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Developer Guide: StarCellBio

Running StarCellBio with Vagrant

There is a convenient Vagrantfile and ansible playbook for building and setting up a development environment inside an Ubuntu virtual machine. To do this, you will need to install Virtual Box, Vagrant, and Ansible. on your local machine. After that is done, clone the repository using the earlier instructions, and while in the repository directory just run vagrant up.

git clone git://
cd starcellbio_html/html_app
vagrant up
vagrant ssh

And then within the Vagrant VM

cd /vagrant ./ runserver

If that all works, you should be able to open a browser to http://localhost:8100 and be greeted with the Star Cell Bio home screen.

Running selenium tests

To run selenium tests, you need to have a working selenium server. Get this by downloading & running one:

wget -O selenium-server-standalone-2.52.0.jar java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.52.0.jar

This opens up a selenium server running on port 4444.

Now you need to expose that to your guest by setting up an ssh tunnel. That looks like the command below. You can find the port by looking at the output of vagrant ssh-config.

ssh -R 14444:localhost:4444 -i .vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key vagrant@localhost -p 2200

From within the vagrant image, you can now run tests by doing:

./ test --liveserver=

Creating a "hello world" assignment

Assignment configuration and content are currently stored in html/master_model.js, until a web-based assignment builder can be implemented.

To create a minimal new assignment in master_model.js,

  1. create a global javascript object with the following attributes
id: "usability_test", // assignmentID
name: "SCB Usability Test", // assignmentName
course: "scb_sampleexercises", // courseID
course_name: "Hello World", // course name
description: "Placeholder Description", // course description
template: { // template dictionary
        instructions: [] // instructions array, each element is a tab

(For your convenience, there is a blank_model object that can be used as a template.)

  1. Add your object to master_model_data.assignments.list in the same javascript file.
  2. If you set course (courseID) to scb_sampleexercises your assignment will be available to unauthenticated users. If you set a different value for course you will also have to add it to code_values on line 150 of the signup.html template.
  3. For the instructions to render, you will need a .soy template in sub-folder of /ui that corresponds to you assignmentID.

A complete assignment will have additional dictionaries, to configure the experimental setup and the available experiment types (western_blot, flots or microscopy)

Architecture of StarCellBio

Page templates

Templates used to build the user interface are in the html_app/ui folder. They use the Google Closure template language (.soy)

To compile templates, run the script located in html_app folder:

cd html_app

This script can also be run as a watcher that will automatically recompile any templates when they are changed. includes a --prod option for concatenating and minifying the javascript and css files. This makes browser access more efficient, but may slow down the developer.

URL routes

StarCellBio uses RESTful URLs to represent state in the browser, and the browser URL fully defines which view will be rendered, including parameters. As a matter of coding standard this name is the same as name of the file that renders this view in html_app/ui folder. Templates are named similarly, with a .soy extension.

All the views' methods are in the scb namespace with the view name, and the scb name space contains a class that implements at least a show method that is invoked to render this view. Namespace also contains static method register with registers all required handlers for the view (scb_f_classes).

Server side URLS

Views are exposed at the following URLs:

  • index.html main page to load all the SCB runtime
  • scb/contact – – sends email to [email protected] email
  • scb/get_model.js – views.get_model – returns model from the server that is appropriate for the user (authenticated and guest)
  • scb/ get_student_courses.js - views.get_student_courses - This view gets the courses for a student for their account. For the instructor, it gets the courses it can view
  • scb/get_instructor_assignments.js - views.get_instructor_assignments – get list of assignments instructor can view
  • scb/edit_assignment.js – views.edit_assignment
  • scb/create_course.js – views.create_course
  • scb/create_new_assignment.js – views.create_new_assignment
  • scb/get_user.js – views.get_user
  • scb/post_state.js – views.post_state – save student state

This structure allows for easy code navigation and any new code should follow these conventions.

Experiment model

For more on the JavaScript data model, see the StarCellBio-Architecture documentation