Current version: 1.0.0 Special thanks to @BerndN for adding the polish by fixing issues with animation and traversalOn.
PlaceholderField is a script widget that provides a text field that includes a placeholder text as user prompty that disappears on entering text and reappears of field is empty.
Optionally include a subtle animation when showing/hiding placeholder text.
Includes password functionality to obscure text with bullet points and a new control is made visible to show/hide password text.
Script widgets were introduced in LiveCode version 10 DP5 and this requires this version or higher.
All properties are settable in the widget's Property Inspector. Documentation should appear in the Dictionary once loaded.
- placeholderText: the placeholder/hint text to show (default = "Placeholder text")
- textContent: the text the field contains, used when passwordField = true
- normalTextColor: textColor for user-entered text (default = 66,66,66)
- normalTextStyle: textStyle for user-entered text (default = "Plain")
- textScaleFactor: scales text relative to field height - default = 0.4 (40% of the field's Height)
- placeholderTextColor: placeholder text's textColor (defualt = 170,170,170)
- placeholderTextStyle: placeholder text's textStyle (default = "Italic")
- passwordField: setting this to true obscures text with bullet ponts (default = false)
- obscureText: shows/hides text if passwordField = true (defuault = true)
- bulletDelay: slight delay from 0 to 500 ms in typed letter changing to bullet,like on iOS (default 150 ms)
- animatedPlaceholder: animates placeholder showing or hiding with moving in or out from the right (default = false)
- animationDuration: duration of animation of placeholder (default = 250 ms)
- widgetBorderWidth: the borderWidth of the text field (default = 2)
- widgetBorderColor: the borderColor of the text field (default = 66,66,66)
- widgetBackroundColor: the backgroundColor of the text field (default = 255,255,255)
- widgetTraversalOn: the traversalOn of the widget (default = true)