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Starknet P2P Protocol


  1. Overview
  2. Core Definitions
  3. Protocols
    1. Common Types
    2. Discovery
    3. Block Propagation
    4. Synchronization
    5. Transaction Propagation


This document aims to provide an overview and necessary details for implementing the P2P protocol for Starknet nodes.

Familiarity with Starknet is assumed.

Document Conventions

Unless otherwise noted, the key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL", NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

Core Definitions

As a guiding principle, we leverage libp2p set of protocols whenever possible. This will let us standardize the protocol. It will also allow node implementations to leverage existing implementations of libp2p, or switch between them if necessary.

As a design choice this results in some loss of generality, but seems like a reasonable given that libp2p is becoming a de-facto standard, and we see little value in re-implementing (and re-inventing) lower level network communication protocols.

Specifically, we identify nodes and address them using Peer IDs, with key pairs derived using Ed25519 scheme.

Communication will be done over TCP transport.

Identifying Nodes

An Identify message should include the following fields

protocolVersion := /starknet/ + version

Nodes SHOULD use semantic version matching when matching protocols, as described here.

agentVersion is defined in the form of agent-name/version; e.g. papyrus/0.1.0. Agent versions SHOULD follow semantic versioning format.

Message Encoding

Use protobuf (proto3) for message encoding/decoding between peers. Specific message schemas to be defined for each protocol.

Messages that tie into other messages in one flow, i.e. messages expecting a response and providing a response MUST include a request_id (a positive integer) that allows nodes to correlate messages in the same flow. The request id, together with the sender id, should be enough for identifying the flow.


Different flows, namely block propagation, synchronization and transaction propagation, are specified below, on top of lower level network protocols (handshakes, pubsub, etc.). Each section below specifies the flow and the relevant messages passed between different agents.

Common Types

Common message types, relevant to several protocols are in common.proto.

Peer IDs should be displayed and accepted using content identifier (CID) encoding, described here.


Discovery is the process of joining the network and discovering other relevant peer nodes that are part of the relevant chain.

Simple protocol for discovery, based on pub sub implementation (similar to pubsub-based discovery):


  1. A node connects to at least one node of the network

    • Using either rendezvous protocol, or bootstrap nodes.
    • Rendezvous point: _starknet_discover/ + configured chain id.
    • The bootstrap nodes should allow connecting to the pubsub mechanism (either directly, or providing another nodes that does).
  2. A node publishes a NewNode message to a predefined topic

    • The new node message should be signed and identifiable for the node publishing it (based on PeerID) - a node can only publish a NewNode message for itself.
    • Topic: _starknet_nodes/ + configured chain id.
    • ==Can have subtopics for specific subnets, e.g. discover archive nodes==
  3. Subscribers receive the node, and continue to handshake if necessary.

  4. A node re-publishes its known nodes (with ids) every predefined interval.

The chain id is the starknet chain id configured for the node.

Note that while technically a node can serve both as a full node and a bootstrap node, this isn't recommended, as bootstrap nodes generally need to be available to serve their discovery role.

OPEN: how to choose peers to prevent eclipse (and other) attacks


Messages are defined here.

Every node defines a set of capabilities it supports. Capabilities are represented as strings, with a few capabilities defined as part of the core protocol. Some capabilities may be parameterized, the exact serialization of the capabilities and their parameters depends on the definition of the capability.


Capabilities are advertised by nodes, providing information on services these node execute in the network. This is similar in spirit to discv5 topics or the protocols advertised as part of the libp2p identify protocol. These can be used by nodes in their decision to connect (or remain connected) to other peers.

For the sake of future compatibility and extensions, the Starknet protocol does not enumerate a mandatory list of capabilities. We do define here a scheme for encoding capabilities, and list some core capabilities likely to be used by protocols.

String Encoding

Capabilities are denoted by identifiers consisting of simple alphanumeric characters (a-zA-Z0-9) and underscore (_) and hyphen characters (-), in ASCII.

Identifiers can be concatenated using the slashes (/), and followed by a version number. This allows for qualifications ("namespaces") and versioning of provided capabilities.

For example: the capability core/state/1 provided by a node states that it provides the core state querying capability (its 1st version). The exact semantics of the capability and its version is to be documented as part of the definition of the capability. The capability usually translates into the protocols it supports and/or API it provides to peers.

Core Capabilities

We list here core capabilities that SHOULD be exposed by nodes in the network.

Capbility Description
core/blocks-sync/1 The node provides information about past blocks and corresponding transactions
core/state-sync/1 The node provides state snapshot synchronization capability that can help with state synchronization
core/block-propagate/1 The node participates in block propagation
core/txn-propagate/1 The node participates in transaction propagation

Block Propagation

The block propagation flow is the flow where nodes propagate information on newly created blocks.

The block originator (the one publishing the block) publishes the necessary information to a well-known topic, with other nodes subsribed to that topic, and receiving the information. The pubsub implementation will take care of publishing the information to available nodes.


Of course, in this case, invalid body or header will invalidate the block (and the node should mark it as problematic.).

A node SHOULD disregard body and and state diffs for blocks with invalid headers.

The topic used to publish new blocks will be: blocks/ + configured chain id. Where the configured chain id is the starknet chain id configured for the node. Nodes should subscribe to the topic on initialization.


Whenever a new block is received, the block header and body should be validated for consistency. The validation MUST include:

  1. Block number is as expected - consecutive to the parent block.
  2. The parent block hash matches the current known tip.
  3. Transactions and events in the body must match the commitment in the header.
  4. State diff, applied to current state, is consistent with the new state root.

Note that this assumes blocks received are blocks that are agreed by the consensus, or the node has some way to validate that the block received is agreed by the consensus mechanism.


Messages specification is here

Where contract class hash is defined here and contract address is as defined here.


A full node is expected to synchronize on the current state of the network. Full state synchronization includes the block headers and bodies (transaction and events) + the current available state at the highest block in the consensus.

Chain Synchronization

Chain synchronization is the process of downloading (and verifying) the necessary block information. The synchronizing node can choose to connect to several peers and ask to get ranges of data.

OPEN: Is it possible that a given node does not support sync? i.e. do we need to verify support of synching in the handshake?


The node asks for a range of block headers and bodies. Relevant responses should be of consecutive headers/bodies starting from the request block number and working in the direction requested. This should allow nodes to ask several peers for different ranges at the same time, as well work however they wish (from the tip backward, or from some point forward) to fill the necessary state.

In addition, a requesting node can limit responses by size. So responses must be up to the requested size limit. A peer responding to a message MUST adhere to both limits, i.e. the message MUST NOT violate any of the upper limites.


Messages are defined here

OPEN: allow state diffs to be retrieved in parts?
Data Validation

Validation of the block bodies is the same as defined for receiving a new block.

State Synchronization

State synchronization allows a node to synchronize the up-to-date state of the network, without having to run the transactions or state diffs one at a time for most of the chain. We assume headers are available, as part of the synchronization protocol. Block bodies are not required for state synchronization.

A node chooses peers to request their latest state snapshot. Peers reply with a subset of the state, and include in the response the block this state is coming from. Part of the response is the block the state is relevant for. Each request is for a consecutive range of storage keys to be retrieved, and the response includes a merkle proof of the retrieved chunk.

The synchronizing node receives different pieces of the state and "stitches" them together. Note that different peers may respond with state from different blocks. The synchronizing node proceeds from the point of the chain it received (per chunk) forward to the tip, by asking for state diffs, like in the chain synchronization case.

The size of returned chunks is deterministic and known in advance as a chain-wide parameter.


The node asks different peers (denoted by peer above) for different parts of the snapshot.

Note that we also have seperate requests for the class declarations, which are also part of the state. Although the request/response is similar, this is defined as a separate set of messages since the proof is a bit different (a different height of merkle tree). It also allows a node to optimize this storate of classes separately from the full contract state.

Of course, different chunks (of state and class declarations) can be requested from separate peers.


Messages are specified here.

For each diff, the state chunk should provide the merkle path to the state root.

Transaction Propagation

The goal of the transaction propagation protocol is to allow pending transactions to be disseminated in the network so sequencers can pick them up and add them to blocks.

A participating node should track the pending transactions it recognizes - a transaction pool. Transactions are added to this pool when a client submits a new transaction directly to the node, or when a peer node shares a new transaction (or set of transactions) that it knows of. Transactions are removed from the pool when some sequencer includes them in a block.

Adding a New Transaction

When a transaction is submitted to a node, e.g. through the node API, the node should transmit the new transaction to peers. Notification of the new transaction is done using pub-sub mechanism, using a topic known a-priori (similar to block propagation).

The topic used to notify of new transactions will be transaction_pool/ + configured chain id. Where the configured chain id is the starknet chain id configured for the node. Nodes that maintain a transaction pool should subscribe to the topic on initialization.

The message transmitted should include the complete new transaction. A receiving node should validate the transaction, using the same validation used for transactions submitted through the API. Invalid transactions should be discarded.

The message itself should be the Transaction message.

Synchronizing Transaction Pools


The messages described in this section are specified here.

When a new node (re-)joins the network, it should synchronize its transaction pool as well. The node should connect to peers that support transaction propagation capability, i.e. maintain transaction pools. At this point it should send and receive the transaction hashes it currently maintains in the pool - the KnownPooledTransactions message. This message contains the hashes of the transactions known in the pool. Limit on number of hashes is up to the node.

A node receiving a set of new transaction hashes can filter out the set of transactions it already knows. At this point it can ask for the transactions it doesn't recognize from its peers. This is the GetPooledTransactions message, containing the hashes of the transaction it wishes to learn about.

A response to GetPooledTransactions is the PooledTransactions message, containing the requested Transaction information. The order of the returned Transaction objects must be the same as the order of the requested hashes (in GetPooledTransactions). A responding node may impose a lower limit on the returned transactions, i.e. return less transactions than requested. The requesting node can then request these hashes again.

Transactions that are not in the pool, even if their hash was announced in KnownPooledTransactions, should not be returned. It is ok to return an empty list in PooledTransactions if none of the requested hashes is in the pool.