0x78441B9C, 0x4524322C, 0x028448FC, 0x3FE4614C, + 0x8DC4BD5C, 0xB0A494EC, 0xF704EE3C, 0xCA64C78C, + }, + + { + 0x00000000, 0xCB5CD3A5, 0x4DC8A10B, 0x869472AE, 0x9B914216, 0x50CD91B3, + 0xD659E31D, 0x1D0530B8, 0xEC53826D, 0x270F51C8, 0xA19B2366, 0x6AC7F0C3, + 0x77C2C07B, 0xBC9E13DE, 0x3A0A6170, 0xF156B2D5, 0x03D6029B, 0xC88AD13E, + 0x4E1EA390, 0x85427035, 0x9847408D, 0x531B9328, 0xD58FE186, 0x1ED33223, + 0xEF8580F6, 0x24D95353, 0xA24D21FD, 0x6911F258, 0x7414C2E0, 0xBF481145, + 0x39DC63EB, 0xF280B04E, 0x07AC0536, 0xCCF0D693, 0x4A64A43D, 0x81387798, + 0x9C3D4720, 0x57619485, 0xD1F5E62B, 0x1AA9358E, 0xEBFF875B, 0x20A354FE, + 0xA6372650, 0x6D6BF5F5, 0x706EC54D, 0xBB3216E8, 0x3DA66446, 0xF6FAB7E3, + 0x047A07AD, 0xCF26D408, 0x49B2A6A6, 0x82EE7503, 0x9FEB45BB, 0x54B7961E, + 0xD223E4B0, 0x197F3715, 0xE82985C0, 0x23755665, 0xA5E124CB, 0x6EBDF76E, + 0x73B8C7D6, 0xB8E41473, 0x3E7066DD, 0xF52CB578, 0x0F580A6C, 0xC404D9C9, + 0x4290AB67, 0x89CC78C2, 0x94C9487A, 0x5F959BDF, 0xD901E971, 0x125D3AD4, + 0xE30B8801, 0x28575BA4, 0xAEC3290A, 0x659FFAAF, 0x789ACA17, 0xB3C619B2, + 0x35526B1C, 0xFE0EB8B9, 0x0C8E08F7, 0xC7D2DB52, 0x4146A9FC, 0x8A1A7A59, + 0x971F4AE1, 0x5C439944, 0xDAD7EBEA, 0x118B384F, 0xE0DD8A9A, 0x2B81593F, + 0xAD152B91, 0x6649F834, 0x7B4CC88C, 0xB0101B29, 0x36846987, 0xFDD8BA22, + 0x08F40F5A, 0xC3A8DCFF, 0x453CAE51, 0x8E607DF4, 0x93654D4C, 0x58399EE9, + 0xDEADEC47, 0x15F13FE2, 0xE4A78D37, 0x2FFB5E92, 0xA96F2C3C, 0x6233FF99, + 0x7F36CF21, 0xB46A1C84, 0x32FE6E2A, 0xF9A2BD8F, 0x0B220DC1, 0xC07EDE64, + 0x46EAACCA, 0x8DB67F6F, 0x90B34FD7, 0x5BEF9C72, 0xDD7BEEDC, 0x16273D79, + 0xE7718FAC, 0x2C2D5C09, 0xAAB92EA7, 0x61E5FD02, 0x7CE0CDBA, 0xB7BC1E1F, + 0x31286CB1, 0xFA74BF14, 0x1EB014D8, 0xD5ECC77D, 0x5378B5D3, 0x98246676, + 0x852156CE, 0x4E7D856B, 0xC8E9F7C5, 0x03B52460, 0xF2E396B5, 0x39BF4510, + 0xBF2B37BE, 0x7477E41B, 0x6972D4A3, 0xA22E0706, 0x24BA75A8, 0xEFE6A60D, + 0x1D661643, 0xD63AC5E6, 0x50AEB748, 0x9BF264ED, 0x86F75455, 0x4DAB87F0, + 0xCB3FF55E, 0x006326FB, 0xF135942E, 0x3A69478B, 0xBCFD3525, 0x77A1E680, + 0x6AA4D638, 0xA1F8059D, 0x276C7733, 0xEC30A496, 0x191C11EE, 0xD240C24B, + 0x54D4B0E5, 0x9F886340, 0x828D53F8, 0x49D1805D, 0xCF45F2F3, 0x04192156, + 0xF54F9383, 0x3E134026, 0xB8873288, 0x73DBE12D, 0x6EDED195, 0xA5820230, + 0x2316709E, 0xE84AA33B, 0x1ACA1375, 0xD196C0D0, 0x5702B27E, 0x9C5E61DB, + 0x815B5163, 0x4A0782C6, 0xCC93F068, 0x07CF23CD, 0xF6999118, 0x3DC542BD, + 0xBB513013, 0x700DE3B6, 0x6D08D30E, 0xA65400AB, 0x20C07205, 0xEB9CA1A0, + 0x11E81EB4, 0xDAB4CD11, 0x5C20BFBF, 0x977C6C1A, 0x8A795CA2, 0x41258F07, + 0xC7B1FDA9, 0x0CED2E0C, 0xFDBB9CD9, 0x36E74F7C, 0xB0733DD2, 0x7B2FEE77, + 0x662ADECF, 0xAD760D6A, 0x2BE27FC4, 0xE0BEAC61, 0x123E1C2F, 0xD962CF8A, + 0x5FF6BD24, 0x94AA6E81, 0x89AF5E39, 0x42F38D9C, 0xC467FF32, 0x0F3B2C97, + 0xFE6D9E42, 0x35314DE7, 0xB3A53F49, 0x78F9ECEC, 0x65FCDC54, 0xAEA00FF1, + 0x28347D5F, 0xE368AEFA, 0x16441B82, 0xDD18C827, 0x5B8CBA89, 0x90D0692C, + 0x8DD55994, 0x46898A31, 0xC01DF89F, 0x0B412B3A, 0xFA1799EF, 0x314B4A4A, + 0xB7DF38E4, 0x7C83EB41, 0x6186DBF9, 0xAADA085C, 0x2C4E7AF2, 0xE712A957, + 0x15921919, 0xDECECABC, 0x585AB812, 0x93066BB7, 0x8E035B0F, 0x455F88AA, + 0xC3CBFA04, 0x089729A1, 0xF9C19B74, 0x329D48D1, 0xB4093A7F, 0x7F55E9DA, + 0x6250D962, 0xA90C0AC7, 0x2F987869, 0xE4C4ABCC, + }, + + { + 0x00000000, 0xA6770BB4, 0x979F1129, 0x31E81A9D, 0xF44F2413, 0x52382FA7, + 0x63D0353A, 0xC5A73E8E, 0x33EF4E67, 0x959845D3, 0xA4705F4E, 0x020754FA, + 0xC7A06A74, 0x61D761C0, 0x503F7B5D, 0xF64870E9, 0x67DE9CCE, 0xC1A9977A, + 0xF0418DE7, 0x56368653, 0x9391B8DD, 0x35E6B369, 0x040EA9F4, 0xA279A240, + 0x5431D2A9, 0xF246D91D, 0xC3AEC380, 0x65D9C834, 0xA07EF6BA, 0x0609FD0E, + 0x37E1E793, 0x9196EC27, 0xCFBD399C, 0x69CA3228, 0x582228B5, 0xFE552301, + 0x3BF21D8F, 0x9D85163B, 0xAC6D0CA6, 0x0A1A0712, 0xFC5277FB, 0x5A257C4F, + 0x6BCD66D2, 0xCDBA6D66, 0x081D53E8, 0xAE6A585C, 0x9F8242C1, 0x39F54975, + 0xA863A552, 0x0E14AEE6, 0x3FFCB47B, 0x998BBFCF, 0x5C2C8141, 0xFA5B8AF5, + 0xCBB39068, 0x6DC49BDC, 0x9B8CEB35, 0x3DFBE081, 0x0C13FA1C, 0xAA64F1A8, + 0x6FC3CF26, 0xC9B4C492, 0xF85CDE0F, 0x5E2BD5BB, 0x440B7579, 0xE27C7ECD, + 0xD3946450, 0x75E36FE4, 0xB044516A, 0x16335ADE, 0x27DB4043, 0x81AC4BF7, + 0x77E43B1E, 0xD19330AA, 0xE07B2A37, 0x460C2183, 0x83AB1F0D, 0x25DC14B9, + 0x14340E24, 0xB2430590, 0x23D5E9B7, 0x85A2E203, 0xB44AF89E, 0x123DF32A, + 0xD79ACDA4, 0x71EDC610, 0x4005DC8D, 0xE672D739, 0x103AA7D0, 0xB64DAC64, + 0x87A5B6F9, 0x21D2BD4D, 0xE47583C3, 0x42028877, 0x73EA92EA, 0xD59D995E, + 0x8BB64CE5, 0x2DC14751, 0x1C295DCC, 0xBA5E5678, 0x7FF968F6, 0xD98E6342, + 0xE86679DF, 0x4E11726B, 0xB8590282, 0x1E2E0936, 0x2FC613AB, 0x89B1181F, + 0x4C162691, 0xEA612D25, 0xDB8937B8, 0x7DFE3C0C, 0xEC68D02B, 0x4A1FDB9F, + 0x7BF7C102, 0xDD80CAB6, 0x1827F438, 0xBE50FF8C, 0x8FB8E511, 0x29CFEEA5, + 0xDF879E4C, 0x79F095F8, 0x48188F65, 0xEE6F84D1, 0x2BC8BA5F, 0x8DBFB1EB, + 0xBC57AB76, 0x1A20A0C2, 0x8816EAF2, 0x2E61E146, 0x1F89FBDB, 0xB9FEF06F, + 0x7C59CEE1, 0xDA2EC555, 0xEBC6DFC8, 0x4DB1D47C, 0xBBF9A495, 0x1D8EAF21, + 0x2C66B5BC, 0x8A11BE08, 0x4FB68086, 0xE9C18B32, 0xD82991AF, 0x7E5E9A1B, + 0xEFC8763C, 0x49BF7D88, 0x78576715, 0xDE206CA1, 0x1B87522F, 0xBDF0599B, + 0x8C184306, 0x2A6F48B2, 0xDC27385B, 0x7A5033EF, 0x4BB82972, 0xEDCF22C6, + 0x28681C48, 0x8E1F17FC, 0xBFF70D61, 0x198006D5, 0x47ABD36E, 0xE1DCD8DA, + 0xD034C247, 0x7643C9F3, 0xB3E4F77D, 0x1593FCC9, 0x247BE654, 0x820CEDE0, + 0x74449D09, 0xD23396BD, 0xE3DB8C20, 0x45AC8794, 0x800BB91A, 0x267CB2AE, + 0x1794A833, 0xB1E3A387, 0x20754FA0, 0x86024414, 0xB7EA5E89, 0x119D553D, + 0xD43A6BB3, 0x724D6007, 0x43A57A9A, 0xE5D2712E, 0x139A01C7, 0xB5ED0A73, + 0x840510EE, 0x22721B5A, 0xE7D525D4, 0x41A22E60, 0x704A34FD, 0xD63D3F49, + 0xCC1D9F8B, 0x6A6A943F, 0x5B828EA2, 0xFDF58516, 0x3852BB98, 0x9E25B02C, + 0xAFCDAAB1, 0x09BAA105, 0xFFF2D1EC, 0x5985DA58, 0x686DC0C5, 0xCE1ACB71, + 0x0BBDF5FF, 0xADCAFE4B, 0x9C22E4D6, 0x3A55EF62, 0xABC30345, 0x0DB408F1, + 0x3C5C126C, 0x9A2B19D8, 0x5F8C2756, 0xF9FB2CE2, 0xC813367F, 0x6E643DCB, + 0x982C4D22, 0x3E5B4696, 0x0FB35C0B, 0xA9C457BF, 0x6C636931, 0xCA146285, + 0xFBFC7818, 0x5D8B73AC, 0x03A0A617, 0xA5D7ADA3, 0x943FB73E, 0x3248BC8A, + 0xF7EF8204, 0x519889B0, 0x6070932D, 0xC6079899, 0x304FE870, 0x9638E3C4, + 0xA7D0F959, 0x01A7F2ED, 0xC400CC63, 0x6277C7D7, 0x539FDD4A, 0xF5E8D6FE, + 0x647E3AD9, 0xC209316D, 0xF3E12BF0, 0x55962044, 0x90311ECA, 0x3646157E, + 0x07AE0FE3, 0xA1D90457, 0x579174BE, 0xF1E67F0A, 0xC00E6597, 0x66796E23, + 0xA3DE50AD, 0x05A95B19, 0x34414184, 0x92364A30, + }, + + { + 0x00000000, 0xCCAA009E, 0x4225077D, 0x8E8F07E3, 0x844A0EFA, 0x48E00E64, + 0xC66F0987, 0x0AC50919, 0xD3E51BB5, 0x1F4F1B2B, 0x91C01CC8, 0x5D6A1C56, + 0x57AF154F, 0x9B0515D1, 0x158A1232, 0xD92012AC, 0x7CBB312B, 0xB01131B5, + 0x3E9E3656, 0xF23436C8, 0xF8F13FD1, 0x345B3F4F, 0xBAD438AC, 0x767E3832, + 0xAF5E2A9E, 0x63F42A00, 0xED7B2DE3, 0x21D12D7D, 0x2B142464, 0xE7BE24FA, + 0x69312319, 0xA59B2387, 0xF9766256, 0x35DC62C8, 0xBB53652B, 0x77F965B5, + 0x7D3C6CAC, 0xB1966C32, 0x3F196BD1, 0xF3B36B4F, 0x2A9379E3, 0xE639797D, + 0x68B67E9E, 0xA41C7E00, 0xAED97719, 0x62737787, 0xECFC7064, 0x205670FA, + 0x85CD537D, 0x496753E3, 0xC7E85400, 0x0B42549E, 0x01875D87, 0xCD2D5D19, + 0x43A25AFA, 0x8F085A64, 0x562848C8, 0x9A824856, 0x140D4FB5, 0xD8A74F2B, + 0xD2624632, 0x1EC846AC, 0x9047414F, 0x5CED41D1, 0x299DC2ED, 0xE537C273, + 0x6BB8C590, 0xA712C50E, 0xADD7CC17, 0x617DCC89, 0xEFF2CB6A, 0x2358CBF4, + 0xFA78D958, 0x36D2D9C6, 0xB85DDE25, 0x74F7DEBB, 0x7E32D7A2, 0xB298D73C, + 0x3C17D0DF, 0xF0BDD041, 0x5526F3C6, 0x998CF358, 0x1703F4BB, 0xDBA9F425, + 0xD16CFD3C, 0x1DC6FDA2, 0x9349FA41, 0x5FE3FADF, 0x86C3E873, 0x4A69E8ED, + 0xC4E6EF0E, 0x084CEF90, 0x0289E689, 0xCE23E617, 0x40ACE1F4, 0x8C06E16A, + 0xD0EBA0BB, 0x1C41A025, 0x92CEA7C6, 0x5E64A758, 0x54A1AE41, 0x980BAEDF, + 0x1684A93C, 0xDA2EA9A2, 0x030EBB0E, 0xCFA4BB90, 0x412BBC73, 0x8D81BCED, + 0x8744B5F4, 0x4BEEB56A, 0xC561B289, 0x09CBB217, 0xAC509190, 0x60FA910E, + 0xEE7596ED, 0x22DF9673, 0x281A9F6A, 0xE4B09FF4, 0x6A3F9817, 0xA6959889, + 0x7FB58A25, 0xB31F8ABB, 0x3D908D58, 0xF13A8DC6, 0xFBFF84DF, 0x37558441, + 0xB9DA83A2, 0x7570833C, 0x533B85DA, 0x9F918544, 0x111E82A7, 0xDDB48239, + 0xD7718B20, 0x1BDB8BBE, 0x95548C5D, 0x59FE8CC3, 0x80DE9E6F, 0x4C749EF1, + 0xC2FB9912, 0x0E51998C, 0x04949095, 0xC83E900B, 0x46B197E8, 0x8A1B9776, + 0x2F80B4F1, 0xE32AB46F, 0x6DA5B38C, 0xA10FB312, 0xABCABA0B, 0x6760BA95, + 0xE9EFBD76, 0x2545BDE8, 0xFC65AF44, 0x30CFAFDA, 0xBE40A839, 0x72EAA8A7, + 0x782FA1BE, 0xB485A120, 0x3A0AA6C3, 0xF6A0A65D, 0xAA4DE78C, 0x66E7E712, + 0xE868E0F1, 0x24C2E06F, 0x2E07E976, 0xE2ADE9E8, 0x6C22EE0B, 0xA088EE95, + 0x79A8FC39, 0xB502FCA7, 0x3B8DFB44, 0xF727FBDA, 0xFDE2F2C3, 0x3148F25D, + 0xBFC7F5BE, 0x736DF520, 0xD6F6D6A7, 0x1A5CD639, 0x94D3D1DA, 0x5879D144, + 0x52BCD85D, 0x9E16D8C3, 0x1099DF20, 0xDC33DFBE, 0x0513CD12, 0xC9B9CD8C, + 0x4736CA6F, 0x8B9CCAF1, 0x8159C3E8, 0x4DF3C376, 0xC37CC495, 0x0FD6C40B, + 0x7AA64737, 0xB60C47A9, 0x3883404A, 0xF42940D4, 0xFEEC49CD, 0x32464953, + 0xBCC94EB0, 0x70634E2E, 0xA9435C82, 0x65E95C1C, 0xEB665BFF, 0x27CC5B61, + 0x2D095278, 0xE1A352E6, 0x6F2C5505, 0xA386559B, 0x061D761C, 0xCAB77682, + 0x44387161, 0x889271FF, 0x825778E6, 0x4EFD7878, 0xC0727F9B, 0x0CD87F05, + 0xD5F86DA9, 0x19526D37, 0x97DD6AD4, 0x5B776A4A, 0x51B26353, 0x9D1863CD, + 0x1397642E, 0xDF3D64B0, 0x83D02561, 0x4F7A25FF, 0xC1F5221C, 0x0D5F2282, + 0x079A2B9B, 0xCB302B05, 0x45BF2CE6, 0x89152C78, 0x50353ED4, 0x9C9F3E4A, + 0x121039A9, 0xDEBA3937, 0xD47F302E, 0x18D530B0, 0x965A3753, 0x5AF037CD, + 0xFF6B144A, 0x33C114D4, 0xBD4E1337, 0x71E413A9, 0x7B211AB0, 0xB78B1A2E, + 0x39041DCD, 0xF5AE1D53, 0x2C8E0FFF, 0xE0240F61, 0x6EAB0882, 0xA201081C, + 0xA8C40105, 0x646E019B, 0xEAE10678, 0x264B06E6, + } +# endif // CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 || + // CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 +# ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 + // beyond this point only relevant for Slicing-by-16 + , + { + 0x00000000, 0x177B1443, 0x2EF62886, 0x398D3CC5, 0x5DEC510C, 0x4A97454F, + 0x731A798A, 0x64616DC9, 0xBBD8A218, 0xACA3B65B, 0x952E8A9E, 0x82559EDD, + 0xE634F314, 0xF14FE757, 0xC8C2DB92, 0xDFB9CFD1, 0xACC04271, 0xBBBB5632, + 0x82366AF7, 0x954D7EB4, 0xF12C137D, 0xE657073E, 0xDFDA3BFB, 0xC8A12FB8, + 0x1718E069, 0x0063F42A, 0x39EEC8EF, 0x2E95DCAC, 0x4AF4B165, 0x5D8FA526, + 0x640299E3, 0x73798DA0, 0x82F182A3, 0x958A96E0, 0xAC07AA25, 0xBB7CBE66, + 0xDF1DD3AF, 0xC866C7EC, 0xF1EBFB29, 0xE690EF6A, 0x392920BB, 0x2E5234F8, + 0x17DF083D, 0x00A41C7E, 0x64C571B7, 0x73BE65F4, 0x4A335931, 0x5D484D72, + 0x2E31C0D2, 0x394AD491, 0x00C7E854, 0x17BCFC17, 0x73DD91DE, 0x64A6859D, + 0x5D2BB958, 0x4A50AD1B, 0x95E962CA, 0x82927689, 0xBB1F4A4C, 0xAC645E0F, + 0xC80533C6, 0xDF7E2785, 0xE6F31B40, 0xF1880F03, 0xDE920307, 0xC9E91744, + 0xF0642B81, 0xE71F3FC2, 0x837E520B, 0x94054648, 0xAD887A8D, 0xBAF36ECE, + 0x654AA11F, 0x7231B55C, 0x4BBC8999, 0x5CC79DDA, 0x38A6F013, 0x2FDDE450, + 0x1650D895, 0x012BCCD6, 0x72524176, 0x65295535, 0x5CA469F0, 0x4BDF7DB3, + 0x2FBE107A, 0x38C50439, 0x014838FC, 0x16332CBF, 0xC98AE36E, 0xDEF1F72D, + 0xE77CCBE8, 0xF007DFAB, 0x9466B262, 0x831DA621, 0xBA909AE4, 0xADEB8EA7, + 0x5C6381A4, 0x4B1895E7, 0x7295A922, 0x65EEBD61, 0x018FD0A8, 0x16F4C4EB, + 0x2F79F82E, 0x3802EC6D, 0xE7BB23BC, 0xF0C037FF, 0xC94D0B3A, 0xDE361F79, + 0xBA5772B0, 0xAD2C66F3, 0x94A15A36, 0x83DA4E75, 0xF0A3C3D5, 0xE7D8D796, + 0xDE55EB53, 0xC92EFF10, 0xAD4F92D9, 0xBA34869A, 0x83B9BA5F, 0x94C2AE1C, + 0x4B7B61CD, 0x5C00758E, 0x658D494B, 0x72F65D08, 0x169730C1, 0x01EC2482, + 0x38611847, 0x2F1A0C04, 0x6655004F, 0x712E140C, 0x48A328C9, 0x5FD83C8A, + 0x3BB95143, 0x2CC24500, 0x154F79C5, 0x02346D86, 0xDD8DA257, 0xCAF6B614, + 0xF37B8AD1, 0xE4009E92, 0x8061F35B, 0x971AE718, 0xAE97DBDD, 0xB9ECCF9E, + 0xCA95423E, 0xDDEE567D, 0xE4636AB8, 0xF3187EFB, 0x97791332, 0x80020771, + 0xB98F3BB4, 0xAEF42FF7, 0x714DE026, 0x6636F465, 0x5FBBC8A0, 0x48C0DCE3, + 0x2CA1B12A, 0x3BDAA569, 0x025799AC, 0x152C8DEF, 0xE4A482EC, 0xF3DF96AF, + 0xCA52AA6A, 0xDD29BE29, 0xB948D3E0, 0xAE33C7A3, 0x97BEFB66, 0x80C5EF25, + 0x5F7C20F4, 0x480734B7, 0x718A0872, 0x66F11C31, 0x029071F8, 0x15EB65BB, + 0x2C66597E, 0x3B1D4D3D, 0x4864C09D, 0x5F1FD4DE, 0x6692E81B, 0x71E9FC58, + 0x15889191, 0x02F385D2, 0x3B7EB917, 0x2C05AD54, 0xF3BC6285, 0xE4C776C6, + 0xDD4A4A03, 0xCA315E40, 0xAE503389, 0xB92B27CA, 0x80A61B0F, 0x97DD0F4C, + 0xB8C70348, 0xAFBC170B, 0x96312BCE, 0x814A3F8D, 0xE52B5244, 0xF2504607, + 0xCBDD7AC2, 0xDCA66E81, 0x031FA150, 0x1464B513, 0x2DE989D6, 0x3A929D95, + 0x5EF3F05C, 0x4988E41F, 0x7005D8DA, 0x677ECC99, 0x14074139, 0x037C557A, + 0x3AF169BF, 0x2D8A7DFC, 0x49EB1035, 0x5E900476, 0x671D38B3, 0x70662CF0, + 0xAFDFE321, 0xB8A4F762, 0x8129CBA7, 0x9652DFE4, 0xF233B22D, 0xE548A66E, + 0xDCC59AAB, 0xCBBE8EE8, 0x3A3681EB, 0x2D4D95A8, 0x14C0A96D, 0x03BBBD2E, + 0x67DAD0E7, 0x70A1C4A4, 0x492CF861, 0x5E57EC22, 0x81EE23F3, 0x969537B0, + 0xAF180B75, 0xB8631F36, 0xDC0272FF, 0xCB7966BC, 0xF2F45A79, 0xE58F4E3A, + 0x96F6C39A, 0x818DD7D9, 0xB800EB1C, 0xAF7BFF5F, 0xCB1A9296, 0xDC6186D5, + 0xE5ECBA10, 0xF297AE53, 0x2D2E6182, 0x3A5575C1, 0x03D84904, 0x14A35D47, + 0x70C2308E, 0x67B924CD, 0x5E341808, 0x494F0C4B, + }, + + { + 0x00000000, 0xEFC26B3E, 0x04F5D03D, 0xEB37BB03, 0x09EBA07A, 0xE629CB44, + 0x0D1E7047, 0xE2DC1B79, 0x13D740F4, 0xFC152BCA, 0x172290C9, 0xF8E0FBF7, + 0x1A3CE08E, 0xF5FE8BB0, 0x1EC930B3, 0xF10B5B8D, 0x27AE81E8, 0xC86CEAD6, + 0x235B51D5, 0xCC993AEB, 0x2E452192, 0xC1874AAC, 0x2AB0F1AF, 0xC5729A91, + 0x3479C11C, 0xDBBBAA22, 0x308C1121, 0xDF4E7A1F, 0x3D926166, 0xD2500A58, + 0x3967B15B, 0xD6A5DA65, 0x4F5D03D0, 0xA09F68EE, 0x4BA8D3ED, 0xA46AB8D3, + 0x46B6A3AA, 0xA974C894, 0x42437397, 0xAD8118A9, 0x5C8A4324, 0xB348281A, + 0x587F9319, 0xB7BDF827, 0x5561E35E, 0xBAA38860, 0x51943363, 0xBE56585D, + 0x68F38238, 0x8731E906, 0x6C065205, 0x83C4393B, 0x61182242, 0x8EDA497C, + 0x65EDF27F, 0x8A2F9941, 0x7B24C2CC, 0x94E6A9F2, 0x7FD112F1, 0x901379CF, + 0x72CF62B6, 0x9D0D0988, 0x763AB28B, 0x99F8D9B5, 0x9EBA07A0, 0x71786C9E, + 0x9A4FD79D, 0x758DBCA3, 0x9751A7DA, 0x7893CCE4, 0x93A477E7, 0x7C661CD9, + 0x8D6D4754, 0x62AF2C6A, 0x89989769, 0x665AFC57, 0x8486E72E, 0x6B448C10, + 0x80733713, 0x6FB15C2D, 0xB9148648, 0x56D6ED76, 0xBDE15675, 0x52233D4B, + 0xB0FF2632, 0x5F3D4D0C, 0xB40AF60F, 0x5BC89D31, 0xAAC3C6BC, 0x4501AD82, + 0xAE361681, 0x41F47DBF, 0xA32866C6, 0x4CEA0DF8, 0xA7DDB6FB, 0x481FDDC5, + 0xD1E70470, 0x3E256F4E, 0xD512D44D, 0x3AD0BF73, 0xD80CA40A, 0x37CECF34, + 0xDCF97437, 0x333B1F09, 0xC2304484, 0x2DF22FBA, 0xC6C594B9, 0x2907FF87, + 0xCBDBE4FE, 0x24198FC0, 0xCF2E34C3, 0x20EC5FFD, 0xF6498598, 0x198BEEA6, + 0xF2BC55A5, 0x1D7E3E9B, 0xFFA225E2, 0x10604EDC, 0xFB57F5DF, 0x14959EE1, + 0xE59EC56C, 0x0A5CAE52, 0xE16B1551, 0x0EA97E6F, 0xEC756516, 0x03B70E28, + 0xE880B52B, 0x0742DE15, 0xE6050901, 0x09C7623F, 0xE2F0D93C, 0x0D32B202, + 0xEFEEA97B, 0x002CC245, 0xEB1B7946, 0x04D91278, 0xF5D249F5, 0x1A1022CB, + 0xF12799C8, 0x1EE5F2F6, 0xFC39E98F, 0x13FB82B1, 0xF8CC39B2, 0x170E528C, + 0xC1AB88E9, 0x2E69E3D7, 0xC55E58D4, 0x2A9C33EA, 0xC8402893, 0x278243AD, + 0xCCB5F8AE, 0x23779390, 0xD27CC81D, 0x3DBEA323, 0xD6891820, 0x394B731E, + 0xDB976867, 0x34550359, 0xDF62B85A, 0x30A0D364, 0xA9580AD1, 0x469A61EF, + 0xADADDAEC, 0x426FB1D2, 0xA0B3AAAB, 0x4F71C195, 0xA4467A96, 0x4B8411A8, + 0xBA8F4A25, 0x554D211B, 0xBE7A9A18, 0x51B8F126, 0xB364EA5F, 0x5CA68161, + 0xB7913A62, 0x5853515C, 0x8EF68B39, 0x6134E007, 0x8A035B04, 0x65C1303A, + 0x871D2B43, 0x68DF407D, 0x83E8FB7E, 0x6C2A9040, 0x9D21CBCD, 0x72E3A0F3, + 0x99D41BF0, 0x761670CE, 0x94CA6BB7, 0x7B080089, 0x903FBB8A, 0x7FFDD0B4, + 0x78BF0EA1, 0x977D659F, 0x7C4ADE9C, 0x9388B5A2, 0x7154AEDB, 0x9E96C5E5, + 0x75A17EE6, 0x9A6315D8, 0x6B684E55, 0x84AA256B, 0x6F9D9E68, 0x805FF556, + 0x6283EE2F, 0x8D418511, 0x66763E12, 0x89B4552C, 0x5F118F49, 0xB0D3E477, + 0x5BE45F74, 0xB426344A, 0x56FA2F33, 0xB938440D, 0x520FFF0E, 0xBDCD9430, + 0x4CC6CFBD, 0xA304A483, 0x48331F80, 0xA7F174BE, 0x452D6FC7, 0xAAEF04F9, + 0x41D8BFFA, 0xAE1AD4C4, 0x37E20D71, 0xD820664F, 0x3317DD4C, 0xDCD5B672, + 0x3E09AD0B, 0xD1CBC635, 0x3AFC7D36, 0xD53E1608, 0x24354D85, 0xCBF726BB, + 0x20C09DB8, 0xCF02F686, 0x2DDEEDFF, 0xC21C86C1, 0x292B3DC2, 0xC6E956FC, + 0x104C8C99, 0xFF8EE7A7, 0x14B95CA4, 0xFB7B379A, 0x19A72CE3, 0xF66547DD, + 0x1D52FCDE, 0xF29097E0, 0x039BCC6D, 0xEC59A753, 0x076E1C50, 0xE8AC776E, + 0x0A706C17, 0xE5B20729, 0x0E85BC2A, 0xE147D714, + }, + + { + 0x00000000, 0xC18EDFC0, 0x586CB9C1, 0x99E26601, 0xB0D97382, 0x7157AC42, + 0xE8B5CA43, 0x293B1583, 0xBAC3E145, 0x7B4D3E85, 0xE2AF5884, 0x23218744, + 0x0A1A92C7, 0xCB944D07, 0x52762B06, 0x93F8F4C6, 0xAEF6C4CB, 0x6F781B0B, + 0xF69A7D0A, 0x3714A2CA, 0x1E2FB749, 0xDFA16889, 0x46430E88, 0x87CDD148, + 0x1435258E, 0xD5BBFA4E, 0x4C599C4F, 0x8DD7438F, 0xA4EC560C, 0x656289CC, + 0xFC80EFCD, 0x3D0E300D, 0x869C8FD7, 0x47125017, 0xDEF03616, 0x1F7EE9D6, + 0x3645FC55, 0xF7CB2395, 0x6E294594, 0xAFA79A54, 0x3C5F6E92, 0xFDD1B152, + 0x6433D753, 0xA5BD0893, 0x8C861D10, 0x4D08C2D0, 0xD4EAA4D1, 0x15647B11, + 0x286A4B1C, 0xE9E494DC, 0x7006F2DD, 0xB1882D1D, 0x98B3389E, 0x593DE75E, + 0xC0DF815F, 0x01515E9F, 0x92A9AA59, 0x53277599, 0xCAC51398, 0x0B4BCC58, + 0x2270D9DB, 0xE3FE061B, 0x7A1C601A, 0xBB92BFDA, 0xD64819EF, 0x17C6C62F, + 0x8E24A02E, 0x4FAA7FEE, 0x66916A6D, 0xA71FB5AD, 0x3EFDD3AC, 0xFF730C6C, + 0x6C8BF8AA, 0xAD05276A, 0x34E7416B, 0xF5699EAB, 0xDC528B28, 0x1DDC54E8, + 0x843E32E9, 0x45B0ED29, 0x78BEDD24, 0xB93002E4, 0x20D264E5, 0xE15CBB25, + 0xC867AEA6, 0x09E97166, 0x900B1767, 0x5185C8A7, 0xC27D3C61, 0x03F3E3A1, + 0x9A1185A0, 0x5B9F5A60, 0x72A44FE3, 0xB32A9023, 0x2AC8F622, 0xEB4629E2, + 0x50D49638, 0x915A49F8, 0x08B82FF9, 0xC936F039, 0xE00DE5BA, 0x21833A7A, + 0xB8615C7B, 0x79EF83BB, 0xEA17777D, 0x2B99A8BD, 0xB27BCEBC, 0x73F5117C, + 0x5ACE04FF, 0x9B40DB3F, 0x02A2BD3E, 0xC32C62FE, 0xFE2252F3, 0x3FAC8D33, + 0xA64EEB32, 0x67C034F2, 0x4EFB2171, 0x8F75FEB1, 0x169798B0, 0xD7194770, + 0x44E1B3B6, 0x856F6C76, 0x1C8D0A77, 0xDD03D5B7, 0xF438C034, 0x35B61FF4, + 0xAC5479F5, 0x6DDAA635, 0x77E1359F, 0xB66FEA5F, 0x2F8D8C5E, 0xEE03539E, + 0xC738461D, 0x06B699DD, 0x9F54FFDC, 0x5EDA201C, 0xCD22D4DA, 0x0CAC0B1A, + 0x954E6D1B, 0x54C0B2DB, 0x7DFBA758, 0xBC757898, 0x25971E99, 0xE419C159, + 0xD917F154, 0x18992E94, 0x817B4895, 0x40F59755, 0x69CE82D6, 0xA8405D16, + 0x31A23B17, 0xF02CE4D7, 0x63D41011, 0xA25ACFD1, 0x3BB8A9D0, 0xFA367610, + 0xD30D6393, 0x1283BC53, 0x8B61DA52, 0x4AEF0592, 0xF17DBA48, 0x30F36588, + 0xA9110389, 0x689FDC49, 0x41A4C9CA, 0x802A160A, 0x19C8700B, 0xD846AFCB, + 0x4BBE5B0D, 0x8A3084CD, 0x13D2E2CC, 0xD25C3D0C, 0xFB67288F, 0x3AE9F74F, + 0xA30B914E, 0x62854E8E, 0x5F8B7E83, 0x9E05A143, 0x07E7C742, 0xC6691882, + 0xEF520D01, 0x2EDCD2C1, 0xB73EB4C0, 0x76B06B00, 0xE5489FC6, 0x24C64006, + 0xBD242607, 0x7CAAF9C7, 0x5591EC44, 0x941F3384, 0x0DFD5585, 0xCC738A45, + 0xA1A92C70, 0x6027F3B0, 0xF9C595B1, 0x384B4A71, 0x11705FF2, 0xD0FE8032, + 0x491CE633, 0x889239F3, 0x1B6ACD35, 0xDAE412F5, 0x430674F4, 0x8288AB34, + 0xABB3BEB7, 0x6A3D6177, 0xF3DF0776, 0x3251D8B6, 0x0F5FE8BB, 0xCED1377B, + 0x5733517A, 0x96BD8EBA, 0xBF869B39, 0x7E0844F9, 0xE7EA22F8, 0x2664FD38, + 0xB59C09FE, 0x7412D63E, 0xEDF0B03F, 0x2C7E6FFF, 0x05457A7C, 0xC4CBA5BC, + 0x5D29C3BD, 0x9CA71C7D, 0x2735A3A7, 0xE6BB7C67, 0x7F591A66, 0xBED7C5A6, + 0x97ECD025, 0x56620FE5, 0xCF8069E4, 0x0E0EB624, 0x9DF642E2, 0x5C789D22, + 0xC59AFB23, 0x041424E3, 0x2D2F3160, 0xECA1EEA0, 0x754388A1, 0xB4CD5761, + 0x89C3676C, 0x484DB8AC, 0xD1AFDEAD, 0x1021016D, 0x391A14EE, 0xF894CB2E, + 0x6176AD2F, 0xA0F872EF, 0x33008629, 0xF28E59E9, 0x6B6C3FE8, 0xAAE2E028, + 0x83D9F5AB, 0x42572A6B, 0xDBB54C6A, 0x1A3B93AA, + }, + + { + 0x00000000, 0x9BA54C6F, 0xEC3B9E9F, 0x779ED2F0, 0x03063B7F, 0x98A37710, + 0xEF3DA5E0, 0x7498E98F, 0x060C76FE, 0x9DA93A91, 0xEA37E861, 0x7192A40E, + 0x050A4D81, 0x9EAF01EE, 0xE931D31E, 0x72949F71, 0x0C18EDFC, 0x97BDA193, + 0xE0237363, 0x7B863F0C, 0x0F1ED683, 0x94BB9AEC, 0xE325481C, 0x78800473, + 0x0A149B02, 0x91B1D76D, 0xE62F059D, 0x7D8A49F2, 0x0912A07D, 0x92B7EC12, + 0xE5293EE2, 0x7E8C728D, 0x1831DBF8, 0x83949797, 0xF40A4567, 0x6FAF0908, + 0x1B37E087, 0x8092ACE8, 0xF70C7E18, 0x6CA93277, 0x1E3DAD06, 0x8598E169, + 0xF2063399, 0x69A37FF6, 0x1D3B9679, 0x869EDA16, 0xF10008E6, 0x6AA54489, + 0x14293604, 0x8F8C7A6B, 0xF812A89B, 0x63B7E4F4, 0x172F0D7B, 0x8C8A4114, + 0xFB1493E4, 0x60B1DF8B, 0x122540FA, 0x89800C95, 0xFE1EDE65, 0x65BB920A, + 0x11237B85, 0x8A8637EA, 0xFD18E51A, 0x66BDA975, 0x3063B7F0, 0xABC6FB9F, + 0xDC58296F, 0x47FD6500, 0x33658C8F, 0xA8C0C0E0, 0xDF5E1210, 0x44FB5E7F, + 0x366FC10E, 0xADCA8D61, 0xDA545F91, 0x41F113FE, 0x3569FA71, 0xAECCB61E, + 0xD95264EE, 0x42F72881, 0x3C7B5A0C, 0xA7DE1663, 0xD040C493, 0x4BE588FC, + 0x3F7D6173, 0xA4D82D1C, 0xD346FFEC, 0x48E3B383, 0x3A772CF2, 0xA1D2609D, + 0xD64CB26D, 0x4DE9FE02, 0x3971178D, 0xA2D45BE2, 0xD54A8912, 0x4EEFC57D, + 0x28526C08, 0xB3F72067, 0xC469F297, 0x5FCCBEF8, 0x2B545777, 0xB0F11B18, + 0xC76FC9E8, 0x5CCA8587, 0x2E5E1AF6, 0xB5FB5699, 0xC2658469, 0x59C0C806, + 0x2D582189, 0xB6FD6DE6, 0xC163BF16, 0x5AC6F379, 0x244A81F4, 0xBFEFCD9B, + 0xC8711F6B, 0x53D45304, 0x274CBA8B, 0xBCE9F6E4, 0xCB772414, 0x50D2687B, + 0x2246F70A, 0xB9E3BB65, 0xCE7D6995, 0x55D825FA, 0x2140CC75, 0xBAE5801A, + 0xCD7B52EA, 0x56DE1E85, 0x60C76FE0, 0xFB62238F, 0x8CFCF17F, 0x1759BD10, + 0x63C1549F, 0xF86418F0, 0x8FFACA00, 0x145F866F, 0x66CB191E, 0xFD6E5571, + 0x8AF08781, 0x1155CBEE, 0x65CD2261, 0xFE686E0E, 0x89F6BCFE, 0x1253F091, + 0x6CDF821C, 0xF77ACE73, 0x80E41C83, 0x1B4150EC, 0x6FD9B963, 0xF47CF50C, + 0x83E227FC, 0x18476B93, 0x6AD3F4E2, 0xF176B88D, 0x86E86A7D, 0x1D4D2612, + 0x69D5CF9D, 0xF27083F2, 0x85EE5102, 0x1E4B1D6D, 0x78F6B418, 0xE353F877, + 0x94CD2A87, 0x0F6866E8, 0x7BF08F67, 0xE055C308, 0x97CB11F8, 0x0C6E5D97, + 0x7EFAC2E6, 0xE55F8E89, 0x92C15C79, 0x09641016, 0x7DFCF999, 0xE659B5F6, + 0x91C76706, 0x0A622B69, 0x74EE59E4, 0xEF4B158B, 0x98D5C77B, 0x03708B14, + 0x77E8629B, 0xEC4D2EF4, 0x9BD3FC04, 0x0076B06B, 0x72E22F1A, 0xE9476375, + 0x9ED9B185, 0x057CFDEA, 0x71E41465, 0xEA41580A, 0x9DDF8AFA, 0x067AC695, + 0x50A4D810, 0xCB01947F, 0xBC9F468F, 0x273A0AE0, 0x53A2E36F, 0xC807AF00, + 0xBF997DF0, 0x243C319F, 0x56A8AEEE, 0xCD0DE281, 0xBA933071, 0x21367C1E, + 0x55AE9591, 0xCE0BD9FE, 0xB9950B0E, 0x22304761, 0x5CBC35EC, 0xC7197983, + 0xB087AB73, 0x2B22E71C, 0x5FBA0E93, 0xC41F42FC, 0xB381900C, 0x2824DC63, + 0x5AB04312, 0xC1150F7D, 0xB68BDD8D, 0x2D2E91E2, 0x59B6786D, 0xC2133402, + 0xB58DE6F2, 0x2E28AA9D, 0x489503E8, 0xD3304F87, 0xA4AE9D77, 0x3F0BD118, + 0x4B933897, 0xD03674F8, 0xA7A8A608, 0x3C0DEA67, 0x4E997516, 0xD53C3979, + 0xA2A2EB89, 0x3907A7E6, 0x4D9F4E69, 0xD63A0206, 0xA1A4D0F6, 0x3A019C99, + 0x448DEE14, 0xDF28A27B, 0xA8B6708B, 0x33133CE4, 0x478BD56B, 0xDC2E9904, + 0xABB04BF4, 0x3015079B, 0x428198EA, 0xD924D485, 0xAEBA0675, 0x351F4A1A, + 0x4187A395, 0xDA22EFFA, 0xADBC3D0A, 0x36197165, + }, + + { + 0x00000000, 0xDD96D985, 0x605CB54B, 0xBDCA6CCE, 0xC0B96A96, 0x1D2FB313, + 0xA0E5DFDD, 0x7D730658, 0x5A03D36D, 0x87950AE8, 0x3A5F6626, 0xE7C9BFA3, + 0x9ABAB9FB, 0x472C607E, 0xFAE60CB0, 0x2770D535, 0xB407A6DA, 0x69917F5F, + 0xD45B1391, 0x09CDCA14, 0x74BECC4C, 0xA92815C9, 0x14E27907, 0xC974A082, + 0xEE0475B7, 0x3392AC32, 0x8E58C0FC, 0x53CE1979, 0x2EBD1F21, 0xF32BC6A4, + 0x4EE1AA6A, 0x937773EF, 0xB37E4BF5, 0x6EE89270, 0xD322FEBE, 0x0EB4273B, + 0x73C72163, 0xAE51F8E6, 0x139B9428, 0xCE0D4DAD, 0xE97D9898, 0x34EB411D, + 0x89212DD3, 0x54B7F456, 0x29C4F20E, 0xF4522B8B, 0x49984745, 0x940E9EC0, + 0x0779ED2F, 0xDAEF34AA, 0x67255864, 0xBAB381E1, 0xC7C087B9, 0x1A565E3C, + 0xA79C32F2, 0x7A0AEB77, 0x5D7A3E42, 0x80ECE7C7, 0x3D268B09, 0xE0B0528C, + 0x9DC354D4, 0x40558D51, 0xFD9FE19F, 0x2009381A, 0xBD8D91AB, 0x601B482E, + 0xDDD124E0, 0x0047FD65, 0x7D34FB3D, 0xA0A222B8, 0x1D684E76, 0xC0FE97F3, + 0xE78E42C6, 0x3A189B43, 0x87D2F78D, 0x5A442E08, 0x27372850, 0xFAA1F1D5, + 0x476B9D1B, 0x9AFD449E, 0x098A3771, 0xD41CEEF4, 0x69D6823A, 0xB4405BBF, + 0xC9335DE7, 0x14A58462, 0xA96FE8AC, 0x74F93129, 0x5389E41C, 0x8E1F3D99, + 0x33D55157, 0xEE4388D2, 0x93308E8A, 0x4EA6570F, 0xF36C3BC1, 0x2EFAE244, + 0x0EF3DA5E, 0xD36503DB, 0x6EAF6F15, 0xB339B690, 0xCE4AB0C8, 0x13DC694D, + 0xAE160583, 0x7380DC06, 0x54F00933, 0x8966D0B6, 0x34ACBC78, 0xE93A65FD, + 0x944963A5, 0x49DFBA20, 0xF415D6EE, 0x29830F6B, 0xBAF47C84, 0x6762A501, + 0xDAA8C9CF, 0x073E104A, 0x7A4D1612, 0xA7DBCF97, 0x1A11A359, 0xC7877ADC, + 0xE0F7AFE9, 0x3D61766C, 0x80AB1AA2, 0x5D3DC327, 0x204EC57F, 0xFDD81CFA, + 0x40127034, 0x9D84A9B1, 0xA06A2517, 0x7DFCFC92, 0xC036905C, 0x1DA049D9, + 0x60D34F81, 0xBD459604, 0x008FFACA, 0xDD19234F, 0xFA69F67A, 0x27FF2FFF, + 0x9A354331, 0x47A39AB4, 0x3AD09CEC, 0xE7464569, 0x5A8C29A7, 0x871AF022, + 0x146D83CD, 0xC9FB5A48, 0x74313686, 0xA9A7EF03, 0xD4D4E95B, 0x094230DE, + 0xB4885C10, 0x691E8595, 0x4E6E50A0, 0x93F88925, 0x2E32E5EB, 0xF3A43C6E, + 0x8ED73A36, 0x5341E3B3, 0xEE8B8F7D, 0x331D56F8, 0x13146EE2, 0xCE82B767, + 0x7348DBA9, 0xAEDE022C, 0xD3AD0474, 0x0E3BDDF1, 0xB3F1B13F, 0x6E6768BA, + 0x4917BD8F, 0x9481640A, 0x294B08C4, 0xF4DDD141, 0x89AED719, 0x54380E9C, + 0xE9F26252, 0x3464BBD7, 0xA713C838, 0x7A8511BD, 0xC74F7D73, 0x1AD9A4F6, + 0x67AAA2AE, 0xBA3C7B2B, 0x07F617E5, 0xDA60CE60, 0xFD101B55, 0x2086C2D0, + 0x9D4CAE1E, 0x40DA779B, 0x3DA971C3, 0xE03FA846, 0x5DF5C488, 0x80631D0D, + 0x1DE7B4BC, 0xC0716D39, 0x7DBB01F7, 0xA02DD872, 0xDD5EDE2A, 0x00C807AF, + 0xBD026B61, 0x6094B2E4, 0x47E467D1, 0x9A72BE54, 0x27B8D29A, 0xFA2E0B1F, + 0x875D0D47, 0x5ACBD4C2, 0xE701B80C, 0x3A976189, 0xA9E01266, 0x7476CBE3, + 0xC9BCA72D, 0x142A7EA8, 0x695978F0, 0xB4CFA175, 0x0905CDBB, 0xD493143E, + 0xF3E3C10B, 0x2E75188E, 0x93BF7440, 0x4E29ADC5, 0x335AAB9D, 0xEECC7218, + 0x53061ED6, 0x8E90C753, 0xAE99FF49, 0x730F26CC, 0xCEC54A02, 0x13539387, + 0x6E2095DF, 0xB3B64C5A, 0x0E7C2094, 0xD3EAF911, 0xF49A2C24, 0x290CF5A1, + 0x94C6996F, 0x495040EA, 0x342346B2, 0xE9B59F37, 0x547FF3F9, 0x89E92A7C, + 0x1A9E5993, 0xC7088016, 0x7AC2ECD8, 0xA754355D, 0xDA273305, 0x07B1EA80, + 0xBA7B864E, 0x67ED5FCB, 0x409D8AFE, 0x9D0B537B, 0x20C13FB5, 0xFD57E630, + 0x8024E068, 0x5DB239ED, 0xE0785523, 0x3DEE8CA6, + }, + + { + 0x00000000, 0x9D0FE176, 0xE16EC4AD, 0x7C6125DB, 0x19AC8F1B, 0x84A36E6D, + 0xF8C24BB6, 0x65CDAAC0, 0x33591E36, 0xAE56FF40, 0xD237DA9B, 0x4F383BED, + 0x2AF5912D, 0xB7FA705B, 0xCB9B5580, 0x5694B4F6, 0x66B23C6C, 0xFBBDDD1A, + 0x87DCF8C1, 0x1AD319B7, 0x7F1EB377, 0xE2115201, 0x9E7077DA, 0x037F96AC, + 0x55EB225A, 0xC8E4C32C, 0xB485E6F7, 0x298A0781, 0x4C47AD41, 0xD1484C37, + 0xAD2969EC, 0x3026889A, 0xCD6478D8, 0x506B99AE, 0x2C0ABC75, 0xB1055D03, + 0xD4C8F7C3, 0x49C716B5, 0x35A6336E, 0xA8A9D218, 0xFE3D66EE, 0x63328798, + 0x1F53A243, 0x825C4335, 0xE791E9F5, 0x7A9E0883, 0x06FF2D58, 0x9BF0CC2E, + 0xABD644B4, 0x36D9A5C2, 0x4AB88019, 0xD7B7616F, 0xB27ACBAF, 0x2F752AD9, + 0x53140F02, 0xCE1BEE74, 0x988F5A82, 0x0580BBF4, 0x79E19E2F, 0xE4EE7F59, + 0x8123D599, 0x1C2C34EF, 0x604D1134, 0xFD42F042, 0x41B9F7F1, 0xDCB61687, + 0xA0D7335C, 0x3DD8D22A, 0x581578EA, 0xC51A999C, 0xB97BBC47, 0x24745D31, + 0x72E0E9C7, 0xEFEF08B1, 0x938E2D6A, 0x0E81CC1C, 0x6B4C66DC, 0xF64387AA, + 0x8A22A271, 0x172D4307, 0x270BCB9D, 0xBA042AEB, 0xC6650F30, 0x5B6AEE46, + 0x3EA74486, 0xA3A8A5F0, 0xDFC9802B, 0x42C6615D, 0x1452D5AB, 0x895D34DD, + 0xF53C1106, 0x6833F070, 0x0DFE5AB0, 0x90F1BBC6, 0xEC909E1D, 0x719F7F6B, + 0x8CDD8F29, 0x11D26E5F, 0x6DB34B84, 0xF0BCAAF2, 0x95710032, 0x087EE144, + 0x741FC49F, 0xE91025E9, 0xBF84911F, 0x228B7069, 0x5EEA55B2, 0xC3E5B4C4, + 0xA6281E04, 0x3B27FF72, 0x4746DAA9, 0xDA493BDF, 0xEA6FB345, 0x77605233, + 0x0B0177E8, 0x960E969E, 0xF3C33C5E, 0x6ECCDD28, 0x12ADF8F3, 0x8FA21985, + 0xD936AD73, 0x44394C05, 0x385869DE, 0xA55788A8, 0xC09A2268, 0x5D95C31E, + 0x21F4E6C5, 0xBCFB07B3, 0x8373EFE2, 0x1E7C0E94, 0x621D2B4F, 0xFF12CA39, + 0x9ADF60F9, 0x07D0818F, 0x7BB1A454, 0xE6BE4522, 0xB02AF1D4, 0x2D2510A2, + 0x51443579, 0xCC4BD40F, 0xA9867ECF, 0x34899FB9, 0x48E8BA62, 0xD5E75B14, + 0xE5C1D38E, 0x78CE32F8, 0x04AF1723, 0x99A0F655, 0xFC6D5C95, 0x6162BDE3, + 0x1D039838, 0x800C794E, 0xD698CDB8, 0x4B972CCE, 0x37F60915, 0xAAF9E863, + 0xCF3442A3, 0x523BA3D5, 0x2E5A860E, 0xB3556778, 0x4E17973A, 0xD318764C, + 0xAF795397, 0x3276B2E1, 0x57BB1821, 0xCAB4F957, 0xB6D5DC8C, 0x2BDA3DFA, + 0x7D4E890C, 0xE041687A, 0x9C204DA1, 0x012FACD7, 0x64E20617, 0xF9EDE761, + 0x858CC2BA, 0x188323CC, 0x28A5AB56, 0xB5AA4A20, 0xC9CB6FFB, 0x54C48E8D, + 0x3109244D, 0xAC06C53B, 0xD067E0E0, 0x4D680196, 0x1BFCB560, 0x86F35416, + 0xFA9271CD, 0x679D90BB, 0x02503A7B, 0x9F5FDB0D, 0xE33EFED6, 0x7E311FA0, + 0xC2CA1813, 0x5FC5F965, 0x23A4DCBE, 0xBEAB3DC8, 0xDB669708, 0x4669767E, + 0x3A0853A5, 0xA707B2D3, 0xF1930625, 0x6C9CE753, 0x10FDC288, 0x8DF223FE, + 0xE83F893E, 0x75306848, 0x09514D93, 0x945EACE5, 0xA478247F, 0x3977C509, + 0x4516E0D2, 0xD81901A4, 0xBDD4AB64, 0x20DB4A12, 0x5CBA6FC9, 0xC1B58EBF, + 0x97213A49, 0x0A2EDB3F, 0x764FFEE4, 0xEB401F92, 0x8E8DB552, 0x13825424, + 0x6FE371FF, 0xF2EC9089, 0x0FAE60CB, 0x92A181BD, 0xEEC0A466, 0x73CF4510, + 0x1602EFD0, 0x8B0D0EA6, 0xF76C2B7D, 0x6A63CA0B, 0x3CF77EFD, 0xA1F89F8B, + 0xDD99BA50, 0x40965B26, 0x255BF1E6, 0xB8541090, 0xC435354B, 0x593AD43D, + 0x691C5CA7, 0xF413BDD1, 0x8872980A, 0x157D797C, 0x70B0D3BC, 0xEDBF32CA, + 0x91DE1711, 0x0CD1F667, 0x5A454291, 0xC74AA3E7, 0xBB2B863C, 0x2624674A, + 0x43E9CD8A, 0xDEE62CFC, 0xA2870927, 0x3F88E851, + }, + + { + 0x00000000, 0xB9FBDBE8, 0xA886B191, 0x117D6A79, 0x8A7C6563, 0x3387BE8B, + 0x22FAD4F2, 0x9B010F1A, 0xCF89CC87, 0x7672176F, 0x670F7D16, 0xDEF4A6FE, + 0x45F5A9E4, 0xFC0E720C, 0xED731875, 0x5488C39D, 0x44629F4F, 0xFD9944A7, + 0xECE42EDE, 0x551FF536, 0xCE1EFA2C, 0x77E521C4, 0x66984BBD, 0xDF639055, + 0x8BEB53C8, 0x32108820, 0x236DE259, 0x9A9639B1, 0x019736AB, 0xB86CED43, + 0xA911873A, 0x10EA5CD2, 0x88C53E9E, 0x313EE576, 0x20438F0F, 0x99B854E7, + 0x02B95BFD, 0xBB428015, 0xAA3FEA6C, 0x13C43184, 0x474CF219, 0xFEB729F1, + 0xEFCA4388, 0x56319860, 0xCD30977A, 0x74CB4C92, 0x65B626EB, 0xDC4DFD03, + 0xCCA7A1D1, 0x755C7A39, 0x64211040, 0xDDDACBA8, 0x46DBC4B2, 0xFF201F5A, + 0xEE5D7523, 0x57A6AECB, 0x032E6D56, 0xBAD5B6BE, 0xABA8DCC7, 0x1253072F, + 0x89520835, 0x30A9D3DD, 0x21D4B9A4, 0x982F624C, 0xCAFB7B7D, 0x7300A095, + 0x627DCAEC, 0xDB861104, 0x40871E1E, 0xF97CC5F6, 0xE801AF8F, 0x51FA7467, + 0x0572B7FA, 0xBC896C12, 0xADF4066B, 0x140FDD83, 0x8F0ED299, 0x36F50971, + 0x27886308, 0x9E73B8E0, 0x8E99E432, 0x37623FDA, 0x261F55A3, 0x9FE48E4B, + 0x04E58151, 0xBD1E5AB9, 0xAC6330C0, 0x1598EB28, 0x411028B5, 0xF8EBF35D, + 0xE9969924, 0x506D42CC, 0xCB6C4DD6, 0x7297963E, 0x63EAFC47, 0xDA1127AF, + 0x423E45E3, 0xFBC59E0B, 0xEAB8F472, 0x53432F9A, 0xC8422080, 0x71B9FB68, + 0x60C49111, 0xD93F4AF9, 0x8DB78964, 0x344C528C, 0x253138F5, 0x9CCAE31D, + 0x07CBEC07, 0xBE3037EF, 0xAF4D5D96, 0x16B6867E, 0x065CDAAC, 0xBFA70144, + 0xAEDA6B3D, 0x1721B0D5, 0x8C20BFCF, 0x35DB6427, 0x24A60E5E, 0x9D5DD5B6, + 0xC9D5162B, 0x702ECDC3, 0x6153A7BA, 0xD8A87C52, 0x43A97348, 0xFA52A8A0, + 0xEB2FC2D9, 0x52D41931, 0x4E87F0BB, 0xF77C2B53, 0xE601412A, 0x5FFA9AC2, + 0xC4FB95D8, 0x7D004E30, 0x6C7D2449, 0xD586FFA1, 0x810E3C3C, 0x38F5E7D4, + 0x29888DAD, 0x90735645, 0x0B72595F, 0xB28982B7, 0xA3F4E8CE, 0x1A0F3326, + 0x0AE56FF4, 0xB31EB41C, 0xA263DE65, 0x1B98058D, 0x80990A97, 0x3962D17F, + 0x281FBB06, 0x91E460EE, 0xC56CA373, 0x7C97789B, 0x6DEA12E2, 0xD411C90A, + 0x4F10C610, 0xF6EB1DF8, 0xE7967781, 0x5E6DAC69, 0xC642CE25, 0x7FB915CD, + 0x6EC47FB4, 0xD73FA45C, 0x4C3EAB46, 0xF5C570AE, 0xE4B81AD7, 0x5D43C13F, + 0x09CB02A2, 0xB030D94A, 0xA14DB333, 0x18B668DB, 0x83B767C1, 0x3A4CBC29, + 0x2B31D650, 0x92CA0DB8, 0x8220516A, 0x3BDB8A82, 0x2AA6E0FB, 0x935D3B13, + 0x085C3409, 0xB1A7EFE1, 0xA0DA8598, 0x19215E70, 0x4DA99DED, 0xF4524605, + 0xE52F2C7C, 0x5CD4F794, 0xC7D5F88E, 0x7E2E2366, 0x6F53491F, 0xD6A892F7, + 0x847C8BC6, 0x3D87502E, 0x2CFA3A57, 0x9501E1BF, 0x0E00EEA5, 0xB7FB354D, + 0xA6865F34, 0x1F7D84DC, 0x4BF54741, 0xF20E9CA9, 0xE373F6D0, 0x5A882D38, + 0xC1892222, 0x7872F9CA, 0x690F93B3, 0xD0F4485B, 0xC01E1489, 0x79E5CF61, + 0x6898A518, 0xD1637EF0, 0x4A6271EA, 0xF399AA02, 0xE2E4C07B, 0x5B1F1B93, + 0x0F97D80E, 0xB66C03E6, 0xA711699F, 0x1EEAB277, 0x85EBBD6D, 0x3C106685, + 0x2D6D0CFC, 0x9496D714, 0x0CB9B558, 0xB5426EB0, 0xA43F04C9, 0x1DC4DF21, + 0x86C5D03B, 0x3F3E0BD3, 0x2E4361AA, 0x97B8BA42, 0xC33079DF, 0x7ACBA237, + 0x6BB6C84E, 0xD24D13A6, 0x494C1CBC, 0xF0B7C754, 0xE1CAAD2D, 0x583176C5, + 0x48DB2A17, 0xF120F1FF, 0xE05D9B86, 0x59A6406E, 0xC2A74F74, 0x7B5C949C, + 0x6A21FEE5, 0xD3DA250D, 0x8752E690, 0x3EA93D78, 0x2FD45701, 0x962F8CE9, + 0x0D2E83F3, 0xB4D5581B, 0xA5A83262, 0x1C53E98A, + }, + + { + 0x00000000, 0xAE689191, 0x87A02563, 0x29C8B4F2, 0xD4314C87, 0x7A59DD16, + 0x539169E4, 0xFDF9F875, 0x73139F4F, 0xDD7B0EDE, 0xF4B3BA2C, 0x5ADB2BBD, + 0xA722D3C8, 0x094A4259, 0x2082F6AB, 0x8EEA673A, 0xE6273E9E, 0x484FAF0F, + 0x61871BFD, 0xCFEF8A6C, 0x32167219, 0x9C7EE388, 0xB5B6577A, 0x1BDEC6EB, + 0x9534A1D1, 0x3B5C3040, 0x129484B2, 0xBCFC1523, 0x4105ED56, 0xEF6D7CC7, + 0xC6A5C835, 0x68CD59A4, 0x173F7B7D, 0xB957EAEC, 0x909F5E1E, 0x3EF7CF8F, + 0xC30E37FA, 0x6D66A66B, 0x44AE1299, 0xEAC68308, 0x642CE432, 0xCA4475A3, + 0xE38CC151, 0x4DE450C0, 0xB01DA8B5, 0x1E753924, 0x37BD8DD6, 0x99D51C47, + 0xF11845E3, 0x5F70D472, 0x76B86080, 0xD8D0F111, 0x25290964, 0x8B4198F5, + 0xA2892C07, 0x0CE1BD96, 0x820BDAAC, 0x2C634B3D, 0x05ABFFCF, 0xABC36E5E, + 0x563A962B, 0xF85207BA, 0xD19AB348, 0x7FF222D9, 0x2E7EF6FA, 0x8016676B, + 0xA9DED399, 0x07B64208, 0xFA4FBA7D, 0x54272BEC, 0x7DEF9F1E, 0xD3870E8F, + 0x5D6D69B5, 0xF305F824, 0xDACD4CD6, 0x74A5DD47, 0x895C2532, 0x2734B4A3, + 0x0EFC0051, 0xA09491C0, 0xC859C864, 0x663159F5, 0x4FF9ED07, 0xE1917C96, + 0x1C6884E3, 0xB2001572, 0x9BC8A180, 0x35A03011, 0xBB4A572B, 0x1522C6BA, + 0x3CEA7248, 0x9282E3D9, 0x6F7B1BAC, 0xC1138A3D, 0xE8DB3ECF, 0x46B3AF5E, + 0x39418D87, 0x97291C16, 0xBEE1A8E4, 0x10893975, 0xED70C100, 0x43185091, + 0x6AD0E463, 0xC4B875F2, 0x4A5212C8, 0xE43A8359, 0xCDF237AB, 0x639AA63A, + 0x9E635E4F, 0x300BCFDE, 0x19C37B2C, 0xB7ABEABD, 0xDF66B319, 0x710E2288, + 0x58C6967A, 0xF6AE07EB, 0x0B57FF9E, 0xA53F6E0F, 0x8CF7DAFD, 0x229F4B6C, + 0xAC752C56, 0x021DBDC7, 0x2BD50935, 0x85BD98A4, 0x784460D1, 0xD62CF140, + 0xFFE445B2, 0x518CD423, 0x5CFDEDF4, 0xF2957C65, 0xDB5DC897, 0x75355906, + 0x88CCA173, 0x26A430E2, 0x0F6C8410, 0xA1041581, 0x2FEE72BB, 0x8186E32A, + 0xA84E57D8, 0x0626C649, 0xFBDF3E3C, 0x55B7AFAD, 0x7C7F1B5F, 0xD2178ACE, + 0xBADAD36A, 0x14B242FB, 0x3D7AF609, 0x93126798, 0x6EEB9FED, 0xC0830E7C, + 0xE94BBA8E, 0x47232B1F, 0xC9C94C25, 0x67A1DDB4, 0x4E696946, 0xE001F8D7, + 0x1DF800A2, 0xB3909133, 0x9A5825C1, 0x3430B450, 0x4BC29689, 0xE5AA0718, + 0xCC62B3EA, 0x620A227B, 0x9FF3DA0E, 0x319B4B9F, 0x1853FF6D, 0xB63B6EFC, + 0x38D109C6, 0x96B99857, 0xBF712CA5, 0x1119BD34, 0xECE04541, 0x4288D4D0, + 0x6B406022, 0xC528F1B3, 0xADE5A817, 0x038D3986, 0x2A458D74, 0x842D1CE5, + 0x79D4E490, 0xD7BC7501, 0xFE74C1F3, 0x501C5062, 0xDEF63758, 0x709EA6C9, + 0x5956123B, 0xF73E83AA, 0x0AC77BDF, 0xA4AFEA4E, 0x8D675EBC, 0x230FCF2D, + 0x72831B0E, 0xDCEB8A9F, 0xF5233E6D, 0x5B4BAFFC, 0xA6B25789, 0x08DAC618, + 0x211272EA, 0x8F7AE37B, 0x01908441, 0xAFF815D0, 0x8630A122, 0x285830B3, + 0xD5A1C8C6, 0x7BC95957, 0x5201EDA5, 0xFC697C34, 0x94A42590, 0x3ACCB401, + 0x130400F3, 0xBD6C9162, 0x40956917, 0xEEFDF886, 0xC7354C74, 0x695DDDE5, + 0xE7B7BADF, 0x49DF2B4E, 0x60179FBC, 0xCE7F0E2D, 0x3386F658, 0x9DEE67C9, + 0xB426D33B, 0x1A4E42AA, 0x65BC6073, 0xCBD4F1E2, 0xE21C4510, 0x4C74D481, + 0xB18D2CF4, 0x1FE5BD65, 0x362D0997, 0x98459806, 0x16AFFF3C, 0xB8C76EAD, + 0x910FDA5F, 0x3F674BCE, 0xC29EB3BB, 0x6CF6222A, 0x453E96D8, 0xEB560749, + 0x839B5EED, 0x2DF3CF7C, 0x043B7B8E, 0xAA53EA1F, 0x57AA126A, 0xF9C283FB, + 0xD00A3709, 0x7E62A698, 0xF088C1A2, 0x5EE05033, 0x7728E4C1, 0xD9407550, + 0x24B98D25, 0x8AD11CB4, 0xA319A846, 0x0D7139D7, + } +# endif // CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 +}; +#endif // NO_LUT diff --git a/test/CMakeLists.txt b/test/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3900aff --- /dev/null +++ b/test/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14) + +project(crc32Tests LANGUAGES C CXX) + +include(../cmake/project-is-top-level.cmake) +include(../cmake/windows-set-path.cmake) + +if(PROJECT_IS_TOP_LEVEL) + find_package(crc32 REQUIRED) + enable_testing() +endif() + +if(NOT WIN32) + include(FetchContent) + + # Externally provided libraries + FetchContent_Declare( + googletest + GIT_REPOSITORY + GIT_TAG main) + + FetchContent_Declare( + googlebenchmark + GIT_REPOSITORY + GIT_TAG main) + + # set(gtest_force_shared_crt ON CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) + + set(FOLDER_benchmark + "gbenchmark" + CACHE STRING "" FORCE) + set(FOLDER_gtest + "gtest" + CACHE STRING "" FORCE) + set(FOLDER_gmock + "gmock" + CACHE STRING "" FORCE) + set(FOLDER_googletest-distribution + "googletest-distribution" + CACHE STRING "" FORCE) + + # Disable tests on gtest + set(gtest_build_tests + OFF + CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) + set(gtest_build_samples + OFF + CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) + + # Disable tests on google benchmark + set(BENCHMARK_ENABLE_TESTING + OFF + CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) + set(BENCHMARK_ENABLE_WERROR + OFF + CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) + + FetchContent_MakeAvailable(googletest googlebenchmark) + # Lib: gtest_main benchmark::benchmark benchmark::benchmark_main + # target_compile_features(crc32_test PRIVATE cxx_std_17) + + add_executable(crc32_bench source/crc32_bench.cpp) + target_link_libraries(crc32_bench PRIVATE crc32::crc32 + benchmark::benchmark_main) + option(BENCHMARK_TEST "RUN bench test with tests" OFF) + + if(BENCHMARK_TEST) + add_test(NAME crc32_bench COMMAND crc32_bench) + elseif() + message(STATUS "Disable crc32_bench, Performance benchmark test only run on Release/RelWithDebInfo/MinSizeRel") + endif() + + # windows_set_path(crc32_bench crc32::crc32 benchmark::benchmark_main) + + add_executable(crc32_test source/crc32_test.cpp) + target_link_libraries(crc32_test PRIVATE crc32::crc32 gtest_main) + add_test(NAME crc32_test COMMAND crc32_test) + # windows_set_path(crc32_test crc32::crc32 gtest_main) +else() + message(WARNING "Disable tests, only tested on Linux and MacOS x86_64") +endif() diff --git a/test/source/crc32_bench.cpp b/test/source/crc32_bench.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6bbc652 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/source/crc32_bench.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,546 @@ +// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// crc32_bench.cpp +// Copyright (c) 2011-2021 Stephan Brumme. All rights reserved. +// Google benchmark contributed by Bensuperpc +// see +// + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "crc32/crc32.hpp" + +extern "C" { +#include "crc32/crc32.h" +} + +#include + +static std::unique_ptr generate(const std::uint64_t length); + +static std::unique_ptr generate(const std::uint64_t length) +{ + uint32_t randomNumber = 0x27121978; + // initialize + std::unique_ptr data(new char[length]); + for (std::uint64_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { + data[i] = char(randomNumber & 0xFF); + // simple LCG, see + // + randomNumber = 1664525 * randomNumber + 1013904223; + } + return data; +} + +std::string random_string(std::string::size_type length) +{ + static auto& chrs = + "0123456789" + "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" + "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; + + thread_local static std::mt19937 rg {std::random_device {}()}; + thread_local static std::uniform_int_distribution + pick(0, sizeof(chrs) - 2); + + std::string s; + + s.reserve(length); + + while (length--) + s += chrs[pick(rg)]; + + return s; +} + +static void crc32_fast_c_bench(benchmark::State& state) +{ + // Code inside this loop is measured repeatedly + auto size = state.range(0); + auto str = generate(size); + + for (auto _ : state) { + benchmark::DoNotOptimize(str); + crc32::crc32_fast(str.get(), size, 0); + + benchmark::ClobberMemory(); + } + state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); + state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(0) * sizeof(char)); + + // state.SetLabel("OK"); +} +BENCHMARK(crc32_fast_c_bench) + ->Name("crc32_c_fast") + ->RangeMultiplier(100) + ->Range(1, 1000000000); + +static void crc32_fast_bench(benchmark::State& state) +{ + // Code inside this loop is measured repeatedly + auto size = state.range(0); + std::string&& str = random_string(size); + + for (auto _ : state) { + benchmark::DoNotOptimize(str); + crc32::crc32_fast(str, 0); + benchmark::ClobberMemory(); + } + state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); + state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(0) * sizeof(char)); + + // state.SetLabel("OK"); +} +BENCHMARK(crc32_fast_bench) + ->Name("crc32_fast") + ->RangeMultiplier(100) + ->Range(1, 1000000000); + +static void crc32_bitwise_c_bench(benchmark::State& state) +{ + // Code inside this loop is measured repeatedly + auto size = state.range(0); + auto str = generate(size); + + for (auto _ : state) { + benchmark::DoNotOptimize(str); + crc32::crc32_bitwise(str.get(), size, 0); + benchmark::ClobberMemory(); + } + state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); + state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(0) * sizeof(char)); +} +BENCHMARK(crc32_bitwise_c_bench) + ->Name("crc32_bitwise_c") + ->RangeMultiplier(100) + ->Range(1, 1000000000); + +static void crc32_bitwise_bench(benchmark::State& state) +{ + // Code inside this loop is measured repeatedly + auto size = state.range(0); + std::string&& str = random_string(size); + + for (auto _ : state) { + benchmark::DoNotOptimize(str); + crc32::crc32_bitwise(str, 0); + benchmark::ClobberMemory(); + } + state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); + state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(0) * sizeof(char)); + + // state.SetLabel("OK"); +} +BENCHMARK(crc32_bitwise_bench) + ->Name("crc32_bitwise") + ->RangeMultiplier(100) + ->Range(1, 1000000000); + +static void crc32_bitwise_branch_c_bench(benchmark::State& state) +{ + // Code inside this loop is measured repeatedly + auto size = state.range(0); + auto str = generate(size); + + for (auto _ : state) { + benchmark::DoNotOptimize(str); + crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(str.get(), size, 0); + benchmark::ClobberMemory(); + } + state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); + state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(0) * sizeof(char)); +} +BENCHMARK(crc32_bitwise_branch_c_bench) + ->Name("crc32_bitwise_c_branch") + ->RangeMultiplier(100) + ->Range(1, 1000000000); + +static void crc32_bitwise_branch_bench(benchmark::State& state) +{ + // Code inside this loop is measured repeatedly + auto size = state.range(0); + std::string&& str = random_string(size); + + for (auto _ : state) { + benchmark::DoNotOptimize(str); + crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(str, 0); + benchmark::ClobberMemory(); + } + state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); + state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(0) * sizeof(char)); + + // state.SetLabel("OK"); +} +BENCHMARK(crc32_bitwise_branch_bench) + ->Name("crc32_bitwise_branch") + ->RangeMultiplier(100) + ->Range(1, 1000000000); + +static void crc32_halfbyte_c_bench(benchmark::State& state) +{ + // Code inside this loop is measured repeatedly + auto size = state.range(0); + auto str = generate(size); + + for (auto _ : state) { + benchmark::DoNotOptimize(str); + crc32::crc32_halfbyte(str.get(), size, 0); + benchmark::ClobberMemory(); + } + state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); + state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(0) * sizeof(char)); +} +BENCHMARK(crc32_halfbyte_c_bench) + ->Name("crc32_halfbyte_c") + ->RangeMultiplier(100) + ->Range(1, 1000000000); + +static void crc32_halfbyte_bench(benchmark::State& state) +{ + // Code inside this loop is measured repeatedly + auto size = state.range(0); + std::string&& str = random_string(size); + + for (auto _ : state) { + benchmark::DoNotOptimize(str); + crc32::crc32_halfbyte(str, 0); + benchmark::ClobberMemory(); + } + state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); + state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(0) * sizeof(char)); + + // state.SetLabel("OK"); +} +BENCHMARK(crc32_halfbyte_bench) + ->Name("crc32_halfbyte") + ->RangeMultiplier(100) + ->Range(1, 1000000000); + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE + +static void crc32_1byte_c_bench(benchmark::State& state) +{ + // Code inside this loop is measured repeatedly + auto size = state.range(0); + auto str = generate(size); + + for (auto _ : state) { + benchmark::DoNotOptimize(str); + crc32::crc32_1byte(str.get(), size, 0); + benchmark::ClobberMemory(); + } + state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); + state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(0) * sizeof(char)); +} +BENCHMARK(crc32_1byte_c_bench) + ->Name("crc32_1byte_c") + ->RangeMultiplier(100) + ->Range(1, 1000000000); + +static void crc32_1byte_bench(benchmark::State& state) +{ + // Code inside this loop is measured repeatedly + auto size = state.range(0); + std::string&& str = random_string(size); + + for (auto _ : state) { + benchmark::DoNotOptimize(str); + crc32::crc32_1byte(str, 0); + benchmark::ClobberMemory(); + } + state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); + state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(0) * sizeof(char)); + + // state.SetLabel("OK"); +} +BENCHMARK(crc32_1byte_bench) + ->Name("crc32_1byte") + ->RangeMultiplier(100) + ->Range(1, 1000000000); + +static void crc32_1byte_tableless_c_bench(benchmark::State& state) +{ + // Code inside this loop is measured repeatedly + auto size = state.range(0); + auto str = generate(size); + + for (auto _ : state) { + benchmark::DoNotOptimize(str); + crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(str.get(), size, 0); + benchmark::ClobberMemory(); + } + state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); + state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(0) * sizeof(char)); +} +BENCHMARK(crc32_1byte_tableless_c_bench) + ->Name("crc32_1byte_tableless_c") + ->RangeMultiplier(100) + ->Range(1, 1000000000); + +static void crc32_1byte_tableless_bench(benchmark::State& state) +{ + // Code inside this loop is measured repeatedly + auto size = state.range(0); + std::string&& str = random_string(size); + + for (auto _ : state) { + benchmark::DoNotOptimize(str); + crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(str, 0); + benchmark::ClobberMemory(); + } + state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); + state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(0) * sizeof(char)); + + // state.SetLabel("OK"); +} +BENCHMARK(crc32_1byte_tableless_bench) + ->Name("crc32_1byte_tableless") + ->RangeMultiplier(100) + ->Range(1, 1000000000); + +static void crc32_1byte_tableless2_c_bench(benchmark::State& state) +{ + // Code inside this loop is measured repeatedly + auto size = state.range(0); + auto str = generate(size); + + for (auto _ : state) { + benchmark::DoNotOptimize(str); + crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(str.get(), size, 0); + benchmark::ClobberMemory(); + } + state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); + state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(0) * sizeof(char)); +} +BENCHMARK(crc32_1byte_tableless2_c_bench) + ->Name("crc32_1byte_tableless2_c") + ->RangeMultiplier(100) + ->Range(1, 1000000000); + +static void crc32_1byte_tableless2_bench(benchmark::State& state) +{ + // Code inside this loop is measured repeatedly + auto size = state.range(0); + std::string&& str = random_string(size); + + for (auto _ : state) { + benchmark::DoNotOptimize(str); + crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(str, 0); + benchmark::ClobberMemory(); + } + state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); + state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(0) * sizeof(char)); +} +BENCHMARK(crc32_1byte_tableless2_bench) + ->Name("crc32_1byte_tableless2") + ->RangeMultiplier(100) + ->Range(1, 1000000000); + +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 + +static void crc32_4bytes_c_bench(benchmark::State& state) +{ + // Code inside this loop is measured repeatedly + auto size = state.range(0); + auto str = generate(size); + + for (auto _ : state) { + benchmark::DoNotOptimize(str); + crc32::crc32_4bytes(str.get(), size, 0); + benchmark::ClobberMemory(); + } + state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); + state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(0) * sizeof(char)); +} +BENCHMARK(crc32_4bytes_c_bench) + ->Name("crc32_4bytes_c") + ->RangeMultiplier(100) + ->Range(1, 1000000000); + +static void crc32_4bytes_bench(benchmark::State& state) +{ + // Code inside this loop is measured repeatedly + auto size = state.range(0); + std::string&& str = random_string(size); + + for (auto _ : state) { + benchmark::DoNotOptimize(str); + crc32::crc32_4bytes(str, 0); + benchmark::ClobberMemory(); + } + state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); + state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(0) * sizeof(char)); +} +BENCHMARK(crc32_4bytes_bench) + ->Name("crc32_4bytes") + ->RangeMultiplier(100) + ->Range(1, 1000000000); + +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 + +static void crc32_8bytes_c_bench(benchmark::State& state) +{ + // Code inside this loop is measured repeatedly + auto size = state.range(0); + auto str = generate(size); + + for (auto _ : state) { + benchmark::DoNotOptimize(str); + crc32::crc32_8bytes(str.get(), size, 0); + benchmark::ClobberMemory(); + } + state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); + state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(0) * sizeof(char)); +} +BENCHMARK(crc32_8bytes_c_bench) + ->Name("crc32_8bytes_c") + ->RangeMultiplier(100) + ->Range(1, 1000000000); + +static void crc32_8bytes_bench(benchmark::State& state) +{ + // Code inside this loop is measured repeatedly + auto size = state.range(0); + std::string&& str = random_string(size); + + for (auto _ : state) { + benchmark::DoNotOptimize(str); + crc32::crc32_8bytes(str, 0); + benchmark::ClobberMemory(); + } + state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); + state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(0) * sizeof(char)); +} +BENCHMARK(crc32_8bytes_bench) + ->Name("crc32_8bytes") + ->RangeMultiplier(100) + ->Range(1, 1000000000); + +static void crc32_4x8bytes_c_bench(benchmark::State& state) +{ + // Code inside this loop is measured repeatedly + auto size = state.range(0); + auto str = generate(size); + + for (auto _ : state) { + benchmark::DoNotOptimize(str); + crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(str.get(), size, 0); + benchmark::ClobberMemory(); + } + state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); + state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(0) * sizeof(char)); +} +BENCHMARK(crc32_4x8bytes_c_bench) + ->Name("crc32_4x8bytes_c") + ->RangeMultiplier(100) + ->Range(1, 1000000000); + +static void crc32_4x8bytes_bench(benchmark::State& state) +{ + // Code inside this loop is measured repeatedly + auto size = state.range(0); + std::string&& str = random_string(size); + + for (auto _ : state) { + benchmark::DoNotOptimize(str); + crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(str, 0); + benchmark::ClobberMemory(); + } + state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); + state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(0) * sizeof(char)); +} +BENCHMARK(crc32_4x8bytes_bench) + ->Name("crc32_4x8bytes") + ->RangeMultiplier(100) + ->Range(1, 1000000000); + +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 + +static void crc32_16bytes_c_bench(benchmark::State& state) +{ + // Code inside this loop is measured repeatedly + auto size = state.range(0); + auto str = generate(size); + + for (auto _ : state) { + benchmark::DoNotOptimize(str); + crc32::crc32_16bytes(str.get(), size, 0); + benchmark::ClobberMemory(); + } + state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); + state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(0) * sizeof(char)); +} +BENCHMARK(crc32_16bytes_c_bench) + ->Name("crc32_16bytes_c") + ->RangeMultiplier(100) + ->Range(1, 1000000000); + +static void crc32_16bytes_bench(benchmark::State& state) +{ + // Code inside this loop is measured repeatedly + auto size = state.range(0); + std::string&& str = random_string(size); + + for (auto _ : state) { + benchmark::DoNotOptimize(str); + crc32::crc32_16bytes(str, 0); + benchmark::ClobberMemory(); + } + state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); + state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(0) * sizeof(char)); +} +BENCHMARK(crc32_16bytes_bench) + ->Name("crc32_16bytes") + ->RangeMultiplier(100) + ->Range(1, 1000000000); + +static void crc32_16bytes_prefetch_c_bench(benchmark::State& state) +{ + // Code inside this loop is measured repeatedly + auto size = state.range(0); + auto str = generate(size); + + for (auto _ : state) { + benchmark::DoNotOptimize(str); + crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(str.get(), size, 0, 256); + benchmark::ClobberMemory(); + } + state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); + state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(0) * sizeof(char)); +} +BENCHMARK(crc32_16bytes_prefetch_c_bench) + ->Name("crc32_16bytes_prefetch_c") + ->RangeMultiplier(100) + ->Range(1, 1000000000); + +static void crc32_16bytes_prefetch_bench(benchmark::State& state) +{ + // Code inside this loop is measured repeatedly + auto size = state.range(0); + std::string&& str = random_string(size); + + for (auto _ : state) { + benchmark::DoNotOptimize(str); + crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(str, 0, 256); + benchmark::ClobberMemory(); + } + state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); + state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(0) * sizeof(char)); +} +BENCHMARK(crc32_16bytes_prefetch_bench) + ->Name("crc32_16bytes_prefetch") + ->RangeMultiplier(100) + ->Range(1, 1000000000); + +#endif + +// Run the benchmark if not link with benchmark::benchmark_main +// BENCHMARK_MAIN(); diff --git a/test/source/crc32_test.cpp b/test/source/crc32_test.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2ecd07 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/source/crc32_test.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,2159 @@ +// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// crc32_test.cpp +// Copyright (c) 2011-2021 Stephan Brumme. All rights reserved. +// Google test contributed by Bensuperpc +// see +// + +#include // std::function +#include // std::string +#include // std::vector + +#include "crc32/crc32.hpp" + +#include "gtest/gtest.h" + +extern "C" { +#include "crc32/crc32.h" +} + +TEST(crc32, empty) +{ + const std::string str = ""; + const uint32_t expected_result = 0; + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_bitwise(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_bitwise(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_bitwise(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_bitwise_branch(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_halfbyte(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_halfbyte(, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_halfbyte(, str.size(), 0)); + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_1byte(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_1byte_tableless(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_1byte_tableless2(, str.size(), 0)); +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_4bytes(, str.size(), 0)); +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_8bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_4x8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_16bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_16bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_16bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32_16bytes_prefetch(, str.size(), 0, 256)); +#endif + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_fast(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_fast(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_fast(, str.size(), 0)); +} + +TEST(crc32, basic1) +{ + const std::string str = "SHA3-512"; + const uint32_t expected_result = 0x95980D67; + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_bitwise(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_bitwise(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_bitwise(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_bitwise_branch(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_halfbyte(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_halfbyte(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_halfbyte(, str.size(), 0)); + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_1byte(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_1byte_tableless(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_1byte_tableless2(, str.size(), 0)); +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_4bytes(, str.size(), 0)); +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_8bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_4x8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_16bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_16bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_16bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32_16bytes_prefetch(, str.size(), 0, 256)); +#endif + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_fast(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_fast(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_fast(, str.size(), 0)); +} + +TEST(crc32, basic2) +{ + const std::string str = "Linux"; + const uint32_t expected_result = 0x53D0684B; + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_bitwise(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_bitwise(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_bitwise(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_bitwise_branch(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_halfbyte(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_halfbyte(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_halfbyte(, str.size(), 0)); + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_1byte(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_1byte_tableless(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_1byte_tableless2(, str.size(), 0)); +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_4bytes(, str.size(), 0)); +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_8bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_4x8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_16bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_16bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_16bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32_16bytes_prefetch(, str.size(), 0, 256)); +#endif + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_fast(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_fast(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_fast(, str.size(), 0)); +} + +TEST(crc32, basic3) +{ + const std::string str = "CRC32"; + const uint32_t expected_result = 0xF6151584; + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_bitwise(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_bitwise(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_bitwise(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_bitwise_branch(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_halfbyte(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_halfbyte(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_halfbyte(, str.size(), 0)); + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_1byte(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_1byte_tableless(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_1byte_tableless2(, str.size(), 0)); +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_4bytes(, str.size(), 0)); +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_8bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_4x8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_16bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_16bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_16bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32_16bytes_prefetch(, str.size(), 0, 256)); +#endif + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_fast(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_fast(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_fast(, str.size(), 0)); +} + +TEST(crc32, basic4) +{ + const std::string str = "0123456789"; + const uint32_t expected_result = 0xA684C7C6; + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_bitwise(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_bitwise(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_bitwise(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_bitwise_branch(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_halfbyte(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_halfbyte(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_halfbyte(, str.size(), 0)); + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_1byte(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_1byte_tableless(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_1byte_tableless2(, str.size(), 0)); +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_4bytes(, str.size(), 0)); +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_8bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_4x8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_16bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_16bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_16bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32_16bytes_prefetch(, str.size(), 0, 256)); +#endif + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_fast(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_fast(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_fast(, str.size(), 0)); +} + +TEST(crc32, basic5) +{ + const std::string str = "LGBTQIA+"; + const uint32_t expected_result = 0x5C9BD8DC; + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_bitwise(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_bitwise(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_bitwise(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_bitwise_branch(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_halfbyte(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_halfbyte(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_halfbyte(, str.size(), 0)); + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_1byte(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_1byte_tableless(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_1byte_tableless2(, str.size(), 0)); +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_4bytes(, str.size(), 0)); +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_8bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_4x8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_16bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_16bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_16bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32_16bytes_prefetch(, str.size(), 0, 256)); +#endif + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_fast(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_fast(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_fast(, str.size(), 0)); +} + +TEST(crc32, basic6) +{ + const std::string str = "Intergouvernementalisations"; + const uint32_t expected_result = 0x5DD186B5; + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_bitwise(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_bitwise(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_bitwise(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_bitwise_branch(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_halfbyte(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_halfbyte(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_halfbyte(, str.size(), 0)); + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_1byte(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_1byte_tableless(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_1byte_tableless2(, str.size(), 0)); +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_4bytes(, str.size(), 0)); +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_8bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_4x8bytes(, str.size(), 0)); +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_16bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_16bytes(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32_16bytes(, str.size(), 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, + crc32_16bytes_prefetch(, str.size(), 0, 256)); +#endif + + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_fast(, str.size(), 0)); + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_fast(str, 0)); + + // C functions + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, crc32::crc32_fast(, str.size(), 0)); +} + +TEST(crc32, advanced1) +{ + const std::string str = "git"; + const uint32_t expected_result = 0x518E617C; + + uint32_t result = 0; + + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_bitwise(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_bitwise(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_bitwise(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_bitwise_branch(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_halfbyte(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_halfbyte(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_halfbyte(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_1byte(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_1byte_tableless(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_1byte_tableless2(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_4bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_4bytes(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_4bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_8bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_8bytes(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_8bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_4x8bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_16bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_16bytes(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_16bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_16bytes_prefetch(, 1, result, 256); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + +#endif + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_fast(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_fast(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_fast(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); +} + +TEST(crc32, advanced2) +{ + const std::string str = "ubuntu"; + const uint32_t expected_result = 0x7C4B9639; + + uint32_t result = 0; + + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_bitwise(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_bitwise(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_bitwise(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_bitwise_branch(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_halfbyte(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_halfbyte(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_halfbyte(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_1byte(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_1byte_tableless(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_1byte_tableless2(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_4bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_4bytes(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_4bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_8bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_8bytes(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_8bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_4x8bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_16bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_16bytes(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_16bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_16bytes_prefetch(, 1, result, 256); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + +#endif + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_fast(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_fast(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_fast(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); +} + +TEST(crc32, advanced3) +{ + const std::string str = "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis"; + const uint32_t expected_result = 0xD57FFD71; + + uint32_t result = 0; + + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_bitwise(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_bitwise(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_bitwise(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_bitwise_branch(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_halfbyte(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_halfbyte(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_halfbyte(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_1byte(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_1byte_tableless(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_1byte_tableless2(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_4bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_4bytes(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_4bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_8bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_8bytes(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_8bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_4x8bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_16bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_16bytes(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_16bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_16bytes_prefetch(, 1, result, 256); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + +#endif + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_fast(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_fast(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_fast(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); +} + +TEST(crc32, advanced4) +{ + const std::string str = "azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvbn"; + const uint32_t expected_result = 0xF36868CC; + + uint32_t result = 0; + + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_bitwise(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_bitwise(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_bitwise(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_bitwise_branch(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_halfbyte(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_halfbyte(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_halfbyte(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_1byte(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_1byte_tableless(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_1byte_tableless2(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_4bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_4bytes(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_4bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_8bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_8bytes(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_8bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_4x8bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_16bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_16bytes(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_16bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_16bytes_prefetch(, 1, result, 256); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + +#endif + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_fast(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_fast(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_fast(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); +} + +TEST(crc32, advanced5) +{ + const std::string str = "+-*/#~|{}()=.,[]?;:!"; + const uint32_t expected_result = 0x98783B28; + + uint32_t result = 0; + + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_bitwise(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_bitwise(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_bitwise(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_bitwise_branch(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_halfbyte(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_halfbyte(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_halfbyte(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_1byte(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_1byte_tableless(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_1byte_tableless2(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_4bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_4bytes(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_4bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_8bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_8bytes(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_8bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_4x8bytes(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_4x8bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + +#endif + +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_16bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_16bytes(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_16bytes(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_16bytes_prefetch(, 1, result, 256); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + +#endif + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_fast(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_fast(s, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + + // C functions + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32_fast(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); +} + +/* +TEST(crc32, advanced_test1) +{ + const std::string str = "windows11"; + const uint32_t expected_result = 0xD93DD2EE; + + uint32_t result = 0; + + const std::vector> crc32_function = {crc32::crc32_bitwise, crc32::crc32_bitwise_branch, + crc32::crc32_halfbyte, +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_BYTE + crc32::crc32_1byte, + crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless, + crc32::crc32_1byte_tableless2, +#endif +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_4 + crc32::crc32_4bytes, +#endif +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_8 + crc32::crc32_8bytes, + crc32::crc32_4x8bytes, +#endif +#ifdef CRC32_USE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SLICING_BY_16 + crc32::crc32_16bytes, +#endif + crc32::crc32_fast}; + + for (const auto& function : crc32_function) { + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = function(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); + } + + result = 0; + for (const char& c : str) { + const std::string s(1, c); + result = crc32::crc32_16bytes_prefetch(, 1, result); + } + EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, result); +} +*/ diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7175ecc --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/ @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash + +if (($# >= 1)); then + image_complet=$1 + image=${image_complet%:*} + tag=${image_complet#*:} + build_file=build-$image + shift 1 + + cmake_arg=$* + echo "cmake arg: $cmake_arg" + + echo "Pulling dockcross/$image" + if [ -z "${tag}" ]; then + docker pull "dockcross/$image:latest" + else + docker pull "dockcross/$image:$tag" + fi + + echo "Make script dockcross-$image" + docker run --rm dockcross/"$image" >./dockcross-"$image" + chmod +x ./dockcross-"$image" + + echo "Build $build_file" + ./dockcross-"$image" cmake -B "$build_file" -S . -G Ninja $cmake_arg + ./dockcross-"$image" ninja -C "$build_file" +else + echo "Usage: ${0##*/} " + exit 1 +fi diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fcca1b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/ @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +# Based on work: + +from argparse import ArgumentParser +from itertools import groupby +from cycler import cycler +from random import randint +import json +import math +import operator +import matplotlib as mpl +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt + + +def generate_color(size): + colors = [] + + for i in range(size): + colors.append('#%06X' % randint(0, 0xFFFFFF)) + + colors = sorted(set(colors), key=colors.index) # Remove all same elements + return colors + + +def extract_label_from_benchmark(benchmark): + bench_full_name = benchmark['name'] + bench_name = bench_full_name.split('/')[0] # Remove all after / + if (bench_name.startswith('BM_')): # Remove if string start with BM_ + return bench_name[3:] # Remove BM_ + else: + return bench_name + + +def extract_size_from_benchmark(benchmark): + bench_name = benchmark['name'] + return bench_name.split('/')[1] # Remove all before / + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [21, 12] + mpl.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler(color=generate_color(200)) + + parser = ArgumentParser() + parser.add_argument('path', help='benchmark result json file') + args = parser.parse_args() + + with open(args.path) as file: + benchmark_result = json.load(file) + benchmarks = benchmark_result['benchmarks'] + elapsed_times = groupby(benchmarks, extract_label_from_benchmark) + for key, group in elapsed_times: + benchmark = list(group) + x = list(map(extract_size_from_benchmark, benchmark)) + y = list(map(operator.itemgetter('bytes_per_second'), benchmark)) + #log_y = list(map(math.log, y)) + plt.plot(x, y, label=key, marker=None) + + plt.grid(color='green', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.2) # Add grid + plt.xlabel('Array size') + plt.ylabel('Gigabyte per second (GB/s)') + plt.title('CRC32 Algorithm Benchmark') + plt.legend() + plt.savefig('benchmark.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) + # plt.savefig('benchmark.svg') + diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e4b92cf --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/ @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash + +#export CC=/usr/bin/clang +#export CXX=/usr/bin/clang++ + +#--preset=dev --preset=dev-coverage -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17 + +cmake -S . -B build -G Ninja $* + +ninja -C build + +ctest --verbose --parallel $(nproc) --test-dir build