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56 lines (47 loc) · 6.67 KB



Name Type Description Notes
maneuver_penalty int A penalty (in seconds) applied when transitioning between roads (determined by name). [optional] [default to 5]
gate_cost int The estimated cost (in seconds) when a gate is encountered. [optional] [default to 15]
gate_penalty int A penalty (in seconds) applied to the route cost when a gate is encountered. This penalty can be used to reduce the likelihood of suggesting a route with gates unless absolutely necessary. [optional] [default to 300]
country_crossing_cost int The estimated cost (in seconds) when encountering an international border. [optional] [default to 600]
country_crossing_penalty int A penalty applied to transitions to international border crossings. This penalty can be used to reduce the likelihood of suggesting a route with border crossings unless absolutely necessary. [optional] [default to 0]
service_penalty int A penalty applied to transitions to service roads. This penalty can be used to reduce the likelihood of suggesting a route with service roads unless absolutely necessary. The default penalty is 15 for cars, busses, motor scooters, and motorcycles; and zero for others. [optional]
service_factor float A factor that multiplies the cost when service roads are encountered. The default is 1.2 for cars and busses, and 1 for trucks, motor scooters, and motorcycles. [optional] [default to 1]
use_living_streets float A measure of willingness to take living streets. Values near 0 attempt to avoid them, and values near 1 will favour them. Note that as some routes may be impossible without living streets, 0 does not guarantee avoidance of them. The default value is 0 for trucks; 0.1 for other motor vehicles; 0.5 for bicycles; and 0.6 for pedestrians. [optional]
use_ferry float A measure of willingness to take ferries. Values near 0 attempt to avoid ferries, and values near 1 will favour them. Note that as some routes may be impossible without ferries, 0 does not guarantee avoidance of them. [optional] [default to 0.5]
ignore_restrictions bool If set to true, ignores any restrictions (eg: turn and conditional restrictions). Useful for matching GPS traces to the road network regardless of restrictions. [optional]
ignore_non_vehicular_restrictions bool If set to true, ignores most restrictions (eg: turn and conditional restrictions), but still respects restrictions that impact vehicle safety such as weight and size. [optional]
ignore_oneways bool If set to true, ignores directional restrictions on roads. Useful for matching GPS traces to the road network regardless of restrictions. [optional]
height float The height of the automobile (in meters). [optional] [default to 1.9]
width float The width of the automobile (in meters). [optional] [default to 1.6]
toll_booth_cost int The estimated cost (in seconds) when a toll booth is encountered. [optional] [default to 15]
toll_booth_penalty int A penalty (in seconds) applied to the route cost when a toll booth is encountered. This penalty can be used to reduce the likelihood of suggesting a route with toll booths unless absolutely necessary. [optional] [default to 0]
ferry_cost int The estimated cost (in seconds) when a ferry is encountered. [optional] [default to 300]
use_highways float A measure of willingness to use highways. Values near 0 attempt to avoid highways and stay on roads with lower speeds, and values near 1 indicate the rider is more comfortable on these roads. [optional] [default to 1.0]
use_tolls float A measure of willingness to take toll roads. Values near 0 attempt to avoid tolls, and values near 1 will favour them. Note that as some routes may be impossible without tolls, 0 does not guarantee avoidance of them. [optional] [default to 0.5]
use_tracks float A measure of willingness to take track roads. Values near 0 attempt to avoid them, and values near 1 will favour them. Note that as some routes may be impossible without track roads, 0 does not guarantee avoidance of them. The default value is 0 for automobiles, busses, and trucks; and 0.5 for all other costing modes. [optional]
top_speed int The top speed (in kph) that the vehicle is capable of travelling. [optional] [default to 140]
shortest bool If true changes the cost metric to be quasi-shortest (pure distance-based) costing. This will disable ALL other costing factors. [optional] [default to False]
ignore_closures bool If true, ignores all known closures. This option cannot be set if `location.search_filter.exclude_closures` is also specified. [optional] [default to False]
include_hov2 bool If true, indicates the desire to include HOV roads with a 2-occupant requirement in the route when advantageous. [optional] [default to False]
include_hov3 bool If true, indicates the desire to include HOV roads with a 3-occupant requirement in the route when advantageous. [optional] [default to False]
include_hot bool If true, indicates the desire to include toll roads which require the driver to pay a toll if the occupant requirement isn't met [optional] [default to False]
alley_factor float A factor that multiplies the cost when alleys are encountered. [optional] [default to 1]
use_trails float A measure of the rider's sense of adventure. Values near 0 attempt to avoid highways and stay on roads with potentially unsuitable terrain (trails, tracks, unclassified, or bad surfaces), and values near 1 will tend to avoid major roads and route on secondary roads. [optional] [default to 0.0]


from stadiamaps.models.motorcycle_costing_options import MotorcycleCostingOptions

# TODO update the JSON string below
json = "{}"
# create an instance of MotorcycleCostingOptions from a JSON string
motorcycle_costing_options_instance = MotorcycleCostingOptions.from_json(json)
# print the JSON string representation of the object

# convert the object into a dict
motorcycle_costing_options_dict = motorcycle_costing_options_instance.to_dict()
# create an instance of MotorcycleCostingOptions from a dict
motorcycle_costing_options_from_dict = MotorcycleCostingOptions.from_dict(motorcycle_costing_options_dict)

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